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Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live - Foreign Affairs (2952) - Nairaland

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Video Of A Congolese Soldier’s Final Moments On The Battlefield Surfaces Online / World News! Events Happening Around The World / Russia - Ukraine War Tension: Live Updates (Pictures) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by shoodboi2: 8:07pm On Jan 13

You really have the time to do all these explanations to that dumb fool?

"The most stupid thing a person can think or believe is to think terrorist organisations will ever come out and fight in a conventional manner wearing uniforms and armbands that designate them as an enemy force."

Am not surprised that is the way all of the idiotic pro Hamas and Hezbollah sympathizers think. If you look just a little below the surface, it is people like them who once asked the civilians in Boko Haram controlled places to move out so that the military can engage them as if Boko boys will not move out with the civilians. I don't understand how supposed university graduates can be as dumb as some folks here.

Nigeria is in big trouble. Just imagine the kind of people I am sharing a country with.

It is your dad who is a dumb fool. You and your trollies have said all sorts of things here to justify a genocide. From "Hamas is using civilians as shields" to "Hamas has its headquarters under Al-Shifa hospital." Israel bombed and invaded Al-Shifa hospital in November 2023. One year and two months later, we still haven't seen the tunnel.

And that is just one of the many madness you people have performed without providing a single evidence. Guy, take a chill pill and Bleep off my mentions.


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Godstime001: 8:08pm On Jan 13

When I said WriterNG is a psychopath folks thought I was joking...
Oga u too does same. Stop behaving like a saint.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by mysticwarrior(m): 8:17pm On Jan 13

In 2022, nothing less than 35 people died from wildfires in China in the Hunan province. And in 1987, wildfires burned over 1.33 million hectares of land in China. What happened to the drones?
Source: statista.com
We are talking about incident of recent past and you are making reference to what happened in 1987, oga in 1987 drone technology has not advanced to where it is today.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by WrriterNg: 8:38pm On Jan 13
Oga u too does same. Stop behaving like a saint.

They're trying to gaslight us that what we feel is hatred while what they feel is love. Don't fall for it.

The kind of love that made them kill 5 million innocent citizens in the Middle East & Africa.... and still continue to kill innocent Palestinians till this day.

Their western masters look at the rest of the world with disgust and call us subhumans that don't deserve to live. Especially people in the least developed countries.


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by WrriterNg: 9:00pm On Jan 13

Many experts were predicting it was inevitable that China's economy would surpass ours, they will never surpass us.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by usmanpogo(m): 9:09pm On Jan 13

That "Democracy vs Dictatorship" rant pisses me off a lot. How can people be so dumb and intentionally ignorant at the same time? angry

You don't need to be a genius to know democracy is not working for us in Africa, we have practiced the system for decades and it has not yield the desired result.

However, while this is not a subscription to dictatorship, I think it's in our best interest to review, dissect and explore other alternatives that suits our collective goal as a people.

In addition, the flagrant abuse of power by public office holders, unabated corrupt practices, extravagant misuse of limited financial resources, human right violations, all these Authoritarian elements are very much present in our so called democracy.

Finally, these are the discussions we need to have as a group of people, we don't have to copy everything coming from the west or east, we should be able to fashion out our own system of government, I believe that in itself is true independence.


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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by WrriterNg: 9:14pm On Jan 13
⚡Police made 34 arrests in the Eaton fire and Palisades fire.

They include looters, trespassers, arsonists, firefighter impersonators and more.

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by WrriterNg: 9:24pm On Jan 13
⚡Some 200 Israeli soldiers signed a letter saying they would stop fighting if the government didn’t secure a ceasefire.

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by seunny4lif(m): 9:37pm On Jan 13
Greenland acknowledges Russia's global role on the international stage — Prime Minister of the island, Mute Egede.

What’s going on?

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by WrriterNg: 10:06pm On Jan 13
⚡The top two free apps on the US Apple App Store today are both TikTok alternatives

1. Xiaohongshu, 'RedNote'
2. Lemon8 (owned by Bytedance).
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Lawag3: 10:07pm On Jan 13
I learnt how to use words from the western media
they taught you well.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Lawag3: 10:10pm On Jan 13

You really have the time to do all these explanations to that dumb fool?

"The most stupid thing a person can think or believe is to think terrorist organisations will ever come out and fight in a conventional manner wearing uniforms and armbands that designate them as an enemy force."

Am not surprised that is the way all of the idiotic pro Hamas and Hezbollah sympathizers think. If you look just a little below the surface, it is people like them who once asked the civilians in Boko Haram controlled places to move out so that the military can engage them as if Boko boys will not move out with the civilians. I don't understand how supposed university graduates can be as dumb as some folks here.

Nigeria is in big trouble. Just imagine the kind of people I am sharing a country with.

I really don't want to qoute people like him.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Lawag3: 10:18pm On Jan 13

Like I said, I'm not here to criticize your assertions.
You don't need to be an expert to state your points, but you must know the basics and what your talking about.

