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Some Strange Good Characters In The Bible - Religion - Nairaland

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Some Strange Good Characters In The Bible by KangaIye: 6:15am On Nov 28, 2022
In the Bible, we have read about alot of humans that once grace this earth, some with extra ordinary powers while some were mentioned because of some good deeds.

Some are not worthy to be in the holy book but have their names written because of what they do at some point in time.

I will be listing few of these people and what they do that make us to forget about whom they truly are.
Re: Some Strange Good Characters In The Bible by KangaIye: 6:15am On Nov 28, 2022
The saved thief on the cross.

The story of the thief on the cross is found in the following Bible verses: Matthew 27:38, Luke 23:32-43 and Mark 15:27.

This story is in many ways one of the most touching stories in the Bible. A dying penitent thief accepts Christ as Lord and Master and is assured by Jesus of a place in paradise.

Many people have also asked the question, what is the name of the thief on the cross? Unfortunately, the Bible doesn't give his name, but the story of this thief gives us a beautiful picture of God's love as shown through Jesus and the mercy freely given to all mankind.
Re: Some Strange Good Characters In The Bible by KangaIye: 6:15am On Nov 28, 2022
2. Rahab the harlot

In the book of Joshua 2:1-7, the bible talk about Rahab the prostitute how she hid three Hebrew spies sent by Joshua to see how strong the walls of Jericho were. In doing so, she saved their lives.

She then helped them escape. (Joshua 2:15-24) In return, they promised that when the city was attacked, Rahab and her family would be spared.

Jericho was captured, the walls ‘came tumbling down’, and there was wholesale slaughter. (Joshua 6:12-25)
But Rahab and her family were spared.

Rahab has special significance for Christians: she is among the four women listed in Matthew’s gospel as ancestors of Jesus of Nazareth.
Re: Some Strange Good Characters In The Bible by KangaIye: 6:50am On Nov 28, 2022
3. Zacchaeus

In the book of Luke chapter 19..... The bible talks about Zacchaeus, He was known as a corrupt tax collector who collected more than he should have collected. Because of this, he had a negative reputation in the community.

When Jesus was passing through the City of Jericho, Zacchaeus became very excited to see Him. However, since he was very short, he could not see Jesus from the crowd.

To solve this, he climbed a sycamore tree to get a better view of Jesus. Jesus saw this and called at Zacchaeus to come down from the tree. Jesus then added that He intended to stay at Zacchaeus’ house to which Zacchaeus happily accepted.
Re: Some Strange Good Characters In The Bible by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:33am On Nov 28, 2022
They were FAITHFUL people but lost due to the circumstances they found themselves in an unjust world {Matthew 10:6} ruled by Satan the devil! John 14:30; 2Corinthians 4:4; 1John 5:19

But when they found out that God is real and ready to save they repented and ran to God for their salvation! smiley


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