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Is It Possible To Edit The Bible And The Quran? - Religion - Nairaland

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Is It Possible To Edit The Bible And The Quran? by holsconcept(m): 12:14pm On May 15, 2022
Judging from the misinterpretations of children, youth and some elders who lacked the wisdom to draw the line between religion and humanity, I asked this question "Is it possible to edit the Bible and the Quran which are the two main holy books in Nigeria so as to remove verses that contains violence?"

In my own opinion, if religion as it is always proclaimed by many is to pursue peace, definitely, the Nigeria version of it is fake. Please, let's leave aside what is happening in other countries. We can actually make our country a microcosm of peaceful religion if we desire it.
We have heard and read how pastors swindled their members, extort them selfishly for his or her personal gain. Some prophets engage in rituals that demand human body parts as ingredient for (business) success. Again, with no apology, I have heard from people how the so called Afa use body parts of people for rituals. Without any blame on any of the two main religion in Nigeria, I can boldly say that religion is a deceit in Nigeria based on the happenings in this country. In this country, we only introduce religion to justify our I'll conceived ideas. Like the Christian, even the Muslim adherents engage in fraud, commit adultery, embezzle funds meant for others, evade tax, and arrogate wealth illegally. Suffice to say, the politician in Nigeria today, at one time belong to one of these two religion yet they are monsters.
This little digression is just to buttress my point that none of the two main religion in Nigeria is perfect. Now on the issue of Deborah Samuel, some peaceful followers of Islam said she crossed the red line and so, she deserved to die. This is an irony of peaceful religion. To my greatest surprise, the leaders which in some years time, who could be thought as heroes as it's being sung in the national anthem, supported the killing. Some remained silent and sit on the fence.
Then I ask myself, are we still in the stone age?
Is it still an eye for an eye? Where is the so called civilization?
While I'll not like to take much time, I'll suggest that if religion is to continue peacefully in Nigeria, the verses containing violence has to be removed in the Bible and the Quran. This will prevent the future generation from engaging in this barbaric act. The deed has been done but it can still be corrected. This way, no one will hide under the guise of religion to perpetrate crime. From some comments in the previous threads on the killing of Deborah Samuel, some Muslims cited some verses in the Old Testament of the Bible to counter the Christians in order to justify their actions against Deborah Samuel. To my best knowledge, Christians have embraced the new Testament which preaches peace and love. Why is it not so in the Quran?In order to prevent unnecessary justification when this kind of animalistic behaviour occur, any violence act has to be removed from the Bible while same is done to the Quran. This is for peace to reign in the future.
I believe it is hard but it's the best for a greater Nigeria because the worst is yet to come. The youth of today be it Christians or Almajiris, will become the elders of tomorrow.

Hols AndHols
Re: Is It Possible To Edit The Bible And The Quran? by Emusan(m): 2:07pm On May 15, 2022
I asked this question "Is it possible to edit the Bible and the Quran which are the two main holy books in Nigeria so as to remove verses that contains violence?"

I don't know the rationale behind this but whenever Muslim fanatics did anything, what some people do is to rope christians into it, instead of rising up to address the main issue.

To your question, christians don't need to edit Bible because Bible students know how to apply each verses. They know things that were written aforementioned were for us to learn from so that we won't make the same mistakes they made and they were able to know that some writings were DESCRIBEABLE and not PRESCRIBABLE, reason why you won't see even an armed robber quoting any verse to justify his/her actions as a christian.

You people should speak up and stop dragging christians along those who killed and destroyed based on inspiration they got from their book.

Christianity has most numbers of denominations in the world, why? because people read Bible and interpret it the way they want and other denominations can rise up and challenge anyone's interpretation. Which keep them in check and balance.

One thing I know is that, if what is happening within Islam happened to be in Christianity, it is the same Christians that will rise up against it not an outside. This is the truth that both history has confirmed.

Lastly, what is happening in the Northern part of Nigeria, is the fear of christians dominant. I can assure you, the leaders in the North know that Christianity is growing more and they don't want it because it's a threat to them. Anyway, there's more to this but let me just hold it here.

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Re: Is It Possible To Edit The Bible And The Quran? by Dtruthspeaker: 2:10pm On May 15, 2022
.. I asked this question "Is it possible to edit the Bible and the Quran which are the two main holy books in Nigeria so as to remove verses that contains violence?"

1) Even if the Bible was not written, man and men would still do evils.

2) No one has a right to alter the writings of another without their consent.
Re: Is It Possible To Edit The Bible And The Quran? by Dtruthspeaker: 2:13pm On May 15, 2022

I don't know the rationale behind this but whenever Muslims fanatics did anything, the some people do is to rope christians into it, instead of rising up address the main issue.

Re: Is It Possible To Edit The Bible And The Quran? by orisa37: 2:36pm On May 15, 2022

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