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Cassava Plantation, Processing And Packaging Business Plan - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Cassava Plantation, Processing And Packaging Business Plan by solarex: 6:34pm On Oct 09, 2022


Tobex limited is a cassava company which involve in selling of cassava stem, plantation and processing of cassava tubers into Garri , fufu, starch, chips and flour for both local and international market.

We have gari processing centre’s where rural farmers brings there cassava tuber for processing. We have 5 basic units which are Traditional food processing unit, flour production unit , starch production , chips production unit, pellet production unit and crude ethanol production where different products are produced in each of the units.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to operate chains of Cassava processing plant and farms in strategic locations all round Oyo State and in major cities in Nigeria.

Our Mission

Tobex mission is to cultivate cassava in large commercial quantities and to produce different products (starch, ethanol, sweetener , animal feeds etc.) for both local and international market.

To distribute our packaged products to all the nooks and crannies of Oyo state and Nigeria as a whole

Supply and selling of high quality cassava breed or stem varieties which are disease and pest resistant, low cyanide content e.t.c to cassava growing farmers

To assist the small holder cassava farmers to improve their production and establish cassava processing center/industry close to main rural/farm settlement for easy transportation

To provide adequate supply of cassava products to contribute to the demand of Cassava products

Products and Services


Production of cassava flour in large scale
Cassava stem
Cassava chips and pellet for snacks and animal feed i.e HCQF
Food grade ethanol
Starch i.e natural starch and modified starch (dextrin)

We operate garri processing centers which are close to all rural settlement or likely cassava farms to reduce transportation cost and stress of cassava farmers.

Our firm provides a research and training center that helps in breeding of improved cassava varieties which are disease and pest resistant, low cyanide content, early maturing & high yielding cassava breed.

Training of our clients (farmers, processors and traders) on potential market opportunities, cassava industrialization & commercialization

Wow us:

We will be planting and processing cassava from the vitamin A variety which contains beta carotene that is good for children under 5 years and pregnant women. The product will be neatly packaged for healthy consumption

The fact that we offer consultancy service on cassava business and supply farmers laborers to use on their cassava farm land make our service different

We will have outlet where we sell all materials needed for cassava farming

To get the full standard business plan please call 07082014770, 07062284261

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