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Why Did God Slay Onan After He Spilled His Seed On The Floor? / Wisdom Seed Daily Devotional / Woman Sows Seed With Her Husband's Car In Delta Church (Photos) (2) (3) (4)
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Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 9:38am On Sep 08, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Thursday September 8, 2022 *I believe, I Speak* God has created a strong connection between our heart and mouth and paying attention to and getting to understand this connection is key to living the life God intends us to live. God according to His divine power has given (not will give) unto us all things that pertains unto life and unto godliness through the knowledge of Jesus however, we might fail in receiving the things that have been freely given to us if we lack the knowledge of the heart and mouth connection. Two important elements involved in receiving from God is the heart and the mouth. Starting with salvation, the bible states clearly that with the heart man receives. It did not stop there however. Reading and stopping at this point is tantamount to running with an incomplete tiding. The other part of this scripture states that …and with mouth, confession is made unto salvation. Salvation in this portion of scriptures is from the greek word soteria which connotes deliverance, health, safety and saving. It is therefore instructive to know that if we are going to experience the deliverance of God, or his protection, provision and healing we must follow the two parts of Romans 10:10. We must believe with our heart and confess with our mouth. You cannot claim to believe when you are saying nothing. Your words are the true reflection of what you belief. Today, beyond believing in your heart that Jesus has healed you, you must put it in your mouth and begin to say it, beyond believing that that child or family member will come to the knowledge of salvation, you need to start declaring it, beyond believing in your heart that your needs will be met, you need to start saying it. The bible says Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Hallelujah *Prayer* Father, help me to consistently put believing and speaking to practice in my life that I may receive all that is mine in Christ Jesus in Jesus name. *Declaration* I have the Spirit of faith, therefore I daily declare what the word of God says about me, my mouth is not closed, my mouth is open to boldly declare the things I have seen and believed from the word of God. I am ………………. (fix in the things you believe) Thank you Jesus because I have what I say. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:56am On Sep 09, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Friday September 9, 2022 *Just like Jesus.* *Luke 10:17-19* _Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you._ A lady once mentioned how the president gave her a letter to a certain government agency. instructing them to give her a job. Typically, the application, interview and confirmation process takes months. They gave her the job of her choice and she started the next day. That is the authority of men. How much more the authority of God. When president gave her the letter, she appeared at the agency as though the president was there. They bypassed protocols for her. If they refused to honor her, they would be dishonoring the president. The problem with Christians is that we like power. We like to pray for hours and fast for days… These are not bad; in fact, our Christianity cannot be colorful without them. However, there are a lot of times where all we need is to use the authority that has been given to us already. If we can learn to use the authority given to us by Jesus, we will use less power. Using authority is simple, you just need to mention the name of the person who gave you the authority. In the case of the lady mentioned earlier, she just had to say she was from the president. For us as Christians, our authority is in the name of Jesus. At the mention of His name, everything must surrender (Philippians 2:10-11 - that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father). When we use the authority in the name of Jesus, we appear in the spirit realm as Jesus. Everything that bows to him will bow to us. The disciples tried it and it worked and they were so excited (Luke 10:17-19). When Jesus said we’d do greater works than him in John 14:12-14, the greater work can only be done by the authority given to us in his name. If the lady mentioned earlier did not go to the agency and mention that the president sent her, she’d remain jobless. Same applies to us. If we do not use the authority given to us, we will be oppressed by the forces of darkness. Let’s go out there and use our authority! *Prayer* I pray in the name of Jesus that i have a better understanding of the authority i have in christ daily. *Declaration* I declare that i walk in the consciousness of who i am in Christ daily. I am walking in the power and authority given to me in Christ. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:31am On Sep 10, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Saturday September 10, 2022 *GUARD YOUR CONFIDENCE* *1 John 3:20-22* _For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight._ *1 John 1:7* _But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin._ *John 3:18* _He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God._ There is ultimately one thing sin seeks to achieve, which is destroying our relationship or fellowship with God and other members of the family. We see this with Adam at the fall of man. To the sinner it is a case of not having a relationship at all with God, while to the believer it is broken fellowship. In an bid to bring about a broken relationship, sin employs the mechanism of erosion of confidence. The loss of confidence estranges us from God, isolating us well enough to be snatched out of God's family. Your confidence is essentially what God wants to protect when he commands us to stay away from sin. I remember as teenagers when we do wrong we keep away from central family sit outs, usually held in the sitting room of the home. We try as much as possible to avoid a confrontation with dad or mum by staying out of the house until we get a signal that they have retired to their room or even hideaway in our room most of the time. The consequence of this is that we usually lose out on whatever is shared or even an opportunity to ask for favours. This goes on until we are reached out to by mum or dad and set straight before the fellowship and confidence is restored. Confidence extracts love and its effects. No wonder the bible tells us to "...therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Contrary to how we deal with sin and a loss of confidence, by staying away, Jesus used the parable of the prodigal son to teach us the right thing to do. We must always come to a realization and run back home not away from home. The prodigal son said "I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee". Quit labouring to fix it and run back to God. By default, when we make wrong decisions our posture is to work at correcting it, like losing money and trying to work to earn it back. This doesn't apply to sin and our relationship with God. As believers our moral compass must be set to direction home always. *Prayer* Father thank you because you are always willing to forgive me. In fact you have sent the shed blood of Jesus ahead to wait for me when I err. Help me to appropriate your forgiveness rightly. *Declaration* In the name of Jesus I declare that I live above sin, like the new creature in Christ that I am. I appear confidently in God's presence always. The blood of Jesus cleansed me from every dead works, thus, I stand uncondemned before God. I have sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit and I walk in light. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 1:40pm On Sep 11, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Sunday September 11, 2022 *Holiness is Attainable* *1 Peter 1:13-16* _So then, have your minds ready for action. Keep alert and set your hope completely on the blessing which will be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Be obedient to God, and do not allow your lives to be shaped by those desires you had when you were still ignorant. Instead, be holy in all that you do, just as God who called you is holy. The scripture says, “Be holy because I am holy.”_ *2 Corinthians 3:18* _All of us, then, reflect the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory, coming from the Lord, who is the Spirit, transforms us into his likeness in an ever greater degree of glory._ Often times we hear Christians utter statements like “Nobody is perfect” or align with the popular musician Tuface that “Nobody holy pass”. Most times, this statement is used to validate a wrong doing or condone certain weaknesses in a person’s life. If we buy into this lie, we would end up believing that it is our duty to work our way to holiness, rather than come to God in our natural state so that he can work in us by his Holy Spirit and then we can be holy as he is holy. We must keep reminding ourselves that God is not looking for golden vessels but for yielded vessels. We must come to the realization that Holiness is who you are, not what you do. In other words, holiness is a nature; the same nature we inherited in Christ when we became born again. Many believers find it hard to reconcile this statement because they still see their old way of life playing out even though they are now born again. Friend, you must understand that when you became born again, it was your spirit that got saved. Your spirit man came alive the moment you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. However, the salvation of your soul is a process. How do I mean? If for example, you were a drug addict or a fraudster before you met Jesus, the fact that you are now Born again does not mean that you will forget the ways of your former lifestyle. Hence, the contradiction between who you were and who you are now. This is where the renewal of your mind comes in. God has given us his word to feed on and to meditate on daily so that we can grow in Him and in spiritual things as believers. Yes, you are now born again but if you do not feed your spirit man with the word and renew your mind in the word, you will find yourself living like a sinner even though you are now saved. The good news is that the word of God is multipurpose. If you spend time reading and meditating on it, it will cause your spirit man to grow and renew your mind from the old way of thinking which will transform your way of living from the old to the new. It is also great to know that holiness is attainable in God. All you need to do is to open up your heart to the Holy Spirit to do his work in you, spend time in prayer and in the word because the more time we spend with God, the more like him we become. The bible tells us that as we behold his face like in a glass, we are transformed from glory to glory by the Spirit of God. Will you yield to him today? *Prayer* Father in the name of Jesus, help me to yield to the Spirit of holiness *Declarations* In Jesus name, I declare that I am Holy. I am righteous. I am empowered to live a life that is pleasing to God. The very nature of God is alive in me. By the Spirit, I mortify the deeds of my flesh and I yield to the Spirit of God completely to make me who he wants me to be. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:45am On Sep 12, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday September 12, 2022 *CROWNED WITH SAME GLORY* *Colossians 1:27* _God's plan is to make known his secret to his people, this rich and glorious secret which he has for all peoples. And the secret is that Christ is in you, which means that you will share in the glory of God._ Many suppose that Christianity restored us back to what Adam and Eve used to be or had in the Garden of Eden, but that’s not true. What we have is a far greater glory. Being born again, we’re not born after the first Adam but after the second and last Adam, Jesus Christ. The Scripture says, “...The first man, Adam, became a living person. But the last Adam—that is, Christ—is a life-giving Spirit” (1 Corinthians 15:45 NLT). Please pay careful attention to the tenses in Romans 8:30 as rendered in Weymouth New Testament: “...and those whom He has pre-destined He also has called; and those whom He has called He has also declared free from guilt; and those whom He has declared free from guilt He has also CROWNED WITH GLORY.” Here, we identify vital realities concerning the new creation, which are the results of Christ’s redemptive work. One of them is that you’ve been crowned with glory. That means you’ve been brought into a life of beauty and excellence. The same truth is highlighted in 2 Peter 1:3: “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” You’ve been glorified, not with any lesser glory, but with the same glory that is on Jesus. He said in John 17:22: “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them....”. Hebrews 2:9 tells us that God crowned Jesus with glory and honour. Then in 1 John 4:17, we read that as He is, so are we in this world. Blessed be God! You’re crowned with glory and honour just like Jesus. Your life isn’t for reproach; it’s for glory, beauty, excellence and honour. Celebrate! *Prayer* Father, thank you for crowning me with glory and honour in Christ. *Declaration* My life is excellent and full of glory; I’m crowned with righteousness and honour, and the pleasure of the Lord is prospering through me. Christ is exalted in me today and evermore; my life is for His glory. Hallelujah! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:19am On Sep 13, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday September 13, 2022 *GOD’S VISION* *HABAKKUK 2:1-3* _I will stand at my guard post And station myself on the tower; And I will keep watch to see what He will say to me, And what answer I will give [as His spokesman] when I am reproved. 2 Then the Lord answered me and said, “Write the vision And engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets So that the one who reads it will run.3 “For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time It hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail._ Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it, Because it will certainly come; it will not delay. God has a plan for our lives; everyone of us. No one is here by accident, including those with unusual circumstances surrounding their birth. No one is a mistake. And as such, God has called you to be of impact on the earth. He had a vision for your life when you were made and you must find and chase that vision because you will give account to God. We need to constantly find out what God’s plan is for us per time. Typically, God will not show you the whole process all at once. It will come in piece meals, with instructions here and there. Some of those instructions might not make sense but we have to have complete faith in God and trust in His leading. Sometimes , God gives you an idea of where He is taking you to but you human mind cannot fathom it and you ask like Mary “how shall these things be” but know that if God who set you on that path will provide all the resources that you need to get to where He is taking you. Keep your eyes on the vision. Do not let your present circumstances make you doubt God’s promises. He who has promised is faithful and more than able. Habakkuk says that the vision is yet for an appointed time. If it tarries, wait for it. The Message rendition says “ this vision message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming-it can hardly wait. And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time” God is faithful and He will surely keep His promises to you. *Prayer* Father, help me t keep my eyes on the vision You have given me. Help me to not get weary as I await te manifestation of your promises for me *Declaration* I will not get tired of waiting on God I am patient and obedient in my waiting I reap the benefits of obedience. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 10:40am On Sep 14, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Wednesday September 14, 2022 *Breaking Free from Addiction* 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 _The weapons we use in our fight are not the world's weapons but God's powerful weapons, which we use to destroy strongholds. We destroy false arguments; we pull down every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey Christ. And after you have proved your complete loyalty, we will be ready to punish any act of disloyalty._ Everything about life began with a thought. Genesis 1:1 tells us that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. However, all of creation began with a thought in the mind of God. From the creation of everything we see in nature, the plants, animals and all the wonderful works of life including the creation of man, all began with a thought in the mind of God. Just like God, man is a being of thought with the ability to process his thoughts into actions. The kind of thoughts he allows in his heart and how he channels or processes those thoughts will determine the direction in which his life follows, and whether the outcomes become right or wrong. A wise man once said “watch your thoughts, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they determine your destiny”. Going by this wise saying, addictions likewise begin with a thought. The thoughts we entertain become actions, and repetitive actions become habits, and habits end up becoming addictions or a way of life. Addictions are destructive in nature because it suspends one’s sense of reasoning or rationality in carrying out the urge until it is satisfied. That is why addicts cannot help themselves and often feel terrible when the deed has already been done. Addictions begin by the things we choose to accommodate from the things we see and hear. Even the bible records that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So we are greatly influenced by what we see and hear. When we received Christ into our heart, it was our spirit that became regenerated. Our mind will however require the process of daily renewal by the word of God so that we can live up to his standard and do his will. You may still be lighting up cigarettes and be addicted to drugs, pornography, masturbation, sex, alcohol and the likes but you must never stop reminding yourself of who you are in Him. To break free from any addiction, you don’t have to try to do so in your power because human will or will power will fail when dealing with spiritual issues. All you need do is to believe what God has said concerning your freedom in him and rest in the finished works of Christ and all that he has made available to you by redemption. You must also not allow guilt to take hold of your heart as this is one of the devil’s weapons in disconnecting you from God. As you keep confessing who you are in line with God’s word, the word will become a personal revelation to you and the hold of the enemy will be completely broken over that area of your life. Until then, don’t stop speaking and don’t stop believing. *Prayer* Father, help me to break free from every addiction and ungodly habit. *Declaration* I am who God says I am. I am free in Christ because whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Sin shall no longer have dominion over me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:13am On Sep 15, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Thursday September 15, 2022 *Receiving answer to prayers* *James 4:1-3* _From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts._ *Luke 11:2* _So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven._ Prayer is a very important subject that we must continue to learn about in our Christian walk. Andrew Murray said “of all the duties expected of us as Christians, none is more important yet none is more neglected than prayer”. There are three categories of people on earth: those that do not pray