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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Wellspring University Graduate Resurrects From Dead In A Morgue (312 Views)
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Wellspring University Graduate Resurrects From Dead In A Morgue by SweetBlade: 3:04am On May 15, 2022 |
An alumni member of Wellspring University Edo State identified the Sarah Vincent Odibo has been reported to have resurrected from the dead in a mortuary in lagos few hours after doctors confirmed her dead. Friends of the now resurrected Sarah had posted the sad news of her passing yesterday on their WhatsApp statuses only to receive the joyous news of her come back to life. Sarah who lost her father 2 years ago in May 2020 was said to have died of shock of the news of the death of her mother three days ago. Could She Have Been Clinically Dead? There has been many stories of people who died and cane back to life and some of these have told story of a world outside of ours and their encounters with supernatural beings. I haven’t heard from Sarah herself but sure this is a complex topic so I did some research. I came about Clinical death, biological death, figurative death and vegetative death. I am not an expert on this field but would just produce some excerpts from my limited research. Writing on Clinically Dead? The Blurred Line Between Life and Death, said:“Sometimes, the line between life and death can seem blurred. In one recent case, a woman was erroneously declared dead after having a heart attack and wound up freezing to death in a body bag in the morgue. Another woman gave birth to a baby three months after she technically died. Then, there was a case of a skier who became submerged under freezing water for hours, but was revived and suffered no brain damage.” Smithsonia Magazine while summarising its discussion on the issue said:“In summary, no heartbeat + no breathing + no brain activity = clinical death, but it does not necessarily spell Death. Clinical death is treated as a medical emergency, with CPR and the like following. Only when a physician calls off the efforts and throws in the towel can brain or biological death, eventually followed by legal death, be declared. In the U.S., this marks the removal of “personhood” from the deceased’s body.“ Wikipedia in its reference said:”Clinical death is the medical term for cessation of blood circulation and breathing, the two criteria necessary to sustain the lives of human beings and of many other organisms.[1] It occurs when the heart stops beating in a regular rhythm, a condition called cardiac arrest. The term is also sometimes used in resuscitation research” It has always been obvious something is wrong with our health system that are quick to declare people dead and sentence them to the morgue. Many persons have been buried alive but however, we move. Nigeria might probably still be in the stone age of medical science. Culled from
Re: Wellspring University Graduate Resurrects From Dead In A Morgue by Omihanifa: 3:09am On May 15, 2022 |
It's good she came back to life o ![]() What would have happened to those cups? |
Re: Wellspring University Graduate Resurrects From Dead In A Morgue by Bluntguy: 5:21am On May 15, 2022 |
Sarah just fainted and doctors quickly certified her dead and people rushed to social media to type rip to her. Make no body rush quote me o. Make I no come back for you. |
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