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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) (11495 Views)
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Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 10:26pm On May 29, 2022 |
COMMENTARY: Mark 10:21 [21]Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” 1 Like |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 2:22pm On May 30, 2022 |
COMMENTARY: Matthew 7:13-14 [13]“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. [14]Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 2:27pm On May 30, 2022 |
Update downloading soon |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 3:26pm On May 30, 2022 |
Okay my reader see update coming below |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 3:27pm On May 30, 2022 |
THE TESTIMONY OF A FREED MAN : TWO KINGDOMS ONE SOUL. PAGE ~28 THE AGNOSTIC AND THE LEGALIST . While I was still pondering concerning the narrow way and how to find out if there are good things therein ; I heard violent shoutings behind me ; I tried to turn to take a look; but before I could do that I heard " Gbosa ! " I was hit at the back ! I turned to check what it was then I saw two men dragging each other . two men arguing ,and quarreling each other . suddenly one of them whose faced was bearded drew out a sword to strike the other . That is blasphemy ! (He yelled at the other man ) No it is not (the other man argued ) You must die for saying so I will teach you a lesson today ;you foolish infidel . ( the bearded man yelled) Hey ! Hey ! Please wait ! Wait ! Wait ! Hold on wait ! Don't kill him (I begged the sword welding man ;who seems to have long beards ) Do you know what he did ?(he asked me ) No I don't ,but still don't kill him ;please (I begged ) (Voopp) He Pushed me aside causing me to slipped and fell to the floor . ( he then grabbed the other man by his shirt ) You dare so such abominable words ? You will not live to say so again. (He said angrily and pushed his accuser down to his kneels ) Leave me alone ! (The accused man struggled and dragged fiercely with the accuser ) I quickly stood up from the ground Wait please ;what is it that he says ? (I held his hand to hinder him from striking the kneeling man ) KAi ! (He yelled profusely) leave me alone ! allow me to do away with such a fellow like this ; for it is not fitting for him to remain alive . But at least : let their be trial before executions of judgment please . I will not be tried or condemned by this man ;because there is fredom of speech in this land (The accused man objected ) judgment has been set already by the law you broke . (the bearded man answered his victim ) Which law are you talking about ? (I asked him ) The law of our religion . (He answered) Which of the laws of your religion. (I asked him again ) He said there might be no God he said it could be that God was not the one who created us (he alleged) But why not reason with him ? Why not try to convince and convict him if you think otherwise ? I will not, because that would be a wasting of time (he claimed ) (leave me ! leave me ! The accused man continued to struggle with his accuser ) But you would need the use of time even if you chose to slay him (I said to the sword wielding man ) but not as much time as arguing with him (He replied ) But his life is worth more than any time you would spend in arguing (I proclaim again ) Ehy ! (He yelled at me ) Who do you even think you are to dare stop me ? (he released his hands from holding the man and then faced me ; with the sword still in his hand ) (What should I do know ? What if this guy should strike me ) [ I thought ] (The kneeling-man whom he had wanted to kill swiftly snatched the sword out of his hands ; rose up and then faced him . (He lifted up the sword with a dreadful look on hi face and said) "Now my enemy shall die !" Please don't kill me ,please forgive me ,and spare my life (the accuser is now begging the accused . the victimizer himself became a victim) Please put the sword down ,and don't try to do anything silly (I begged him too) He is a potential murderer . He who dares to kill with a sword should himself be killed with the sword . (The accused man answered me) No you have quoted the scripture wrongly . It actually says "He who kills by the sword will die by the sword " so if you kill him you will also be guilty ,and liable to be condemned . (I corrected and warned him ) So what should we do to him ? (he asked ) Let us forgive him For God will forgive us if we forgive our enemies but if we don't forgive them he would not forgive us either . (I adviced ) So what should we do with the sword ? Put it down ! (I suggested ) What if he takes it up again to kill me ? I think I should hold it to defend myself . ( he proposed) Our weapons of warefare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds . What you need is the sword of this spirit not this one ? ( I preached) Sword of the spirit ? But why ? Because we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities ,and powers ,and rulers of darkness ,and the spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenlies .(I replied him ) Ah ! What kind of teachings is this , how can i understand it ? Do you want to understand it ? Yes I do ! He then threw away the sword ,and joined me We strolled away leaving the bearded man behind . The bearded man felt ashamed ; Stood up and joined us leaving the sword behind . |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 1:11pm On May 31, 2022 |
COMMENTARY : REMEMBER DEBORAH SAMUEL -THE SOKOTO STATE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION'S STUDENT WHO WAS STONED ,AND BURNT FOR AN ALLEGED BLASPHEMY. may god give her family the fortitude to bear the loss .may the comfort of the holy spirit keep the body of Christ all over the world . 1 Like |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 4:18pm On May 31, 2022 |
