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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Events / Mum And Daughter Miraculously Rescued After Three Days In Jaguar-infested Jungle (516 Views)
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Mum And Daughter Miraculously Rescued After Three Days In Jaguar-infested Jungle by teegrams(m): 12:58pm On Sep 20, 2022 |
A mum and her three-year-old daughter have been rescued after spending three days lost in the Brazilian wilderness. Ludmila Jesus da Silva, 21, and her daughter Kyara went missing after leaving on a trip from their home in Ribeirão das Neves in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais on September 9. While passing through the rural municipality of Morada Nova de Minas, the family’s vehicle broke down while they were following a route guided by their GPS. Firefighters later said the car broke down due to dust getting into the engine. While waiting for help to arrive, Ludmila and Kyara got out of the car and walked towards a forest next to the road to try to get a phone signal, leaving the woman’s partner, Valter Moreira Westermann, 23, with the car. After the pair failed to return to the vehicle, a concerned Valter looked for Ludmila and his stepdaughter and then called the emergency services when he couldn’t find them. A search operation was launched and the missing mother and child were found by a drone three days later on 12 September. They were both treated at hospital and discharged the following day. After being lost for three days, Ludmila told local media that she “had to drink water from a rock” to survive. She explained that she went to find a phone signal to call for help and continued walking for a while. She then ran out of battery on her phone and the pair ended up lost in the wilderness. Ludmila also said they didn’t eat anything, and that Kyara didn’t speak throughout the ordeal. The mother added: “If it wasn't for her I would have given up.” Read More; |
Re: Mum And Daughter Miraculously Rescued After Three Days In Jaguar-infested Jungle by GracedVictory: 1:39pm On Sep 20, 2022 |
They walked away from their car...into the forest , to search for network? You mean , she carried her BABY away from the safety of the car, to look for network in a jaguar infested forest, and her partner raised no objections? You mean she left in such a hurry that she couldn't trace her way back to the car? Wow!!! You mean they had no network , but the partner could call emergency services from the comfort of the car? Wow! My take. Was her partner trying to hurt/abuse her and the child? Did he try to kill them by chasing them into the forest? Surely she's not so stupid to take a baby into the forest , knowing the dangers. Surely this story does not add up.. Surely , they are all mad! 2 Likes |
Re: Mum And Daughter Miraculously Rescued After Three Days In Jaguar-infested Jungle by MrBrownJay1(m): 4:00pm On Sep 20, 2022 |
story makes no sense.... - why take the daughter to look for signal? - since when forest gives better signal? - so BF jejely stays in the car while GF and child walks into a forest?! - father eventually could call emergency when he couldnt find them, so it was that easy to find signal! - mother said"if it wasnt for her daughter, she would have given up" ...given up how exactly? killed yourself?! 1 Like |
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