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Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' - Foreign Affairs (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Lightorder: 6:56pm On Mar 21, 2022
I too like this Putin.

Someone needs to let this Western people knows they are not indispensable.
oga, stop deceiving yourselves. Russia have nothing going on for them. Lastime I checked, Russia 1 RUB was equal to 3.809 Naira. Is that life ? You are still fasting and praying for visas to the West and not Russia. Hypocrisy, lies and hatred will kill and bury you in shame
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Appleyard(m): 7:00pm On Mar 21, 2022

You see that Gaddafi own eh, e still dey pain till today.

You dey learn. Na me vex pass. And wetin even con make am pain me well well na because say our useless Nigerian government support am. undecided


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by olugabbie(m): 7:01pm On Mar 21, 2022
How i wish these social media companies can just stay out of politics rather than risking being ban here and there. Now individual countries will be forced to develop their own platform and abandon them.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Appleyard(m): 7:04pm On Mar 21, 2022

Why can't you build your own country instead of always looking for somewhere else to live?

What an epic answer....Bless your soul. cool


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Appleyard(m): 7:11pm On Mar 21, 2022
Whenever I reflect on the level of damage done to africa by those western countries hiding under democracy to inflict imperialist damages, I weep. Particularly, What they did to Libya. A country that was working beyond imagination. With living standard better than those obtainable in the west. Suddenly the West came with all sorts of contrived invectives against gadafi. We foolish, dumb and brainless Africans thought the West wanted us to better. We supported them to destroy Libya and killed gadafi. Alas the once most prosperous country in Africa is nothing to write home about now.

Oh, why are you reminding me of this now? undecided

I feel bitter each time someone tells me this things, knowing that our African leaders acquiesce to the destruction of Libya out of pure envy and wicked jealousy. God will punish the west for what they did to Libya, Iraq and Syria, for all the innocent lives lost and society destroyed.

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Dreamhighnow(m): 7:13pm On Mar 21, 2022
How can I buy beer for Putin.

It is really amazing how western slaves in Africa is supporting Ukraine.
Same west told you that there is nuclear bomb in Iraq
Same west said Gadaffi is a terrorist.
Same west destroyed Venezuela because they refused them free access to oil
Same west destroyed Syria.
This same west support Taiwan independence but not support western Ukraine independence.
Africa cannot grow because of this west.

Now I wonder why some of our brains are faulty and lack ability to reason

It is your brain that is faulty. So Putin is the messiah that will deliver you from west. Or west is the one embezzling money meant for infrastructures in Nigeria

You will blame west for ritual killings and Eaton corruption
Blame west for your personal problems

Learn to think and not just allow some garbage knowledge out there
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Appleyard(m): 7:18pm On Mar 21, 2022

Just shut up if you can’t stop using it totally .

And you will find alternatives to google , andriod/iOS and windows too? Most of you depend on western products to live normal life and make money to feed your families yet you still use your dirty mouth to say rubbish about them .?? Tell me a successful run black nation in the world.. because i know for sure you will blame Nigeria leaders , who are you going to blame for the other black nations?

Tell me 10 Russia products without looking up to google and tell me how it’s been a use to you .
Idiot koromiwe

Oh, so because he is using western product he has no right to critic them for whatever wrong they do? undecided It's this type of thinking that made Bob Marley to cry 'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery'.

Your logic presupposes that if your landlord is sexually abusing your daughter, you shouldn't say anything about it because you're living in his compound and he might give you quit notice. You're not making sense bro.

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by 101News(m): 7:25pm On Mar 21, 2022
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by seanwilliam(m): 7:26pm On Mar 21, 2022

Oh, so because he is using western product he has no right to critic them for whatever wrong they do? undecided It's this type of thinking that made Bob Marley to cry 'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery'.

Your logic presupposes that if your landlord is sexually abusing your daughter, you shouldn't say anything about it because you're living in his compound and he might give you quit notice. You're not making sense bro.
if that what you can deduce from my post to the guy I originally quoted ,then it’s fine.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Bigchristo: 7:27pm On Mar 21, 2022
Tragic, gradually taking western businesses out of Russia, the Oligarchs should be getting ready to acquire the Tech space grin
You were cheering up US when they were dishing out sanctions against Russia but just one tools of their propaganda that’s being ban you kick against it, no be juju be that?

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Nobody: 7:27pm On Mar 21, 2022
Good No more sources for USA and NATO to try pass propangada to Russia again

Have you guys wondered why every America companies pulled out of Russia expect this propangada instruments
what do you know about VPN?
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Nobody: 7:33pm On Mar 21, 2022
Go Russia, Go!
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by lildonn222: 7:49pm On Mar 21, 2022
It's strange to think Russia would be such an authoritarian country. I've not been there but being in Europe I used to think that Russia is highly Democratic
Democracy is not perfect.This regular change of power without definite structure is pointless.Imagine having a good leader that will only rule for four years and give way for a bad one to ruin everything for eight years.
Democracy should be practiced with a definite blueprint for every leader to follow.Permanent body from every region should be created to monitor the country's blueprint.My opinion though.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by yuzjet(m): 8:09pm On Mar 21, 2022
oga, stop deceiving yourselves. Russia have nothing going on for them. Lastime I checked, Russia 1 RUB was equal to 3.809 Naira. Is that life ? You are still fasting and praying for visas to the West and not Russia. Hypocrisy, lies and hatred will kill and bury you in shame

See you. You think Russian RUB won't increase too once the likes of USA are relegated?

