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Amy Winehouse Is Dead - Music/Radio (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by coogar: 6:37pm On Jul 23, 2011

who let this girl out of her room?  shocked

I give up . . . a lecture on how to embed this pls?

Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by ijawgirl: 6:38pm On Jul 23, 2011
RIP but I'm not surprised at all,
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Nobody: 6:40pm On Jul 23, 2011

It is not how long a person lives they will be remembered for, neither will a person be remembered for how they die. A person will be remembered for the mark they made in their sojourn through the journey called Life. Amy Winehouse died at the age of 27, she is a worldwide superstar who has made a conspicuous mark during a short time on earth, how she died or what killed her is totally irrelevant. She came, she saw, and she conquered, and that's what matters, irrespective of whatever killed her. May her soul R.I.P.

she didnt come, see and conquer anything. many of us are too quick to put folks on a pedestal simply because they have a passably good voice. She is no hero but a posterchild for everyone who thinks drinks, drugs, tattoos is the way to go.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by cap28: 6:41pm On Jul 23, 2011
I cant imagine what her parents must be going through, they fought to try and wean her off her addiction to coke and heroin, they fought to get her away from the clutches of the drug addict she was married to, i remember her dad even saying that if she did not end her relationship with her drug addicted ex husband (blake fielder- civil) both of them would be dead within months -  this must be a complete and total nightmare for amy's parents.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by kandiikane(m): 6:42pm On Jul 23, 2011

she didnt come, see and conquer anything. many of us are too quick to put folks on a pedestal simply because they have a passably good voice. She is no hero but a posterchild for everyone who thinks drinks, drugs, tattoos is the way to go.

I agree.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Outstrip(f): 6:46pm On Jul 23, 2011
SAY NO TO DRUGS. May her soul rest in peace
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Fhemmmy: 6:48pm On Jul 23, 2011
She has been walking the path for a very long time . . . . .
Not everyone could manage fame
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by tyson55(m): 6:49pm On Jul 23, 2011
OMG!  A great talent she was, what pity. She's  gone too soon. RIP Amy.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by 190: 6:52pm On Jul 23, 2011

OMG is this for real?

I really need to start watching news. cry cry cry cry I was a fan of her music.

U sure say u know am so

nor dey deceive yourself ooh undecided
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Outstrip(f): 6:53pm On Jul 23, 2011
So tragic. Just readign the wikipedia updates. her lungs were working at ust 70% and she also had heart problems as early as 2008. All this from smoking so much crack. It is very possible that she died from a heart attack. It sounds so wasteful. To be so young and talented and just let it waste.

Oddly enough they say quite a few famous people died from drug related issues at age 27. Jimi Hemdrix, Janis Joplin and Kurt Cobain are the ones I saw in the comments. They all died at 27.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by phreakabit(m): 6:54pm On Jul 23, 2011
No sympathy from my side at all! She wanted to die and become a cult figure. Well she got her wish. After all people into Gothic lifestyle think dying is cool. BTW one less drug-head to bother about! Plus she is white, hate me if you will, this is the way I feel! Back to popping bottles for me.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Borat1: 6:54pm On Jul 23, 2011
She shoulda took her @ss to rehab, but she said NO! NO!! NO!!!  sad
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Nobody: 6:55pm On Jul 23, 2011

OMG!  A great talent she was, what pity. She's  gone too soon. RIP Amy.

huh? Go to youtube and see real TALENT there.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by denzel2009: 7:00pm On Jul 23, 2011
How's Pete Doherty doing it all these while and has not OD'ed?
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Nobody: 7:03pm On Jul 23, 2011
I'm not ruling out suicide. Very pitiful ending. I actually liked her voice. It was different from the status quo.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by coogar: 7:04pm On Jul 23, 2011

SAY NO TO DRUGS. May her soul rest in peace

it hasn't been confirmed yet she died of overdose. . . .met. police are actually taking her house as a "crime scene". it could be murder or suicide. let's not be too judgemental.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by otokx(m): 7:06pm On Jul 23, 2011
She has reaped what was sowed, that great day is coming.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by claremont(m): 7:07pm On Jul 23, 2011

she didnt come, see and conquer anything. many of us are too quick to put folks on a pedestal simply because they have a passably good voice. She is no hero but a posterchild for everyone who thinks drinks, drugs, tattoos is the way to go.
Those of us who are "Armchair critics" should ask ourselves what we have been able to achieve with our own lives, rather than putting our hand in our jaws criticizing others. The mark Amy Winehouse made in her life time is what a whole generation of armchair critics will never make, who cares whether she died of drugs?! Did Fela Kuti not supposedly die of AIDS, did Micheal Jackson not die of a drug overdose; please let's not allow self-righteousness becloud our ability to reason logically. Amy was 27 and she made a mark on earth, what mark have you and all your generation been able to make in this rat race called life?!
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Nobody: 7:08pm On Jul 23, 2011
nobody should be surprised of this news, she has been playing Russian roulette with her life for a LONG TIME!!!!
she was addicted to some very strong shiit, and rehab was her only chance of salvation but the drugs had a strong hold on her body and mind and she couldnt do it. . . . . . . . .how ironic that she sang: "They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no, no"

her last concert where she was high as a kite on stage, and couldnt even sing, was the sign that the end was near!

