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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned (47433 Views)
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 2:06pm On May 26, 2022 |
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 5:54pm On May 26, 2022 |
Richwallet: |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 6:44pm On May 26, 2022 |
Isaiah 57:5-15 5 You worship the fertility gods by having sex under those sacred trees of yours. You offer your children as sacrifices in the rocky caves near stream beds. 6 You take smooth stones from there and worship them as gods. You pour out wine as offerings to them and bring them grain offerings. Do you think I am pleased with all this? 7 You go to the high mountains to offer sacrifices and have sex. 8 You set up your obscene idols just inside your front doors. You forsake me; you take off your clothes and climb in your large beds with your lovers, whom you pay to sleep with you. And there you satisfy your lust. 9 You put on your perfumes and ointments and go to worship the god Molech. To find gods to worship, you send messengers far and wide, even to the world of the dead. 10 You wear yourselves out looking for other gods, but you never give up. You think your obscene idols give you strength, and so you never grow weak. 11 The Lord says, "Who are these gods that make you afraid, so that you tell me lies and forget me completely? Have you stopped honoring me because I have kept silent for so long? 12 You think that what you do is right, but I will expose your conduct, and your idols will not be able to help you. 13 When you cry for help, let those idols of yours save you! A puff of wind will carry them off! But those who trust in me will live in the land and will worship me in my Temple." 14 The Lord says, "Let my people return to me. Remove every obstacle from their path! Build the road and make it ready! 15 "I am the high and holy God, who lives forever. I live in a high and holy place, but I also live with people who are humble and repentant, so that I can restore their confidence and hope. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 1:20pm On May 27, 2022 |
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 5:44pm On May 27, 2022 |
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 10:03pm On May 27, 2022 |
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 10:12pm On May 27, 2022 |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 8:11am On May 28, 2022 |
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 8:14am On May 28, 2022 |
Call them out |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 11:45am On May 28, 2022 |
casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren who are in the world. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 12:43pm On May 29, 2022 |
Gay people are turning to Satan Of course sodomites will turn to satanism because that is the root of sodomy. This is what separates all pagan religions from the Abrahamic faith and even the monethestism that proceeded Abraham, is that pagan practice sex worship and Abraham faith outlaws it. There is also a difference in blood sacrifice and idol worship with fetishes, statues and figurines the Abraham faith outlaws it all. Yet sticking exclusively to sodomy the pagans can not teach hetrosexuality to their children because when they get older they will not desire to perform homosexuality. So every indigeous culture researched always introduced children to homosexuality early on. So satanists must recruit they can not reproduce this is the reasoning behind Comprehensive Sexuality Education, teaching sodomy to children, drag queens brought into elementary schools all the plot of pagans. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 5:47pm On May 29, 2022 |
America is run by satanists and mass shooters are mk ultra candidates used to mask a more sinister reality. That sinister reality is terrorist watch lists which are innocent persons harrassed, stalked and monitored 24/7. When human rights advocates challenged the legality of the list and after unable to prove targets were terrorists the government changed the name to Mass Shooter Watchlist. But if there are no mass shooters then the list has no justification so the CIA set off sleeper mk ultra candidates. Its that simple. Are you ready for the truth? |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 11:25pm On May 29, 2022 |
'My dad abused me at Satanic paedophile cult rituals where I was tied to a cross - but I forgive him' WARNING - GRAPHIC DETAIL: Carolyn Shanti buried the memories from her traumatic childhood but, now in her 70s, she's finally come to terms with what happened to her at the hands of her father Carolyn has been forced to come to terms with what happened to her in her youth NEWS POLITICS FOOTBALL CELEBS TV MONEY ByRosie Hopegood 07:00, 10 Mar 2019UPDATED07:31, 10 Mar 2019 | COMMENTS From the outside, no one could tell there was anything amiss in my family. We lived in a large, plush house full of antiques and set in 30 acres of land. My father was a businessman who was seen as an upright member of society, a Mason who belonged to the yacht club. But behind closed doors, we were all terrified of him. He was tyrannical and demonic, and my mother, sister and I lived in constant fear. He did strange things that made no sense: we weren’t allowed pictures in the house, and I was forbidden to have any red-haired friends. He would also take me on odd dates to London, buy me very expensive dresses and show me off in fancy restaurants, just the two of us. Sponsored Link by Taboola Buying A Car? Listen Now For Money Tips In 27 Minutes TURBOTAX Carolyn's family home - where she, her sister and mum lived in constant fear of her demonic and tyrannical father At the age of nine, I was sent away to boarding school. It was a relief to be away from the oppressive atmosphere in the house, but I struggled to make friends. There was always something setting me apart, and I was struck by the feeling that something awful had