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North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Electrochemistry(m): 8:47am On Oct 05, 2022
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Dikaveli(m): 8:47am On Oct 05, 2022
The only thing countries like North korea and Russia have in common is BALLS .

I love their courage, audacity, fearlessness, firmness, daring, fortitude,spirit, mettle, confidence, gutsiness,ballsiness, temerariousness, effontery. No time for nonsense.

How i wish China too with its vast economical strenght and power can also be able to stand its ground and not just make empty threats everytime the United state toy with them through Taiwan.
That would make Taiwan stop playing games with China by entertaining those evil westerners close to China.

China needs to man up,show balls too, and start acting like a world power they are. Not empty threats here and there everytime.

Talking trash


Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by omonnakoda: 8:47am On Oct 05, 2022
The rocket Man should learn from Russia's debacle in Ukraine and stop disturbing world peace.

Kim must be very stupid to think that his country can defeat south Korea, Japan and USA all together.
You have no clue what the issues are but feel you must talk
In talking you have no original ideas other than to parrot what you have heard or read without even an iota of understanding about what is really happening.


Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by juniior(m): 8:47am On Oct 05, 2022
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by SIMONEKPA7: 8:48am On Oct 05, 2022

Joker. You should be a comedian.
Japan retaliate? Lol. That will be a recipe for disaster, exactly what Northkorea is looking for. They will nuke the nonsense out of japan. Their western ally and puppeteer, U.S will not be able to do nada. Havent witness how the westerners pushed ukraine into calamity garnished with extreme disaster, they wouldn't dare.

Thank God, Japan are wiser to know better, they wouldn't want to experience a hiroshima and Nagasaki disaster for a second time.
Ode, who is North Korea compare to Japan, nna go just de type nonsense on Naira land

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by harmargedon: 8:48am On Oct 05, 2022

nonsense, what is ball in provoking another country unnecessarily?
they're provoking only one country grin grin grin
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by timesupreloaded: 8:48am On Oct 05, 2022
The rocket Man should learn from Russia's debacle in Ukraine and stop disturbing world peace.

Kim must be very stupid to think that his country can defeat south Korea, Japan and USA all together.
what your foolish news fail to say is that the US. missiles failed and ended up killing south korea troops in the based. America weapons are scrap. America, Japan and south korea wont take five minutes for north korea to destroy in totality
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by lawrenzooo: 8:48am On Oct 05, 2022

Joker. You should be a comedian.
Japan retaliate? Lol. That will be a recipe for disaster, exactly what Northkorea is looking for. They will nuke the nonsense out of japan. Their western ally and puppeteer, U.S will not be able to do nada. Havent witness how the westerners pushed ukraine into calamity garnished with extreme disaster, they wouldn't dare.

Thank God, Japan are wiser to know better, they wouldn't want to experience a hiroshima and Nagasaki disaster for a second time.
Ever wondered why no country has use nuke lately?

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Nobody: 8:49am On Oct 05, 2022
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by mamaafrik(m): 8:49am On Oct 05, 2022
It's quite funny how Japan went into military coma after Pearl harbor incident.

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by infogeneral: 8:50am On Oct 05, 2022
Short man devil
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by juniior(m): 8:50am On Oct 05, 2022

Ode, who is North Korea compare to Japan, nna go just de type nonsense on Naira land
u no get sense. North will wipe out Japan with 5 ICBM. Japan is a pacifist nation. They signed it after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Their military is useless

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Jokerman(m): 8:51am On Oct 05, 2022
The only thing countries like North korea and Russia have in common is BALLS .

I love their courage, audacity, fearlessness, firmness, daring, fortitude,spirit, mettle, confidence, gutsiness,ballsiness, temerariousness, effontery. No time for nonsense.

How i wish China too with its vast economical strenght and power can also be able to stand its ground and not just make empty threats everytime the United state toy with them through Taiwan.
That would make Taiwan stop playing games with China by entertaining those evil westerners close to China.

China needs to man up,show balls too, and start acting like a world power they are. Not empty threats here and there everytime.

The only reason you hate US, is because you are a Muslim, and because they didn't allow muslim fanatics in the world... na US get una antidote grin

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Rich4god(m): 8:51am On Oct 05, 2022
8 am forced to quote u, go back to history about the Korean war and u will knw that even with the help of uk,us, Australia and other western support with troops and supplies, there was never a winner in the Korean war,The us lost the highest of its Troops post world war durin that Korean war,

So u didn't knw that Russia and China where at the side of NK


Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by harmargedon: 8:52am On Oct 05, 2022

Ode, who is North Korea compare to Japan, nna go just de type nonsense on Naira land
don't be clumsy, Japan is nothing when compared N.korea. America is currently fucking the dreams on Japan by taking away from them the power to have their own military.


Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by lordprogress: 8:55am On Oct 05, 2022
The reason I like this Kim is because he has the balls he has raised the tension to the highest level back in 2017, compared to his father and grandfather he is on another level, with in 10 years he achieved what his father and grandfather never dreamt of despite the heavy western backed sanction he has developed the country nuclear and missile tech to another level.

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Originalsly: 8:55am On Oct 05, 2022
or=lhordspy post=117274650]

China needs to man up,show balls too, and start acting like a world power they are. Not empty threats here and there everytime.


