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666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MindHacker9009(m): 2:04pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
"Nero Caesar" in the Hebrew alphabet is נרון קסר NRON QSR, which when interpreted numerically represents the numbers: 50 200 6 50 100 60 200, which add up to 666. Hope you all now understand the meaning of the number 666 Also: The University of Chicago: Nero as the Antichrist If the Greek spelling of Nero Caesar (Neron Kaisar) is transliterated into Hebrew (nrwn qsr), the numerical equivalent is 666—although it should be remembered that this number was not represented as a figure but as letters of the alphabet or written in full. In other words, the "number of the beast" was not expressed as "666" (indeed, discrete Arabic numerals would not be invented for another five hundred years) but by the phrase hexakosioi hexekonta hex or the numerical values of the Greek letters themselves, chi (600), xi (60), and stigma (6). But what is curious is not so much that 666 can be decoded to signify Nero but that the name is encoded in this particular number, especially since it could have been represented as readily in other ways. It only is when the words are transliterated from Greek into Hebrew and then calculated that the numeration adds up to 666 (nrwn qsr, 50 + 200 + 6 + 50 + 100 + 60 + 200). Source: The revelation event all happened till the year seventy when the Roman Emperor Pompeii marched on Jerusalem and the Temple in Jerusalem and there was a big war between the Jews and the Romans. The Jews saw this war as the end of days. No New Testament Christains till after the year seventy and this was all made up to make the Jews and other nations conquered to become gentle and not to wage war like the Jews did before the Temple was destroyed. Only a Good Merciful God in the Old Testament is the true way to GOD. 2 Likes
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by sonmvayina(m): 2:33pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
Either Nero or Emperor Diocletian. It depends on when the book was written. In any case it is still fiction.. 1 Like |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MaxInDHouse(m): 2:36pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
It's all about the the government that changed the world political system! Before King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon all other world rulers only used mighty armies to subdue surrounding nations but Nebuchadnezzar is the first human King to merge politics with religion by first capturing princes from all the nations he has conquered and believing they must have been learned as princes he formed a cabinet of 600 men then built a statue 60 feet high and he himself is 6 feet tall! That's why he was given a vision in his dreams that he is about to commission a new system in the history of world politics that will end when God's Kingdom begin operation! So the number Six hundred and Sixty-Six dates back to the time of Nebuchadnezzar that's why the Bible said it's the number of a mortal man! Revelations 13:18 In that dream Nebuchadnezzar represents the head which is the beginning of a new era in politics so his government will have the authority like raw Gold, but after him the following government will have lesser powers. WHY? Nebuchadnezzar's authority can't be queried nobody asks him why he made any decision and whatever he says is finally. But gradually other governments coming after him were loosing their strength until the last world power: Angelo-America Today the last government partly of iron and clay are struggling to stand as one but since they're promoting DEMOCRATIC rule in which their subjects also have a say their authority turns out to be totally inferior to what was obtainable in the days of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon! Soon this last world power will decide to bring all the people throughout the earth under one umbrella so that their so called DEMOCRACY will become a success. That's what they've been working towards but Asian nations are making it difficult for them. They will soon render all their adversaries helpless then the only problem they will have is God's organization that will not join them in their one world religion. Then they will turn against God's people with a powerful blow to exterminate them but JEHOVAH will respond with the greatest blow and destroy them all! Daniel 2:44 compare to Revelations 11:18 May you have PEACE! ![]() 1 Like |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by OJODEL10(m): 2:53pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
All may be takin place in our time |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MaxInDHouse(m): 2:55pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
OJODEL10:It actually began from the time of Nebuchadnezzar! Please read Daniel 2:1-45 And critically follow the above interpretation! |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by EMILO2STAY(m): 3:15pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
MaxInDHouse:the last world power is not Anglo American it is the Vatican. a religious system that controls the political system of the world. the Catholic church has been running the political affairs of this world since 538AD. 1 Like |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by Broveens42(m): 4:42pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
EMILO2STAY: There are so many conspiracies and permutation to arrive at the number 666.. Which one should people believe? |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:04pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
EMILO2STAY:The Vitican lost that when Rome lost power to England! This is how power was going from hand to hand starting with Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon Persia Greece Rome England and America This is the last world power! ![]() |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by peggywebbs(f): 5:20pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
No the number does not represent Nero Caesar as much as many people especially scholars try to decipher its meaning. It's a number and it's very symbolic. It represents a number associated with the age of enlightenment. Computer language, binary and the likes. A number that even the people of that era would not be able to interpret. We are in the age of enlightenment, like the time of Noah, knowledge has grown like never before. To me I believe the number is tied to artificial intelligence, something that carries man's technology DNA or footprint. Nero Caesar is long gone and dead like every other person in his time. MindHacker9009: 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MindHacker9009(m): 6:44pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
