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Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump - Foreign Affairs (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by MiddleDimension: 1:02pm On Mar 21, 2022
This is simply the home and uncomfortable truth why Putin showed restraint during trump administration, any other explanation is risible.

Some delusional and misquided Nigerians still believe otherwise though.

The current crop of republicans in America are very unpatriotic

I don't really get you; are you saying he did not invade Ukraine because he was afraid of trump? if this is what you mean, then I suggest you go back and read the article again but this time, very slowly so you understand what it properly. If by this post you mean the reason he did not invade Ukraine is because Russia and Trump were already on the same page amd that his attitude towards nato only weakens nato which is good for Russian security, then it means you actually read the article and clearly understood it.
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by PrincessDiana: 1:02pm On Mar 21, 2022
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by tomakint: 1:04pm On Mar 21, 2022
I've discovered that Most Nigeria Trump supporters are supporting Putin's invasion of Ukraine simply because Trump was voted out by Americans. Smh!

Well done, Mr Discoverer.......so sad you got it all wrong

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by boyfrank: 1:04pm On Mar 21, 2022
MSNBC, comical as usual. If u think MSNBC or CNN will write anything positive about trump then u haven't been following American politics

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by Alusiizizi(m): 1:05pm On Mar 21, 2022
see this one, this article isn't from CNN you schmuck, Donald trump former national security adviser wrote it.

Clearly you didn't read the article. It only quoted the former national security adviser and twisted his statements into a pro-liberal narratave.

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by olas24u(f): 1:06pm On Mar 21, 2022
Shed light on why he didn't invade under Obama, under W Bush. Nonsense article

Putin fears none of them ,he was a KGB agent and specialises in America.He invaded georgia and reached tibilisi within few hours.

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by justli: 1:06pm On Mar 21, 2022
Nobody, I repeat, nobody did more to weaken Russia than Donald Trump. He repeatedly warned Germany to seize from contracting Europe's gas supply to Russia, but at the time everyone called him clown.

NATO is a very dirty organization, hence, Trump's disdain for them and the same reason he hates EU.
Trump is an upright man and the powers that holds sway in Europe and America hates him for that


Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by Nobody: 1:06pm On Mar 21, 2022
I don't agree though. Trump was a strong leader, and strong leaders may not fear themselves, but they tend to respect one another. There's no way Putin would have invaded Ukraine when no one could predict how trump would react. By now Trump might have sent warplanes and special forces not to assist Ukraine, but to attack Russia directly.
Everyone knows biden is a weakling who wouldn't be able to react even if someone killed his dog and stole his car.

Bolton was a national director for US intelligence, he has access to classified information and worked closely with Trump, this assessment just like the assessment made by the former British ambassador to US about Trump is absolutely correct, Putin would have invaded Russia regardless of whether Trump was president or not, for the fact Trump was working as a mole and double agent for Moscow, y disrupt the job Kremlin has always wanted in the white house, a president that is pro russian

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by Nova1988(m): 1:08pm On Mar 21, 2022
Biden is a vegetable like what we have in Naija.

Trump is cocky,brave and unpredictable....Those are qualities of a firm leader.

But the Democrats, Muslims,racist blacks,LGBT's and atheists think otherwise.

They called Trump all sort of names from an Islamophobist to a racist to a mysogynist.... all in an effort to blackmail him.
Don't forget Syria and Lybia under Obama.
I am a conservative,I believe in Republicans.

Trump is not good but Obama was the worst, I loved Trump sha but I didn't appreciate the islamopobic comments he made and his migration policy apart from these two he was a very good leader.
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by Dpharisee: 1:10pm On Mar 21, 2022
see this one, this article isn't from CNN you schmuck, Donald trump former national security adviser wrote it.

MSNBC is rated below CNN in propaganda and lies, they are gabbage with tanking viewership
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by god2baski(m): 1:15pm On Mar 21, 2022
COVID has suddenly gone under with all the new variants that were coming out, most of the world has now shifted to the crisis between Russia and Ukraine. Interesting times indeed.


Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by justli: 1:16pm On Mar 21, 2022

I don't really get you; are you saying he did not invade Ukraine because he was afraid of trump? if this is what you mean, then I suggest you go back and read the article again but this time, very slowly so you understand what it properly. If by this post you mean the reason he did not invade Ukraine is because Russia and Trump were already on the same page amd that his attitude towards nato only weakens nato which is good for Russian security, then it means you actually read the article and clearly understood it.

You that read it and clearly understood, wouldn't it be good that NATO is weakened and other countries can live withoutfeatr of invasion from NATO?
What good has NATO done for the world? From Iraq to Afghanistan to now Ukraine all caused by NATO. Why should the world have yo live in fear of NATO?

Some of you mistake 1945 America that fought the Nazis as the same as the power drunk noeliberal gloablist that seeks to dominate the world today.
Better wake up. This same globalist threatens every ideals of freedom of the individual as we know...
The Canadian govt froze the accounts of protesters, something unprecedented in the history of the west. Yet, no CNN, MSNBC, Sky covered it. Imagine if it was trump?

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by goodheart01: 1:17pm On Mar 21, 2022
see this one, this article isn't from CNN you schmuck, Donald trump former national security adviser wrote it.

Anything that doesn’t go according to what u think about Putin, u say it’s from CNN... common f@ck off from this place. Pootin dog
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by SIRTee15: 1:18pm On Mar 21, 2022
Trump foreign policy was solid and strong. American enemies feared him, he dealt with them ruthlessly. China and Iran didn't have it easy at all during trump era.
Now look at the situation where putin travelled to China to seek unrestricted and no limit support for his Ukraine war. That will never happen under Trump, China will think hard of the consequences as a result of such announcement.
Besides trump is unpredictable. If he decides to support Ukraine, it will be no holds barred. Not all these nonsense seeking 3rd party to send ammo to Ukraine
Biden is too weak abeg, I'm a Democrat but I missed trump.

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by Benny6944: 1:20pm On Mar 21, 2022

This one's head has been configured by CNN

That's fact
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by justli: 1:20pm On Mar 21, 2022

Anything that doesn’t go according to what u think about Putin, u say it’s from CNN... common f@ck off from this place. Pootin dog

So much from goodheart grin
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by bluefilm: 1:22pm On Mar 21, 2022
So this useless and bitter John Bolton still dey?

I hope they are all enjoying the useless and clueless Sleepy Joey they all rallied together to put in the White House now?

Nonsense people. sad
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by Alvin007: 1:24pm On Mar 21, 2022
I don't agree though. Trump was a strong leader, and strong leaders may not fear themselves, but they tend to respect one another. There's no way Putin would have invaded Ukraine when no one could predict how trump would react. By now Trump might have sent warplanes and special forces not to assist Ukraine, but to attack Russia directly.
Everyone knows biden is a weakling who wouldn't be able to react even if someone killed his dog and stole his car.

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by MiddleDimension: 1:24pm On Mar 21, 2022
with your unstable emotions what led you to publish a copy and paste article from a democrat-leaning source and to hurriedly rush to comment as first despite your one-sided report is very laughable.

You should ask yourself why Putin has always attacked when there was democrat in office.

in 2008 when Bush was president, he went into Georgia! do not take my words for it, here is the evidence!

on jan 20th, 2009, Obama came into office. until then, Bush, a REPUBLICAN, was in office. here is an evidence for the claim I just made.

I know you and many other people here do not like Russia, so you think, because you cannot really say you hate a people and a country you barely know. I know you do not like Putin, but when your hatred so somwone you barely know allows you to say things that are not true, then there is a problem! you do not like someone but that does not mean you should say things that are not true!

You really wish Putin is afraid of Trump and America; that is like saying America is afraid of Putin and Russia.

and its like you did not read the article yourself. when we say you people supporting America and NATO in this war don't know amything, WE ARE ACTUALLY SAYING THE TRUTH! I do not hate you, I do not even know you; so, why woukd I say you are ignorant and deluded if you are not?

