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Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia - Foreign Affairs (5) - Nairaland

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ukraine Reclaims Irpin. Launches Counter Attacks In Kherson & Kyiv / Russian Forces Claim Control Of Ukrainian City Of Kherson. Surround Others. / Russia Has Taken Control Of Major Ukrainian City Of Kherson (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Bentonite1: 1:17am On Nov 13, 2022
If your lineage isn't suffering from Congenital Defects HAMPERING your mental and cognitive capabilities you would have known that;
In 1856 during the Crimean War(5 October 1853–30 February 1856) Imperial Russia fought against an allied Coalition of the Ottoman Empire,France and Britain,etc and your overrated allies still suffered more than 200,000 casualties also during Napoleon Bonaparte reign he invaded Moscow in 24 June 1812– 30 December 1812 with a for of 500,000 troops the largest in continental Europe at that time and he lost 480,000 casualties compared to 359,000 casualties of the Imperial Russian forces.
A naturally retarded IDIOT like you isn't aware of the list of defeats Russia inflicted on Germany beginning with the defeat pf of the Teutonic Knights (Germany) in the Battle of the Ice on 5 April 1242 also in October 1760 Prussia which was the main Germany state with it's capital in Berlin was invaded by the Russian Imperial Forces in the Third Silesian War and finally in the Battle of Berlin (20 April – 2 May 1945) your beloved Nazis were DEFEATED culminating in Hitler committing suicide with the capture of Berlin.
Your natural idiocy is also exemplified that in a list of historical conflicts between Russia and Poland like;
I.Russo-Polish war of 1654–1667
II.War of the Bar Confederacy (April 1765–August 5,1792
III.Kosciuszko Uprising of 24 March–30 November 1794,etc including the more recent
IV.Soviet Polish war of 17 September – 6 October 1939 the Russians defeated the Poles in all these historical conflicts.

If you weren't a dolt you would also have known that in the Battle of Khalkin Gol(11 May – 16 September 1939) the Japanese lost to the Soviet (Russian) forces and Finland backed by Nazis lost in the Continuation War (25 June 1941– 19 September 1944) which led to their LOSS of Vipuri and Karelia territories grin and Chechnya uprising was CRUSHED respectively in 200 and finally in 2004 undecided

I hope this answers your dumb and fake assertion. another Putin a$$hole who always comes up with fake history to justify their recent humiliation

Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by preciousmetals: 1:52am On Nov 13, 2022
If Japan, Vietnam, China, Korea can recover after war, Ukraine case is a small case because they have a big backing, also the west will release Russia assets seize by them to Ukraine to rebuild their country
Only God knows how long it will take Ukraine to recover when this all ends... If it will ever end!
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Firstcitizen: 6:02am On Nov 13, 2022

You don't wanna flap your gums any more? You ain't so tough anymore? Muthafuka?
You fuccking shit stain.

Let me give you hope. Scientists are growing synthetic brains and hopefully as you clearly need one you can volunteer for the trials.

The only problem is getting the pig sh!t outta your thick skull may pose a challenge for the implant.
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Horokrox: 6:45am On Nov 13, 2022

I hope this answers your dumb and fake assertion. another Putin a$$hole who always comes up with fake history to justify their recent humiliation
IDIOT! Napoleon's defeat by Russia is well known in history morever a naturally RETARDED fool like you isn't interested in complete history as France has more "victories" than USA yet is military weaker than USA
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by DerrickzB: 7:30am On Nov 13, 2022

Have you been to Kherson to confirm it's lie?
Even Russia media has reported their troops have retreated

