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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Career / 5 Practices To Improve Employee Productivity: Most Managers Neglect No. 5 (284 Views)
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5 Practices To Improve Employee Productivity: Most Managers Neglect No. 5 by HydrogenHQ: 6:43pm On Nov 02, 2022 |
The standard of your company is a function of the quality of employees. That’s why you should create an atmosphere in which your employees can work comfortably and bring out their best in terms of skills and personal relationships. Productivity within your company shouldn’t be left to chance; there should be a constant endeavor to make the work pleasant and exciting for everyone, thus making them productive and avoiding burnout syndrome as well. In today’s business world, you need to have the right tactics and strategies to make your employees more productive. This could be challenging, especially in an age where social media and other digital vices creep into the workplace. Highlighted below are five best practices to create a more productive and motivating work environment for your employees. 1. Communicate promptly and clearly Your employees need to be able to talk about their problems and the issues that might be lowering their productivity and overall job satisfaction. Office conflict is one of the biggest reasons why productivity is low and most meetings are dysfunctional. Issues raised should be dealt with systematically and openly. Aside from interpersonal communication, a lot of stress and pressure could also come from an ineffective communication channel used for work-related tasks. While relying on a desk phone is rather old-school and could often result in missed calls and accumulated workload, the advancements of the digital age allow us to utilize some communication systems that work smoothly on both computer and mobile devices. No extra phone costs, cables, or wasting time looking for the phone numbers as the versatility and efficiency of this particular tool lets you organize your communication practice in the most productive way possible 2. Provide constructive feedback regularly. Feedback is an essential management skill; the ability to provide regular, helpful feedback to your employees in a manner that encourages work-related improvements is a cornerstone of effective management. That is not to say feedback is always positive – that wouldn’t be management at all – but that the communication is done thoughtfully, whether the occasion is encouragement for a job well done, or that course correction is needed. 3. Provide incentives Productivity is most times motivated by incentives. If you encourage something, you get more of it; if you discourage something, you get less of it. Who doesn’t like to receive a financial incentive for the extra effort they make to improve a company’s reputation? The sad fact is that most of an organization’s economic incentives are just for their senior-level employees or management teams. Although there is no doubt that they are an integral part of your organization and devote much of their time to handling all routine processes; there is no point in ignoring employee engagement at the lower levels. If you expect your lower-level team members to work diligently to ensure the success of your business, it is essential to provide them with some financial incentives for all the good work they do. It may appear to be a costly undertaking, but in the long run, you will see returns on your investment as your employees will be happier and more productive. 4. Respect Your Employees Respect employees as individuals, in addition to the job they do. Respect can be a simple but powerful motivator, just as its unpleasant twin, disrespect, has the opposite effect. When employees feel genuinely respected, they’re much more likely “to go the extra mile” to help a company succeed. Read no. 5 and more quality management articles on
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