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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / How To Make Extra 50k Weekly As A Salary Earner In Nigeria (231 Views)
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How To Make Extra 50k Weekly As A Salary Earner In Nigeria by Nobody: 9:48am On Jun 22, 2022 |
How would you feel if an extra 50k weekly is added to your monthly salary ? Do you know that the reason why you have not been able to make more than enough money for yourself is because you fail to understand the real truth about money making. What then is the real truth ? You need to understand that it s not your JOB that will make you an Extra 50k Weekly but a SERVICE What then is a SERVICE A Service is when you are able to specifically and consistently serve a certain number of people in need on a monthly basis. So what does this mean It simply means you help some specific kind of people solve specific kind of problem. An Example Mr A problem is looking for who will help him get customers for his business You who is Mr B help him get this customers and Mr A pays you for your service Now let do the Maths If your service charge is 1, 000 You need 1, 000 people to pay you for a specific solution you are offering every 30days If your service charge is 10, 000 You need 100 people to pay you for a specific solution you are offering every 30 days You will agree with me that getting this number of people is quite difficult So what then is the easiest way to make 50k weekly your as a Salary Earner in Nigeria ? Find a solution that is packaged as a Product. See the easiest way to make a million consistently is to SELL A PRDUCT or BE IN THE MIDDLE OF A DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL of a Product. When it comes to Selling of Product . You can choose to Sell 2 things 1 A Digital Product 2. A Physical Product Let me explain 1. A Physical product is product which can be touched physically and can be shipped to customer. The examples of physical products are table, chair, laptop, mobile and anything which is physically touchable. 2. Digital Product are the products which are not touchable, available only online and could sell only through digitally and only for digital use. Some examples of Digital Products are software, ebook, video courses etc. A Digital Product is a knowledge base products in form of PDFs, video training or Online courses that teaches people how to achieve a goal or solve a problem they are facing. Another name you can call it is Information Product . A clear example of a Digital Product is this; Let assume you have a legit information of how Nigerians can easily relocate to United State of America , you then package it as a step by step video training and put it out for sale. Do you think people will buy ? Yes People will buy because alot of Nigerians are tired and they are looking for how to leave in order to get a better life. Can you now see why you should start selling a Digital Product and don't just sell any kind of Digital Product but rather sell the one that solve people problem. Why if you may ask ? See the only way to get rich is by discovering a problem around you and finding a solution to it. Some people want to loose weight Some people are looking for how they can save their money Some people are looking for how to invest Some people are looking for how to have long lasting sex Some people are looking for how to make more money. All these are problems and the moment you have the solution to any of these problems, you will start making money. Now the Big Question is what if you don't have a solution to any of people's problem , where can you get Digital Product that solves people problem ? Do not worry , there's a way out The way out is you simply other People's Digital Product and earn a Commission. Imagine you sell a Digital Product that cost just 10, 000 and your commission when you sell it is 50% You only need to sell 10 of this Digital Product to People that need it and you make 100, 000. The process by which you sell someone else Digital Product and Earn a commission is called Affiliate Marketing. What is Affiliate Marketing? Is Affiliate Marketing Real ? How can you make at least 50k weekly from this Affiliate Marketing Business in Nigeria with just your Smartphone? All these questions has been answered in a detailed piece of information i have put together. CONNECT with me on WHATSAPP 08154666163 to know more about it |
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