If not for bias and ur prejudice towards Russia, you’d be able to differentiate between withdrawal and retreating!!! And ur ukrops are already being hammers by air strikes!! They would leave that Kherson and run!!
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Ened(m): 10:01am On Nov 13, 2022
If you weren't naturally and Congenitally Deformed you would have known that USA Lend Lease to the Soviet Union amounted to 20,000 armoured vehicles (tanks trucks,etc) and 7000 aircraft compared to those produced by the Soviet Union (100,000 tanks including T 34,T 44 and IS heavy tanks) in addition to over 80,000 aircraft manufactured in the Soviet Union in places like Kazan,etc at the end of the war so you can actually see that the Lend Lease by the USA is minimal compared to total armoured vehicles and aircraft production by the Soviet who relocated many heavy industries to the Russian Far East(Siberia,etc) to avoid Nazi occupation and finally if you know you have half baked knowledge of "history" go back to primary school undecided

U seem to have half knowledge of history.
My advice: Read more.
One more word. Russia is grossly overrated by half knowing,
sorry all knowing ppl like you.

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Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Horokrox: 10:12am On Nov 13, 2022

U seem to have half knowledge of history.
My advice: Read more.
One more word. Russia is grossly overrated by half knowing,
sorry all knowing ppl like you.
Clown! I gave you facts about the percentage of Lend Lease (15%) given by the USA to Russia (Soviet Union) as pertaining to supplies of armoured vehicles (tanks, etc) and aircraft compared to Russian (Soviet) production of armoured vehicles and aircraft but a nitwit like you is unable to grasp historical facts beyond your mental capabilities even though your beloved USA led West is the superlative description of Overratedness undecided
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Ened(m): 10:14am On Nov 13, 2022

If not for bias and ur prejudice towards Russia, you’d be able to differentiate between withdrawal and retreating!!! And ur ukrops are already being hammers by air strikes!! They would leave that Kherson and run!!

Pls tell us the difference. Russia MOD said they pulled out to avoid DEATH OF THEIR SOLDIERS in Khenson by the attacking UKRAINIAN Soldiers
An average intelligent person should be able to understand that they ran away for fear of being killed and over run.
It's your overhyping or overeating of the Russian army that's affecting ur ability to interpret current reality.


Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Ened(m): 10:32am On Nov 13, 2022
Clown! I gave you facts about the percentage of Lend Lease (15%) given by the USA to Russia (Soviet Union) as pertaining to supplies of armoured vehicles (tanks, etc) and aircraft compared to Russian (Soviet) production of armoured vehicles and aircraft but a nitwit like you is unable to grasp historical facts beyond your mental capabilities even though your beloved USA led West is the superlative description of Overratedness undecided

I Kno ur problem. Russia is being chased away from Russia soil (I am sure u Kno Khenson is Russia's). Don't worry, don't cry o. Very soon, the almighty Russia with their assorted array of weapons and hypersonic, including nukes, will over run Ukraine, Kiev will not be spared. Two weeks is too much. Russia soldiers are the best in the world. Ukraine is just a 3 rated fighting force that can never withstand the almighty Russia army.
Russian is winning big ok. Wipe ur tears, don't mind those pro-Ukraine Nairalanders, they have been brainwashed by Western propaganda.
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Horokrox: 2:15pm On Nov 13, 2022

I Kno ur problem. Russia is being chased away from Russia soil (I am sure u Kno Khenson is Russia's). Don't worry, don't cry o. Very soon, the almighty Russia with their assorted array of weapons and hypersonic, including nukes, will over run Ukraine, Kiev will not be spared. Two weeks is too much. Russia soldiers are the best in the world. Ukraine is just a 3 rated fighting force that can never withstand the almighty Russia army.
Russian is winning big ok. Wipe ur tears, don't mind those pro-Ukraine Nairalanders, they have been brainwashed by Western propaganda.

