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Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Nobody: 2:50pm On Nov 02, 2022
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday did not concede the election he lost to leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in a brief speech that marked his first comments since results were released two days ago.

But afterward, Chief-of-Staff Ciro Nogueira told reporters that Bolsonaro has authorized him to begin the transition process.

Bolsonaro’s address didn’t mention election results, but he said he will continue to follow the rules of the nation’s constitution.

“I have always been labeled as anti-democratic and, unlike my accusers, I have always played within the four lines of the constitution,” Bolsonaro, flanked by more than a dozen ministers and allies, told reporters in the official residence.

Bolsonaro lost Sunday’s race by a thin margin, garnering 49.1 percent of the vote to da Silva’s 50.9 percent, according to the nation’s electoral authority. It was the tightest presidential race since Brazil’s return to democracy in 1985 and marks the first time Bolsonaro has lost an election in his 34-year political career, including seven races for a seat in Congress’ Lower House.

Much like former U.S. President Donald Trump, whom Bolsonaro openly admires, the far-right incumbent has repeatedly questioned the reliability of the country’s electoral system, claiming electronic voting machines are prone to fraud. He never provided any proof, even when ordered to do so by the electoral court.

That has led many political analysts to warn that Bolsonaro appeared to be laying the groundwork to reject election results.

In recent days, and without a public statement from Bolsonaro, truck drivers and other supporters of his blocked hundreds of roads across the country. Many said the election had been fraudulent and some called for military intervention and for Congress and the Supreme Court to be disbanded.

Cc: mynd44


Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by immortalcrown(m): 2:55pm On Nov 02, 2022
Born-to-rule mentality is so dangerous.

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Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Nobody: 2:56pm On Nov 02, 2022
E don red

grin grin grin
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by THELATTERMAN(m): 2:56pm On Nov 02, 2022
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by duro4chang(m): 3:08pm On Nov 02, 2022
Bad loser. Trump also did the same thing. Nigerian losers will also said there was rigging

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Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by VictorUSA(m): 3:09pm On Nov 02, 2022
Stupid man. We must get rid of all these nuisances called conservatives in order to have a free world. Americans did away with Trump and now Brazilians to Bolsonaro. We must have a world that accomodate LGBTQI and abortion; we must perfect the western hegemony. We must have a world where the Church has no influence in our politics.

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Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Enugurangers: 3:11pm On Nov 02, 2022
And this is why they call him Trump of the tropics. Two stupid far right piece of shit.

They look for everyway to cast doubt on a perfectly working system even though that same system had favoured them in the past.


Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Nobody: 3:15pm On Nov 02, 2022
Bad loser. Trump also did the same thing. Nigerian losers will also said there was rigging

grin grin grin
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Nobody: 3:15pm On Nov 02, 2022
Stupid man.

You day vex o. grin grin grin
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Nobody: 3:16pm On Nov 02, 2022
And this is why they call him Trump of the tropics. Two stupid far right piece of shit.

They look for everyway to cast doubt on a perfectly working system even though that same system had favoured them in the past.

cheesy cheesy

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Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by VictorUSA(m): 3:25pm On Nov 02, 2022

You day vex o. grin grin grin
E better make I vex. I seriously hate what I hate.


Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by bjnorl: 3:34pm On Nov 02, 2022
I don't care who wins. I want changes. I want a good public health, i want job, i want security, i want the politicians raise the minimum wage
He's going to spend another 4 years earning an exorbitant salary to don't change nothing.
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by bjnorl: 3:40pm On Nov 02, 2022
North and Northeast Brazil always destroying the country. The poorest regions of the country support Lula. They are poor due the corruption and only choose corrupt politicians. I don't generalize all north and northeast Brazilians but such stupid region.
PT ruled the country for 16 years. And for 16 years northeast Brazil states are the last places in human development. I support separation. They should let the South, Southeast, and Midwest create a country. And the North and Northeast ruled by Lula and living in poverty.
Lula is popular because uses poverty to stay in power. Lula offer 116 dollars and more 11 dollars for children up to 6 years ( of social benefit) The northeast are the poorest region of Brazil. A lot of the population survive by social benefits. For this reason he is so popular in the poorest regions. A lot of the citizens are accommodated with social assistance.
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Nobody: 4:15pm On Nov 02, 2022
I don't care who wins. I want changes. I want a good public health, i want job, i want security, i want the politicians raise the minimum wage
He's going to spend another 4 years earning an exorbitant salary to don't change nothing.

We already have a winner, grin grin grin,You have changed your tone? This was the same thing I was telling you last time and you refused to listen because you support Bolsonaro, it is good that you have actually accepted defeat, I was right when I said I won't take sides in the election, we just need someone that would improve our lives,we need cheap food like it was before when akilo of chicken was 5reais, I work from Monday-Saturday and yes we all Need cheap food, I won't die for any politician, I can only gladly die for BRAZIL.