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by yuzjet(m): 8:12pm On Mar 21, 2022

You mean on Facebook you can't express your dislike for the government? You can't express your love for money, lifestyle, food etc? Of course some things will be regulated, you can't conduct criminal activities or harrass anyone but for the most part you get more freedom than most people in China.

There's limit to everything. If having such limits will improve Nigeria just like it has helped China greatly, it's welcomed. Not just a freedom of propaganda and lies that's what's the USA and the UK are using using Facebook for. I'm sure you are aware that they use these platforms to spy and monitor us worldwide.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by yuzjet(m): 8:12pm On Mar 21, 2022

There's limit to everything. If having such limits will improve Nigeria just like it has helped China greatly, it's welcomed. Not just a freedom of propaganda and lies that's what's the USA and the UK are using Facebook for. I'm sure you are aware that they use these platforms to spy and monitor us worldwide. What would you say to this?
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by yuzjet(m): 8:14pm On Mar 21, 2022

Show me how to grow up. Deactivate both your accounts and migrate NOW to the non-West alternatives

Just chill till the Wests are caught up for their evil deeds.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by zomby(m): 8:17pm On Mar 21, 2022
As usual, Russia is full of sh11t, Facebook and instagram are parts of the sanctions…Access to both apps has been disabled over 10 days ago.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Lightorder: 8:23pm On Mar 21, 2022

See you. You think Russian RUB won't increase too once the likes of USA are relegated?
oga , it has always been approximately 1RUB= N5 before the war. Wake up and stop dreaming. Your business NEVER increases by losing a customer . Almost the entire Europe left them. You think China is Father Christmas? I don’t even know how you guys reason. By the time China is done obtaining and SPYING on them, Russia will be a big sorry. Afterall , where is Soviet Union or USSR today
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by yuzjet(m): 8:25pm On Mar 21, 2022
oga , it has always been approximately 1RUB= N5 before the war. Wake up and stop dreaming. Your business NEVER increases by losing a customer

So, you think it'll remain like that? Don't tell me you lack foresight?
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Lightorder: 8:29pm On Mar 21, 2022

So, you think it'll remain like that? Don't tell me you lack foresight?
Kindergaten or dreamers foresight you mean
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by zomby(m): 8:31pm On Mar 21, 2022

Just chill till the Wests are caught up for their evil deeds.

West are caught up for their evil deeds?? Are you serious??
1. How much money has Russia ever given any african countries?
2. Apart from taking over your land and creating COVID-19, how much money has China given any african countries?

3. How much money has America given african countries?
ANSWER: Aid to African continent received from America was over $151B alone in 2019, right before the pandemic. United States has also donated over 100 million vaccines to Africa
And this f00l over has the audacity to call the west evil doers…Come on, use your brain for a change.


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by airsaylongcome: 8:38pm On Mar 21, 2022

Just chill till the Wests are caught up for their evil deeds.

Listen we know the West are evil. But they are a more humane evil than Russia/China.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by tk003(m): 8:40pm On Mar 21, 2022
Of course they are. You can't call yourself a media and suppress the news from a particular Country, ethnicity or nation.

This event have shown to the world that Capitalist countries end up being a field of imperialists, Racial supremacists and War profiteers.

Until Western media take responsibility for the scores of innocent Ignorant young men and women they influenced to their death, they remain a terrorist syndicate.

A country (Ukraine) banned the entire opposition parties numbering in tens and the so called media of Western, Capitalist and Racial supremacy origin didn't care to make a fuss about it but systematically brainwashed the BLACK IGNORAMUSES of Africa that Gaddafi was a dictator because he wanted to pull the black people out of poverty, rigged economic society like IMF that doesn't favour the black man and usher a degree of state economic transparency in Africa

Wished i can like ur comment a million times


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by yuzjet(m): 8:41pm On Mar 21, 2022

Listen we know the West are evil. But they are a more humane evil than Russia/China.

LOL. Inasmuch as they are also doing evil thing, they are the same.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by abbey621(m): 8:58pm On Mar 21, 2022

There's limit to everything. If having such limits will improve Nigeria just like it has helped China greatly, it's welcomed. Not just a freedom of propaganda and lies that's what's the USA and the UK are using using Facebook for. I'm sure you are aware that they use these platforms to spy and monitor us worldwide.

You think it is the limits that helped China rather than China opening up its economy to the world, increasing tourism and actively investing in other countries? LMAO......Guy do better research, this ain't it chief, this ain't it!
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by anonymous1759(m): 9:06pm On Mar 21, 2022

You must be a mumu with first class certificate.

You publicly talking against the west when your lives depend on them is the highest level of hypocrisy I’ve ever seen. Weather you agree or not, they are in control of your useless lives and your opinions are like pieces of shit to them and don’t count in grand scheme of things..

If they decide to take away their products and ban access to it, your lives will be more useless than it is . Idiotic idiot .

Irredeemable Slave the only thing I cannot leave without is oxygen , food and water which I can get here.

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Nobody: 9:13pm On Mar 21, 2022
Dis 1's from naija playbook

Laim moda4kas
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by obedience4(m): 9:22pm On Mar 21, 2022
Though they own Telegram and Vk

Telegram owners may be Russian..
They are pro west..
The brothers fled Russia after Putin allies hijacked VK.
Telegram headquarters in the British vigin island..
Let say the west bans telegram will it be able to compete with WhatsApp..
The west owns the social space..
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ken6488(m): 10:01pm On Mar 21, 2022
what do you know about VPN?
I know alot not everyone will be interested in vpn stress
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Comedian2019: 10:07pm On Mar 21, 2022
Putin court

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