At that time the Roman Empire was occupying Israel and the people must have come up with a coded word for Nero Caeser as they were zealots trying to take back the land of Israel from the Roman Empire. peggywebbs: 1 Like |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by peggywebbs(f): 7:24pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
That's not true. If you look at the writings in the Revelation, you'll see that it talks about the past, present and future. The symbols were not to give anyone a cheat to the answer. It was never refering to anyone in particular. If you want to go by your interpretation it will be greatly flawed. Since there were many representations in the book, the Jezebel, the kings, the beasts, dragons etc. These were all symbolic, and none speak of a person of the time Revelation was written. MindHacker9009: 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by Maynman: 10:14pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
peggywebbs: The revelation book that almost didn’t make the catholic canon? The 666 is about king nero, we are talking history not some random book with UNKNOWN AUTHORS or who is the author of this revelation book ![]() 1 Like
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by EMILO2STAY(m): 11:13pm On Sep 02, 2022 |
Broveens42:read the book of Daniel and you will know the one the Bible is talking about. |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by emmanueloti65: 8:39am On Sep 03, 2022 |
MaxInDHouse:the mods deleted my first reply and banned my account. but I will try to respond again. you contradict yourself. the Bible stops at the fourth kingdom which is Rome. no 5th and 6th kingdom. the Vatican never lost power to England as a matter of fact the king of England king john surrendered his crown to the papal legate in 1213 as sign of loyalty and subjugation . the current queen of England is a dame of Malta a society run by the vatican. England is under the control of the Vatican and the pope same as America. there is a reason why the prophecy of world powers stoped at Rome which is the fourth kingdom. that is because Rome still rules till today. the emperors of the ancient Roman kingdom did not hand over power to England but the Catholic church. emperor Constantine gave his power to the church before leaving Rome, and in 538 emperor Justinian declared Christianity the official Roman religion. this gave authority to the Roman church to persecute any one not practicing Thier own version of Christianity and they destroyed three kingdoms namely the heruli ,the osthrogoth and vandals as predicted by the book of Daniel. the little horn that grew out of the fourth kingdom with the eyes and mouth of a man which is the antichrist fits only the Vatican city state which is the smallest kingdom in Rome today not England and America. there is a reason why Bible stopped at Rome as the last world power and that is because Rome methamorphorsed from a political power to a religious power and it is quit evident that the church of Rome ran the ancient Roman kingdom after the. emperors left Rome. the title "pontifex maximus " was taken from the Roman emperors and is now the title of the bishop of rome. this little kingdom in Rome today runs not just England and America but the whole world through their Jesuit secret army who infiltrates countries to take over and run their political system. this same Jesuits have been expelled in over 83 countries through history because their agenda of usurping political power was uncovered. "See, sir, from this chamber I govern not only to Paris, but to China, not only to China, but to all the world, without any one to know how I do it " ---Michaelangelo Tamburini 14th Jesuit General , 1706-1739 the above is a statement from a Jesuit general hundreds of years ago. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by peggywebbs(f): 7:47pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
You see like I said, you're Idea of Nero is greatly flawed. Revelation may be at the end of the Catholic Bible, it does not mean the book was written in that order. If you read Corinthians, Romans, you'll see that the early Christians were anxious for the return of Christ. There were many doctrines, ideas, and opinions among them. The confusion got so bad that Paul had to interfere to explain in his letters that they should be patient for the coming of Christ. Like today where people have said Obama, Trump and Hitler at his time was the antichrist, so also did the early Christians. Nero Caesar was persecuting Christians at the time and many people thought he was the antichrist. However, they were wrong. There are certain elements in Revelation that must be fulfilled before the antichrist can be identified. So again, your Nero Idea has failed the test of Revelation. During his time, all the seals of judgement had not been opened, there are many stages that must pass before the Revelation of the antichrist. We have experienced almost all of those events in our time. The only event that remains is the revelation of the antichrist. Many people wonder if he will be born, or if he already exists but has not taken his position. The truth is when eventually he is revealed, you won't be creating a thread trying to find his identity. It will be known, especially by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. However, until then, we should just be good and try to live a God fearing life. Not everyone may be on earth for all this events. This is a mystery like every mystery on this earth. It however does not make the event false. The account of revelation will happen eventually. Maynman: |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MindHacker9009(m): 8:10pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
KnownUnknown: Early Christians were followers of Chrestus now Christ. Temple of Serapis Chrestus. peggywebbs: |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:56pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
emmanueloti65:In Nebuchadnezzar's dream there appears: The HEAD ~ Babylonian empire The CHEST ~ Persian empire The ABDOMEN ~ Grecian empire The LEG ~ Roman empire The FEET ~ England and American government Daniel 2:32 Last system of government will be transferring power from one person to another due to the power shared by the rulers and the people DEMOCRACY! Daniel 2:44 ![]() |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by Maynman: 10:02pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
peggywebbs: All what you are saying is arrant BS. Who wrote the book of corinthians? Another UNKNOWN AUTHOR. You writing epistle doesn’t change that, 666 or is it 616 is about king nero. The revelation book had so many inconsistencies, fairy tales, errors and interpolations that was why it was rejected by the CANON in the first place. “There were many doctrines, ideas and opinions during paul time”, are you sure you understand what you are saying? When was revelation written? When was corinthian writren? When was “paul time”?
