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GOD is Good - Family (3) - Nairaland

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Re: GOD is Good by Richy4(m): 5:33pm On Oct 23, 2022

U people are just trying too hard to sound politically correct....all these talk is western trash, mixed with feminism, giving women more power to deal with men....

.when u hear a rape case back in the day...the evidence is the body of the woman..very clear.... now ..women will just wake up and claim rape.. and its just the womans word against the man..

I even heard this new definition of rape covers when u are already fvcking with consent....and she suddenly decides its no longer consent...

This op claiming she was raped by her husband is still in the house eating food, using light, staying in the place where she claimed her attacker abused her, the same place where she's claiming what she ddnt want happened to her.....okay ooo....i'm not supporting rape..but lets know when someone is actually raped and when someone is just trying to be vindictive..

My brother, there's nothing.. absolute nothing like sounding politically correct... I am a firm believer that what is good for the Goose is equally good for the Gander...I don't play gender cards,I am way too old for that...

If a married man is stressed out and was not in the mood to play based on work related issues or other issues he was dealing and it was justified and accepted by the woman, why should it be an issue when a woman felt she was not in the mood due to work related stress as well for example and doesn't feel like having sex?...

Based on the idea of her staying put in her matrimonial home eating and drinking, I believe that u know very well that they were residing in Nigeria.. having that fact in mind, Do you think that there are organisation that offers temporary shelter to rape or domestic violence victims? Do they even have a help hotline for that purpose ? Do u know if she got relative in that city that can reasonably accommodate her until these whole mess is sorted out? We don't know all there.. so that argument for me doesn't count in my opinion...

Having said that, I will not want to wake up one morning and hear that someone forced my daughter against her will...no father will like to hear that...The idea that an individual should have the right to dominate, control and forcefully penetrates into another person because they were married is inhuman in my opinion...if that was the case, what was their vows again? Does it in anyway include force?

As for women waking up and claiming rape victims, I believe competent law courts do handle that...This is because the judge will ask for evidence and exhibits?... possibly a DNA and u know that....

There are lots of rape cases that were thrown out of court especially when the judge can see through them but it didn't make headlines... But when one person was convicted, it does.. it then look like power were given to women...
We might not be of the same view but I believe marital rape is wrong..


Re: GOD is Good by advanceDNA: 5:53pm On Oct 23, 2022

We might not be of the same view but I believe marital rape is wrong..

I never said rape isnt wrong...whether marital or not.....i'm asking women to show proof of the rape...and not just claim they were raped
... ask this op which proof she has....she gat nothing...she's just a scorned woman..

u talked about DNA....DNA isnt suppose to be convictable proof btw husband and wife cos his sperm is not a random stranger's sperm...

.why will anyone convict a man for having his semen in his wife's vagina when the sex could have been consetual and the woman lied it isnt since she knows the nigga sperm will be in her...


Re: GOD is Good by abbasajao(m): 6:01pm On Oct 23, 2022
Do not report him if you still need your failing marriage.
Re: GOD is Good by Richy4(m): 6:27pm On Oct 23, 2022

I never said rape isnt wrong...whether marital or not.....i'm asking women to show proof of the rape...and not just claim they were raped
... ask this op which proof she has....she gat nothing...she's just a scorned woman..

u talked about DNA....DNA isnt suppose to be convictable proof btw husband and wife cos his sperm is not a random stranger's sperm...

.why will anyone convict a man for having his semen in his wife's vagina when the sex could have been consetual and the woman lied it isnt since she knows the nigga sperm will be in her...
cheesy cheesy
I believe you got female fans here in Nairaland who are kin to know your thoughts and opinions... So my question is..Is the Manchester United Greenwood girlfriend's kind of evidence/ recording good enough for marital rape evidence? Since you are looking for proof..

Just say yes and the ladies will swing into action...and starts presenting that kind of proof to judges..and u know that collecting such evidence is simple right? And you know what that kind of evidence is capable of doing right? smiley
Re: GOD is Good by advanceDNA: 6:34pm On Oct 23, 2022

cheesy cheesy
I believe you got female fans here in Nairaland who are kin to know your thoughts and opinions... So my question is..Is the Manchester United Greenwood girlfriend's kind of evidence/ recording good enough for marital rape evidence? Since you are looking for proof..

Just say yes and the ladies will swing into action...and starts presenting that kind of proof to judges..and u know that collecting such evidence is simple right? And you know what that kind of evidence is capable of doing right? smiley

U call that proof....??
Re: GOD is Good by Richy4(m): 7:28pm On Oct 23, 2022

U call that proof....??

The last time I checked,Proof is an evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement...

A woman said she was raped which was her statement and she provided a recording audio device to substantiate her claim as a proof of what she said, and u asked if that was a proof?

Ok based on your opinion;

<<(a) How do you define proof ?
<<(b) what is concrete enough to be an evidence that a woman was raped since you insinuated that audio recording that captured those voices were not good enough ..

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Re: GOD is Good by advanceDNA: 7:47pm On Oct 23, 2022

The last time I checked,Proof is an evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement...

A woman said she was raped which was her statement and she provided a recording audio device to substantiate her claim as a proof of what she said, and u asked if that was a proof?

Ok based on your opinion;

<<(a) How do you define proof ?
<<(b) what is concrete enough to be an evidence that a woman was raped since you insinuated that audio recording that captured those voices were not good enough ..