as for people saying that she was ALL THAT, i beg to differ. . . . . . . yes, she could sing (like gazillions out there) but she was no Mariah or whitney and her rise to fame was so short lived that there isnt anything worthy to remember her by.

btw: talking about Whitney, she definitely should take a hint from this news!
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by coogar: 7:09pm On Jul 23, 2011

How's Pete Doherty doing it all these while and has not OD'ed?

pete doherty?  grin grin grin grin grin how this guy keeps avoiding prison must be the 8th wonder. i don't think pete will die anytime soon. he chooses his moments.


huh? Go to youtube and see real TALENT there.

to be fair, she is ultra-talented. she has this frank sinatra-esque aura.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Nobody: 7:10pm On Jul 23, 2011

Those of us who are "Armchair critics" should ask ourselves what we have been able to achieve with our own lives, rather than putting our hand in our jaws criticizing others. The mark Amy Winehouse made in her life time is what a whole generation of armchair critics will never make, who cares whether she died of drugs?! Did Fela Kuti not supposedly die of AIDS, did Micheal Jackson not die of a drug overdose; please let's not allow self-righteousness becloud our ability to reason logically. Amy was 27 and she made a mark on earth, what mark have you and all your generation been able to make in this rat race called life?!

Mark? What mark?
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by cap28: 7:11pm On Jul 23, 2011
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Sagamite(m): 7:12pm On Jul 23, 2011
Good Riddance!

Stop taking drugs!
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by denzel2009: 7:13pm On Jul 23, 2011

pete doherty?  grin grin grin grin grin how this guy keeps avoiding prison must be the 8th wonder. i don't think pete will die anytime soon. he chooses his moments.

Most of the Judges in UK courts are Pete Doherty's friends. cheesy
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by kadman(m): 7:13pm On Jul 23, 2011
In 2007. .  I thought Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse would have the same tragic end. The difference is only one of them had a good father.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by kadman(m): 7:15pm On Jul 23, 2011
Adele. . . take a cold hard look at Amy's end. I see just too many similarities between them.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by cap28: 7:15pm On Jul 23, 2011

Those of us who are "Armchair critics" should ask ourselves what we have been able to achieve with our own lives, rather than putting our hand in our jaws criticizing others. The mark Amy Winehouse made in her life time is what a whole generation of armchair critics will never make, who cares whether she died of drugs?! Did Fela Kuti not supposedly die of AIDS, did Micheal Jackson not die of a drug overdose; please let's not allow self-righteousness becloud our ability to reason logically. Amy was 27 and she made a mark on earth, what mark have you and all your generation been able to make in this rat race called life?!

thank you, nonentities who will never be rememberd when they die and who in a million life times will never acheive one zillionth of what this young woman achieved during her brief sojourn on earth continue to stand in judgement over her, fools.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by coogar: 7:16pm On Jul 23, 2011

Most of the Judges in UK courts are Pete Doherty's friends. cheesy

he musta been caught 30 times in the last 4 years and he keeps evading jail time. i like pete doherty. . . .seeing him, you would think he's an innocent school boy until you see his face "after hours". . . .stoned like shyte!
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Nobody: 7:16pm On Jul 23, 2011
Why are people mentioning Adele? Is she on drugs too? shocked
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by kandiikane(m): 7:16pm On Jul 23, 2011

it hasn't been confirmed yet she died of overdose. . . .met. police are actually taking her house as a "crime scene". it could be murder or suicide. let's not be too judgemental.
Well it might not be overdose but it is possibly drug related. . Police say its unexplainable so that means they need to do an autopsy to find out what happened.

How's Pete Doherty doing it all these while and has not OD'ed?

Seems like talentless drug addicts usually survive. .
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by Nobody: 7:18pm On Jul 23, 2011
Very sad indeed.
She always knew she would die early.

What a troubled soul.
RIP. . .Amy.
Re: Amy Winehouse Is Dead by kadman(m): 7:19pm On Jul 23, 2011
Amy Winehouse joins Club 27 with Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison - great artists who died at 27. All from drugs and alcohol.

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