COMMENTARY: the time is coming ,and has already arrived . The day many people were killed through religious motivated ot terrorist attacks ,that is the day he was talking about . John 16:1-4 [1]“These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. [2]They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. [3]And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. [4]But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them. And these things I did not say to you at the beginning, because I was with you. 1 Like |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 2:33pm On Jun 01, 2022 |
COMMENTARY: Well done . Hope you are learning as you're reading . This story was not written to entertain but impart you |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 9:47am On Jun 02, 2022 |
Good day Well done reader |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 1:03pm On Jun 03, 2022 |
There is more to come so relax ,and be hopeful |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by KNOWMORE56: 6:45pm On Jun 03, 2022 |
If not that I have somewhat understanding of how the Holy Spirit works, I would have said you had read the legendary " the Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan... But I know it's possible you might not have read it or even heard of it. May God continue to use you, in Jesus name! |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 3:05pm On Jun 04, 2022 |
Update still on editing stage but might drop soon |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 8:16am On Jun 05, 2022 |
Good morning . Another blessed day is here . Whish you success out there |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 9:19am On Jun 05, 2022 |
I will be dropping an update today |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 10:23am On Jun 05, 2022 |
Finally an update is ready |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 10:24am On Jun 05, 2022 |
Read update below |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 10:24am On Jun 05, 2022 |
New latest page 29. :THE APOLOGETICS While walking with my two new accomplices (That is the former- accuser ,and the formerly accused man ) What faith do you practice ? (I asked the man that was accused ) I don't know yet (he replied) What do you mean by that ? (I asked ) I am still doubting the truthfulness of every religion ,so I don't know where I belong yet (The accused man replied me trembling ) So are you an atheist ? No ! am not (He replied) So what are you ; where do you belong ? I think a am an agnostic Agnostic ?(what does that means) "A person who is uncertain about the existence of a deity "(he defined) Why do you doubt God ? I don't doubt God ,I doubt his existence Do you doubt you own existence ? No ! I exist for sure So do you think anyone could doubt your existence ? Why should anyone do so in the first place ? Afterall I am visible for all to see ; unlike God who can not be seen So the reason why you doubt God's existence is because of his invisibility right ? Yes ! That's it but is invisibility enough evidence to doubt God's inexistence ? Maybe . You are agnostic about that too right ? Yes I am . so what do you think would be enough to convince you ? Maybe if I could see him face to face . The word "Maybe " is still an utterance of doubt ; I want you to be sure . Okay I think seeing him would be enough . The Statement " I think " is also agnostic . You have to be very sure of what you want. Okay seeing him is enough . Hmm . you want to see God face to face before you believe in his existence ? Do you know that there are some people who haven't seen you ,and would never see you all their life ? Yes I do . Okay if I should tell them about you ;if I should tell them that someone (that is you ) Ever existed do you know they could doubt me ? Why should they doubt my existence for God sake ? Stop calling God because you haven't believe in him yet . ah ah ah ah ah ah ah (He laughed ) Okay ! I'm sorry ,it's a mistake . You see ! I told you what kind of a person this man is (The bearded man intercepted and joined the conversation) But killing him is not the right thing to do (I replied him ) If we dont kill such people then what should we do with them ? Pray for them and Preach to them . God forbid ! I will never pray for an infidel . I am not an infidel (the agnostic replied the bearded man ) You are surely an infidel and you will burn in hell . Who are you to judge him ? Are you better than him ? (I asked the accuser ) Yes I am better than him I live a holy life , and I keep the laws of God . How many of the laws have you been able to obey ? the law commanded that you shall not hate your brother but shall love him ,but in disobedience to the law you tried to kill this man . he is not my brother ; an infidel is not my brother ; please stop calling him my brother . But the same God created you . Yes but he doesn't believe in God , so that's why I wanted to kill him . You wanted to kill him because he didnt believe in God ? Don't you know he is God's property ? But a useless one . Do you destroy your own property ? I dont keep any useless property around me . So what do you do with you so called useless properties ? Destroy them ? Yes I do burn them . But why not give them to those who might need them ? So who need this infidel of yours . God of course ! God needs him if you think he is useless to you . Then that's why I want to send him back to God so that he could use him has a wood for burning the fires of hell . Do you give gifts to men to destroy it ? No . Then why do you blaspheme God ? God forbid ! I can never blaspheme God . I am a holy man ,and of the strictest sect of our religion . far be it from me to commit such act . But you have indeed insulted God . What do you mean (he asked angrily ) You said God would use the gift you are to send to him as a wood for the fire if hell : You are saying God would destroy the thing you are to send unto him . But that's