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Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? - Romance (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by OyinO: 1:39am On Jun 08, 2022
It's simple. When a man sleeps with many women, he's been applauded and hailed as a hero but when a woman sleeps with lots of men, she's been condemned and called a prostitute, harlot or LovePeddler. This is because the man is the Key while the woman is the lock. Any key that can penetrate and open lots of locks is called a MASTER KEY whereas any lock that is been opened by any key is considered useless and quickly discarded. This is the TRUTH about the whole matter.


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by OyinO: 1:47am On Jun 08, 2022
Again, the Women get pregnant when bleeped bit a man doesn't get pregnant when bleeped. If a woman is in the habit of cheating, then chances are that she will secretly grant and impose on you another man's baby without your knowledge whereas a man can NEVER lie to secretly impose another woman's baby on his woman because it's not her baby by birth. Think about it!
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Gkemz: 1:50am On Jun 08, 2022
Because humanly speaking, they don't deserve to be forgiven after investing our monies, gifts and seeds on them. But because God says we should forgive, we have no option other than to forgive.
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Nobody: 2:52am On Jun 08, 2022
Ego is involved

Males are testosterone driven and when the male Ego is bruised, testosterone levels drops and he feels less of a man…

Na only for woman matter una dey testosterone driven. Look at the mess your country is in, no group of testosterone driven men defending it. Clowns!


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Enny2013(f): 3:30am On Jun 08, 2022

Okay ma.
Can we communicate via WhatsApp or email?
Whr are u? I am in PH!
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by coolaustyne(m): 3:47am On Jun 08, 2022
A key that opens every lock is called a master key... while a lock that allows keys to open it is called a bad luck.
U Gerrit? If u don't Gerrit, forget about it...
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by kingPhidel(m): 4:23am On Jun 08, 2022
It’s by default. There’s no why
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by FireUpNow(m): 4:38am On Jun 08, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.
It's a good reason to separate or divorce. Why cheat in the first place?
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Unshackled: 5:00am On Jun 08, 2022
Stupid... Billions of women have cheated... And their partners never found out...

To women... It's just sex...

With this mentality... Your woman would screw your dad and you wouldn't know...
shut up!
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Unshackled: 5:06am On Jun 08, 2022
You are right.... All the comments tire me sad sad

They are mostly fallacy, unintelligent gibberish.

He be like say I need a break from NL. I'm becoming toxic sad sad
the empty ignorant retort of a fool who thinks she's wiser than everyone.

Women forgive men who cheat on them because they know an experienced man isn't damaged.

An experienced woman is damaged and a leftover....no matter how educated, hardworking a woman is, her essence and worth is still attached to her chastity.

Now I know you want the comments to say women like you who probably have swung from dick to dick like a circus monkey should be regarded as just having fun.

You're damaged!


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Unshackled: 5:09am On Jun 08, 2022
I and my partner attach a lot of feelings to our sexual activity. Each sex we had are memories we go back to. We go back to them to appreciate our past innocency, the love and passion we have for eachother, and we remember those memories to prepare ourselves for what the future holds for us.

We are all entitled to our opinion.... That's why I'm not gonna be arguing with anyone on this thread.
I have always suspected you're an original daft.

The dude you quoted was talking about casual sex not sex in a stable relationship with a stable partner.

And keep your personal nonsense to yourself, it makes you look needy, desperate and an attention-hoe


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Unshackled: 5:12am On Jun 08, 2022

Why though?

Any personal experiences??
you're the op of this thread. Your life and worldview seems to be in crisis.

I pity your existence
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Valkrie: 5:13am On Jun 08, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.

You are obviously a very young lady who don't really understand the mechanism of life yet...!!

Turn to nature and you would get your answer...!!
Man and woman can never be compared together on same level..!

One seed and the woman is out of the game until after nine months while the man is still pumping and looking for more grounds....!!!

There is a reason the woman have a life cycle. .at menopause the woman is off and expired while the men only expires at death..!!!
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Ndidi2: 5:15am On Jun 08, 2022
Men are natural hunters, they hunt for women and that’s why when the woman cheats it hurts a lot cos his ego has been bruised.

He hunts and bring them home as his spoils and it’s never funny when another man taste from it. Personally I’ll never forgive a cheating spouse
my husband cheated on me.