either because they do not believe in it or do not know about it, those who pray but not do not receive answers and those who pray effectively and receive answers. Once a man gets a good handle of the subject of prayer and prays effectively, such a man is likely do other things well. There are keys to guarantee effective prayer one of which is praying God’s will on the face of the earth. To be effective in prayer, it is important to understand that prayer is not, “Let the heaven responds to what the earth desires”. Prayer is not about satisfying our every desire without recourse to anything and anyone. True prayer is “let your will be done on earth as it is heaven” and when it comes to the will of the Father, it is not about what our human nature wants, but rather what the Father wills. Effective prayer therefore begins with seeking the face of the father to know his mind about any situation we are faced with then taking His will to the place of prayer and birth it. In prayer therefore, there is this Spirit of surrender to God, an attitude of worship recognizing that Jesus said it is finished and that the work has been completed. What situation are you faced with today, spend time in prayer downloading the mind of the father. Turn to God asking first of all through the Spirit to help us know what the mind of the Spirit is. Once you get the right prayer point, that is what is on the mind of the Spirit, you can boldly confront any situation in prayer. Elijah heard the sound of the abundance of rain; he did not decide it is time for rain to fall. A lot of people are going to prayer without hearing any sound. They rather go with a long list of what they want and how they want it. For every situation, God has made a way of escape. In prayer our eyes is open to see that way of escape. *Prayer* I receive wisdom to pray effectively and receive answers to my prayers in Jesus name. *Declaration* The eyes of my understanding is flooded with light and I comprehend with all the saints the mind of God concerning every challenging situation confronting me. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:37am On Sep 16, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Friday September 16, 2022 *Just like Jesus.* *Luke 10:17-19* _The seventy-two men came back in great joy. “Lord,” they said, “even the demons obeyed us when we gave them a command in your name!” Jesus answered them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Listen! I have given you authority, so that you can walk on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the power of the Enemy, and nothing will hurt you._ In order to fully understand redemption, we must first understand the meaning of redemption and then we must understand why man needed to be redeemed in the first place. To redeem means to regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment. It was a term used when slaves were bought and freed. This mean that the initial status of man before redemption is that of a slave; slavery to sin. When a slave was to be redeemed, a fee called a ransom had to be paid. Jesus paid this ransom with his blood; After the fall of the first man, the nature of man became a nature of sin. Man became a slave to sin. God had to come up with a plan to redeem man and the only way was for the blood of God to be shed in order to cleanse the sins of man once and for all. This is the basis for our redemption. If a slave has been freed and he doesn’t know it or does not believe he’s truly free, he remains in bondage and will still be treated as a slave. Ps 49:20 says “a man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish”. John 3:16 emphasises the place of believing in redemption. Jesus has done the job, he has paid the ransom, we are eternally free, we just have to believe! *Prayer* I pray in the name of Jesus that i have a better understanding of the authority i have in christ daily. *Declarations* I declare that i walk in the consciousness of who i am in Christ daily. I am walking in the power and authority given to me in Christ. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by dajo83: 6:29pm On Sep 16, 2022 |
Faithfulness88:I love that |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:41am On Sep 17, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Saturday September 17, 2022 *The force of Redemption* *Romans 3:23-26* _everyone has sinned and is far away from God's saving presence. But by the free gift of God's grace all are put right with him through Christ Jesus, who sets them free. God offered him, so that by his blood he should become the means by which people's sins are forgiven through their faith in him. God did this in order to demonstrate that he is righteous. In the past he was patient and overlooked people's sins; but in the present time he deals with their sins, in order to demonstrate his righteousness. In this way God shows that he himself is righteous and that he puts right everyone who believes in Jesus._ *Ps 49:20* _Our greatness cannot keep us from death; we will still die like the animals._ In order to fully understand redemption, we must first understand the meaning of redemption and then we must understand why man needed to be redeemed in the first place. To redeem means to regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment. It was a term used when slaves were bought and freed. This mean that the initial status of man before redemption is that of a slave; slavery to sin. When a slave was to be redeemed, a fee called a ransom had to be paid. Jesus paid this ransom with his blood; After the fall of the first man, the nature of man became a nature of sin. Man became a slave to sin. God had to come up with a plan to redeem man and the only way was for the blood of God to be shed in order to cleanse the sins of man once and for all. This is the basis for our redemption. If a slave has been freed and he doesn’t know it or does not believe he’s truly free, he remains in bondage and will still be treated as a slave. Ps 49:20 says “a man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish”. John 3:16 emphasises the place of believing in redemption. Jesus has done the job, he has paid the ransom, we are eternally free, we just have to believe! *Prayer* Father, i thank you for sending you son Jesus christ to die for my sins. I pray that everything jesus died for finds expression in my life. *Declarations* I am the redeemed of the lord. I am free from sin. Sin does not have dominion over me. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 12:27pm On Sep 18, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Sunday September 18, 2022 *Early Wiil I Seek You* *Psalm 63:1* _O God, you are my God, and I long for you. My whole being desires you; like a dry, worn-out, and waterless land, my soul is thirsty for you._ *Mark 1:35* _Very early the next morning, long before daylight, Jesus got up and left the house. He went out of town to a lonely place, where he prayed._ Researchers have come to the conclusion that what you do within the first few hours of the day eventually set the tone for how your day will come along. Some wake up to an early morning coffee, exercise, take yoga sessions and the likes but the most important thing to do for a believer is spending the earliest part of your day when you wake up in the presence of God. Spending time in the presence of God not only impacts your spirit, it also impacts positively on your soul and on your body. Anytime we come into the presence of God, we never leave the same way. He renews our strength, takes away burdens, speaks peace to our hearts, grants us clarity and direction and showers his love on us. This is why we must never take his presence for granted. Each day you wake up, find a quiet place to be alone with God and just spend time worshipping with your hands lifted up, fellowshipping and praying. As you do so, spend time listening for clarity and direction. He is a living God, so he is bound to speak to us whenever we come into his presence. Unfortunately, many are quick to rush out the same way they rushed in and do not wait to hear his voice. That instruction from God may just be what you need to get that problem solved or get you out of that mess. Jesus taught us by his lifestyle during his earthly ministry the importance of seeking God early. All through the gospels, we will see how he often rose up very early to spend time with God in the place of prayer. We must understand that we do not come to God because we have a need because Jesus had no need. We come to God to connect with our very essence. We proceeded from God and can only be sustained by him because the source of a thing will be the sustainer therof. So before you rush out to your morning activities and daily chores and assignment, do not neglect the place of connecting with God because it is in the secret place that power is made available to you. Power to overcome and to dominate over the forces of life and of darkness. Remember, Satan always wants you to get so busy that you have no time for God but make up your mind to seek him early daily. *Prayer* Father, give me the wisdom to always seek you early. *Declaration* In the name of Jesus I declare that my heart longs for the presence of God continually. Early will I seek him. I enthrone him above all else in my life. As I come into his presence, I experience the life of God and every weakness in me turns to strength. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:09am On Sep 19, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday September 19, 2022 *THE MESSAGE OF FAITH* *Romans 10:17* _So then, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ._ When Jesus ministered, faith came alive in the hearts of His hearers. He let them know who God is, His eternal will, and what He’s already done for them. He said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). In Mark 11:22-23, He taught the people, saying, “…Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Neither the Pharisees nor the Sadducees ever taught the people about having the God-kind of faith, about believing and receiving. Many were enthralled by His message, because it inspired faith in their hearts towards God. They had thought that God only blessed whomever He chose. They had assumed that God wasn’t concerned about them. But Jesus taught that God loves everyone unconditionally, and all it takes to receive from Him is to simply believe: “…If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23). That’s the same message He sent us to preach and teach around the world – the message of faith. He said in John 20:21, “…as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” We must practice and show the world that it makes no difference what the case is, one only needs to believe! It makes no difference if it’s a dead womb, a dead body or a dead business; He’s the God who “quickens” the dead! He gives life to the dead, and can breathe life into any seemingly dead situation. Glory to His Name forever! *Prayer* Father, thank you for power of the gospel of Christ that is able to inspire faith in the hearts of all who hear it. *Declaration* I worship the Lord for his greatness, love, mercy, and kindness. I thank the Lord for giving me a victorious and glorious life in Christ; I win today and always. I declare that I am energized by the Spirit to minister the gospel of Christ to nations in Jesus Name. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:32am On Sep 20, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday September 20, 2022 *THE REWARD OF PERSEVERANCE* *Isaiah 40:31* _But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint._ *1 PETER 1:7 (MSG)* _Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, its your faith, not your gold that God will have on display as evidence of his victory_ According to the dictionary, Perseverance is to be persistent in doing something despite the difficulty or delay in achieving success. It basically means to stay anchored and unwavering no matter how long the storm may last for. It means to stand firm in the face of challenges, to hold unto what you believe even when you can’t get a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel. It is trusting in God’s word even when the circumstances is in total contradiction to what God has said. It is basically “Lord, I don’t care if it doesn’t look like it on the outside, I am going to keep trusting you and holding on to your word till the circumstances around catch up with the word’’ God might need to lead you through processes and those processes will require you to trust God absolutely and not lean on your own understanding. The beautiful thing about perseverance is that you will never remain the same. Your faith will grow immensely and trusting and waiting on God will become easier and not to talk of the other benefits of obedience. We find strength when we wait on God and our lives are completely transformed. Do not get tired of waiting for the manifestation of God’s promises for your life. God will always come through for you. While you wait, it is important that you maintain a positive attitude and stay in the place of thanksgiving and confessions of faith. But if we let doubt into our hearts, we might truncate what God is doing in our lives. We however cannot persevere in the energy of the flesh. Even if we are determined to wait through the process and maintaining a good attitude, our flesh will eventually kick in and our faith will waver. But praise God. We are not without help. We’ve got the Holy Spirit on the inside of us. He is our helper and is more than able to come to our aid when we ask. *Prayer* Lord, please give me the grace to wait on you and to receive the manifestation of your promises for my life *Declaration* I will not give up on God. I maintain an attitude of faith as I wait on God |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:28am On Sep 21, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Wednesday September 21, 2022 *Patient Endurance: The proof of Maturity* *Psalm 145:8* _The Lord is loving and merciful, slow to become angry and full of constant love._ *Galatians 5:22* _But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,_ When we are hurt or disappointed by relatives, friends, bosses or spouses, we experience a range of emotions. One of those emotions is offense which typically forces us to react in negative ways. Either we cut the offenders off, retaliate, or even become abusive. Longsuffering requires you to act in the opposite whenever you are hurt. You are probably thinking it is easier said than done; but the truth is God requires us to be longsuffering and we can be because Jesus was Longsuffering. Longsuffering is a fruit of the Spirit. It is one of those spiritual skills we must develop as Christians. In fact, longsuffering is a proof of spiritual maturity. Impulsive anger, insensitivity, impatience and intolerance are traits that test and build your longsuffering quotient. Longsuffering in some other bible versions is referred to as Patience and it means Patient Endurance. When you endure patiently, it means you have Love; and love suffers long. It also means you do not get angry easily or easily defensive or resentful in your thoughts and actions. Longsuffering requires you to act and think lovingly rather than in hate or offence. To cultivate Patient Endurance, you need to ask the Holy Spirit for it. It is not a skill you will get in your own strength. To become more patient, diverse offences will come to test your patience level. Jesus told us that offences will come. This should even start preparing you now to be patient before the offences come because offences are a part of the practical test to build patience in you. Rather than react quickly to hurts, take a few minutes to think and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Take a moment to ask yourself, “What would Jesus do in this situation?” The Holy Spirit is our teacher and counsellor. He will help us cultivate this important trait. The more you exercise patience, the more patient you become. You may not get it right the first time, repent and keep trying. With the help of the Holy Spirit you will become patient. *Prayer* Father, in the name of Jesus, help me to be longsuffering. Help me to grow in patience until I am very patient. *Declaration* I declare that I am led by the Spirit of God. I deal patiently with all men. I am not easily offended because I am a patient being. In Jesus name. Amen |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:15am On Sep 22, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Thursday September 22, 2022 *Humility keeps you up the ladder* *1 Peter 5:5* _Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble._ *James 4:6-7* _But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you._ Sarah and Abraham had no children. She had tried all she could but was not able to conceive. At her wits end, Sarai decided to offer Hagar, her Egyptian maid to Abraham as a second wife. Abraham agreed and slept with Hagar. Shortly after, Hagar conceived; and when she realized she was pregnant, she became very proud and arrogant toward Sarah. Ever heard of the line “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? Sarah took it out on Abraham blaming him for Hagar’s disregard for her after giving her the privilege of being Abraham’s wife. “Overwhelmed, Abraham told her to handle the situation however she deemed appropriate and so Sarai treated her harshly till she ran away. The Angel of the Lord found Hagar beside a desert spring along the road to Shur and said unto her: “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from, and where are you going?” “I am running away from my mistress.” She responded. The Angel told her, “Return to your mistress and submit to her, act as you should, for I will make you into a great nation. Your baby will be a son, and you are to name him Ishmael (‘God hears’), because God has heard your woes. Hagar was promoted from a maid to a wife through Sarai but then she became proud because she started producing result that even Sarai that helped her up has not been able to produce. A lot of promising destinies have been truncated because of pride. They disrespected the ladders that helped them up and in no time they are back to the ground. This is applicable in career, ministry, and other sphere of human endeavour. You must be careful not to despise the ladders God used to help you up, you must learn to remain humble and still revere them. In the sight of God, you are still subject to them just like the angel still referred to Hagar as Sarah’s maid though she was now a wife and a pregnant one at that. Be humble, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. *Prayer* Father, fill me with wisdom so as not abuse divine privileges in my life. Father have mercy on me for every act of disregard towards the ladders you used to lift me. *Declaration* As I increase, I will not be puffed up, the higher I soar in life and destiny, the humbler I become. I do not denigrate the constituted authority that God has set over my life; I do not despise the ladders God used to lift me up. Thank you Jesus because I have what I say. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:11am On Sep 23, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Friday September 23, 2022 *HONOUR* *1st Samuel 2:30 (NKJV)* _“Therefore the LORD God of Israel says: ‘I said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before Me forever.’ But now the LORD says: ‘Far be it from Me; for those who honour Me I will honour, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.”_ *2nd Peter 1:8 & 10 (NKJV)* _“For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ….Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble;”_ *John 5:44 (NKJV)* _“How can you believe, who receive honour from one another, and do not seek the honour that comes from the only God?”