not what I mean You have misquoted me What do you mean then ? I mean this fellow should be sent back to God by killing him ,and then god will burn him in the abode if the unbelievers . So you are not concern about his salvation right ? All you want is to judge him ? Why should I bother about the salvation of a sinner ? Anyone who breaks our law must be killed doesn't that means you are to face the same judgment ? Which judgment ? I have not committed the same sin as he . But you have also sinned against God by breaking his laws I am a righteous man ,I broke no law . No you are a sinner and the wages of sin is death . What sin are you talking about ? What law have I broken ? did not the law command that you love ? Doesn't it command that you kill no one unjustly ? Is it not written that you shall not bear false witness ? Written is it in the law that you shall not speak evil of your people . But all of these you have broken And the wages of sin is death For with the same measure you use it shall be measured back to you . But I am a righteous man ,all these things are just mistakes. are they mistakes ? is it not because : you are unrighteous in nature that you did them . No ! I am indeed righteous . I only sinned by mistake We are all sinners ,and deserving deaths as you've said of this agnostic friend of ours . Was it God that saves my life or you (The agnostic rejoined the conversation by asking me ) God only used me as he uses a lamb to atone for the sins of men . A lamb ? Is God a sherped or something ? Yes he is . Shepherding which flock on on which field ? Sheperding the flock of men on the field of the earth . Hmm! You mean that same invisible God ? Of course the insible God whose attributes are visible . What are his attributes ? You are one of them . What do you mean ? Didn't you say you want to see god before you believe in him ? Yeah I did say so . Then look at yourself . My self ? What about me ? Or am I God or something ? No you are not him ,but you are created in his image and likeness .. I don't understand . The way you formation is that's how God's form is also . How did you know that ? Because I have seen him . But I haven't . No ! You have . Where did I saw him ? I have never seen God before stop playing with my mind . Look at yourself then . My self ? Are you saying I am god ? Because I don't understand You are created in his image. But his image is not the same as he himself. Then look at his likeness . From Where do I take a look ? Have you seen your self before ? yes of course many times. How did you saw yourself ? By looking at the in the mirror . Your image in the mirror is not the same as your very being but is a reflection of your being So I will ask you again "Have you seen yourself before ?" Yes of course in pictures . I repeat again that : Your image in a picture is not the same as your very tangible being but a reflection of your being . So I ask you the third time have you ever seen yourself before ? Have you seen yourself with I out having to look at a mirror ? Or without having to look at a picture Have your eyes ever seen your eyes directly eyeball to eyeball without any medium ? No I haven't . So you are telling me that you've never seen yourself before eyeball to eyeball directly without looking at a mirror or a picture Yes I think so . how then were you able to be live you truly exist ? What if you are a mirage ,and not true ? I believe I exist because my works speaks for me . The same way you are to be live in god through his works ;one of which you are . You are his handiwork You are looking for an evidence of an invisible god but you are the image of that very same god you are looking for . But is image is not the same has he himself Yes as your own images is not the same as you yourself right ! so if you haven't seen yourself before how were you able to believe that you exist ? Because I could feel myself of course Then why not believe in god because you can feel him too Feel him as how ? The sun,moon,night,day ,trees,birds,air earth and the rains are all medium through which is reality are demonstrated ,for mortal men to feel . So should I have faith in god because of these things instead of God Why do you believe you exist because you feel your instead instead of seeing your self ? it is impossible for me to see myself eyeball to eyeball ,but I could feel my very being so I know very well that I exist . the same way you have faith in your existence because you could see your image ,and feel yourself ,have faith in god also because you could see his image in man and have faith in him because you could feel his presence in the atmosphere. Hmmm ! What else can I say ? I will think about it . ( He replied ) 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 5:44pm On Jun 05, 2022 |
COMMENTARY : Acts 17:24-30 [24]“God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. [25]Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. [26]And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, [27]so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; [28]for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ [29]Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising. [30]Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 6:20pm On Jun 05, 2022 |
![]() ![]() ![]() I am grieved by the news of terror attack in owo ondo state in a catholic church. My condolence to the family ,and the entire body of Christ . I think we all have to take one or two steps in ensuring that such attack end in frustration ,and failure . I call on my brethren to brace up for the coming fierce warfare that's been coked by the enemy of the kingdom . May god give the bereaved families of the deceased persons great fortitude to bear the loss . 1 Like |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 11:43am On Jun 06, 2022 |