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by emmanueloti65: 10:45pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
MaxInDHouse:you obviously don't know what your talking about, the leg and feet of the image in Daniel represents the fourth kingdom which is Rome and the feet of iron and clay represents the disintegrated kingdom of Rome . Rome scattered into 10 kingdoms represented by the ten toes, not two kingdoms. another symbological representation of this prophesy is in Daniel 7 where the kingdoms are represented as beast and the foruth beast which is Rome had ten horns and among these ten horns or kingdoms came up a little horn or kingdom with the eyes and mouth of a man and uprooted three. this prophecy of a little horn only fits the Vatican city state because it was the last and smallest kingdom that came up after the ten kingdom that broke out of Rome these ten kingdoms are; The kingdom of the Suevians today portugal The kingdom of the Visigoths today spain The kingdom of the Alamini today germany The kingdom of the Burgundians today switzerland The kingdom of the Franks today france The kingdom Anglo-Saxon today england The kingdom of the lombards today italy the kingdom of the heruli- eliminated the kingdom of the osthrogoths - eliminated the kingdom of the vandals - eliminated. the Vatican city state was the last to come come up after these and it is represented by the little but stout horn with eyes and mouth of a man, this same horn which speaks blasphemy against God and persecutes Gods people as described in Daniel 7 fits only the Roman church , not England and America. go read foxes book of mathyrs to get a clue of the atrocities of the Roman church. And also it is quit evident that the emperors of the political Roman kingdom gave authority to the church as the ancient Roman kingdom was falling apart. so the people who carried on from the Roman emperors was the Roman church. speaking technically Rome never fell it only methamorphorsed. that system stil continues till this day . the empire today is not just in Europe but the entire world. 3 Likes |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:16pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
emmanueloti65: Instead of arguing just go read Daniel's interpretation of the dream then come back! ![]() |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by emmanueloti65: 11:41pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
MaxInDHouse:are you talking to a child? you think I have not read it? if there is anything you think I am getting wrong then point it out to me with factual and historical proof like I am doing. you are the one getting things wrong and I have proved that, both with Bible ,fact and history. so you do same how does England and America fit Daniel 7? especially with regards to the little horn? 2 Likes |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:48pm On Sep 03, 2022 |
emmanueloti65:I'm not used to much words! America: IRON England: CLAY America is strong because they have a written constitution, England is weak because they don't have any written constitution yet both are working together to rule the world! Daniel 2:42 1 Like |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by emmanueloti65: 12:01am On Sep 04, 2022 |
MaxInDHouse:your are wrong again, the kingdom described to be strong as iron is the fourth kingdom which is Rome not america (daniel 2: 40). the broken kingdoms of iron and clay came out of Rome (Daniel 2:41), and are ten in number not two. these kingdoms are represented by the ten toes that do not mix or come together and there bond is symbolised by iron mixed with clay . the iron and clay mixure indicates that they will not come together or their relationship will not be strong with each other as compared to the ancient Roman empire, in other words the iron and clay has to do with the weak bond of the ten kingdoms because iron and clay can never mix together yet it has the strength of the fourth kingdom which is iron meaning these ten kingdoms still has the influence of Rome in it ( the papacy) this is not speaking of two nations working together as you assume so you are very wrong Mr. it seems you are the one who needs to go and read the book of Daniel. 2 Likes |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by peggywebbs(f): 1:45am On Sep 04, 2022 |
Yes I very much understand what I'm saying going by theological sources and not Wikipedia. I'm 100% certain of what I'm saying and I've dug into deeper research on this topic than your Wikipedia search. I'm very much curious about religion, and I am still researching more on the topic. If you move your research further, you'll find other useful additional information on the history of those times. Instead of going back and forth with me, I think that's what you should do. Again Nero Caesar is not the antichrist, not even the early Christians would have made that blunder. Any Christian source or theology claiming Nero Caesar was the antichrist is only seeking mischief and trying to prove that the doctrine of the Book of Revelation has failed. We are currently living the times of Revelation. I suggest you repent, seek God (cos I know you're an atheist) and await his coming. The beast you seek will soon be here but that should not concern you. You should instead be ready for the return of Christ. Maynman: |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by Maynman: 5:06am On Sep 04, 2022 |