happened that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Teachers wanted me to see a psychiatrist because I was so withdrawn, but my father just laughed and refused to allow it. As an adult, my older sister wrote us a letter saying she wanted nothing to do with the family and cut herself off completely. I still saw my parents from time to time, but I’d often find it very difficult to be in the room with my father – he had a dark energy around him that meant sometimes I’d have to leave the room to be physically sick. I trained as a social worker and tried to live a normal life. I got married, but struggled a lot with having sex with my husband. The thought of intercourse was so terrifying that it was nearly impossible. Eventually, it ruined my marriage and I got divorced. Gynaecological problems were a recurring feature in my life. I had infections in my tubes and ovaries, and an alternative therapist told me I was holding a lot of tension in my sexual organs. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I was damaged somehow. In 1990, I began to have flashbacks. Dark and disturbing sexual memories from my childhood that made me sick to my stomach. As I began to remember, I’d get pins and needles down my arms, I’d shake all over and begin to feel as if I was leaving my body. Carolyn at age five - years before she was able to escape her father's clutches Woman was kidnapped for 245 days, sexually abused and taken to war zone until 'miracle' escape undefined MOST READ Vladimir Putin 'losing his sight' and 'given three years to live by doctors' TUI tells 'hundreds' of passengers by TEXT holiday is cancelled after 'eight-hour' wait Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in 'trouble' after Netflix show cancelled, expert claims The memories were horrendous – my father penetrating me, anally and vaginally; being tied up in the shape of a cross; and the words ‘do not remember’ on loop. It was too awful to accept that they were real, and I swallowed them down, going into denial and refusing to acknowledge them. But you can’t hold things in forever. By 2013, I’d remarried and both my parents were dead. My husband and I had managed, with a lot of work, to overcome the sexual problems. I’d spent years working a stressful job in a Traumatic Brain Injury Unit, so we decided to take early retirement and enjoy life. We went to India on a meditation retreat. The memories came back, even more strongly. They were so disturbing I was on the edge of collapse and I had to go home and begin intensive therapy. Bit by bit, the memories came through and I began to piece together what had happened to me. I realised I’d been abused between the ages of three and nine, but it had stopped when I went to boarding school. On our London trips, my father would take me to dark, shadowy meetings of men, dressed in eerie headdresses or terrifying dog masks. To this day, I still have a phobia of Alsatians, and shake when I see one. The men at the meeting would take it in turns to do terrible things to me. I remember strange details, like a pendulum swinging in front of my face, and then my father’s fingers inside me, or a chalice of blood being placed on my stomach. I was tied up in strange positions and raped my multiple men. An overwhelming memory is the feeling of suffocation – something being stuffed in my mouth and throwing up. Always, those words were in the background: ‘do not remember’. I broke down and couldn’t cope with what I had remembered. My marriage collapsed and I fled to India, seeking refuge with a famous homeopathic doctor, Dr Rajan Sankaram. For four years, I had intensive holistic and homeopathic treatment. I’d do deep meditations and therapy with Dr Sankaram, and more terrible memories would surface, leaving me sick and shaking, with a pounding headache. I become weak, as if my life forces were ebbing away and I was going to die. Eventually, I began to heal a little and decided that to work through the trauma I would write a book about the hell my father put me through. I came back to the UK and began to research occult sex groups, spending a lot of time in the archives of the British Library. I was staggered by what I saw. Carolyn remembered horrendous detail about her abuse by the paedophile ring ( Image: Getty Images) R Kelly says 'my heart is too big' as he cries then RAGES over sex claims in bizarre interview There were so many symbols and rituals I recognised from my own abuse, and so much stuff began to make sense – men in these satanic groups linked red-haired women with demonic practices, which must be why my father was so strict about redheads. I read about what these occult paedophile groups believe about women – that women hold secrets in their vaginas and that they can suck up their energy through ritualistic sex acts. They worship semen and believe that by taking a girl’s virginity they can capture her innocence and become gods in their own universes – the more innocent the child, the greater the reward. Doing the research was dark and disturbing, but I just had to understand what had been done to me. What my father did was unforgiveable and I wish he’d lived to see punishment, but I have forgiven him because I can’t hold on to the anger. I wish I’d had the memories earlier so I could have dealt with them and lived a full life. I feel like I’ve been handicapped and haven’t been able to develop properly, or do things like have a long-term marriage and children. But I can talk about it now, and no longer feel the sense of shame I did. There are a lot of women who are suffering with coming to terms with abuse, and I hope that I can help them by writing about my experiences. Child sexual abuse - the statistics ● 1 in 20 children in the UK have been sexually abused. ● 1 in 3 sexually abused children do not tell anyone. ● Over 90% of these were abused by someone they knew.
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 1:51am On May 31, 2022 |
Heathens. Alot of indigeous peoole desire to dump Christianity and return to tjis madness.