What empty threats have China made? ... name one. China said Taiwan is theirs ... and it's off limits to foreign powers. Didn't the US send their top aircraft carrier Ronald Regan there to prove a point? ... but was confronted and driven away by Chinese fighter jets? China and Orth Morea do not make noise ... they do what they have to do.

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by timesupreloaded: 8:56am On Oct 05, 2022

Last I remembered
USA backed by almost UN force battled the NK troops to a draw even when USA dropped more bombs in NK than I think Germany.
NK bested so called most advanced countries to a draw that USA led generals want USA military to nuke China and NK but the USA president said NO due to fear of USSR which promised to nukes S/K if USA ever use nukes on NK and USA will lose support of other nations.
it was not a draw stop believing rubbish propaganda. North Korea won the korea war. All the rubbish we read online are bullshit. The korean war was what elevated the chinese military. Vagabond mcarthur (forgot the idiot name) will never forget even in his grave
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by ExudeLoveToAll: 8:56am On Oct 05, 2022
8 am forced to quote u, go back to history about the Korean war and u will knw that even with the help of uk,us, Australia and other western support with troops and supplies, there was never a winner in the Korean war,The us lost the highest of its Troops post world war durin that Korean war,

To me there was a winner in that war, it was the South Koreans.

The western folks you quoted , if they hadn't intervened and pushed out NK from the south there will be nothing like South Korea today.

To others there was a stalemate, to the South Koreans they won the war while to the North Koreans they lost the war because they lost majority of what they had gained initially.

The western intervention saved South Korea, the North had already eaten the south like a piece of cake before the intervention and push back to the DMZ. The troops the US lost was the sacrifice to keep Seol standing till this day.

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by SenecaTheYonger: 8:56am On Oct 05, 2022
Is it that a country can fire at another country unprovoked?
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by harmargedon: 8:58am On Oct 05, 2022
It's quite funny how Japan went into military coma after Pearl harbor incident.
The Constitution was imposed by the occupying United States in the post-World War II period. Despite this, Japan maintains the Japan Self-Defense Forces, a de facto defensive army with only strictly offensive weapons like ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons prohibited.


Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by lordprogress: 8:58am On Oct 05, 2022

So u didn't knw that Russia and China where at the side of NK
Only the Chinese troops helped when the American backed un troops were getting close to the Yalu river, as for the Soviets they only helped with weapons not troops.
Compared to the us lead in coalition forces the support NK got was nothing.
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by timesupreloaded: 8:58am On Oct 05, 2022
Mumu country, instead of bettering the lives of your country men na missiles you de fire.., Japan is way ahead
Japan is a shithole country. You have been completely dumbed down. North Korea is a trillion times better than deflation shithole Japan
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by saintadeola: 9:00am On Oct 05, 2022
USA has no relevance in peace or sustainability of peace any more,USA is destined to bring doom to the world,cos instead to quench fire they have develop ability to fuel fire or war,and d disaster that looms in Europe is imminent on Russian readiness,

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Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Typicool8(m): 9:00am On Oct 05, 2022
Nigeria military is still test how to produce pencil and beat Nigeria civilians very well grin grin

See the way the Nigeria military rockets and anti missiles rockets pointed up, meaning it’s the best and ready to shoot down any B52 bombers or Tu160 bombers.
Nigeria military already planning to add nukes to it

The height of sarcasm grin
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Eyinju112(f): 9:02am On Oct 05, 2022
You too like war haba
The only thing countries like North korea and Russia have in common is BALLS .

I love their courage, audacity, fearlessness, firmness, daring, fortitude,spirit, mettle, confidence, gutsiness,ballsiness, temerariousness, effontery. No time for nonsense.

How i wish China too with its vast economical strenght and power can also be able to stand its ground and not just make empty threats everytime the United state toy with them through Taiwan.
That would make Taiwan stop playing games with China by entertaining those evil westerners close to China.

China needs to man up,show balls too, and start acting like a world power they are. Not empty threats here and there everytime.
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by saintadeola: 9:02am On Oct 05, 2022
Although they can't risk co fronting Russia,cos the moment they make any mistake,Russia too is more than capable of striking new York, Washington and co,Moscow too will collect,that's how horrible history will be recorded
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by DarkPheonix: 9:02am On Oct 05, 2022
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Donlanray: 9:03am On Oct 05, 2022

Joker. You should be a comedian.
Japan retaliate? Lol. That will be a recipe for disaster, exactly what Northkorea is looking for. They will nuke the nonsense out of japan. Their western ally and puppeteer, U.S will not be able to do nada. Having witnessed how the westerners pushed ukraine into calamity garnished with extreme disaster, they wouldn't dare. Please let's reason properly. North Korea, unlike Russia does not have PROVEN nukes. They don't have what it takes to confront Japan. They are just been naughty. Japan will be too much for them, not to talk of the alliance.

Thank God, Japan are wiser to know better, they wouldn't want to experience a hiroshima and Nagasaki disaster for a second time.
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by Tinubuwins2023e: 9:03am On Oct 05, 2022
Ipob miscreants will definitely support north Korea on this. Animals
Re: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan by lordprogress: 9:05am On Oct 05, 2022
Although they can't risk co fronting Russia,cos the moment they make any mistake,Russia too is more than capable of striking new York, Washington and co,Moscow too will collect,that's how horrible history will be recorded
That's why it's called MAD(mutually assured destruction) that is why they have been no nuke usage since ww2.

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