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Muslims, Where Is The Junction Of The Two Seas That Moses Reached Located? - Religion - Nairaland

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Muslims, Where Is The Junction Of The Two Seas That Moses Reached Located? by Sixfiguresmart(m): 12:01am On Sep 10, 2022
Surah 18:60 And ˹remember˺ when Moses said to his young assistant, “I will never give up until I reach the junction of the two seas, even if I travel for ages.”

Where are these seas located?

surah 2:67 “Allah commands you to sacrifice a cow Surah 2:69 It should be a bright yellow cow

allah's choice of sacrificial cow is top-notch. A bright yellow cow. So, all those killing cows in Nigeria are wasting their time cos they are not bright yellow cows.

وبنحو الذي قلنا في ذلك قال أهل التأويل.
* ذكر من قال ذلك:
حدثني محمد بن سعد, قال: ثني أبي, قال: ثني عمي, قال: ثني أبي, عن أبيه, عن ابن عباس, قوله ( وَأَنَّهُ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى ) قال: هو الكوكب الذي يدعى الشعرى.
حدثني عليّ بن سهل, قال: ثنا مؤمل, قال: ثنا سفيان, عن خصيف, عن مجاهد, في قوله: ( وَأَنَّهُ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى ) قال: الكوكب الذي خَلْف الجوزاء, كانوا يعبدونه.
حدثنا ابن حُميد, قال: ثنا مهران, عن سفيان, عن منصور, عن مجاهد: ( وَأَنَّهُ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى ) قال: كان يُعبد في الجاهلية.

* Mentioned who said that:
Muhammad bin Saad told me, he said: dissuade my father, he said: dissuade my uncle, he said: dissuade my father, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, his saying (and he is the Lord of al-Shi’ari) he said: He is the star called al-Shi’ari.
Ali bin Sahl told me, he said: We were told by Mu’amil, he said: We were told by Sufyan, on the authority of Khaseef, on the authority of Mujahid, in his saying: (And he is the Lord of Shi’a) he said: The star behind Gemini, they used to worship him.
We were told by Ibn Humaid, he said: We were told by Mahran, on the authority of Sufyan, on the authority of Mansur, on the authority of Mujahid: (And he is the Lord of poetry) He said: He was worshiped in the pre-Islamic era.

حدثنا محمد بن عمرو, قال: ثنا أبو عاصم, قال: ثنا عيسى; وحدثني الحارث, قال: ثنا الحسن, قال: ثنا ورقاء جميعا, عن ابن أبي نجيح, عن مجاهد, قوله ( رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى ) قال: مرزم الجوزاء.
حدثنا بشر, قال: ثنا يزيد, قال: ثنا سعيد, عن قتادة, قوله ( وَأَنَّهُ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى ) كان حيّ من العرب يعبدون الشِّعْرَى هذا النجم الذي رأيتم, قال بشر, قال: يريد النجم الذي يتبع الجوزاء.

Muhammad bin Amr told us, he said: Tell us Abu Asim, he said: Tell us Jesus; And Al-Harith told me, he said: Al-Hassan narrated, he said: Tell us all of them, on the authority of Ibn Abi Najih, on the authority of Mujahid, his saying (Lord of the hair) he said: Marzam Al-Jawza.
Bishr told us, he said: told us Yazid, he said: told us Saeed, on the authority of Qatada, his saying (and that he is the Lord of Sirius) was alive among the Arabs who worshiped Sirius, this star that you saw, Bishr said, he said: He wants the star that follows Gemini.
حدثنا ابن عبد الأعلى, قال ثنا ابن ثور, عن معمر, عن قتادة, في قوله ( رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى ) قال: كان ناس في الجاهلية يعبدون هذا النجم الذي الذي يُقال له الشِّعْرَى.
حدثني يونس, قال: أخبرنا ابن وهب, قال: قال ابن زيد, في قوله ( وَأَنَّهُ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى ) كانت تُعبد في الجاهلية, فقال: تعبدون هذه وتتركون ربها؟ اعبدوا ربها. قال: والشِّعْرَى: النجم الوقاد الذي يتبع الجوزاء, يقال له المرزم.