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 2:10pm On May 31, 2022 |
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 3:11pm On May 31, 2022 |
They are doing sodomy for witchcraft. Low magick is sex orgies, homosexuality, pedophilia, beastality and necrophilia, drinking sexual fluid and eating feces. High magick is blood magick which is animal and human sacrifice, blood drinking and flesh eating. Sodomites are sick and sadistic. Sodomite means cult prostitute this behavior goes on inside secret societies of Black people all over the world from the primitive to the highly civilized. Not to say other races do not perform Black Magick yet it originates with Blacks. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 11:37pm On May 31, 2022 |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 3:25am On Jun 01, 2022 |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 12:46am On Jun 02, 2022 |
They have to dirty you up to make themselves clean so politicians and clergy sponsor community watch to target innocent people. Once you understand this and relate this phenomenon to the Biblical commandment that Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor you understood why leaders support watchlists. The pagan religion breeds perverts and so many leaders are apart of pagan cults.
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 11:05am On Jun 02, 2022 |
.These actual mass shooters were making online threats, owned automatic rifles and were not on anybody's watchlists. This is because their vile actions are being used to justify watchlist that already existed so politicians and clergy to scape goat innocent people.
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 1:44pm On Jun 02, 2022 |
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 7:37pm On Jun 02, 2022 |
Isaiah 57:5-15 5 You worship the fertility gods by having sex under those sacred trees of yours. You offer your children as sacrifices in the rocky caves near stream beds. 6 You take smooth stones from there and worship them as gods. You pour out wine as offerings to them and bring them grain offerings. Do you think I am pleased with all this? 7 You go to the high mountains to offer sacrifices and have sex. 8 You set up your obscene idols just inside your front doors. You forsake me; you take off your clothes and climb in your large beds with your lovers, whom you pay to sleep with you. And there you satisfy your lust. 9 You put on your perfumes and ointments and go to worship the god Molech. To find gods to worship, you send messengers far and wide, even to the world of the dead. 10 You wear yourselves out looking for other gods, but you never give up. You think your obscene idols give you strength, and so you never grow weak. 11 The Lord says, "Who are these gods that make you afraid, so that you tell me lies and forget me completely? Have you stopped honoring me because I have kept silent for so long? 12 You think that what you do is right, but I will expose your conduct, and your idols will not be able to help you. 13 When you cry for help, let those idols of yours save you! A puff of wind will carry them off! But those who trust in me will live in the land and will worship me in my Temple." 14 The Lord says, "Let my people return to me. Remove every obstacle from their path! Build the road and make it ready! 15 "I am the high and holy God, who lives forever. I live in a high and holy place, but I also live with people who are humble and repentant, so that I can restore their confidence and hope. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 1:21am On Jun 05, 2022 |
Harsh bitter truth. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 7:03pm On Jun 05, 2022 |
Some shamans engaged in homosexual acts with their patients, and priests engaged in ritualized homosexual acts with their gods. When the Toltecs arrived to conquer the region, they brought more sodomy and public sex of all kinds.
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 7:18am On Jun 06, 2022 |
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by HarshBitterTrut: 12:09pm On Jun 06, 2022 |
HarshBitterTrut: Basically innocent people are being put on watchlist to help the pedophile clergy and politicians escape their karma. Any institution practicing sodomy and rape are lending manpower to the watch groups. The military has a huge homosexual rape epidemic and they contract veterans to partake in community watch of targeted individuals. This is why targets see veterans stalking them. The public safety institutions that are ran by Freemasonry lodges that require sodomy to enter also partake and orchestrate gangstalking. Churches that promote LGBT are involved especially the Holy See of the Roman Catholic Church that oversees community spying all over the world. Fraternities and Sororities also are heavily involved in gangstalking because their members are constantly involved in sex practices and scandals. LGBT and Black Lives Matter are involved in gangstalking because they are trying to alter the perception that homosexuality is evil. The Bible says in the Last Days many that are good shall be deemed evil and those who are wicked shall be deemed pious. It's vice versa as the pagan shadow world tries to erect the New World Order they must destroy Christianity. We must remember the Roman Catholic Church has never believed in Jesus and persecuted the Jews who were the first Christians in the world. Peter a Jew and disciple of Jesus never lived in Rome nor gave any authority to the Pope. All the Catholic traditions are the dyonisus drunken sex orgies and human sacrifice religion of Babylonian Egyptian. Now many can see the reason Barack Obama a pagan pedophile of Nubian tradition choose Joe Biden a Roman Catholic pagan pedophile as his partner. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Kingpharamond: 2:23pm On Jun 07, 2022 |
2 Esdras 6:9 “For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.” King James Version (KJV) |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Richwallet: 12:36am On Jun 09, 2022 |
All Black the dress code of Satanism.
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Kingpharamond: 2:33am On Jun 09, 2022 |
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Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Kingpharamond: 2:44pm On Jun 09, 2022 |
Satanists are running America. |
Re: America Under The Control Of Satan The World Be Warned by Kingpharamond: 3:14pm On Jun 09, 2022 |
Lil Durk another Satanic artists dressing in all black but if you have paid attention you will see the politicians and clergy are Satanists as well. The artists are used to channel the satanic energy to your children. 1 Like
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