_ It is quite a task to find the words to define "honour" and that's because people have different meanings or opinions as to what it is. Among them all, this one particularly resonates: honour is the keen sense of ethical conduct. It is a determination and disposition to always to the right thing, regardless of personal consequence. In today's cutthroat culture, that may seem like a very risky proposition because self-preservation seems to be the natural code of conduct for many. However, for believers we must realise that there is no way we can influence the world we live in as salt and light if we live our lives exactly like them. God has saved and called us to a higher code of living, to higher standards. That's what we see in our scriptures today. Those that determine to walk this way are positioning themselves to receive honour, and elevation from God Himself. And the pathway by which we should walk is made clear by the Holy Spirit. Take time today to meditate in 2nd Peter 1:3 - 10. Use a translation that is easy to read and understand, and ponder on what it says. Literally put yourself in the text. You find in the part of it that is in our text that the Holy Spirit assures that this is the way to NEVER FAIL OR FALL! Being diligent to ensure that these forces of the reborn spirit are fully deployed and displayed in your character is the pathway to the life of honour. Be a person who keeps his/her word, be reliable. There's a direct correlation between how much confidence you place in the words out your own mouth and the confidence you place in the words out of God's mouth! So you personally walking in honour sets you up to enjoy the honour that comes from God alone. Supernatural power is released in your life as you choose to live in honour, as you choose to hold as precious the things of God! *Prayer* Dear Father, thank You for the truth that is in Your Word, and thank You that regardless of what men think or say that truth doesn't change and doesn't lie. I RECEIVE IT! I BELIEVE IT! I LIVE BY IT! I receive Your help today to order my life according to Your honour in Jesus' Name *Declaration* I walk before The LORD with a good heart of faith and I determine to live by His honour. I seek the honour that comes from God alone |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:56am On Sep 24, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Saturday September 24, 2022 *THE BLESSING IS IN OUR INHERITANCE* *Romans 8:14-16 NKJV* _For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together._ *Psalm 33:12 NKJV* _Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance._ The blessing is in our inheritance because the blessing is domiciled in a relationship. The blessing in this case is beyond the benevolence of God to all mankind, it is the special "will" of God for his children, who are made so through salvation, by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Salvation qualifies us to maintain a relationship with God that goes beyond a general Creator - creation relationship to a father-child-friend relationship. This relationship accords us full, unreserved rights as family members. To dispel any lies that might try to exalt itself above this established truth, the Bible emphasis the kind of relationship. He is our father and we are His children and it goes on to say that if we are children then we rightly double as joint heirs with the poster child, Jesus Christ. Believing in salvation is tantamount to suffering with him thus we qualify to be glorified with Christ. Receiving an inheritance or being listed in a will is a validation that a father actually considered someone his child. In the Nollywood movie Chief Daddy, the main character was polygamous with many wives, concubines and children. They all didn't know themselves such that it took his will to agree on who was actually a child or a wife. In addition, the will, which detailed everyone's inheritance, was written with conditions that needed to be fulfilled for the will to be active. This was written to have his estranged family reunited in the process of executing the will. An understanding of our place in the family of God should regulate our actions. It is an aberration to be a heir to the throne and yet not be prepared for the throne. Royals are groomed right from birth. Living as joint heirs with Christ entails living an extraordinary life. Heirs of the throne keep themselves away from anything that doesn't suggest royalty. As believers we must live with an assurance in our hearts that we are blessed by our inheritance. This must show in our speech, actions and associations. Your inheritance suggests that you are blessed, act the part. *Prayer* Father thank you for adopting me into your family with full benefits. Help me live in the fullness of this. *Declaration* In the name of Jesus I declare that I walk in the fullness of my inheritance as a joint heir with Christ. I act the part in every way and always. I believe in the blessing, I speak the blessing, I act the blessing and I experience the blessing. I am a Christ-blooded royalty! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 10:22am On Sep 25, 2022 |
PST.SUNDAY & PST.CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Sunday September 25, 2022 *Don’t Walk the Path of Rebellion* 1 Samuel 15:23, Rebellion against him is as bad as witchcraft, and arrogance is as sinful as idolatry. Because you rejected the Lord's command, he has rejected you as king.”_ *Romans 13:1* _Everyone must obey state authorities, because no authority exists without God's permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God._ It is often said that a coin can never be accepted as a legal tender without it having head and tail. Rebellion and pride can also be likened to a coin having two sides, for they go hand in hand. A rebellion can never happen without pride playing its part. Often times, the leader of a rebellion believes they can do better than the incumbent leader and garners support from the people around them to oust the incumbent. This was exactly what played out in heaven. Lucifer who we now know as Satan or the devil, allowed pride in his heart and led a rebellion against God. The bible tells us that he was the arch angel in charge of worship. I also believe he was God’s favorite because God’s love language is worship. Lucifer allowed the position he occupied to get into his head and started to believe one day that he could be like the highest (God). That thought in itself is treasonable and the consequence of treason in most cases is death. Rather than ascend to the highest heaven to be like the Most High, he was cast down to the earth, far below where he once occupied and eventually became the god of this world. That is what rebellion does. It makes you lose an advantageous position you once occupied and results in shame and disgrace. Especially in Military regimes, a rebellion is usually worthy of death. However, a wise man, even though he disagrees with constituted authority will seek the best way and manner to channel his grievances. A wise man once said, “You do not confront authority, you appeal to authority”. There are several reasonable and lawful ways to channel your frustration in any setting you find yourself but rebellion against constituted authority must never be an option. You must remember that the bible tells us that the powers that be are ordained of God (Romans 13:1). Even if constituted authority lacks everything you desire in a leader, you can appeal to authority or pray about that situation. Confrontation against constituted authority does not end well in most cases. Don’t rebel against your husband, your pastor, your boss, or any leader that God has placed over you because if you sow the wrong seeds, you are sure to reap the wrong harvest. *Prayer* Father, help me to be wise in dealing with constituted authority. Take away from me the spirit of pride and rebellion. *Declaration* In Jesus name I am wise. I walk in wisdom. I know how to conduct myself at all times and in all situations. I honour every constituted authority God has placed over me, therefore pride and rebellion have no place in me. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 9:04am On Sep 26, 2022 |
PST.SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday September 26, 2022 *GOD’S MIRROR* *2 Corinthians 3:18* _All of us, then, reflect the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory, coming from the Lord, who is the Spirit, transforms us into his likeness in an ever greater degree of glory._ When you study the Word of God, you’re actually looking into the mirror of God, and you see yourself. As you study and meditate, what you see is the glory of God, and that glory is actually your true reflection, because God’s Word mirrors you. It shows your identity, origin, potentials, and ability in Christ Jesus. When we preach the Gospel and teach others the Word, we’re holding God’s mirror to them so they can see themselves in the Word, know who they are, as well as their rights and abilities in Christ. The one who hitherto thought he was a sinner, unworthy and underserving of God’s love, suddenly sees that he’s loved of God. The one who thought he was condemned suddenly discovers that Christ has paid the price for his salvation, and immediately begins to walk in that light. That’s the power of God’s Word; it works through the mirror principle. The Word doesn’t only show you who you are, it also imparts to you the ability to live accordingly. For example, 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Notice carefully the choice of words, as inspired by the Spirit in this verse: Christ Jesus was made sin for you, that you might be made the righteousness of God in Him! This means you’ve become the very expression of His righteousness. You’re to see yourself that way; accept it, and live accordingly. Keep studying and meditating on the Word of God, for the more you do, the more His glory is increased and revealed in, and through you. *Prayer* Father, thank you for the transforming power of your word. *Declaration* I am the expression of God’s righteousness, unveiling his goodness and excellence to the world. I have the ability to see the glorious realities in God’s Word; I see who I am, what God has called me and what he has made me in Christ. I walk in the reality of my inheritance, authority, and ability in Christ in Jesus Name. Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 9:04am On Sep 27, 2022 |