Ibn Abd al-Ala told us, Ibn Thawr said to us, on the authority of Muammar, on the authority of Qatada, in his saying (the Lord of al-Shi`ari) he said: People in the pre-Islamic era used to worship this star that is called al-Shi`ari.
Yunus told me, he said: Ibn Wahb told us, he said: Ibn Zayd said, in his saying (and that he is the Lord of poetry) she was worshiped in the pre-Islamic era, so he said: Do you worship this and forsake its Lord? Worship her God. He said: And Al-Shi’ari: the guiding star that follows Gemini, it is called Al-Marzam.
Re: Muslims, Where Is The Junction Of The Two Seas That Moses Reached Located? by Sixfiguresmart(m): 3:35pm On Sep 11, 2022
why are Muslims avoiding this question. Did you notice that none of them even dared. They have gone online to check but even their biggest clerics avoid it. Please help me ask these guys where the two sea Moses reached is found. And they caught a fish that eventually escaped there hahahaha

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Re: Muslims, Where Is The Junction Of The Two Seas That Moses Reached Located? by RoyalDiadems: 4:21pm On Sep 11, 2022
Surah 18:60 And ˹remember˺ when Moses said to his young assistant, “I will never give up until I reach the junction of the two seas, even if I travel for ages.”

Where are these seas located?

surah 2:67 “Allah commands you to sacrifice a cow Surah 2:69 It should be a bright yellow cow

allah's choice of sacrificial cow is top-notch. A bright yellow cow. So, all those killing cows in Nigeria are wasting their time cos they are not bright yellow cows.

Islam is purely an Arabian distortion of Christianity. They decided to create an antichristian religioin to counter Israel who is perceived as their enemy. These Arabs have deceived a lot of people, and have sent countless people to hell.

May the Lord open the eyes and the hearts of those who read this.

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Re: Muslims, Where Is The Junction Of The Two Seas That Moses Reached Located? by Sixfiguresmart(m): 6:34pm On Sep 11, 2022

They continue to deceive millions. All these blacks are called abeed. That word means slave and means a black man too.

In the US it if offensive for a white man to call a black a nigga. But the Arabs continue to call blacks abeed till now. They know nothing about the Islam. They do not read their quran. they only recite it.

That is why whenever you ask them a question in the quran, they run to the Bible to pick up those famous lines to attack you. It is shameful that they fail to read but they are ready to kill you for what they do not know. It is brainwashing.


Islam is purely an Arabian distortion of Christianity. They decided to create an antichristian religioin to counter Israel who is perceived as their enemy. These Arabs have deceived a lot of people, and have sent countless people to hell.

May the Lord open the eyes and the hearts of those who read this.
Re: Muslims, Where Is The Junction Of The Two Seas That Moses Reached Located? by RoyalDiadems: 9:41pm On Sep 11, 2022

They continue to deceive millions. All these blacks are called abeed. That word means slave and means a black man too.

In the US it if offensive for a white man to call a black a nigga. But the Arabs continue to call blacks abeed till now. They know nothing about the Islam. They do not read their quran. they only recite it.

That is why whenever you ask them a question in the quran, they run to the Bible to pick up those famous lines to attack you. It is shameful that they fail to read but they are ready to kill you for what they do not know. It is brainwashing.

The matter is very serious. We need to labour hard to rescue these souls from the perils of hell. We can't just sit down and watch Satan in his wicked business.

I commend what you're doing but I'll also plead with you to use your discoveries to minister to them rather than attack them. By doing so, the Holy Spirit could use your medium to save the lost.
Re: Muslims, Where Is The Junction Of The Two Seas That Moses Reached Located? by Sixfiguresmart(m): 1:58am On Sep 12, 2022
Bro, thank you very much. I really appreciate the love.

