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2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram - Politics - Nairaland

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2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by Nobody: 10:23am On Aug 27, 2011
Something is just not right with the all these chaos, BH madness, the bombing stories etc.
For instance;

1. The claim that a car broke two (2) gates to access the UN building. A car? I don't get it. Maybe a Tank or a Caterpillar. No, no, no!
A car? A car cannot even break my garage gate talk much of UN buildings gates (note the plural form).
Are the gates made from straw or is their more to this claim. No be only 1 gate but 1, 2 gates. Haba!

2. Why are Nigerians of certain ethnic stock only, recruited by a certain nation marine force. Why? What purpose? Obviously not to go for peacekeeping opeartion in Libya (cos, then their ethnicity won't count!)
Wait! Except for Future conflict planned along old faultlines? But still Why?

3. A ship loaded with WMDs (on an american vessel) was discovered in Lagos port 3 days ago originating from USA (source: NTA news, i wonder why no headline to this news on NL). That is baffling, mind boggling.

I got 2015 prophesy on my mind.

They said the easiest way to predict the future is to create it.

But the question is, Who inspired the 2015 prophet? God?

Remember say, the person wey dem crack coconut for him head, will not partake in savoury the nutty flavor.

Wake up people, THINK!
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by Nobody: 10:36am On Aug 27, 2011

Wow, what an analysis.

Nigerians sef !!

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by Nobody: 11:39am On Aug 27, 2011

Something is just not right with the all these chaos, BH madness, the bombing stories etc.
For instance;

1. The claim that a car broke two (2) gates to access the UN building. A car? I don't get it. Maybe a Tank or a Caterpillar. No, no, no!
A car? A car cannot even break my garage gate talk much of UN buildings gates (note the plural form).
Are the gates made from straw or is their more to this claim. No be only 1 gate but 1, 2 gates. Haba!

2. Why are Nigerians of certain ethnic stock only, recruited by a certain nation marine force. Why? What purpose? Obviously not to go for peacekeeping opeartion in Libya (cos, then their ethnicity won't count!)
Wait! Except for Future conflict planned along old faultlines? But still Why?

3. A ship loaded with WMDs (on an american vessel) was discovered in Lagos port 3 days ago originating from USA (source: NTA news, i wonder why no headline to this news on NL). That is baffling, mind boggling.

I got 2015 prophesy on my mind.

They said the easiest way to predict the future is to create it.

But the question is, Who inspired the 2015 prophet? God?

Remember say, the person wey dem crack coconut for him head, will not partake in savoury the nutty flavor.

Wake up people, THINK!

OMG! This is compelling & deep!

The questions raised here are definitely for the deep thinkers, (I doubt NL forum with hordes of rabble rouser, agents & counter-agents is the right place)

Unfortunately, Nigeria has got no credible NSA, nor credible Think Tank for deep thought!

Chineke Chi Zo Ba!
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by Nobody: 11:41am On Aug 27, 2011
Now what was I thinking !!

Ah , I remember , GREAT SATAN America, they have caused us immense stress in this life  grin

We have to work together to protect our peaceful brothers in the North from American CIA covert operations !!!!

Now I use the word 'North' here as location , and not referring per se to people, since you cannot paint both the devils and angels with one brush.
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by Beaf: 11:47am On Aug 27, 2011
Conspiracy theory followers are men that bark at dogs and run after the moon. grin
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by Nobody: 12:17pm On Aug 27, 2011

Don't even go there, loser!

You got no credibility left. So, your point of view don't count.

Scram, traitor!
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by edoyad(m): 9:16pm On Aug 27, 2011
i agree with OP, the western powers have a hand in this. They are seeking for a way to gain access to the oil around the lake chad basin.
Ok now ask yourselves this, how come after british colonization there are still parts of the country where a majority of the girls and boys will grow up to be illiterates ? Someone must have convinced them to adopt that lifestyle.
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by dejacrue: 9:27pm On Aug 27, 2011
Both "beaf" & "buzugee" are rite. Those guys(UK & USA) r finding reasons to enter Nigeria for the sole purpose of controlling our Oil. That is what they did in Iraq & now Libya, both of whom are oil producing nations with huge reserves. Nigeria is their next target. Nigeria has the 2nd highest oil reserves after Libya. Remember USA last yr said nigeria would disintegrate in 2015. God bless Naija.
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by Nobody: 9:47pm On Aug 27, 2011

Oh yeah.

The west had nothing to do with it.

This is pure supremacist Islam ideology in full play before our very eyes.

Yet the self-deniers keep blaming the west. undecided
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by mrman2(m): 10:29am On Aug 28, 2011
If a war starts in Nigeria today, American soldiers will be in the country before you know it all in the name of ''peace keeping'' but the ulterior motive will be our black gold. You think killing Ghadaffi will be the end of libyas problems? was the death of sadam hussien the end in iraq?, think Nigerians, think!!!
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by friedrice1: 9:45pm On Aug 28, 2011


Wow, what an analysis.

Nigerians sef !!

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Conspiracy theory followers are men that bark at dogs and run after the moon. grin
ROTFLMAO grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by BIGERBOY1: 10:11pm On Aug 28, 2011
no mind our mindless nigerians, iraq is in chaos politically and socially yet oil lifting continues seemlessly by exon and the rest,

libya no doubt had a tyrant as thier problem but trust me secterian conflict will continue long in d future while oil giants like eni and total seemlesly lift their crude.

in nigeria BH is a reality no doubt but someone or something seems to be enabling its sophistication, how else can bunch of illitrate yusufiya's execute such daring attacs with 'CIA' presicion and we cant still track a single person related to them (some thieves attackd a bank in bauchi d other day claimin to b BH. I dey laff)

now to my fellow ethno centric bigoted 9ja men, keep turning a blind eye to these unnatural occurence just bcoz of your hatred of some part of the country, instead of ironing out things among your selfs.

in d end u will end up selling your selves to another round of slavery in d hand of the west ( who havnt appologized for d first slavery) just like your 4fathers sold their brothers just to get a miserable piece of mirror in return.
Re: 2015 Prophecy: The Voice Of America, The Hand Of Boko Haram by Nobody: 12:28pm On Sep 19, 2014
Y'all didn't see this coming. I guess?

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