I thought l had forgiven him but l have not really.
I resent him, but trying to let go of the hurt but is hard.
I flare up on any little argument which didn't happen when l haven't found out.

Honestly,l don't truly love him again the way l use to .
Struggling to put everything behind but is hard.

So is not only men that feel hurt when cheated on.
Cheating is evil..


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by ruffkenny: 5:28am On Jun 08, 2022
When she cheats she gives out her heart and her attention becomes divided,that's when women become confuse who to be with, cos naturally women don't know what they want when it comes to a man. But for a man,he can cheat and still be in love with only one woman,others are mere sex with no emotions attached...

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Ndidi2: 5:29am On Jun 08, 2022
Before you forgive a cheating woman, just remember there was a time it slipped out and she quickly put it back in..
the same as men too..
Cheating is evil..
No matter what!
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by tightpussy156: 5:31am On Jun 08, 2022
Yes because a cheating woman will always CHEAT DANGEROUS, go back to her old ways if forgiven.Menare polygamous in nature they are pride to lay down diffrent women.when a woman cheat on a man it bring down is ego.As in another man don CHOP WET PUSSY with me.
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Ndidi2: 5:34am On Jun 08, 2022
Ita not just hard for a guy for forgive... its impossible. Its like a broken glass. No marrer how you try to fix it.. it will never be the same
is not only men .
I resent him since l catcham
Is not easy to forgive..
Things has not been the same..

I told him "there is nothing he will do in this life to please me"
Cheating is evil it should not be encouraged
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by melodynk01(f): 5:40am On Jun 08, 2022

Whr are u? I am in PH!
I'm in Lagos and offer delivery ma.
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Ndidi2: 5:46am On Jun 08, 2022
Males especially negroes can't take what they dish out. But they stupidly expect females to swallow their betrayals without consequences.

Not all women forgive easily. They just wait for you to train their kids and then pray for you to die. Some of the kids may not even be yours.

my dear is not easy to forgive a husband that has been cheating foolishly for over a decade thinking he will never be caught.

I am honestly waiting for my children to mature.
I have tried all therapy but still resent him.for him to be sleeping with different girl without protection and blowing to me all kinds of lies to be with them.

Is that a man one should kill herself for?
I can never love him genuinely the way l use to.
He betrayed me very very badly for 12 solid years thinking he is a pro.
Now forming repentant.

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Ndidi2: 5:59am On Jun 08, 2022
To understand the root of the issue, one must understand the role of a man in a relationship. What is expected of him? Provider, security, innovator, an epitome of consistency. What is the woman's role? Divine, supporter, helper, queen, morally superior, the glue that holds everything together, the home maker.

Simply put it this way, men have long held women on this imaginary ladder, we are so consumed by our mothers and grandmothers way of life back then that we believe women of nowadays still aspire for such faithfulness or greatness. When the woman eventually cheats, this perception that we built is shattered and we finally see the woman for what she represents. We finally see her as morally weak aka the same as most men. Unfortunately this is not what most men want, we don't shower you with gifts, let you press our mumu button just so that you can disappoint us .

In conclusion, even if a man can forgive such attrocity, he would not hold such a woman dearly again and by the way, even tho women forgive they never ever forget! They stay because they still see the upside in the relationship, trust me if you give most women financial freedom, they would never ever forgive a cheat. Women are more vindictive than most people know, na something make crayfish bend!
ua right.
I thought l had forgiven him for cheating on me since l married him.
But no.
Is hard l mean very hard knowing girl s has been sleeping with him at least 3 x in a week.
He is not special again nothing trip me about him again.
Before l caught him l never believed l will ever stop loving him but foolish cheating chatterd everything..
Cheating is evil not matter what..
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by EkelediliBuhari: 6:23am On Jun 08, 2022

Na only for woman matter una dey testosterone driven. Look at the mess your country is in, no group of testosterone driven men defending it. Clowns!

Female factor
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Ndidi2: 6:26am On Jun 08, 2022
Woman I paid her brideprice cheated on me with ex, nearly 8 months its still like a fresh wound... how I wished she never did .. to make the matter most, I'm by far richer , handsome, caring etc than this boy that brushed my ego...she has been crying begging for the past 8 months, she said if I walk she will commit suicide, that it was a mistake, though I'm out of the country when it happened
please l beg you don't you take her back bc u will never forgive her genuinely.