COMMENTARY : John 14:2-11 [2]In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. [3]And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. [4]And where I go you know, and the way you know.” [5]Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” [6]Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. [7]“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” [8]Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” [9]Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? [10]Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. [11]Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. 1 Like |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 12:55pm On Jun 06, 2022 |
The next update will drop today ,very soon. |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 2:20pm On Jun 06, 2022 |
Read the next page below |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 2:20pm On Jun 06, 2022 |
THE TESTIMONY OF A FREED MAN : TWO KINGDOMS ONE SOUL. PAGE ~30 : ALL HAVE SINNED How did you two met ? (I asked the agnostic ) You mean this murderer, right ? (He said pointing to the bearded man ) ( the bearded man turned his face ,and gave him a bad - protesting look ) you are also like him. (I replied the agnostic) In what way ? Because has he had tried to kill you ; yourself also sought to kill him ; So you are guilty has he is . But I didnt kill him . No! You actually wanted to kill him but didnt because I stopped you ; You see ! You are equally evil has he is . So, are you the saint among us ? (He asked with a scornful gaze on me ) No , I am not . But you haven't done any thing wrong all this while , I think . (He argued sarcastically ) No ! I had sinned ,and I'm still under sin . But you've harmed no one - you must be a righteous fellow I perceive . (He said with a sardonic tone ) All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God - we're all sinners ,and under God's judgment . I am not a sinner (the bearded man disagreed ) But you are . (I replied him ) I have done no wrong . (He insisted) No ! you have . What have i done that is wrong ? You've done Many things . Many things you don't consider to be wrong - you count them as nothing . What do you mean ? (He asked with anger in his voice ) you tried to kill this man . (I replied pointing to the agnostic) Is an "attempt to kill " equals to "actual killing" ? No it is not (I replied with a low tone ) So why say I'm a sinner ? Because you have the knowledge of good and evil . (I replied ) How does having the knowledge of evil make me a sinner (he asked raising his shoulders high ; spreading his hands and his two palms open ) Because the action you took was born out of an evil nature inherent with the knowledge to do evil . You tried to kill this man because you have the knowledge of how to kill . if you didnt have the knowledge then , you wouldn't attempted to kill in the first place . You did it because the knowledge of how to do it lies withing your very being ; making it clear that in your nature lies corruption . (He turned to me and said ) "Then that would mean everyone on this earth is a sinner , because I know that most people on earth have the knowledge of good and evil including you ." Yes ! you are correct ! have i not said earlier that " all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God ? " That declaration includes me and every male or female born of a woman . (I replied him ) So meaning : everyone including those who do good are all sinners irrespective of the good deeds they might have done ? Very correct . (I affirmed ) But we were born with that knowledge has babes ,we didn't input the knowledge into ourselves, but were born with it So why are we classified as sinners just because we posses the knowledge of evil ? From birth we are born sinners , For we all share in the transgression of Adam ,and also share in the corruption that befell his nature . Weather we do good or not evil lies within our very being ,thus making is sinners . We didn't become sinners because of the sinful actions we took but we are sinners by nature irrespective of the good or evil actions we might take . We are first of all sinners by nature before manifesting sin in action. If all have sinned ,then how would all get saved ? (The bearded man asked ) i dont know yet ; I'm on my way going to seek out the path of salvation . Please can I join you in the search. ( the agnostic asked ) Yes you can (I replied) What about me ? (asked the bearded man ) You also come along . |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 8:12am On Jun 07, 2022 |
COMMENTARY: Romans 3:20-24 [20]Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. God’s Righteousness Through Faith [21]But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, [22]even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; [23]for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, [24]being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 1 Like |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 4:41pm On Jun 07, 2022 |
COMMENTARY: Ephesians 2:4-9 [4]But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, [5]even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), [6]and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, [7]that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. [8]For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, [9]not of works, lest anyone should boast. 1 Like |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 4:00pm On Jun 08, 2022 |
Wow ! Who ever has read this story to this stage has tried ,and you can do much more by persevering to read till the end ,because you can't tell what word among everything that's been written would be the one to ignite the fire you've been waiting for . |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 4:58pm On Jun 08, 2022 |
Read the next page below . |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 5:01pm On Jun 08, 2022 |
