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What Game Are You Currently Playing? - Gaming (458) - Nairaland

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Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by jikins(m): 8:33am On Jun 10, 2022

And fk Buhari for destroying the economy and cramping my upgrade path angry cry

An upgrade from my gtx 1080 corsair one pro is further and further and further in the future angry cry cry cry

cheesy grin grin

You have another election coming get pvc and tell others too to get pvc and vote who you feel is the best candidate. The politics way we nor care about before dey affect us now. Another option is to japa.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by GloriousGbola: 10:08pm On Jun 12, 2022
Some troll bait trivia

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Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by GloriousGbola: 1:41pm On Jun 21, 2022
Fall guys has gone f2p

You can get it on epic games store or xbox store.

This is the third or so game I paid for that has gone f2p angry angry
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Mckandre(m): 7:42pm On Jun 25, 2022
Just concluded with witcher 3 but I'm yet to finish the added dlcs that came with it. however, I'm currently playing resident evil 2 of which i just downloaded today. Anyways, I've always had the RE3 but couldn't get my mind to play it then( I like playing games in chronological order). Now everything seems to be in order, i guess I'll be adding RE3 on the waiting list. From the look of things RE2 is quite promising since its my first time playing it, I'm having a blast using fresh eyes on this game, the graphics, Gameplay and the gore is quite alluring to say the least. Honestly, i couldn't think of better time to experience this game if not on this recent generation hardware,how i wish RE4 remake will find it way to ps4.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Lana1(m): 10:58pm On Jun 25, 2022
so my son is playing HZD pc

and as is the way, i decided to go to nexus mods to see what mods there are


there is an explicit outfits mod for aloy

this is one of the less risque pictures

this is why las ls, gaming is usually a solo activity
PC modders dey craze gan grin grin

Just wait till you see what they'll do to Black Cat once Spiderman lands on Steam
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by LucemFerre: 1:43am On Jun 26, 2022

And fk Buhari for destroying the economy and cramping my upgrade path angry cry

An upgrade from my gtx 1080 corsair one pro is further and further and further in the future angry cry cry cry

What do you want to see, NPC souls when they die?
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by jikins(m): 6:48am On Jun 26, 2022
so my son is playing HZD pc

and as is the way, i decided to go to nexus mods to see what mods there are


there is an explicit outfits mod for aloy

this is one of the less risque pictures

this is why las ls, gaming is usually a solo activity

omo shocked
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Mckandre(m): 6:55am On Jun 26, 2022
so my son is playing HZD pc

and as is the way, i decided to go to nexus mods to see what mods there are


there is an explicit outfits mod for aloy

this is one of the less risque pictures

this is why las ls, gaming is usually a solo activity
one of the reasons i dislike Pc port, i wept when i saw what they did to jill in RE3 remake, what about Alcina Dimitrescu in REvillage, even Kratos wasn't left out either, that's when i knew modders are bunch of isolated pervert with childish fantasies. Pc is were games are reduced to nothing, humiliated, assaulted, molested, just name anything u could think of.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by GloriousGbola: 7:00am On Jun 26, 2022
one of the reasons i dislike Pc port, i wept when saw what they did to jill in RE3 remake, what about Alcina Dimitrescu in REvillage that's when knew modders are bunch of isolated pervert with childish fantasies. Pc is were games are humiliated, assaulted, molested, just name anything u could think of.

Because of one mod?

Do you have any idea how many more mods there are, and how they breathe life into games long after the devs have abandoned them?

How they provide quality of life improvements?

How some mods add whole new levels?

One mod out of over a 100?

Your rant is the equivalent of the male fantasy post, and it deserves the same ridicule.


Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by NoonMasamune: 2:13pm On Jun 26, 2022
Any switch owners here? how do you buy games off the eshop? barter card worked once, now its not working again. gt bank and union bank card not working as well.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Mckandre(m): 2:23pm On Jun 26, 2022

Because of one mod?

