Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by ExplorerReturns(m): 1:44pm On Jul 12, 2022 |
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Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by ExplorerReturns(m): 4:01pm On Jul 13, 2022 |
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Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by ExplorerReturns(m): 4:01pm On Jul 13, 2022 |
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Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by ExplorerReturns(m): 7:59pm On Jul 13, 2022 |
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Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by ExplorerReturns(m): 7:59pm On Jul 13, 2022 |
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Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by sylve11: 4:15pm On Jul 15, 2022 |
ExplorerReturns: READ TO THE END
Very basic and Simple explanation: This is a hotel room management script that helps hotels manage their rooms, prevent over booking, eliminate fraud,automate the booking process, know how much the hotel made in a day, week,month and year.
a. A guest searches for availability of rooms for a specific range of dates on the website and makes a reservation.
The guest will have the option to pay for the room online or pay to the receptionist on arrival to the hotel.
b. The receptionist can check for a guest reservation details with the guests booking number, phone number, name or email.
c. The receptionist checks in the guest.
d. When the receptionist checks out the guest a notification is sent to the house keepers or cleaners to clean the room.
e. The admin and managers can see how many rooms was booked for the day, cancelled bookings, paid bookings, vacant rooms, occupied rooms, how much the receptionist made etc.
This is about a complete hotel room reservation system with the following subsections
1. Admin
2. Manager
3. Receptionist/front desk
4. House keepers
5. Guests.
THE ADMIN: so this is typically the IT guy in the hotel or the manager can play this role. He is responsible for creating users or adding staffs in the system. Below are the functions of the admin
a. Add/Edit/Delete staffs in the system. Staffs typically Includes a manager, receptionist,house-keeper and also an admin.
b. Add/Edit/Delete Rooms in the system. The admin can create rooms and room images based on the number of rooms in the hotel.
These rooms are what that is shown in the front page of the web app for guests to book. The room images, features and prices are set by the admin.
c. View and search for booking information. The admin can see all booking information for the day. He can also search and see a specific booking.
d. See how much money was realised for the day. How many booked rooms, vacant rooms, cancelled bookings, number of guests currently checked into the hotel etc.
THE MANAGER: so this guy just stays in his office with a cup of coffee to monitor things going on. The manager can only see the number of booked rooms,vacant rooms,cancelled bookings,check ins, how much that is realized for the day.
The manager have access to the makeup and refunds table. In cases where a customer needs to be refunded the manager takes care of it.
Refunds occur when a guest books a room online and pays for it. If for some reasons the guest cancels his reservation online or through the receptionist, the guest will be entitled to a refund.
Refunds also occur when a guest who have paid for his reservation edits his booking information and reduce the duration of his stay or changes his room to a room that costs less.
Makeup occurs when a guest extends the duration of his stay or changes to a more costly room.
The system is smart to capture these scenarios in the database and prompts the manager and receptionist for action.
THE RECEPTIONIST/FRONT DESK: So the receptionist is the guy or girl that stays at the entrance of the hotel with her fancy laptop or desktop and books room or check-in guests into the hotel.
The receptionist performs the following role in the system:
a. Books rooms for guests.
b. Search for guests information. A guest that made his reservation online can present his booking receipt or number to the receptionist. The receptionist types this number into the system and the booking information of the guest is revealed including his room number, check-in and check-out dates, room price, payment status etc.
c. Check-in guests.
d. Check-out guests.
e. Change guest rooms.
f. Cancel Reservations. Some reservation or bookings made online are not paid for. The receptionist can cancel these reservations in cases where there are available physical guests to pay for the room. An automatic email notification is sent to the guest who made the initial reservation about the cancellation of the reservation.
Once a receptionist checks out a guest, the room status will be updated which prompts the house keepers to take action and clean the room.
THE HOUSE KEEPERS: these are people that typically takes care and clean the hotel rooms. The house keepers have the following role in system:
a. Cleaning rooms in preparation for guests check-in.
b. Reporting damaged item in the room. Note that this process is automatic and done on the house keeping dashboard. Once an item is reported as faulty in a room, the room status changes and the receptionist, manager and admin are automatically informed prompting them to take action.
c. Update room status. When the receptionist checks-out a guest, the room status automatically changes to Vacant, unclean.
The house-keepers are automatically notified to clean the room and prepare it for the next guest.
Once the house-keeper is done with cleaning the room, he will update the room status to Vacant, clean. The receptionist is automatically notified of this changes and can check-in guests to into vacant clean rooms.
So the system syncs everything to make sure the guest is checked in to ready clean rooms. The house keeper is notified when a room is vacant and needs cleaning.
THE GUEST: I don't know if to call this a section but this is just the front page of the hotel website where people can check availability and book rooms.
The guest have an option to pay for reservation online or pay on arrival. Once the booking is done an automatic email is sent to the guest which contains the booking information and booking number. The guest is also redirected to a page where he can print his booking receipt.
The guest can also can also search for his booking details with his booking number on the reservation page. On this page the guest can decide to pay for his reservation if he haven't paid, cancel his reservation, print his booking receipt, edit his booking by extending or reducing the duration of his stay.
There is an Android app for the guest to perform booking easily which comes with the package.
Note that there are lots of features that are not stated here. I developed this web app to help hotels in Nigeria manage their reservations and make it fraud proof. The admin and manager can see which room a particular receptionist booked (for big hotels with more than one receptionist), how much was made by the hotel in a day, week, month and year. The system is equipped with auditing abilities and graphs to show percentage earnings,profile , decline in earnings etc.
I can add more features on request by any client but this might come at an extra cost depending on what the client wants.
I have tutorials on how to use the system. This is particularly useful for hotels deploying this system to train their staffs on how to use the system.
Unfortunately the antispam bot banned me for posting the YouTube links to the tutorials. You can contact me to see the tutorials. my contact details are on my profile.
I am not particularly new to selling web apps here. I have sold and deployed real estate websites to few nairalanders here
checkout these monikers explorer250, JavaScript90, JavaScript9091
I will be updating this thread with video links and more information about this website. Built with PHP and JavaScript.
Contact me on 09061495389 WhatsApp preferably.
For hotels on low budget that have no provision for internet and want bookings to happen only with the receptionist, the script can be adapted to run just on the receptionist localhost. Don't be afraid of the cost. I am very considerate.
Contact me on 09061495389 nice one.  |
Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by xtivin(m): 7:36am On Jul 20, 2022 |
Nice job, you may consider editing the staffs. Nothing like staffs it's either you use staff or members of staff. Also consider adding bar, restaurant and even swimming pool management. I will patronize it for an hotel |
Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by ExplorerReturns(m): 11:05am On Jul 20, 2022 |
xtivin: Nice job, you may consider editing the staffs. Nothing like staffs it's either you use staff or members of staff. Also consider adding bar, restaurant and even swimming pool management. I will patronize it for an hotel Thanks for the feedback and encouragement. I built the system from grounds up and customizing it is no problem. I am willing to add additional features for interested clients |
Re: Complete Hotel Room Reservation System With Receptionist Interface by MollyLyons: 6:32am On Feb 25 |
A big issue with hotel reservation systems is making sure they work well even when there’s a spike in bookings. I’ve seen situations where the system crashes during special events or holidays, which can frustrate both hotel staff and customers. A good example of a smooth system is what some high-end hotels use, like a singapore orchard road hotel, where reservations are handled quickly without overbooking or system errors. |