Nevertheless, let me tell you something about Muslims. If you think that you can preach to a muslim queitly, you will end up getting deceived. Muslims are fanatics. They have been brainwashed from birth. They have a special program to brainwash little kids and indoctrinate them all these fallacies.

The only way you can ever get a muslim to pay attention to you is

1, use the quran against his ideology. He believes that quran with his life. so show him what he believes with what he thinks. There is always a big clash cos some of them can use their thinking faculty to arrive at a reasonable conclusion. But the moment they notice that it is in the quran, there is this demon that reconfigures their brains and makes them insist on what they have logically disproven. For example, ask som if it will be nice to have sex with a minor. They will condemn it and even ask for such a man to go to jail or be killed. But the moment you break the ice to them that mohammed did just that, suddenly they look for a defense line to support what they logically condemn. In such cases, that person is not in control when he defends that evil, it is the indoctrination that overwhelms him. As soon as he breaks off of that, he can clearly see that it was wrong.

2 separate that individual from the pack. there is always one big demon by the side to convince that man who is see the light to stay in that darkness. It could be a fellow muslim, a friend, a family member or their cleric. Muslims work like a colony. It is more about fear of reprisal. so, for that Muslims man to break free, he needs to be isolated and secured. there is no way to make him isolated mentally than to challenge him hard. and push him to the extremity of his defense line. this prompts that man to think for himself when he runs out of clerical exegesis. It is easier to convince a muslim when it is a one on one conversation with all the required materials on the table. Let him do the search there and then and reach a conclusion.

3. muslims are aggressive and violent. such a man needs to be tamed. they are raised to be alpha-dominant. You do not edge that man out with stiff confrontation. confrontation makes him listen to you. if you cannot get his attention, nothing sinks.. fore example all of them here have this dominant feeling that they have the true religion. these are taught in the masjliss. they outrightly condemn christianity and the Bible even to little children. when a muslim walks up to you, you will be the most insane fool to think that he is harmless. Believe me that man knows who you are and what you believe and in his eyes, you are a pig. You eat animals that split the hoof. That is why it is normal for the men to marry christians but they rebuff christian men marrying their women. To tame an aggressive man, stand up tall to him and you can level up the playing field. This tactic is what Israel uses because they know them well. Give them double pounds for each pound they give you. They are not that strong logically. They easily burn out of mental armory. That is why they go physically violent cos mentally or logically, they are frail.

My goal here is not to convert anyone. that is not going to happen. no need to waste my time cos i know muslims. the goal here is to supply them the weapon for critical thinking and provide them with enough evidence that their religion is as dirty as anything that they have been made to condemn. I want them to see that they are being deceived thoroughly. what does this achieve? Now, this takes away terrorists seeking to murder christians from the street. It reduces that preponderance to extremism. this reduces condemnation of christians. This exposes their clerics and mullahs as bad as the pastors that they condemn. cos you will never hear or see a mullah do wrong. everything in islam is about cover ups. they conceal their evil and bury it from Christians and others so as to appear good like the Pharisees. Eventually, this leads to freedom from the shackles of the brainwashing. That is how to help that man. They have what they call the dawah tactics. Once you can break that, that man is on the a sail for individual critical thinking

Another set back here is that, this website is antichristian. if you have not noticed it. to comment on a muslim topic, you have to convert to islam first. while no one converts to christianity to comment on christian topics. So, if you go that soft, you will turn grey here and be blocked for a half of the time that you spend online.

They are too easily giving to blocking christians ONLY for stating the obvious fact and not something tragic. I am not here to win any soul for no one. I am here to expose the dark secrets of Islam and let someone else win them over. They have blocked me many times and they have suspended me from posting topics. You can imagine how insidiously devious they are


The matter is very serious. We need to labour hard to rescue these souls from the perils of hell. We can't just sit down and watch Satan in his wicked business.

I commend what you're doing but I'll also plead with you to use your discoveries to minister to them rather than attack them. By doing so, the Holy Spirit could use your medium to save the lost.