The reason you are lying shamelessly is because you know you can go back to your deity and ask for forgiveness with no accountability just like Muslims taqqiya, but where are your MORALS? Even Wikipedia cites their sources and also give names of archaeological researchers. They didn’t just wake up and start writing on “Wikipedia”. peggywebbs: Bwahahahah, I know you very well. This is not the first time you falsely claim you’ve read on these just to promote your deity but once we ask for proof you are no where to be found like your saviour, small boy Yahweh. Well, We’ll try again ![]() So, Please cite sources of these theological materials. I’m 100 percent certain you have NEVER read on these topic before. I suggest you learn about your religion and not bask in ignorance, basing your whole life on random books with UNKNOWN AUTHORS. Any theist that says 666 is not about king nero is been delusional and foolish, Such and their family will keep waiting till eternity because a random book with UNKNOWN AUTHORS told them. Are you gonna do this to your kids too? Once again, paste source of your theological research, let’s see how genuine you are, Monolatrist. If you not careful with the “beast” in your story book that you are afraid of it will make you keep worshipping Abrahamaic gods till you die. You are currently living in ignorance. I beg of you no long talk, just post your theological sources and don’t behave like a typical theist. If you can’t post the sources of your “deeper theological research” it just goes to show how low you can go for your Abrahamaic deities, like Muslims like Christians. Hope you know what THEOlogical means, Theist! ![]() Again, 666 is about king nero. What do you know about early Christians and their pagan ways? 1 Like
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by peggywebbs(f): 8:44am On Sep 04, 2022 |
You are using archaeologists to describe a religious phenomena. Like help me make sense what your arguement is? You describe my sayings as unknown authors. If I start listing out theological books for you to read, would you even bother opening them? No You believe Wikipedia has the best answer to your question because it was sited by fellow atheists of your type. It's a religious belief and there's nothing you'll say to negate it. The truth is that it will happen and when it does I hope you would be ready. Even those in the afterlife would still face the judgement of the last day. Arguing on nairaland would not change the future. He who created you and the earth has written in stone what will happen and it would be. There are many like you that were who mocked the beliefs of Christians and there's still more that would come after you. Whether Muslims, pagans or the occultic people, they all know what they believe in. One thing is they are not ignorant and belief in the spiritual. Atheists on the other hand are like the blind in (See). Because you don't have sight, you don't believe it exists. Keep limiting your mind and keep letting people who probably discovered God later on tell you there is no God. However, don't kid yourself, 666, the antichrist and the last judgement will happen and you will witness it. Shalom. Maynman: |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by Maynman: 8:48am On Sep 04, 2022 |
peggywebbs: What’s a religious phenomena? Or you think there’s only one religion in the world? What’s the origin of the word “religion”? Even your religion is gotten from JUDAISM. I said the book, bible you are reading is from UNKNOWN AUTHORS, it seems you are reading to reply that’s why you are finding it hard to comprehend. Save me the bullshit and mention just one out of the THEOlogical books, just ONE!, we are going to cross check your 666 claims and how there was many doctrines during “paul time”. peggywebbs, Don’t be a lying Monolatrist. Just mention ONE of the THEOlogical books you’ve read, just ONE! You can only lie to yourself, 666 is about king nero. What do you know about early Christians and their pagan ways? Keep limiting your mind and keep letting people who probably discovered Middle east God later on tell you only Middle east gods are to be worshipped while abandoning your culture gods. If you continue kidding yourself with a random book written by UNKNOWN AUTHORS, you will worship ABRAHAMAIC GODS till you die.
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by guysbewise: 9:48am On Sep 04, 2022 |
@peggywebbs 1 Like
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by orisa37: 11:22am On Sep 04, 2022 |
Re: 666 Number Of The Beast Came From "Nero Caesar" In The Hebrew Alphabet by iamyungkhalifa(m): 4:35pm On Sep 04, 2022 |
Have been reading your comment since morning guy you are just an ignorant atheist. am a christain (catholic) and i have read lot of books both by atheist and non atheist author. How many books have you read in your lifetime . Although the early christain kept some book hidden till today some are in the vatican archive and the rest scatter all across the world . Though i keep telling people the bible is an history book to know what happen in the past and there are some apocrypa books (the holy bible included) too . But never deny the existence of GOD. Protestants and pentecostals are more ignorant and argue most but the one things is there is GOD and it is best to believe him and his son. Okay 1 Like |
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