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Do You Fear Hell ? - Religion - Nairaland

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Do You Fear Hell ? by UyiIredia(m): 4:08pm On Aug 03, 2011
We all know what hell is. The place of eternal torment. Please answer these questions:

- Do you fear hell ?

- How much so ?

- Do you base your moral actions on this fear of eternal torment ? First my answers:

* I vacillate between an occasional fear and a non-chalance to it. However I am more concerned with the manner in which I die than hell undecided

* Not much. i am more concerned with doing the right things here on earth. After all, that what Jesus did.

* Not at all. I do not think of hell when I am doing what's wrong (e.g lying) - never mind the guilt. In the same vein a promise of heaven is not what spurs my actions. On occasions I have chanced preachers who believe giving to them multiplies your rewards in heaven. I simply shrug it off as nonsense.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Abujabir24: 4:25pm On Aug 03, 2011
Hell is a terrible place to go to. As long as u die a true believer! It will kept faraway 4rm u.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by DVSOL: 4:34pm On Aug 03, 2011
- Do you fear hell ? I am not sure I fear it, but I know I want nothing to do with the place.

- How much so ? Very much so actually, I guess I focus on doing my best to get to heaven though I understand its not by good works or anything. At the same time, as one who fears God, I am required to do my best towards moral right standing with God.

- Do you base your moral actions on this fear of eternal torment ? Not quite, although I base ALL my actions on trying to do right so that the one whom I call my Father in heaven will see me and congratulate me for considering His writings and warnings through the years (which sadly sometimes seems like folk tales in this our generation but it doesn't mean that the truth in it has diminished in any way) as history confirms everything till the end through trends that we can see.

All in all, though I am not too focused on hell, I do consider it each time a lie (or any sin against God) comes along due to my environment. My focus then is to make heaven and I do my best to ensure my actions correspond to that.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Markenny(m): 4:42pm On Aug 03, 2011
it does not exist @poster how can u be afraid of what does not
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by UyiIredia(m): 4:46pm On Aug 03, 2011

it does not exist @poster how can u be afraid of what does not

it appears you are a materialist. lets start with an objective definition of what 'éxists'.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by BeautfulB(f): 4:48pm On Aug 03, 2011

it does not exist @poster how can u be afraid of what does not
sorry for those that does not believe.

well am really afraid of hell, i know nobody is perfect we are all working towards perfection.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by madoba: 4:48pm On Aug 03, 2011
Interesting thread.

To answer your questions: Yes I fear hell and I really don't want to end up there.

My moral actions are not based on my fear of hell, but rather on my in-built sense of what is right and wrong ,

Secondly my moral actions are also based on a sincere desire to please God and respond to his love (not necessarily out of fear, of what he can do to me).

The desire to one day, see Jesus' face,his glory and splendour as well as all the saints gone before me like Moses, David, etc is also a motivating factor for me on how I live.

If you've heard the song ''I can only imagine", then you'll be able to relate to my last point above.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by babaowo: 4:57pm On Aug 03, 2011
Well Nigeria is real hell,because i don't think there can be any place worse than nigeria, So i assume nigeria is real hell fire.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Markenny(m): 4:59pm On Aug 03, 2011
hmmm u ppl need to open eyes and stop deceiving yourself with hell
and heaven stories,can any one prove the location of hell and  
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by ikoha: 5:04pm On Aug 03, 2011
i believe it exists the same way i believe that God exists.
but am not afraid of it because by faith i know it is not meant for my spirit.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by ikoha: 5:06pm On Aug 03, 2011
i believe it exists the same way i believe that God exists.
but am not afraid of it because by faith i know it is not meant for my spirit.

Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by joe4christ(m): 5:11pm On Aug 03, 2011

hmmm u ppl need to open eyes and stop deceiving yourself with hell
and heaven stories,can any one prove the location of hell and  

Have u ever had of the live recorded sound of hell by some scientist in siberia?
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by UyiIredia(m): 5:13pm On Aug 03, 2011

Well Nigeria is real hell,because i don't think there can be any place worse than nigeria, So i assume nigeria is real hell fire.

people like you who desert the country for greener pastures are part of the problem of Nigeria. Go back and develop your country !



Have u ever had of the live recorded sound of hell by some scientist in siberia?

chances are, its a fake undecided
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Markenny(m): 5:16pm On Aug 03, 2011


Have u ever had of the live recorded sound of hell by some scientist in siberia?

noting like that ever happen,if hell is full of
fire and heat how come the recorder survive the flame?
mennnnn    every body need to be wise even God we are seeing today  is ur follow human
make we stop this hell and fire non sense
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Marchman: 5:20pm On Aug 03, 2011
How can I fear what does not exist? Hell was the creation of a few to decieve the gullible many.

My great great grandfather who was not a christian and lived according to the mores and vales of his time should be in hell now, right?

Wrong!!! The gullible can go ahead and believe in a God that torments his "enemies" forever.  I dont know any earthly any father who would punish his children this way. Yet God said in the Bible that he loves us more than our earthly father. Hell is false, it only exists in the imagination of our fake pastors and Imams, and their gullible members.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Markenny(m): 5:24pm On Aug 03, 2011
March man:

How can I fear what does not exist? Hell was the creation of a few to decieve the gullible many.