PST.SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday September 27, 2022 *GODLY FRIENDSHIPS* *1 Corinthians 15: 33* _“Do not be misled: bad company corrupts good character._ *Proverbs 18:24* _One who has an unreliable friends, come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother_ No one is an island that’s why God has surrounded us with people who will supply us companionship, wisdom, advice and ultimately help us move in the direction of God’s plan for our lives. In picking friends, we have to be very sensitive. 1Corinthians 15: 33 says “do not be misled: bad company corrupts good character. Friends can be good and friends can also be bad. We just have to discern the type of people we ought to let in our space. The fact that a person is a believer doesn’t automatically mean they have to be brought into your space. Some friends will lead you away from God’s plan while others will lead you towards it. It is important that you discern which friends fall within each category. No one can single handedly achieve God’s plan for their lives without people. God will send people your way to be a blessing to you and vice versa and the devil will also send people to distract you. This is why it is very key that we discern early enough the people we should bring close. Someone once said “no one is too old to be influenced”. When you hang around the wrong people for too long, you will start to think and act like them. If your friends are people who think and speak fear and defeat, they will gradually pass that thinking and attitude on to you faster than you’d realize. Do not hang around them and say they will change because they will rub off on you faster than you on them. Ever noticed how bad habits are faster to pick up than good habits. Pick your friends deliberately. Choose friends who are filled with faith and will help you grow. Friends who will encourage you when you are down and will counsel you with the word of God when you miss you way. Pray to God to cause your eyes to be open to see the people He has placed around you who are instrumental to your spiritual growth and purpose. Get rid of friends who feed your fears and do not speak to the King in you. *Prayer* Father, lead me to people who are instrumental to my destiny Open my eyes to see the people you have placed around me who will help build my faith Disconnect me from friends who will not help me become a better person. *Declaration* I choose my friends wisely I have discernment I walk with godly friends |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 10:53am On Sep 28, 2022 |
PST.SUNDAY & PST.CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Wednesday September 28, 2022 *There is a Life Hereafter* *Psalm 103:15* _As for us, our life is like grass. We grow and flourish like a wild flower;_ *Hebrews 9:27* _Everyone must die once, and after that be judged by God._ The subject of eternity is something that many people want to avoid discussing or try to shy away from. Many would rather prefer to discuss around their achievements, goals, dreams, aspirations and day to day struggles. It is of course important to talk about these things as this makes us human and well able to stay in touch with our humanity. However, from time to time we have to remind ourselves of certain truths, one of which is that there is a life after now and what we do in time will determine on what end of the timeless zone we end up. We must understand that no matter the achievements, successes or failures, everything ends here on earth. That is why we must consciously invest more time in the things that have eternal value. I believe this was what Jesus was driving at when he was speaking in Matthew 6:19-21 that rather than lay our treasures on earth where it will decay and suffer corruption, we should lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven where no thief can break in to steal or where nothing can corrupt them. Recently, the stashed up cash of perhaps the greatest drug lord in history, Pablo Escobar of Colombia was discovered in a farm amounting to millions of dollars. Some had decayed while the rest were carted away by the authorities. Wherever he is, that money he once considered as a treasure cannot be of any benefit to him. As believers, we must retain the consciousness of eternity in our minds as this will lead us to start taking deliberate actions on the face of the earth. When we give to the poor and those in need, we are laying treasures on high. When we obey God’s word and his commandments, we are investing positively in the hereafter. We must also bear in mind that no matter how long we live on earth; eternity is a timeless zone. Therefore, I say to you today, let us invest wisely! *Prayer* Father, help me remain conscious of eternity that I may invest wisely in it. *Declaration* In the name of Jesus I declare that I receive wisdom and direction from the Lord to number my days, so that I may apply my heart unto wisdom. Daily, I take deliberate steps to invest wisely in eternity. I will not lose or miss out on my reward. Amen |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:48am On Sep 29, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST.CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Thursday September 29, 2022 *The Back end of Promotion* *Psalm 75:6-7* _For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south._ *Galatians 6:9* _And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not._ The story of Mordecai and Joseph in the bible is one of God lifting men from the dunghill and setting them with Princes. Joseph slept as a prisoner one night and the next day, he was the second most powerful man in the then known world. Mordecai also became one of the powerful men in his time in a twist that can be titled suddenly. Looking more critically at these stories however reveals a back end to the promotion of these two notable individuals. You must be aware that nothing just happens. The promotion they both received was the harvest of a seed they sowed long before the time. Mordecai had exposed a plot by two palace staff of King Ahasuerus to assassinate the King but then nothing was said about it again. However when the day came for Him to be promoted, the King could not sleep and decided to go through the records. Call it divine coincidence, but I call it the hand of God at work, the King came across the record of this good deed done by Mordecai and the Lord of harvest showed up for him. Joseph’s promotion also was tied to his conduct while in prison. Two palace staff of Pharaoh also offended the King and were cast into prison. Right in prison they both had troubling dreams and were perplexed as to what it might mean. Joseph by the spirit of God was able to interprete the dream of both which was that one will be hanged and the other promoted. He urged the man to be promoted to remember him but the man totally forgot about him. When the time came, this act of Joseph became the seed for his promotion. The King had a troubling dream and the staff who was restored and promoted remembered Joseph. The rest they say is history. What seed are you sowing today for your promotion tomorrow? Promotion does not come from the east or the west but from above however promotion comes as a harvest of seed of good deeds. He who is tacky with his job or slothful does not deserve promotion. Time to wake up and do whatever your hand findeth to do especially what God has committed unto your hands with all your might as your promotion is tied to it. *Prayer* Father cause my good works to be remembered today by those who are in position to facilitate my promotion. *Declaration* I am not weary of well doing, I keep sowing the right seeds in season and out of season for it shall translate into a harvest of promotion for me. Hallelujah |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 9:53am On Sep 30, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Friday September 30, 2022 *HOSPITALITY - A MEASURE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS* *Matthew 25:35-37,40 NKJV* _... I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’_ At the beginning of Christ's ministry he preached the famous sermon on the mount. We can clearly deduce the importance of being hospitable in this sermon of Christ. Hospitality demands us to cater to the basic necessities of those in need around us. There are more people in need of food, clothing and a place to lay their head. Our world is in such a state that people in need multiply by the day all over the world. This gives us every opportunity to be hospitable. Catering to the needs of these ones is so important that it is a major yardstick that measures our righteousness. As the opportunities of hospitality increase so do the hurdles. The devil will not want us to score points on righteousness. As a result of high insecurity and animosity it is very difficult to be hospitable. Before now it was normal to host a stranded passerby in your home to pass the night. Following the re-election of the current president of Nigeria, one of fulani extraction, it was perceived that those deserving of hospitality, the almajiris and displaced persons in the north east, are the ones that voted for him the most. This made a lot of people to take stands such as refusing to be hospitable to almajiris and the likes since they, by their votes, are happy with status quo. It will shock us to realize that our righteousness will be measured by how hospitable we are to people like the almajiris. The hurdles to achieving this make the place of the Holy Spirit ever more relevant if we are to lead a righteous life. At the end of His ministry, just before crucifixion, Christ on the mount of olives again admonished his disciples on what will count in the end. This is sort of a reminder and an emphasis on the sermon on the mount. This time he made it as vivid, explaining that in as much as we are hospital to any of these ones in need we are hospitable to Him. It might also help that we see Christ in the likes of the almajiris when we are faced with an opportunity to be hospitable. Our righteousness hangs on hospitality. *Prayer* Father thank you for giving me all that is required of me to be hospitable. I ask for the grace to stay faithful to this cause always. *Declaration* In the name of Jesus I declare that I am hospitable. I give my time, money and skills crazily for the end of hospitality. I am sensitive to the Holy Spirit and responsive to situations around me where Christ requires me to be hospitable. I have all I need to be hospital and no hurdle comes in the way of my acts of hospitality. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 1:58pm On Oct 02, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Sunday October 2, 2022 *The subtle art of spiritual warfare.* *1 John 4:4* _You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world._ *1Corinthians 10:3-5* _3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,_ “Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” These words are culled from the “Screwtape letters”, A book authored by C.S. Lewis. The Screwtape Letters comprises 31 letters written by a senior demon named Screwtape to his nephew, Wormwood, a younger and less experienced demon, charged with guiding a man toward "Our Father Below" (Devil) from "the Enemy" (Jesus). Although a work of fiction, the book seeks to unpack the very subtle ways that the enemy is able to turn the hearts of men from God. The devil will be foolish to operate as a roaring demon all the time in trying to win the souls of men. He will be easily defeated because we know that God is the Field Marshall in the spiritual battle and we as His children and soldiers can easily run to Him for an array of arsenal to defeat the devil. It is the reason why the devil uses subtlety and wile ways to turn the hearts of men away from focusing on the war and tending to distractions. “…encourage the humans to take the pleasures which our Enemy has produced, at times, or in ways, or in degrees, which He has forbidden. Hence, we always try to work away from the natural condition of any pleasure to that in which it is least natural, least redolent of its Maker, and least pleasurable”. For example, we must be mindful of our appetite for food, sleep and sex. If we allow the devil to take hold of our appetite for these three things, they can turn them to spiritual weapons to terminate our destiny. Let us therefore be aware of the devil, he seeks our destruction and this is war and so we must daily put on the whole armour of God, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit which is the word of God and praying in the spirit with all kinds of prayer and supplication in order to continue to triumph in the battle of life. *Prayer* Oh Lord give me the grace to be able to resist the devil in whatever form he comes. Amen. *Declaration* I understand the devil’s moves. I am not caught off guard. God provides a way of escape for me. I do not fall for the temptation of the enemy. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:59am On Oct 03, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday October 3, 2022 *Come As You Are* *Ephesians 2:19* _Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God._ *2Corinthians 5:21* _For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him._ Salvation means to be delivered or rescued from peril. To be saved by God from the consequences of our sin. It is God showing us great mercies by preventing us from experiencing the punishment we deserve. When we think of salvation we must relate it to these- what we are saved from, what we are saved to and who we are saved by. Also, we must think of our salvation in stages, past, present and future. Hence, we are saved, we are being saved and we shall be saved. Salvation speaks of receiving deliverance from our greatest problem; namely the many consequences of our sin against a holy God. By whom are we saved? We are saved by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is referred to as our Lord and Saviour. He is the only one that can save us. He doesn’t want you to clean yourself up before you come to Him. He wants you to come as you are and He will wash and clean you up with His precious blood and you will be clean and pure. He wants you to come now because Now is your time for salvation, even if you are already saved, run towards him when you make mistakes and sin, His arms are wide open to receive and like a child learning to walk, He will keep washing you and helping you until you can stand strong in Him. Salvation is not only being saved from something, it is also being saved to someone. We are saved from sin and brought to God. We are translated from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of His dear Son Jesus. We have been delivered from the powers of darkness, we are now sons of God and enjoys all the benefits of being children of light. We have been set free, we are rescued from bondage and brought into freedom. We were saved from wrath and brought into peace with God. The Bible consistently shows that where sin once brought havoc and wreckage, the gospel brings life. Of all the many benefits of the gospel, the greatest one is that it brings us to God Himself. Glory to God. We are saved for a relationship . God has overcome our greatest problems so that we could be brought into a relationship and fellowship with God. This very point must not be taken for granted as it will determine a lot our experiences here on earth and even in heaven. *Prayer* Father , please help to always remember the main reason for my salvation which is to relate and fellowship with you in Jesus name. Father help me to maintain an intimate relationship with you in Jesus name. *Declaration* My eyes see well I am conscious of the main reason for my salvation. I am deliberate and passionate about my relationship with God. I give every area of my life to God and I withhold nothing from Him |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Kobojunkie: 9:01pm On Oct 03, 2022 |
Faithfulness88:Over 2000 years, Jesus Christ established that a. Satan has no power even over those who belong to Him. 17 When the 72 followers came back from their trip, they were very happy. They said, “Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we used your name!”b. He, Jesus Christ, has overcome the world on behalf of those who belong to Him, 29 Then his followers said, “You are already speaking plainly to us. You are not using words that hide the meaning.From the above, we clearly see that anyone who truly belongs in Jesus Christ has peace and peace is the antithesis of war/battle. Meaning there are no battles for one to engage in as one who belongs to Jesus Christ, since again, Jesus Christ has overcome the enemy for the sake of His followers, and this over 2000 years ago, in addition to bestowing His followers with His peace, a peace that is not of this world. ![]() So, when you folks claim you fight what you refer to as spiritual battles or are under spiritual attacks, what you instead saying is that you don't belong at all to Jesus Christ, meaning the problem isn't those attacks and battles you keep pretending you fight but instead the fact that you lie to yourselves that you are of Him, Jesus Christ. ![]() |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:27am On Oct 04, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday October 4, 2022 *Live above reproach* *Daniel 6:3-5 (ASV)* _Then this Daniel was distinguished above the presidents and the satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm. Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault, forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God._ *Phil 2:14-15 (KJV)* _Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world_ In today’s study, we are charged to walk blameless and be above reproach. Daniel lived in a time and age that the beliefs of many were in variance both with the profession and the practice of a godly life. Look at what Daniel was threatened with; a matter concerning the laws of God. Interesting! They sought for an offense with which to trap him, but nothing was found against him. This should be our testimony as Christians, in our different offices and places of business, we should be irreproachable. Because we operate by different rules and sets of laws superior to the ones of this world, we ought to live above the world standards, we are the light of the world. It is possible to have a life that is irreproachable. The God life is actually irreproachable. Above reproach however does not mean without sin. No Christian lives an entirely sinless life nor will we until we reach the glorified state in heaven. Above reproach means your life is free from sinful habits or behaviors that would impede setting the highest Christian standard and model for others to emulate. In essence, as a believer you should be esteemed highly in your community and cycle of influence. You should be known by your wholesome life and untarnished integrity. Being above reproach should be an ongoing aim for us as believers. We should be guided daily by biblical principles. Daniel in our study was very principled. His orderly, irreproachable character and behaviour in ordinary matters is remarkable. Principle is the central power of life. In the coming weeks and beyond, desire to live the irreproachable life and the God of all grace will make it easy for you. *Prayer* Lord, I receive the help of the Holy Spirit to be a true ambassador of the kingdom and live above reproach. *Declaration* I declare that I joyfully and obediently do all things without grumbling or disputing, that I may be blameless and innocent; a child of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, shinning as the light that I am. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:08am On Oct 05, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Wednesday October 5. 