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Performing Ablution When Wearing Lipstick - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Performing Ablution When Wearing Lipstick by Lukgaf(m): 8:38am On May 27, 2022
Is lipstick considered a barrier to ablution(wudoo’)? Usually when one does wudoo’, the lipstick is reduced but it is not removed entirely. Should the previous prayers pray with it be repeated?. This thread provides an answer

Praise be to Allah.

In order for wudoo’ to be valid, it is essential to remove anything that will prevent the water from reaching the skin, whether it is lipstick or anything else. But if the colour or trace of it is left, even if the water touches the skin and runs off it without sticking, then wudoo’ is valid.

Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’ (1/492):

If there is wax, dough, henna and the like on one of his limbs, which prevents water from reaching any part of it, then his tahaarah is not valid, whether the amount is large or small. If there are traces of henna and its colour left on the hand, without there being any solid material left, or elsewhere, or traces of liquid grease whereby water flows over the limb but does not stay there, his tahaarah is valid. End quote.

Based on this, you should remove the lipstick before you do wudoo’, so that there will be nothing left that could prevent the water from reaching the skin, but if the colour or a trace of grease is left, that does not matter.

And Allaah knows best.


Re: Performing Ablution When Wearing Lipstick by AntiChristian: 8:53am On May 27, 2022
What a beautiful admonition for our sisters!

Make up vs Wudhu!

Some sis no dey pray cos of their Make-up! If you are among them or know someone gently admonish them.

And anything that stops ablution water from touching your body like oils, paints, mascara, powder, etc. will mar your ablution and invariably your Salah.


Re: Performing Ablution When Wearing Lipstick by truthCoder: 9:31am On May 27, 2022
Is lipstick considered a barrier to ablution(wudoo’)? Usually when one does wudoo’, the lipstick is reduced but it is not removed entirely. Should the previous prayers pray with it be repeated?. This thread provides an answer


Lol. Iz anoda one.

The islamic world is changing.

Dubai is relaxing her laws. I eat pork regularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Saudi Arabia is trying to emulate UAE. Qatar is enroute too.

The only hard core fanatics are the poor ones- Northern Nigeria, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc

Within the next 10 generations, religious fanaticism hopefully would be a worldwide crime and banned completely

Religion would still be practiced though but on the scale of say Yoga.

But for now, let’s continue to enjoy the amusements


Re: Performing Ablution When Wearing Lipstick by seunak2016: 9:49am On May 27, 2022

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