The article clearly made the point that the reason Russia did not invade Zelensky's militia during the time Trump was in office is because Trump was already acting in ways that was weakening NATO already. So, if Russia percieves Nato as a threat and Trump is weakening it already, why then will putin act when Trumps is already weaking his percieved enemy? and this is what Bolton is saying in the article; but you know, because you and many other people here are all american americans, and because all the things you know about Putin and Russia are the propaganda lies you heard from the BBC and CNN, you think you hate Russia and Putin, and you also could not read and comorehend properly what that article said about why Russia did not invade when Trump was president and that it is not because Putin was afraid of Trump (you people should listen to yourselves when you say that nonsense), but because Trump was already disbanding NATO which is what Putin and Russia wants!

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by idahme(m): 1:24pm On Mar 21, 2022
Shed light on why he didn't invade under Obama, under W Bush.Nonsense article

"The Russian leader launched offenses against bordering countries in 2008, 2014, and 2022".
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by bluefilm: 1:25pm On Mar 21, 2022
I don't agree though. Trump was a strong leader, and strong leaders may not fear themselves, but they tend to respect one another. There's no way Putin would have invaded Ukraine when no one could predict how trump would react. By now Trump might have sent warplanes and special forces not to assist Ukraine, but to attack Russia directly.
Everyone knows biden is a weakling who wouldn't be able to react even if someone killed his dog and stole his car.

An old man who should be chillin' in the Old People's Home by now is who they have in the White House.

And you want me to take America serious again?

No naa...

America don cast completely

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by BuddhaPalm(m): 1:25pm On Mar 21, 2022

This one's head has been configured by CNN

And MSN...DNC.
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by God1000(m): 1:29pm On Mar 21, 2022
Republicans that are war mongers, if trump was still the president by now third world war might have started.
that was before, not anymore
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by IPIGSRDOTARDS: 1:29pm On Mar 21, 2022

This one's head has been configured by CNN
And yours by FAUX fake news?
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by BuddhaPalm(m): 1:30pm On Mar 21, 2022
MSNBC, comical as usual. If u think MSNBC or CNN will write anything positive about trump then u haven't been following American politics

Trump cures cancer...

MSNBC and CNN: Evil Trump puts thousands of cancer researchers out of work.


Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by blackboy(m): 1:30pm On Mar 21, 2022
The world was scared of Trump. Very unpredictable and psycho. Biden is a see finish. Weak and his son has interest in ukraine
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by Burtiano32: 1:31pm On Mar 21, 2022
My fellow Nigerians who analyzed American issues like guguru and groundnut, especially those supporters of trump saying Trump is a good leader l laugh no be small. Trump is Putin's boy, He does what pleases is master,Trump is a corrupt man having ties with the Kremlin which are sources of his wealth and prominence.

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Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by seunaj: 1:32pm On Mar 21, 2022
This is simply the home and uncomfortable truth why Putin showed restraint during trump administration, any other explanation is risible.

Some delusional and misquided Nigerians still believe otherwise though.

The current crop of republicans in America are very unpatriotic

Donald trump is a cad, blacksheep and blackguard who made America a mockery and laughingstock, Nigerians praising him are clowns
Stop watching too much of FAKE News Networks!
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by HardMirror(m): 1:38pm On Mar 21, 2022

"The Russian leader launched offenses against bordering countries in 2008, 2014, and 2022".
not my business. The article is pointless.
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by HardMirror(m): 1:39pm On Mar 21, 2022

Putin fears none of them ,he was a KGB agent and specialises in America.He invaded georgia and resched tibilisi with few hours.
so? Is putin feeding you?
Re: Bolton Sheds Light On Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine Under Trump by Day169: 1:43pm On Mar 21, 2022

I agree with your piece.
John Bolton himself said this in an interview with CNN but many readers here won't believe it for 2 reasons..
1. Trump has a cult leader's status and many of his followers are quick to look the other way when a dissenting opinion on Trump is given.
2. CNN has been branded the 'Fake News Media' ( incidentally by Trump too) and whatever it reports is false, regardless of how strong the evidence it provides may be.

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