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Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Nobody: 4:21pm On Nov 02, 2022
North and Northeast Brazil always destroying the country. The poorest regions of the country support Lula. They are poor due the corruption and only choose corrupt politicians. I don't generalize all north and northeast Brazilians but such stupid region.
PT ruled the country for 16 years. And for 16 years northeast Brazil states are the last places in human development. I support separation. They should let the South, Southeast, and Midwest create a country. And the North and Northeast ruled by Lula and living in poverty.
Lula is popular because uses poverty to stay in power. Lula offer 116 dollars and more 11 dollars for children up to 6 years ( of social benefit) The northeast are the poorest region of Brazil. A lot of the population survive by social benefits. For this reason he is so popular in the poorest regions. A lot of the citizens are accommodated with social assistance.

In every country of the world there must be the rich and the poor even in America the only issue is when you have a wide gap between the rich and the poor.

In a democracy we all have the right to choose who we want and like I said I am not getting involved because the right and left are the same.

If Lula was so bad why do they want him back?

Why did the PRF stop them from voting?

As for separation, Brazil shall remain united and still stay one, accept your defeat, go back to the drawing board, come back in 4years,if you feel aggrieved, go to court, that is democracy.

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Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by AllahIsDevil: 4:29pm On Nov 02, 2022
That's the problem with far right politicians. They are power mongers.

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Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by saxywale2: 5:34pm On Nov 02, 2022
It seems the guy has now finally conceded. The will of the people has prevailed.

Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by bjnorl: 6:21pm On Nov 02, 2022

If Lula was so bad why do they want him back?
Because he offer social benetifts for poor Brazilians. Social benetifts who are pay with our taxes. A lot of poor Braziians have 4,5 children. Brazil offer free condoms and free contraceptive pills. A lot of idiots don't care about this. Brazil have a lot of poverty and unemployment rate. For this reason stupid Brazilian politicians created "social benetifts". And they don't reduce the exorbitant salary of Brazilian politicians. the benefits are paid with the taxpayer's tax. Unfortunately Lula don't quote this detail.

Bolsa Família (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈbowsɐ fɐˈmiʎɐ], Family Allowance) is a social welfare program of the Government of Brazil, part of the Fome Zero network of federal assistance programs. Bolsa Família provided financial aid to poor Brazilian families

the benefit are paid with the taxpayer's tax.

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Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by bjnorl: 6:28pm On Nov 02, 2022
That is outrageous. Lula support dictators like Nicolas Maduro and Daniel Ortega. Lula support African dictators. Lula offer social benetifs paid with our taxes. And the stupid people vote for him. I don't believe in this. Brazilians are very stupid and indoctrinated. This corrupt idiot come back again. Third world countries are a such disgrace. That is the reason our countries are shithole underdeveloped and poor. Because shitholians only prefer corrupt politicians.
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by bjnorl: 9:31pm On Nov 02, 2022

We already have a winner, grin grin grin,You have changed your tone? This was the same thing I was telling you last time and you refused to listen because you support Bolsonaro, it is good that you have actually accepted defeat, I was right when I said I won't take sides in the election, we just need someone that would improve our lives,we need cheap food like it was before when akilo of chicken was 5reais, I work from Monday-Saturday and yes we all Need cheap food, I won't die for any politician, I can only gladly die for BRAZIL.

That is not because i support Bolsonaro. I'm angry because this years we had a lot of candidates. six candidates. And the people prefer Lula.
The pathetic and disgusting Lula. the idiot who offer social social benefits to support the children of scoundrels, vagabonds, etc... that is the reason Brazil is a shithole country and we have a horrible life. Congratulations for stupid Brazilians.
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by Nobody: 11:22pm On Nov 02, 2022

That is not because i support Bolsonaro. I'm angry because this years we had a lot of candidates. six candidates. And the people prefer Lula.
The pathetic and disgusting Lula. the idiot who offer social social benefits to support the children of scoundrels, vagabonds, etc... that is the reason Brazil is a shithole country and we have a horrible life. Congratulations for stupid Brazilians.

This is racism.
Re: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Declines To Concede Defeat(photos) by bjnorl: 12:33am On Nov 03, 2022

This is racism.

That is not racism. That is realism. Brazil offer free condoms and free anticonceptives. For this reason Brazil birth rate is so low 1,70 children per women. And a lot of poor families have 4,5,6 children. These families ask for donations, they ask for social benefits. I don't generalize. Not all poor Brazilians who recceives social assistence look like this. But a lot of them are.. Northeast Brazil have 53 millions of people and they only produce 14% of the country's gross domestic product. How come 53 millions of people only produce 14% of the country's gross domestic product? I don't hate the North and Northeast Brazil. It is past time for the Northeast and the North to prosper.The mayors of the cities, the governors of northeast Brazilian states are paid for this. They are paid to fiscalizate.

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