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Re: Muslims, Where Is The Junction Of The Two Seas That Moses Reached Located? by RoyalDiadems: 2:07pm On Sep 12, 2022
Bro, thank you very much. I really appreciate the love.

Nevertheless, let me tell you something about Muslims. If you think that you can preach to a muslim queitly, you will end up getting deceived. Muslims are fanatics. They have been brainwashed from birth. They have a special program to brainwash little kids and indoctrinate them all these fallacies.

The only way you can ever get a muslim to pay attention to you is

1, use the quran against his ideology. He believes that quran with his life. so show him what he believes with what he thinks. There is always a big clash cos some of them can use their thinking faculty to arrive at a reasonable conclusion. But the moment they notice that it is in the quran, there is this demon that reconfigures their brains and makes them insist on what they have logically disproven. For example, ask som if it will be nice to have sex with a minor. They will condemn it and even ask for such a man to go to jail or be killed. But the moment you break the ice to them that mohammed did just that, suddenly they look for a defense line to support what they logically condemn. In such cases, that person is not in control when he defends that evil, it is the indoctrination that overwhelms him. As soon as he breaks off of that, he can clearly see that it was wrong.

2 separate that individual from the pack. there is always one big demon by the side to convince that man who is see the light to stay in that darkness. It could be a fellow muslim, a friend, a family member or their cleric. Muslims work like a colony. It is more about fear of reprisal. so, for that Muslims man to break free, he needs to be isolated and secured. there is no way to make him isolated mentally than to challenge him hard. and push him to the extremity of his defense line. this prompts that man to think for himself when he runs out of clerical exegesis. It is easier to convince a muslim when it is a one on one conversation with all the required materials on the table. Let him do the search there and then and reach a conclusion.

3. muslims are aggressive and violent. such a man needs to be tamed. they are raised to be alpha-dominant. You do not edge that man out with stiff confrontation. confrontation makes him listen to you. if you cannot get his attention, nothing sinks.. fore example all of them here have this dominant feeling that they have the true religion. these are taught in the masjliss. they outrightly condemn christianity and the Bible even to little children. when a muslim walks up to you, you will be the most insane fool to think that he is harmless. Believe me that man knows who you are and what you believe and in his eyes, you are a pig. You eat animals that split the hoof. That is why it is normal for the men to marry christians but they rebuff christian men marrying their women. To tame an aggressive man, stand up tall to him and you can level up the playing field. This tactic is what Israel uses because they know them well. Give them double pounds for each pound they give you. They are not that strong logically. They easily burn out of mental armory. That is why they go physically violent cos mentally or logically, they are frail.

My goal here is not to convert anyone. that is not going to happen. no need to waste my time cos i know muslims. the goal here is to supply them the weapon for critical thinking and provide them with enough evidence that their religion is as dirty as anything that they have been made to condemn. I want them to see that they are being deceived thoroughly. what does this achieve? Now, this takes away terrorists seeking to murder christians from the street. It reduces that preponderance to extremism. this reduces condemnation of christians. This exposes their clerics and mullahs as bad as the pastors that they condemn. cos you will never hear or see a mullah do wrong. everything in islam is about cover ups. they conceal their evil and bury it from Christians and others so as to appear good like the Pharisees. Eventually, this leads to freedom from the shackles of the brainwashing. That is how to help that man. They have what they call the dawah tactics. Once you can break that, that man is on the a sail for individual critical thinking

Another set back here is that, this website is antichristian. if you have not noticed it. to comment on a muslim topic, you have to convert to islam first. while no one converts to christianity to comment on christian topics. So, if you go that soft, you will turn grey here and be blocked for a half of the time that you spend online.

They are too easily giving to blocking christians ONLY for stating the obvious fact and not something tragic. I am not here to win any soul for no one. I am here to expose the dark secrets of Islam and let someone else win them over. They have blocked me many times and they have suspended me from posting topics. You can imagine how insidiously devious they are

I understand you my brother. Since you know your audience so well, you would also know the best Strategies for achieving your goals with them.

Keep it up beloved. I love what you're doing, and I'm also learning.

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