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$0 To $100 Changing How You Work And Think - Investment - Nairaland

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$0 To $100 Changing How You Work And Think by Windy123(m): 11:53pm On Nov 13, 2022
Hi, my name is Kenny Alaye. And I'm gonna share with you the trick on how to move from $0 to over $100+ monthly on Upwork. I know some of you are like, "Yes, we've heard about freelancing, it has existed for a long time now. It's there but the competition is just too much i can't just get noticed or land a gig." And some of you are also like, "If it works why are you trying to sell it to us kenny." Well to answer your questions, i wanna try to be as transparent as i can. This course isn't for everyone, it's for those who've put a lot of effort into trying to make a decent living but are faced with the harsh reality of the country. So this is a way of me offering my help to just 12 people to help them make more money.

Who can join:
Freelancers who wanna land more gigs
People who are interested in freelancing
Those with skills that can render remoter services (Graphic designers, writers, programmers, etc)

People, this course is not for:
Lazy individuals
Little knowledge of the internet
Computer illiterate

Proper command of the English language.
Must know how to operate a pc/phone.
Online skills are a bonus.
Must be ready to pay 5k for registration (12 slots only).

Link to start: https:///jn6ugj

What's in the course
How to utilize Upwork platform.
5 Best ways to write clients grabbing proposals.
How to best organize your profile.
Trick to learn an online skill to flip your income.
How to earn money regardless of your skill.

Method of training
Whatsapp and zoom sessions

Date: 17th November 2022

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Decasting Financial Poverty. / . / How To Earn And Withdraw FREE BITCOIN And LITECOIN || No Investment).

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