My great great grandfather who was not a christian and lived according to the mores and vales of his time should be in hell now, right?

Wrong!!! The gullible can go ahead and believe in a God that torments his "enemies" forever.  I dont know any earthly any father who would punish his children this way. Yet God said in the Bible that he loves us more than our earthly father. Hell is false, it only exists in the imagination of our fake pastors and Imams, and their gullible members.

thank u, ,help me tell them
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Borat1: 5:24pm On Aug 03, 2011
Uyi Iredia:

We all know what hell is. The place of eternal torment. Please answer these questions:

- Do you fear hell ?


Uyi Iredia:

How much so ?

Its not like the degree of fear you have for hell takes away or adds to the place
I know what hell is, and i fear it. Simple

Uyi Iredia:

Do you base your moral actions on this fear of  eternal torment ?

Why because, i believe everyone should have a basis for his/her actions.
No matter what God or gods you believe in or serve, you should be able to think of repercussions to your actions
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by kaze4blues(m): 5:30pm On Aug 03, 2011
Am afraid of hell cos it exists 100%
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Nobody: 6:02pm On Aug 03, 2011
I am definitely going to hell. I am not a serial killer, not an adulterer, not a thief, not a child molester, not a kidnapper, not a scam artist, not a drunk, and so on. But why am I going to hell? Simple. I frequently tell lies, and I do not believe in God. So according to the Bible, hell is my destination. Now, isn't it wonderful that I, a perpetual liar, would be enjoying my space in Hell with the likes of Hitler, Mao, rapists, murderers, and other psychopaths? After all, what is the difference between someone who kills and someone who lies? Everyone who sins, no matter how small, deserves to go to hell, not for one minute, one day, one hour, not even for 20 years or a countable number of years, but for a wonderful eternity. I would rather serve the Devil than serve some God who would punish me thus.

Imagine that we--humans---also have a one-shoe-fits-all type of punishment that says, for example, anyone caught breaking the law shall be sentenced to 50 years in prison, regardless of whatever crime they might have committed. People would love that, wouldn't they? Let us face the fact: if such a God exists that would be willing to punish people in this capacity, then that God is not only a wicked, unjust, cruel, barbaric, egotistical, infinitely merciless, and a psychopathic deranged entity, but also a God that reasonable folks should not be giving their valuable time. There is no crime that is justifiably punishable by a life time in hell. I dare say that not even Hitler or any type of criminal should burn in fire for an eternity. Haba.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by grailife(m): 6:11pm On Aug 03, 2011
hellfire is really a scary story. Imagine a place of torment that last forever but if there is no hell as some people want to believe then there is no reason to do good things, whats the fate of poor and disable people? Our corrupt politicians will all go to heaven after creating hell on earth for us here.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Markenny(m): 6:16pm On Aug 03, 2011

I am definitely going to hell. I am not a serial killer, not an adulterer, not a thief, not a child molester, not a kidnapper, not a scam artist, not a drunk, and so on. But why am I going to hell? Simple. I frequently tell lies, and I do not believe in God. So according to the Bible, hell is my destination. Now, isn't it wonderful that I, a perpetual liar, would be enjoying my space in Hell with the likes of Hitler, Mao, rapists, murderers, and other psychopaths. After all, what is the difference between someone who kills and someone who lies? Everyone who sins, no matter how small, deserves to go to hell, not for one minute, one day, one hour, not even for 20 years or a countable number of years, but for a wonderful eternity. I would rather serve the Devil than serve some God who would punish me thus.

Imagine that we--humans---also have a one-shoe-fits-all type of punishment that says, for example, anyone caught breaking the law shall be sentenced to 50 years in prison, regardless of whatever crime they might have committed. People would love that, wouldn't they? Let us face the fact: if such a God exists that would be willing to punish people in this capacity, then that God is not only a wicked, unjust, cruel, barbaric, egotistical, infinitely merciless, and a psychopathic deranged entity, but also a God that reasonable folks should not be giving their valuable time. There is no crime that is justifiably punishable by a life time in hell. I dare say that not even Hitler or any type of criminal should burn in fire for an eternity. Haba.

Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by UyiIredia(m): 6:24pm On Aug 03, 2011

I am definitely going to hell. I am not a serial killer, not an adulterer, not a thief, not a child molester, not a kidnapper, not a scam artist, not a drunk, and so on. But why am I going to hell? Simple. I frequently tell lies, and I do not believe in God. So according to the Bible, hell is my destination. Now, isn't it wonderful that I, a perpetual liar, would be enjoying my space in Hell with the likes of Hitler, Mao, rapists, murderers, and other psychopaths. After all, what is the difference between someone who kills and someone who lies? Everyone who sins, no matter how small, deserves to go to hell, not for one minute, one day, one hour, not even for 20 years or a countable number of years, but for a wonderful eternity. I would rather serve the Devil than serve some God who would punish me thus.