THE TESTIMONY OF A FREED MAN : TWO KINGDOMS ONE SOUL. PAGE ~31: THE DOUBTFUL , AND THE IGNORANT . My friend, Do you know which one among the gods of all these religions is the true one ? (The agnostic asked me ) Don't you know which one it is ? No I don't . (He replied ) Well ; I know there is a God that created me And the true way that leads to him is actually what I've been searching for on this journey . (I answered him ) How will you be able to identify a person you haven't seen before if that person didn't reveal himself to you ? (The bearded man asked ) What if it is not a he but a she ? (The agnostic suggested ) What do you mean (I asked him ) What if God is a woman (The agnostic said ) He is not a woman ! How dare you call God a woman ! He is too great to be a woman (The bearded man replied with rage ) Then what sex is this God you religious folks serves. (The agnostic asked ) God is a man . ( I replied ) What if he is neither male nor female ? ( he asked again ) So what do we call that (The bearded man asked ) She-male or something ? I don't think I know (The agnostic responded ) Abomination ! (I shouted ) That she-male thing is one of the perversions of this age, what a great corruption we call Civilization . is God's color black or is it white ,as some people had tried to make us to believe ? (The curious agnostic asked again ) He must be white ,he can't be of the same color with the devil . (The bearded man replied ) The devil ? What color is he ? (The agnostic asked with a shocked voice ) Black of course ! The devil is a black colored man , (The bearded man replied him ) Why did you said so ? have you seen him before ? No I haven't seen him before ;but I think that's his color ; he has to made of a color that differs from God's . So you mean God is a white man ? (The curious agnostic questioned again ) That's another blasphemy on your part . God can never be a man . You should have said " a white God instead of ascribing the word "man " to the person of God . But man was made in the image of God (I replied the legalist ) that is not my business ,all I know is that "God is not man ,and man is not God . But if you agreed that man was made in God's image then you should know that God therefore would look like man . God forbid ! God can't take upon himself the image or nature of a mortal man ,neither can man bear the image or nature of God . (He argued ) If you said so then in whose image were you created ? (I asked ) I, I , I Was ..... I think .... ehm ....... Well . If you don't know then let me suggest some things to you : Is it in the image of the animals ? (I gave a suggestion ) No ! how dare you say such a thing ? (The bearded man queried me ) I am not an animal ! But some scientists calls man " an animal " sometimes (the agnostic replied ) But it is clear that man is different from every animal out there (the bearded man replied ) But not the monkeys or baboons ; man looks like the monkeys ;and the monkeys also have features similar to that of men . Some Scientists claimed those were the first ancestors of mankind from whom men evolved to be what they are today . My ancestors weren't monkeys my friend . maybe yours were so ; but mine weren't . (The angry legalist replied ) So what's your origin ? Are you a product of the Big -bang Or did you descended from heaven ? (The agnostic said again ) The big -bang theory is false ,and No one ever has descended from heaven and no one will ascend there without dying . My first ancestor was Adam . he was created by God ,and out of the loins of one of those men who were the offsprings of the first man Adam was I born to this earth . (The legalist answered the agnostic ) then that would mean : you must be looking like Adam ? (I asked ) Yes of course I am made in the image of Adam our forefather . Then in whose image was this very Adam created ? ( I asked the legalist ) Image ,image ,image ! (He bit his finger and raised his head up trying to figure out the answer ) I think ehm ......... It must be of God . Meaning Adam looks like God ? Probably so , He must be looking like God . (He affirmed) Then ,are you saying God also looks like Adam ? ( I asked him ) How is that possible ? What are you trying to say ? You just said now that Adam was created in God's image ; then if that's the case doesn't that suggested that God must also be looking like Adam ? Well , I think that's it . (He agreed) that means the God we are going in search for could take upon himself the image of man because man was made in the image of God .(I concluded ) (The legalist succumbed and went into a silent reflection on what he heard ) (And the curious ,and doubtful agnostic expressed a bright look ,as if his eyes were washed with a liquid made of light causing him to see clearer .) So we need to be discerning in order to recognize this God or else he passes us by the terebinth tree of mamre tree ,while we think he is one of us not knowing that it is God who has come down from heaven to walk among men . some people have despised angels while thinking they were men ,and some have entertain men not knowing they were not men but angels . And many have rejected God because they think he is too big to appear in the image of man . (I concluded the matter ) Then God is the most humble being that ever existed . the three of us said simultaneously . 1 Like |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 9:15am On Jun 09, 2022 |
Good morning dear reader . |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 1:43pm On Jun 09, 2022 |
COMMENTARY: Genesis 1:26-27 [26]Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” [27]So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Speaklove: 4:07pm On Jun 10, 2022 |
COMMENTARY : Man is the image of God 1 Corinthians 11:7 [7]For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. |
Re: The Testimony Of a Freed Man :two Kingdoms One Soul (complete story) by Bruno3000(m): 4:08pm On Jun 10, 2022 |
See me smiling... The beauty of Christ's gospel. Speaklove: 1 Like |
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