Proof is infallible, it doesnt look staged, cooked or doctored....proof is simple when a man forcefully fvcked a woman who doesnt want to be fvcked by the fvcker...nigga it not rocket science...its modeen day feminism that created alot of grey and complicated areas in this matter


Re: GOD is Good by nonso674: 8:20pm On Oct 23, 2022
lol grin grin
Re: GOD is Good by Richy4(m): 9:21pm On Oct 23, 2022

Proof is infallible, it doesnt look staged, cooked or doctored....proof is simple when a man forcefully fvcked a woman who doesnt want to be fvcked by the fvcker...nigga it not rocket science...its modeen day feminism that created alot of grey and complicated areas in this matter

Thank you for answering the (a ) part which was what you considered to be your definition of proof,I liked the fact that u went an extra mile to explain the characteristics of good evidence...

But you omitted the (b) part of the question that says what do you think was concrete enough as an evidence to be tendered before a judge...because I believe he/she (judge) is in a good position to know which evidence presented before him or her was doctored, staged or cooked...

As for your statement on red ink, u made it rocket science actually... You implied that proof would be made simple when a man forced a woman who doesn't want to have sex...
How will the woman proof that she doesn't want to have sex if the man that forcefully took her says that it was consented? Or do you think that the judge and juries should be present while the did was going on so that they can collaborate with the woman and said indeed it was rape because they were there

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Re: GOD is Good by advanceDNA: 9:30pm On Oct 23, 2022

Thank you for answering the (a ) part which was what you considered to be your definition of proof,I liked the fact that u went an extra mile to explain the characteristics of good evidence...

But you omitted the (b) part of the question that says what do you think was concrete enough as an evidence to be tendered before a judge...because I believe he/she (judge) is in a good position to know which evidence presented before him or her was doctored, staged or cooked...

As for your statement on red ink, u made it rocket science actually... You implied that proof would be made simple when a man forced a woman who doesn't want to have sex...
How will the woman proof that she doesn't want to have sex if the man that forcefully took her says that it was consented? Or do you think that the judge and juries should be present while the did was going on so that they can collaborate with the woman and said indeed it was rape because they were there

Nigga..u talk too much....whats your point??


Re: GOD is Good by Richy4(m): 4:59am On Oct 24, 2022

Nigga..u talk too much....whats your point??

shocked shocked shocked
I talk too much?... Dude, u have no idea how bored I was having this conversation with you..I was just doing it out of courtesy that's all...

I usually quote selected people that makes perfect sense and 100% clear in their opinion...U quoted me and out of respect I usually accord people online, I engaged you to know what you were driving at.... I don't know the polite way of saying that you don't know what you were talking about without coming out rude.. that was why it took longer than necessary... sorry about that...

To avoid this happening again in future, please check the name properly.. it's Richy4...if u can't answer my questions clearly and precisely, please don't quote me... of course you know I can never dream of quoting u... embarassed

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Re: GOD is Good by advanceDNA: 5:23am On Oct 24, 2022

shocked shocked shocked
I talk too much?... Dude, u have no idea how bored I was having this conversation with you..I was just doing it out of courtesy that's all...

I usually quote selected people that makes perfect sense and 100% clear in their opinion...U quoted me and out of respect I usually accord people online, I engaged you to know what you were driving at.... I don't know the polite way of saying that you don't know what you were talking about without coming out rude.. that was why it took longer than necessary... sorry about that...

To avoid this happening again in future, please check the name properly.. it's Richy4...if u can't answer my questions clearly and precisely, please don't quote me... of course you know I can never dream of quoting u... embarassed

Lol...another proud fvcker on a faceless forum
You cant make a point with few words....its not nice and its tiring...that was my point... even you trying to insult me now has too many words
Re: GOD is Good by minasu190: 8:38am On Oct 24, 2022

[b]We've not had sex for a while, t[/b]hen some days ago he came back from work and forced himself on me. I told him no but he kept going on. When he finished he left me like that without saying anything & left the house. He hasn't returned since then.

Does he feel guilty & sorry for what he did or Should i still go ahead to report to the police.

I'm not happy.

You too hear what you said, you purposely deprived him from having sex with you and you want him to calm down with you, madam reporting to police would not solve the situations.next time give your husband in any corner,that's the sametness of relationship if you don't know!
Re: GOD is Good by torqque7(m): 10:25am On Oct 27, 2022

We've not had sex for a while, then some days ago he came back from work and forced himself on me. I told him no but he kept going on. When he finished he left me like that without saying anything & left the house. He hasn't returned since then.

Does he feel guilty & sorry for what he did or Should i still go ahead to report to the police.

I'm not happy.

It’s your mumu husband I sha blame for letting you starve him of sex, who get time to wait for you when there are so many other young Single more beautiful women around to give him a better sexual experience that will make him hate sex with you sef, I bet he is a big SIMP

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Re: GOD is Good by Kelvin3476: 7:06am On Dec 14, 2022

We've not had sex for a while, then some days ago he came back from work and forced himself on me. I told him no but he kept going on. When he finished he left me like that without saying anything & left the house. He hasn't returned since then.

Does he feel guilty & sorry for what he did or Should i still go ahead to report to the police.

I'm not happy.

Re: GOD is Good by Chiraq77(m): 9:21am On Dec 14, 2022

I think both of you have behavioral attitudes and your marriage is already at the verge of collapsing

So if you are tired of the marriage walk out

If you still want the marriage and the man look for him

If you guys continue this way, one day he will come in, stab you and leave you in your own pool

What if she's the one that stabs Him first grin

Don't tell me you have forgotten the OYO Woman that stabbed her Hubby for Sex angry

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