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Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by ogwumgbe: 10:24am On Dec 04, 2022
They can see man, they can’t see God! They have been told how merciful God is, how he’s gracious, full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great mercy (Psalm 145:8 KJV).

Meanwhile, Just a reminder in case you’re being misled to overlook the divisive ticket that Tinubu is running:

If a Muslim-Muslim ticket succeeds in Nigeria, things like nationwide RUGA and Sharia implementation will be back on the table and you’ll see how fast it passes on the legislative chambers!

Your only chance and power to fight is at the ballot. A word is enough for the wise

RUGA is dead and buried brother
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Johel(m): 10:29am On Dec 04, 2022
Why do people fear Man rather than God?

I fear no man but God.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Stanleyq: 10:36am On Dec 04, 2022
[quote author=Omooba77 post=118886556]Why do people fear Man rather than God?[/because men are wicked and God is merciful
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Tickles001(m): 10:39am On Dec 04, 2022

I would say most people aren't doing evil because they live in a society that frowns hard upon those things
People can do great evil in secret and cover it up to avoid societal punishment. Most people don't do so because the they believe hell waiting.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Stanleyq: 10:40am On Dec 04, 2022
To be honest it's something that baffles me even among so-called Christians.

I know a lot of Christians who are so humble before men, they would even literally bow down before their fellow men, try to do things to please men, but when it comes to God, Kai!

It's really astonishing.i

I even noticed that it was the same thing in the Bible, where those humble before God like David, Moses, Jesus etc., would be seen as proud by their fellow men, including those who are rejects or seen as proud before God like Eliab, Aaron and Miriam, and the Pharisees.

It's a real mystery.

Perhaps it's because they can't see God physically as they do humans.
I didn't fully understand u because ur comment is quite obfuscating,but there is a clear indication that u sounded a muslim
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Abbeytoy(m): 10:41am On Dec 04, 2022
If God minister to you to go slap Soldier for Barack, who would you fear among them?

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Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by frozen70(f): 10:47am On Dec 04, 2022
Why do people fear Man rather than God?

Man is evil and can do any harm
God is mercy full and slow to anger
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Emman08: 10:55am On Dec 04, 2022
If you don't have something interesting rest. To post no be by force
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Neoteny7: 10:55am On Dec 04, 2022
One is real
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by RichAbujaGuy: 11:15am On Dec 04, 2022
There is still plenty of animism and paganism in the word. Ppl have different beliefs and cultural backgrounds.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:17am On Dec 04, 2022

Coz human mostly believe In what they see

I agree with you!

The title "GOD" has been defined as "SUPREME BEING" but how do you expect a human to fear someone as superior to him when the so called GOD posed no visible threat?
A common thief will earn a bow (worship) from any victim at gunpoint but then the God you're talking about is invisible and not only that there are thousands of Gods been worshiped by billions across the globe.
So which one exactly do you expect a common man to fear when there is contradictions here and there? smiley


Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by ObalaEmma: 11:21am On Dec 04, 2022
The answer is short and simple. Men do not fear God because theY lack wisdom and understanding. PROVERB 9 VS 10.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by hopefulLandlord: 11:35am On Dec 04, 2022

People can do great evil in secret and cover it up to avoid societal punishment. Most people don't do so because the they believe hell waiting.

let's assume there's no religion idea or god idea for a moment; Murder? There's only so many murders you'll commit before you're caught and hauled off to spend the rest of your life in Kirikiri or face firing squad and that's if jungle justice doesn't get to you first

There's only so much rape you can carry out before the long arm of the law catches you and you're ostracized, jailed, killed, murdered in revenge

I think its high time we give societal laws its due as its much more effective in keeping people good than some promise of afterlife punishment

In addition, this "holy laws" are hardly effective because you'll hardly see many of so-called religion adherents live strictly by the code of the book, I've witnessed Muslims have sex with minors and then take a plastic keg to wash their penis which to them is like washing sins away; plastic kettle, water and someone words to your god is all it takes to wash your pedophile act away, something that could land you long term sentence by most societal laws

This is one of the critic of religion, no matter how huge your sins are, you can always "wash" it all away by talking to your imaginary friend

Let us imagine what the society would be like if we wait for an agreed-on god to punish wrongdoers?

and such idea of Quran preventing murders actually fall flat when you look at certain Muslims killing in the name of Allah, so what supposedly prevents your Facebook friend from killing anyhow is also empowering some others to kill!

terrorists use one religion or the other as their reasons for the destruction they're doing

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Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by LordReed(m): 11:37am On Dec 04, 2022
Why do people fear Man rather than God?

Because the god as conceptualised by most people doesn't exist. If a god of the sort people normally think of did exist people would behave a whole lot differently.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by LordReed(m): 11:45am On Dec 04, 2022

let's assume there's no religion idea or god idea for a moment; Murder? There's only so many murders you'll commit before you're caught and hauled off to spend the rest of your life in Kirikiri or face firing squad and that's if jungle justice doesn't get to you first

There's only so much rape you can carry out before the long arm of the law catches you and you're ostracized, jailed, killed, murdered in revenge

I think its high time we give societal laws its due as its much more effective in keeping people good than some promise of afterlife punishment

In addition, this "holy laws" are hardly effective because you'll hardly see many of so-called religion adherents live strictly by the code of the book, I've witnessed Muslims have sex with minors and then take a plastic keg to wash their penis which to them is like washing sins away; plastic kettle, water and someone words to your god is all it takes to wash your pedophile act away, something that could land you long term sentence by most societal laws

This is one of the critic of religion, no matter how huge your sins are, you can always "wash" it all away by talking to your imaginary friend

Let us imagine what the society would be like if we wait for an agreed-on god to punish wrongdoers?

and such idea of Quran preventing murders actually fall flat when you look at certain Muslims killing in the name of Allah, so what supposedly prevents your Facebook friend from killing anyhow is also empowering some others to kill!

terrorists use one religion or the other as their reasons for the destruction they're doing

Well said.