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Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Izongdave(m): 3:03pm On Nov 13, 2022
Take it or leave the Victor in this War is the man who started it
One be tempted to claim that the west carjoled Russia into this war, this mind blowing intelligence claim while there undermining Russia's national security; a concern which a handful of states acknowledged... All that doesn't matter now.
Putin ignored all the hardlines that could savour him from a humiliating defeat, to pull out.
In so doing he is one the verge of repairing the damage he has done to the world at large and because that also can't be total, the first action is condemnable still
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by RALPHOW(m): 5:30pm On Nov 13, 2022
Puttin Shame shame shame!!!
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by OMYKROIN: 7:08pm On Nov 13, 2022
Check it, 99% of those supporting russia are idiotic muslims who do so cos the US is handicapping their terrorist religion, so they feel russia can repress the US but the US and the west are busy testing their new weapons on russian soldiers, opening the fakeness of the archaic russian military
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Bentonite1: 3:28am On Nov 14, 2022
If your lineage isn't suffering from Congenital Defects HAMPERING your mental and cognitive capabilities you would have known that;
In 1856 during the Crimean War(5 October 1853–30 February 1856) Imperial Russia fought against an allied Coalition of the Ottoman Empire,France and Britain,etc and your overrated allies still suffered more than 200,000 casualties also during Napoleon Bonaparte reign he invaded Moscow in 24 June 1812– 30 December 1812 with a for of 500,000 troops the largest in continental Europe at that time and he lost 480,000 casualties compared to 359,000 casualties of the Imperial Russian forces.
A naturally retarded IDIOT like you isn't aware of the list of defeats Russia inflicted on Germany beginning with the defeat pf of the Teutonic Knights (Germany) in the Battle of the Ice on 5 April 1242 also in October 1760 Prussia which was the main Germany state with it's capital in Berlin was invaded by the Russian Imperial Forces in the Third Silesian War and finally in the Battle of Berlin (20 April – 2 May 1945) your beloved Nazis were DEFEATED culminating in Hitler committing suicide with the capture of Berlin.
Your natural idiocy is also exemplified that in a list of historical conflicts between Russia and Poland like;
I.Russo-Polish war of 1654–1667
II.War of the Bar Confederacy (April 1765–August 5,1792
III.Kosciuszko Uprising of 24 March–30 November 1794,etc including the more recent
IV.Soviet Polish war of 17 September – 6 October 1939 the Russians defeated the Poles in all these historical conflicts.

If you weren't a dolt you would also have known that in the Battle of Khalkin Gol(11 May – 16 September 1939) the Japanese lost to the Soviet (Russian) forces and Finland backed by Nazis lost in the Continuation War (25 June 1941– 19 September 1944) which led to their LOSS of Vipuri and Karelia territories grin and Chechnya uprising was CRUSHED respectively in 200 and finally in 2004 undecided

Another op. I thought you said something sensible. what else do I expect from dumb of your kind if not garbage

Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Horokrox: 8:23am On Nov 14, 2022

Another op. I thought you said something sensible. what else do I expect from dumb of your kind if not garbage
You meant your naturally dumb and genetically DEFORMED ancestry exemplified by an unusually RETARDED fool like you isn't aware that included in the victories of Russia dating back to Kievan Rus times are defeats of France Poland Germany and Japan but a dolt like you without any knowledge of history continues to fool himself online

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Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by Bentonite1: 4:55pm On Nov 14, 2022
You meant your naturally dumb and genetically DEFORMED ancestry exemplified by an unusually RETARDED fool like you isn't aware that included in the victories of Russia dating back to Kievan Rus times are defeats of France Poland Germany and Japan but a dolt like you without any knowledge of history continues to fool himself online

Your stopid best army in the world.


even stole animals from Ukraine. Why won't they be defeated?
Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by DerrickzB: 9:33am On Nov 20, 2022

But those Putin Lovers claims that Russia is winning naw. Abi the winning na Inverse winning kwa?

Yeye, if you like dey deny reality very soon you go collect "Wotowoto" by then sense go enter your head like Putin and him Lovers.

Why are they running grin

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Re: Video Of Kherson Residents Celebrating Following Liberation From Russia by DerrickzB: 9:35am On Nov 20, 2022
Its all part of master Putin plan according to his e- diots here on nairaland grin

Just like people scammed of ponzi, Puteen supporters keep trusting their money (sense) will come back

If you had foresight, you’d know this before now tho

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