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Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria - Travel - Nairaland

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Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria by Officialsetlinn: 3:46pm On Jul 20, 2022
The word "japa" has become a popular slang in Nigeria. Before “Já pa” became this powerful force, it was simply a Yoruba phrase that means “to run away”. Reborn in the Nigerian Twitter community with a new meaning, it embodies a desire older than it. A wish to relocate or migrate to a new country with fresh opportunities.

Nigerians, especially the youths, want to japa from Nigeria. While the nation’s troubles might seem like the only motivation, the youth are even more captivated by greener pastures abroad and the opportunities for success in different fields. The vibrant energy of the average Nigerian youth, channelled into working hard in various countries, makes them viewed as valuable immigrants.

If you are one of those who want to japa, this checklist is a guide and a reminder that will serve you throughout your relocation journey.

1. Find information
There are a lot of tools at your disposal. Rebuke the myth that tells you that you must have “someone outside” before you can find verifiable information that would inform your decisions. In fact, you don't even need a travel agent to successful leave the country. You can find information online. A community platform that is dedicated to japa hopefuls is setlinn.com. On setlinn.com you can ask questions and find relevant information for free.

2. Obtain or renew your passport.
You’d want to obtain or renew your passport close to when you know you’d be starting the process so that it doesn’t expire before you actually japa. This is because, the process can stretch into long periods and you don’t want your passport to expire during it.

3. Gather Funds
Money is the gear for this entire thing. You’d need money to settle into whichever country you’d be relocating to. Unless, you are traveling with a complete scholarship with stipend, you might not want to move an inch until the money part is sorted. It’s better to properly prepare with enough funds for the process than to realize halfway through that you’d be in need of funds urgently.

4. Check your health
You need to ensure that you’re fit to travel before you make any big plans. Go to the hospital to do a full check before you get on the plane. You can get tested for COVID from home with OneHealth.

5. Learn the language BEFORE you go
When the excitement of japa is fresh, you might just “jump” without bothering to dip your toes in the water. Learning the language is as necessary as it is beneficial. Being in a new country is strange enough. Not speaking the language would make the adjustment process even more difficult for you.
Find a language tutor or get a good language app like Duolingo that could assist you.

6. Learn New Skills
The planning period is the best time to learn a few skills that would be valuable to you in a fresh environment. A good tip is to research the skills that are marketable in your desired country and master them before you travel.

7. Get and Keep your Documents
A lot of documents will pass through your hands during the preparation process. It’s your responsibility to keep and preserve them properly. Losing documents at the nick of time can be the most frustrating thing you’ll experience. It’s essential to know how to preserve all the important documents you have.

Did I miss anything? What would you like to know about japaing from Nigeria?


Re: Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria by Trilz(m): 3:48pm On Jul 20, 2022
Re: Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria by Maxhub: 3:56pm On Jul 20, 2022
Please what’s the idea fund require to japa go Uk
Re: Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria by chosengocap: 4:03pm On Jul 20, 2022
Abeg give comprehensive way to Japa go Canada as a nurse with RN, RM, and Bsc. Do so also for one who read Agric Economics.
Re: Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria by YeyeGbami: 4:04pm On Jul 20, 2022
If you get wife and children, plan well before you japa o, if na only you no problem.
Re: Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria by Pedrocross4568(m): 4:51pm On Jul 20, 2022
Pls let people who have more information on this drop it here, for us to learn from.
Re: Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria by gfaruk(m): 5:53pm On Jul 20, 2022
A whatsapp group will be great for stuffs lik dis
Re: Japa: Gather Here Let's Discuss Migration From Nigeria by Eniolaenius0803: 5:55pm On Jul 20, 2022
A whatsapp group will be great for stuffs lik dis

On point


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