I think people especially African people love stories more than reasoning. It's easier to give in to tales than to expend the necessary brain power, energy and time to reason.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by iHateFraudsters: 11:57am On Dec 04, 2022
They can see man, they can’t see God! They have been told how merciful God is, how he’s gracious, full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great mercy (Psalm 145:8 KJV).

Meanwhile, Just a reminder in case you’re being misled to overlook the divisive ticket that Tinubu is running:

If a Muslim-Muslim ticket succeeds in Nigeria, things like nationwide RUGA and Sharia implementation will be back on the table and you’ll see how fast it passes on the legislative chambers!

Your only chance and power to fight is at the ballot. A word is enough for the wise

The main point of Muslim Muslim ticket is Islamization.

I swear, if Muslim-muslim ticket pulls through, Christians should kiss the presidency goodbye forever.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by hopefulLandlord: 11:59am On Dec 04, 2022

Well said.

I think people especially African people love stories more than reasoning. It's easier to give in to tales than to expend the necessary brain power, energy and time to reason.

so true bro, so true
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by LARRYOBRAIN(m): 12:02pm On Dec 04, 2022
Because of immediate benefits
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by ukaface(f): 12:14pm On Dec 04, 2022
Because we haven’t seen him
We see man, we see how strict they can be, how difficult, the punishment we can get from them when we ere
God- is overlooking a whole lot of evil people, so how do we get scared of him? It seems majority of the people don’t take him seriously
The evil ones keep living longer, the innocent are suffering and dying some for no reason.
If he descends upon the evil ones immediately they ere then we can be afraid of him, everyone would sit up and be righteous.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by einsteine(m): 12:18pm On Dec 04, 2022
The existence of God isn't even proven and you expect "him" to be feared?

A man can walk up to you and end your life. No proof that there is a God let alone one with the power to do things.

That's why Christians have more reverence for their clergy than the God they claim to serve. They have proof of the pastor's existence. For God, nada. Just hope and faith.

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Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by escavros: 12:20pm On Dec 04, 2022
I guess it is because Man walks by sight.
(Sight can be deceptive)

But those that walk by faith fear God rather than fearing Man and this is wisdom because Faith is spiritual.

Fyi: The spiritual controls the physical

Why do people fear Man rather than God?
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by karmaolu1(m): 12:25pm On Dec 04, 2022
God is invisible while man is visible
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Rapht933: 12:30pm On Dec 04, 2022
eye service/ hypocrisy
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by KnownUnknown: 12:44pm On Dec 04, 2022

Well said.

I think people especially African people love stories more than reasoning. It's easier to give in to tales than to expend the necessary brain power, energy and time to reason.

You said your spouse is a Christian. How do you counter the stupid stories being told to your Children that warps their critical thinking skills?

E.g. Rainbows

A child in a more enlightened clime with properly educated parents may tell you about light refraction and dispersion while your child may tell you about the supernatural Hebrew monkey that drowned the world and created the rainbow to remind itself not to do it again.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Nobody: 12:58pm On Dec 04, 2022
Why do people fear Man rather than God?

Bro me I fear women...lightskin or halfcast women thou..especialy dem ones with yansh sir..They always take my salary anytime!!((REAL TALK)) cheesy
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by LordReed(m): 1:11pm On Dec 04, 2022

You said your spouse is a Christian. How do you counter the stupid stories being told to your Children that warps their critical thinking skills?

E.g. Rainbows

A child in a more enlightened clime with properly educated parents may tell you about light refraction and dispersion while your child may tell you about the supernatural Hebrew monkey that drowned the world and created the rainbow to remind itself not to do it again.

I teach them science. We look at the moon and stars through a telescope. I take them to the hospital or give them medicine when they are ill. Things of these nature I think will more ground them in reality than in any fairytales. I am also hoping as they grow older to introduce them to more critical thinking skills as well. I have started but I can see their bafflement, I know its cos their minds are still young but they'll catch on.

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Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by IbileIfe: 2:01pm On Dec 04, 2022
Because they don't know God.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by IsaacGeorge29(m): 2:54pm On Dec 04, 2022
Why do people fear Man rather than God?

Simple, number 1, they NOTHING of the LIVING GOD. David said it is a fearfull thing to fall into the hands of the living god(search that particular phrase to get the exact scripture).
second, man is more substancial to them so they fear what they can see ignorant of that which is unseeable.
third(extra), they don't know that they're already suffering for the sins, except the once they cofess to GOD And repent from.
i give you the truth.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by jesusjnr2020(m): 3:54pm On Dec 04, 2022
I didn't fully understand u because ur comment is quite obfuscating,but there is a clear indication that u sounded a muslim
You don't have to understand me, just ensure you are not humble in the sight of men but proud in the sight of God. That's the most important thing.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by judedwriter(m): 4:48pm On Dec 04, 2022
We can't see God, but we can see men.

However, the evidence of God is all about us:

The trees, the sun, the moon, the stars, the water, the grass, the sand, the fruits, the air, etc.

All these should make us fear God than men.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by Jackanda1(m): 5:46pm On Dec 04, 2022
You don't have to understand me, just ensure you are not humble in the sight of men but proud in the sight of God. That's the most important thing.
Hello, please how may i reach out to you, i'm in a mess right now and i'd love you to mention me in your prayers.
Re: Why Do People Fear Man Rather Than God? by marsup: 7:02pm On Dec 04, 2022
Because they can see Man, but can't see God.
Most human beings tend to be afraid of what they can see, that poses an immediate danger.
"If Men were God".

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