Imagine that we--humans---also have a one-shoe-fits-all type of punishment that says, for example, anyone caught breaking the law shall be sentenced to 50 years in prison, regardless of whatever crime they might have committed. People would love that, wouldn't they? Let us face the fact: if such a God exists that would be willing to punish people in this capacity, then that God is not only a wicked, unjust, cruel, barbaric, egotistical, infinitely merciless, and a psychopathic deranged entity, but also a God that reasonable folks should not be giving their valuable time. There is no crime that is justifiably punishable by a life time in hell. I dare say that not even Hitler or any type of criminal should burn in fire for an eternity. Haba.

I think the Christian (and Muslim) God is a God of rewards and retributions. This (in my opinion) parallels the immutable law of cause and effect observed in our universe. It is only proper that every action you commit in this life has eternal consequence. By the way, I find your talk about worshipping the Devil to be absurd, precisely because he is the epitome of evil.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Gbenge77(m): 6:30pm On Aug 03, 2011
Even Michael jackson was sighted in Hell.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by Nobody: 6:34pm On Aug 03, 2011
Uyi Iredia:

I think the Christian (and Muslim) God is a God of rewards and retributions. This (in my opinion) parallels the immutable law of cause and effect observed in our universe. It is only proper that every action you commit in this life has eternal consequence. By the way, I find your talk about worshipping the Devil to be absurd, precisely because he is the epitome of evil.
Have you seen the Devil before? How do you know he is the epitome of evil? All bad things that I have done, I, and only I, alone am responsible for them. And I never said I would worship the Devil! I said I would rather. . .Please, reread my previous comment. Like I said, I have no intention of worshiping a sadistic God. Even the Devil would't throw you in hell for an eternity. Only the Christian God entertains such a travesty. And what is the difference between worshiping a vengeful megalomaniac---who is unaptly termed merciful---and the Devil?

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Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by BABE3: 6:46pm On Aug 03, 2011

Have you seen the Devil before? How do you know he is the epitome of evil? All bad things that I have done, I, and only I, alone am responsible for them. And I never said I would worship the Devil! I said I would rather. . .Please, reread my previous comment. Like I said, I have no intention of worshiping a sadistic God. Even the Devil would't throw you in hell for an eternity. Only the Christian God entertains such a travesty. And what is the difference between worshiping a vengeful megalomaniac---who is unaptly termed merciful---and the Devil?

Difference is that the "unaptly termed merciful" guy has given you more than enough chances to change your ways!
(He destroyed the earth! He sent his son to die for yalls sins! What more do you people want?) The Devil hasn't.  You have a chance of eternal enjoyment on the former's side. The devil is not cool like that. Chill with him at the wrong moment, and it's hell straight away. grin

And here is the deal though---We are the "architect" of our eternal destination. Whoever chooses hell, chooses hell--Hell doesn't choose anyone.

So---your choice.
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by sadyeek(m): 6:50pm On Aug 03, 2011
@ all thoes who don't believe in God,

I can't believe  that in this day and age people still don't believe in God, With all the signs that surround them, Let me as u a question, u all that say God doesn't exist, How do u explain the existance of the sun, moon, stars, planets, even you your self? How you breathe? Do u Think it Just happend?? Think again! What do you thiink. Would happen u when you die? Nothing?? Think again! What is your purpose of living? If you sincerely ask your self this questions , I dont think ul have a reason not to believe in God,

May God in His infinite mercy guide us right and have mercy on our souls, Ameen
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by UyiIredia(m): 6:50pm On Aug 03, 2011

Have you seen the Devil before? How do you know he is the epitome of evil? All bad things that I have done, I, and only I, alone am responsible for them. And I never said I would worship the Devil! I said I would rather. . .Please, reread my previous comment. Like I said, I have no intention of worshiping a sadistic God. Even the Devil would't throw you in hell for an eternity. Only the Christian God entertains such a travesty. And what is the difference between worshiping a vengeful megalomaniac---who is unaptly termed merciful---and the Devil?

I'll answer your questions sequentially

- No, I have never seen the D[b]evil[/b]. However I see the effects of evil.

- Presupposing the Bible to be true (apparently something you don't agree with) we see the result of what he caused for mankind in the garden of Eden - sin and its consequent . . . death. This is how I know he is the epitome of evil.

- the difference is this. One is evil and wishes the same for mankind, whilst the other is good and benevolent.

never mind the statement. i still mean the same thing. it's absurd that you would rather worship the devil. funny enough, you don't even believe he exists. so why the allusion  
Re: Do You Fear Hell ? by olapluto(m): 6:52pm On Aug 03, 2011

Have you seen the Devil before? How do you know he is the epitome of evil? All bad things that I have done, I, and only I, alone am responsible for them. And I never said I would worship the Devil! I said I would rather. . .Please, reread my previous comment. Like I said, I have no intention of worshiping a sadistic God. Even the Devil would't throw you in hell for an eternity. Only the Christian God entertains such a travesty. And what is the difference between worshiping a vengeful megalomaniac---who is unaptly termed merciful---and the Devil?
You have had many signs of the existence of God and the certainty of hell. You have stubbornly chosen to ignore these signs. Quran talks about people like this alot. Even in sleeping and waking up you should see the power of God.

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