My loving husband for over a decade was having a heartbreaking affair with different women but was caught Sept 6th 2020 since that day everything about us changed.
He has begged me to the extent l de fear myself.
I didn't know l am hard.
I let go 3 days l resent him 4 days.

Is it a good thing? No
Though he has stopped but d damage can't be repaired nomata how l try.

Do not marry her bc everything she does will irriate u.
And you always be suspicious of her.

Make she cry now nonsense..
When she Dee do am where did she put you?
She remove her shoe,bra,pant,shirt and jump on the bed.
Cheating is not a mistake it is a decision.

Women supposed to be strong willed so that they give ur kids strong morals.not the ones that will see nothing wrong in sleeping around and when caught go say na mistake..


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Nobody: 6:29am On Jun 08, 2022
my husband cheated on me.

I thought l had forgiven him but l have not really.
I resent him, but trying to let go of the hurt but is hard.
I flare up on any little argument which didn't happen when l haven't found out.

Honestly,l don't truly love him again the way l use to .
Struggling to put everything behind but is hard.

So is not only men that feel hurt when cheated on.
Cheating is evil..

Honey, it’s fine if you can’t forgive. You can stay away from him for sometime to see if you can let go, if you can’t however, then I don’t see why you two still need to get married.

I’ll advice you forgive your husband cos women and men are not built same way.

The reason men don’t forgive cheating spouse is far more deeper than what anyone can say here.


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Hassanmaye(m): 6:47am On Jun 08, 2022
Imagining spending thousand of naira and multiple hours sometimes month sef to get something u think is valuable only for u to realize that someone who has spent Less time and energy dey enjoy that thing sef
Sometimes for free sef
Na so e b oo
Bad boys chop free, agberos chop free, Yahoo boys collect there shares, sugar daddies bang there share, it comes my turn you want serious relationship.. haha your dad

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by darediamond(m): 7:05am On Jun 08, 2022
I and my partner attach a lot of feelings to our sexual activity. Each sex we had are memories we go back to. We go back to them to appreciate our past innocency, the love and passion we have for eachother, and we remember those memories to prepare ourselves for what the future holds for us.

We are all entitled to our opinion.... That's why I'm not gonna be arguing with anyone on this thread.
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by darediamond(m): 7:09am On Jun 08, 2022
For me
When a woman cheats on you
She no longer loves you......
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by krushdripper(m): 7:16am On Jun 08, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.
This is probably because of the hate women like to draw to themselves, thinking they're hurting others by doing so, this is just one of the repercussions. Moreover, another reason is that the man, in most cases is the provider of the home so his wife fighting him when he cheats can get to a point where she'll be fighting herself, her amenities & provisions. If a woman is the bread winner of a home, she can literally kill her husband if he cheats.


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Yusufisraelj(m): 7:19am On Jun 08, 2022
Stupid... Billions of women have cheated... And their partners never found out...

To women... It's just sex...

With this mentality... Your woman would screw your dad and you wouldn't know...

While there may be one or two exaggerations here and there from others contributing to the topic, women attach more to sex than just sex in itself, and most of the time it's quite premeditated and processed cleanly.

I don't justify cheating of any kind though from either genders.

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Ndidi2: 7:20am On Jun 08, 2022

Honey, it’s fine if you can’t forgive. You can stay away from him for sometime to see if you can let go, if you can’t however, then I don’t see why you two still need to get married.

I’ll advice you forgive your husband cos women and men are not built same way.

The reason men don’t forgive cheating spouse is far more deeper than what anyone can say here.
There is cheating that is evil.
I don't deserve the model of that cheating considering how we met and how he met me.
I am the kind of woman every men wanted he got me and threw all that away bc of a useless ugly side chick that doesn't add one single value in his life rather she is removing.
1 year plus the pain of d foolish betrayal is there..
Pain of betrayal,lies, disrespect knows no gender..

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Yusufisraelj(m): 7:24am On Jun 08, 2022
For me
When a woman cheats on you
She no longer loves you......

Honest submission.

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