Do you have any idea how many more mods there are, and how they breathe life into games long after the devs have abandoned them?

How they provide quality of life improvements?

How some mods add whole new levels?

One mod out of over a 100?

Your rant is the equivalent of the male fantasy post, and it deserves the same ridicule.
i just made my opinion concerning what i felt wasn't proper but i don't know how that affects you in person for u to rant like a disjo!nted scrotum or maybe cos i quoted u and if that's the case my apologies.


Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by GloriousGbola: 2:30pm On Jun 26, 2022
i just made my opinion concerning what i felt wasn't proper but i don't know how that affects you in person for u to rant like a disjo!nted scrotum or maybe cos i quoted u and if that's the case my apologies.


This is you, my good friend.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by ReactExpress: 6:43pm On Jun 26, 2022
i just made my opinion concerning what i felt wasn't proper but i don't know how that affects you in person for u to rant like a disjo!nted scrotum or maybe cos i quoted u and if that's the case my apologies.

To be fair your statements were exaggerated. Everything has pros and cons. Addressing only the cons and making it sound like that's all there is isn't fair at all. Modders have done amazing work to games making life easier for so many people playing these games. I can attest to this has I enjoyed playing witcher 3 on pc than Ps because of the mods that make life easy for me. I am always busy so don't have the time to look up what oil should be applied to my sword against certain monsters and the likes. I just got the mod that auto applies the appropriate oils, modes for auto pick and others. Made me actually focus more on the gameplay than the little little stuffs.

I could also add the first few mass effect games didn't accept controllers for pc if I remember correctly. But Modders came to the rescue. And these mods are optional, it's up to you to install or play the game as is.

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Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Mckandre(m): 7:41pm On Jun 26, 2022

To be fair your statements were exaggerated. Everything has pros and cons. Addressing only the cons and making it sound like that's all there is isn't fair at all. Modders have done amazing work to games making life easier for so many people playing these games. I can attest to this has I enjoyed playing witcher 3 on pc than Ps because of the mods that make life easy for me. I am always busy so don't have the time to look up what oil should be applied to my sword against certain monsters and the likes. I just got the mod that auto applies the appropriate oils, modes for auto pick and others. Made me actually focus more on the gameplay than the little little stuffs.

I could also add the first few mass effect games didn't accept controllers for pc if I remember correctly. But Modders came to the rescue. And these mods are optional, it's up to you to install or play the game as is.
yea ure right, m not disputing that at all, I've had my own fair slice of modders works back then with mgsv and gta5 though. I think were the misunderstanding actually came from is that i generalized their intentions instead of specify on the bad ones,my bad.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by ReactExpress: 7:45pm On Jun 26, 2022
yea ure right, m not disputing that at all, I've had my own fair slice of modders works back then with mgsv and gta5 though. I think were the misunderstanding actually came from is that i generalized their intentions instead of specify on the bad ones,my bad.

No worries bro
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by typicalgamer(m): 4:57pm On Jun 29, 2022
Any switch owners here? how do you buy games off the eshop? barter card worked once, now its not working again. gt bank and union bank card not working as well.

Jumia pay
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Angel55555(m): 5:12pm On Jun 29, 2022
PES 22, season 2 on xbox one. The game play lags once in a while but it's way better than the shitty version they released before it.
It has fewer teams too but they're all licensed considering it's free to play it's not that bad compared to FIFA robotic gameplay.