2022 *The Prideful Heart* *Psalms 10:4* _The wicked through the pride in his countenance will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts._ *Philippians 2:3* _Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves._ Pride is a heart attitude sin that overflows into a person’s motivation, decision making and relational activities. Prideful people are always focused on self and believe they are better than everyone and deserve better than life has brought them. They live based on their feelings and expect everyone to adapt to their needs. Two characteristics of pride are independence and rebellion. The sinful nature of pride leads to total dependence on self and rebellion against authority or superior control. The activities often result to self pity, anger, envy, bitterness and sorrow. Scriptures shows the results of pride with examples. King Nebuchadnezzar, King Herod and King Uzziah. They were resentful and were consequently humbled by God. Nebuchadnezzar lived like an animal until he came to his senses. He repented and his kingdom was restored to him (Daniel 5:20-12).while Herod was eaten up by worms and he died. (Act 12:2-23). King Uzziah became strong and he also thought highly of himself. He contacted leprosy and died. (II Chronicles 26:15-16) What is the cure for a prideful heart? Firstly, admit to God that you struggle with pride. This step shows the readiness to totally depend on God. The second step is to cultivate humility, a denial of self that is shifting the focus on self to other people. Jesus displayed humility while he was on earth. He denied Himself of his glory in order to reconcile God and man. He was described as meek and lowly. Meekness is an internal quality that comes with humility – the opposite of pride. The meek are not concerned about himself but readily puts the interest of others before his own. Humility comes when the truth is internalized, that the life of a Christian is not about “me” but all Christ and serving others. Dear friend, always ask the Holy Spirit to help see you as you are and He will enable you to resist pride. *Prayer* Lord, give me the wisdom to properly see pride in my life and deal with it so that I may experience your grace. *Declaration* I am totally dependent on God. I receive the grace to deal and resist pride. Just like Jesus, i am meek and lowly. I do not take pride in any of my achievements but always fix my eyes on You as my helper. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:26am On Oct 06, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Thursday October 6, 2022 *Temperate in All Things* *1 Corinthians 9:25-27* _Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever. That is why I run straight for the finish line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches. I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest._ One of the yardsticks God uses to measure the growth of believers is by the fruits they produce. Jesus himself told us from scriptures that a person is known by the fruits they bear (Matthew 7:16). So it is with godliness. Godliness should produce the fruit of the Spirit in us and that fruit is love. However, love should birth other fruits in us as listed in Galatians 5:22. Often times, we celebrate the gifts of the Spirit over and above the manifestations of the fruit of the Spirit and we get carried away when we see the gifts of the Spirit in operation in the life of an individual. We then conclude that such a person is spiritually mature because of the spectacular nature of the gifts in their operations. The significant difference between a fruit and a gift is that gifts are given at the discretion of the giver, while fruits have to be cultivated and nurtured to maturity before they can be good for food. So it is with the fruit of temperance. Temperance has to be cultivated, and it is one of the ways by which we can know a truly spiritually matured person. From our anchor scripture for today, we see that the bible says that he that strives for mastery must be temperate in all things. In other words, such a person must exhibit a good degree of self control in all areas of their lives; with money, with food, with sex, with sleep, with power, with their emotions and so on. God desires that we grow in this area because we can easily get carried away by the cares and affection of this world and the deceitfulness of riches if we are not temperate in all things. Do you want God to trust you with things? Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you cultivate the fruit of temperance. *Prayer* Dear Holy Spirit, I ask you today to help me cultivate the fruit of temperance. *Declaration* In Jesus name, I declare that I am sober minded and temperate in all things. I have control over my emotions and faculties and I bring all that I am in subjection to the obedience of Christ. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 9:55am On Oct 07, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Friday October 7, 2022 *WHAT’S YOUR RESPONSE TO THE WORD?* *Hebrews 4:12* _The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart._ Our opening scripture lets us know the ever-sure power of God’s Word. However, the Word only produces results for you when you believe, and act upon it. Your faith-response is vital. For example, 2 Peter 1:3 says God has given you all things that pertain to life and godliness. This means everything you could ever want, that’s consistent with God’s perfect will for you, is already yours in Christ. Your response, therefore, should be, “Blessed be God! Health, prosperity, success, victory, and other glorious provisions of the Gospel are my present-hour realities in Christ.” Responding to the Word is how you make the Word real in your personal life, and that’s what faith is: the response of the human spirit to the Word of God. 1 Corinthians 2:12 says, “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.” Faith is acting on the spiritual realities revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, accepting them as truth and living accordingly. God gave us His Word to live by, and to use in charting our course in victory. It’s your responsibility to use and work the Word. The change you desire in your finances, health, and family would only come as a result of your response to the Word. Hebrews 13:5-6 says, “…for he hath said…So that we may boldly say….” and 2 Corinthians 4:13 says, “...we also believe, and therefore speak.” It’s about your response to the Word: what you say, on the basis of what He has said! *Prayer* Blessed Father, thank you for the power of your Word in my life, which prevails and produces results in, and for me, in all things, in Jesus Name. *Declaration* I acknowledge the unfailing power of God’s Word. I believe in the ability of the Word to change, heal, deliver and save. Today and always, I respond to the Word in faith – I receive the Word, believe it in totality and declare it unashamedly, steadfast in it, till it delivers the desired intent in the heart of God concerning me. I win! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:39am On Oct 08, 2022 |
PST.SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Saturday October 8, 2022 *THE WELL WITHIN* *John 4:14* _but those who drink the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give them will become in them a spring which will provide them with life-giving water and give them eternal life.”_ *Proverbs 18:4* _A person's words can be a source of wisdom, deep as the ocean, fresh as a flowing stream._ *Luke 6:45* _A good person brings good out of the treasure of good things in his heart; a bad person brings bad out of his treasure of bad things. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of._ The words of Jesus in Luke 6:45 set forth a critical principle to life: that all thoughts, words and deeds are traceable to the heart, hence the condition and quality of the heart determine the outflows of a life. A wise heart will produce laudable thoughts, graceful words and enviable deeds; conversely, a foolish heart will produce the exact opposite. Jesus also said in Luke 7:35 that wisdom is justified or proven by all its works. In other words, how can you tell that a man is wise or “otherwise”? Take a look at the products that emanate from him. The word “Wellspring” implies a source of continuous supply, a never ending flow, a fountain. Your heart is your wellspring and when you received Jesus into it, it became a wellspring of wisdom. Being born again plugs you into the fountain of life – a never ending supply of grace, wisdom and virtue, hallelujah! Take these words seriously: you cannot produce any better than the wellspring within. Try as hard as you may, your experience in life is forever sealed by the quality of your wellspring, for that is where you draw from. There is no magic to it, bitter springs will produce bitter taste and a bitter experience; sweet springs will produce sweet taste and a sweet experience. In the days of his flesh, Jesus was wisdom personified; he taught, reasoned, acted and addressed situations with wisdom so uncommon that all who encountered him marvelled. The same quality of experience is available to you today; for in God, Christ has become for you wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30). A relationship with Christ is therefore a relationship with wisdom (Proverbs 13:20). And when Christ is king in your heart and his words fill your heart and mind, they become a wellspring of wisdom (Colossians 3:16, TLB). Oh how sweet will the fruits of our lives be when our hearts are inundated with the sweet and wisdom-giving words of the Lord! Indeed, your life can be sweet; just let the fountain of wisdom within you overflow and experience a never ending flow of sweetness! *Prayer* Lord, I give you praise for the fountain of life, joy and wisdom that you put within me. *Declaration* In the name of Jesus, my heart is yielded to the Lord. Daily, I commit to reading, studying, meditating and filling my heart with the life-giving and wisdom-birthing words of Christ. My heart and mind are a wellspring of wisdom, and consequently, the fruits of my life are sweet. I am a wonder to my world! |
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