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Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Angel55555(m): 5:19pm On Jun 29, 2022
Just concluded with witcher 3 but I'm yet to finish the added dlcs that came with it. however, I'm currently playing resident evil 2 of which i just downloaded today. Anyways, I've always had the RE3 but couldn't get my mind to play it then( I like playing games in chronological order). Now everything seems to be in order, i guess I'll be adding RE3 on the waiting list. From the look of things RE2 is quite promising since its my first time playing it, I'm having a blast using fresh eyes on this game, the graphics, Gameplay and the gore is quite alluring to say the least. Honestly, i couldn't think of better time to experience this game if not on this recent generation hardware,how i wish RE4 remake will find it way to ps4.
The game is okay sha tho I feel like the storyline gets boring once in a while and it doesn't have enough monsters compared to GOW. I'm stuck in
"Wandering in the dark", where I've to face one of the Wild hunt/hunters.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Mckandre(m): 5:56pm On Jun 29, 2022

The game is okay sha tho I feel like the storyline gets boring once in a while and it doesn't have enough monsters compared to GOW. I'm stuck in
"Wandering in the dark", where I've to face one of the Wild hunt/hunters.
witcher 3 boring? Not for me o, you can only get engulfed with the story if ure a medieval/gothic genre fan and also the side quests re hardly repetitive unlike some games. However, have u tried using witcher senses? exploring the cave/catacombs can be exhausting if u happen to lose ur way,u can aswell retrace ur steps backwards.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by lildonn222: 7:40pm On Jul 02, 2022
Can my Asus core i5-247, 8gb ram,610m nvidia graphics run mortal kombat x and shadow of mordor?
please answer me I don't want to waste my time and data.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Thegamingorca(m): 7:53pm On Jul 02, 2022
Assassin's creed unity
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by GloriousGbola: 12:15pm On Jul 04, 2022
i just made my opinion concerning what i felt wasn't proper but i don't know how that affects you in person for u to rant like a disjo!nted scrotum or maybe cos i quoted u and if that's the case my apologies.


grin grin grin
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by N3cR0mAZc3R(m): 12:53pm On Jul 04, 2022
Just bought fifa 22 on pc. I don't like it cause it's similar to ps4 and xbox one version not ps5 or X. I hope EA make an update to apply the bells and whistles of current gen consoles to pc. PC can handle the graphical changes for God's sake.


Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by RYEOFARMS(m): 6:22am On Jul 06, 2022
Hi guys,

I’m stuck with Loki in ac Valhalla,anyone have an idea how to get rid of him easily?!

Also stuck in last of us 2,after gaby was betrayed by those two scarfaces

As well as I’m stuck with one of those puzzle in G.O.W while trying to find the elf light, I can’t just seem to align the hive thingy and make a perfect throw cry embarassed
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by FinnNorton(m): 9:00am On Jul 06, 2022
I'm playing WoW TBC Classic. The absolute peak of World of Warcraft gameplay-wise. There was SOOO much to do every week whether it be doing dailies, dungeons, and raids on your main character or leveling and gearing an alt character. The dungeons were plenty in numbers and quite enjoyable and raids were amazing. The days I spent playing this game were the best times of my life as a young kid who cared about nothing but getting all my best-in-slot gear and farming Netherwing Ledge dailies.
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Koporke: 6:32pm On Jul 06, 2022
Sekiro shadows die twice.

The game don too easy like this, I'm playing it again without any upgrades or skills except mikiri counter.


Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Angel55555(m): 8:12am On Jul 07, 2022
Watch dog legion

Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by RevoRaptor: 1:32pm On Jul 07, 2022
Sekiro shadows die twice.

The game don too easy like this, I'm playing it again without any upgrades or skills except mikiri counter.
i still don't get this game.
Not done with it yet, just abandoned on my desktop.
It too hard for me.

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Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by Koporke: 6:20pm On Jul 07, 2022
i still don't get this game.
Not done with it yet, just abandoned on my desktop.
It too hard for me.

Its the best fighting game I've ever played. If you want to enjoy it you should look through YouTube for some tutorials that will make it easy for you
Re: What Game Are You Currently Playing? by RevoRaptor: 9:07pm On Jul 07, 2022

Its the best fighting game I've ever played. If you want to enjoy it you should look through YouTube for some tutorials that will make it easy for you
Av done that countless times.
Just that I don't play souls like games.
The only reason why am playing sekiro is because of the character design, I so love it.
I think I need a personal teacher on this game.

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