Anyways if I may ask, what is the Russian counterparts to the iron dome?

Well I researched on the basics.

9K33 Osa

The 9K33 Osa is highly mobile and designed for low-altitude, short-range combat

Pantsir-S1: A short-range air defense system.
2K22 Tunguska: A short-range air defense system.
Buk missile system: A short-range air defense system

Yeah the listed are the Russian equivalent of the iron dome not half as effective though.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Kingsnairaland(m): 12:57am On Jan 14
Developing a strong mind

Now understand this.
Nobody makes you feel anything.
Nobody makes you feel angry.
Nobody makes you feel upset.
Nobody makes you abusive

You always decide how you're going to feel, and then if you're not careful,
you will fall into a negative habit pattern of blaming the other person.

Blame is the core of all negative emotions. When you stop blaming, you cut down the negative emotion tree.
You cut it off.
You kill it, and all the negative emotions die simultaneously.

It's almost exactly as if this negative emotion tree were a Christmas tree,
and it were plugged into the wall,
and the negative emotions were Christmas tree lights.
And you took this plug and you jerked it out of the wall.
What would happen?
What would happen is that all the negative emotions,
the lights, would go out simultaneously, just like that.

How do you do this?
You do this by using the law of substitution. Remember,
the law of substitution says that
the conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time.
It's the thought that the conscious mind holds that determines how the emotions will react, how the subconscious mind will react.

Since it can only hold one thought at a time, what you do is you knock out the thought that is causing
the negative emotion,
the blame thought,
and you replace it with this affirmation:
I am responsible.
I am responsible.
I am responsible.

This, in conjunction with '
I like myself,'
'I am responsible,' is the most powerful, positive affirmation you can use."****

******From elevated mind Hq ****

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by WrriterNg: 2:56am On Jan 14
⚡Fire breaks out at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by 23jerryking(m): 5:10am On Jan 14

When I said WriterNG is a psychopath folks thought I was joking...
He never disappoints, always readily living up to the billing. 😂😂
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 6:14am On Jan 14
We are talking about incident of recent past and you are making reference to what happened in 1987, oga in 1987 drone technology has not advanced to where it is today.
And you didn't see the 2022 incident there?
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by obedience4(m): 6:18am On Jan 14

And you didn't see the 2022 incident there?

He needs glasses

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 6:22am On Jan 14

You don't need to be a genius to know democracy is not working for us in Africa, we have practiced the system for decades and it has not yield the desired result.

However, while this is not a subscription to dictatorship, I think it's in our best interest to review, dissect and explore other alternatives that suits our collective goal as a people.

In addition, the flagrant abuse of power by public office holders, unabated corrupt practices, extravagant misuse of limited financial resources, human right violations, all these Authoritarian elements are very much present in our so called democracy.

Finally, these are the discussions we need to have as a group of people, we don't have to copy everything coming from the west or east, we should be able to fashion out our own system of government, I believe that in itself is true independence.

It ain't a matter of democracy not working for us in Africa. The question we should be asking is "are we actually practising democracy?" Without a doubt, we are more of an autocratic government than a democratic government.
Changing or fashioning out another system will not change a single thing about the situation. The system of government we practice isn't the problem. Any system of government will work as long as the leaders and the people do the right thing. Therefore, whatever alternative we try or explore, we are still coming back to this same spot.
It's simple. We ain't doing the right thing
Several people have criticized Nigeria's law and constitution as having some problems. On a simple analysis, all those criticisms have been pure hogwash and a lack of understanding on how government works.
Of course, that isn't suppose to mean that democracy doesn't have its own flaws, but for the kind of people we are in Africa, democratic government still remains our surest bet.
A simple look and understanding of the monarchical system that was in place before contact with the Europeans will reveal that it isn't a system to be used anymore these days if you look at the many atrocities and flagrant abuse of power perpetuated at that time. Of course, we can say that the system was working as the people were fine with it at that time, but you need to remember one thing, the more the world becomes smaller (in terms of being a global village), the more technology penetrates, the more the people become enlightened to how things are done in other parts of the world which raises a problem for the current system of government being practiced. What is then left is to silence the dissident voices such as is done in NK, China and some others.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by obedience4(m): 6:29am On Jan 14
Oga u too does same. Stop behaving like a saint.

you must have mistaken me for someone else..
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by obedience4(m): 6:37am On Jan 14

It ain't a matter of democracy not working for us in Africa. The question we should be asking is "are we actually practising democracy?" Without a doubt, we are more of an autocratic government than a democratic government.
Changing or fashioning out another system will not change a single thing about the situation. The system of government we practice isn't the problem. Any system of government will work as long as the leaders and the people do the right thing.
It's simple. We ain't doing the right thing
Several people have criticized Nigeria's law and constitution as having some problems. On a simple analysis, all those criticisms have been pure hogwash and a lack of understanding on how government works.
Of course, that isn't suppose to mean that democracy doesn't have its own flaws, but for the kind of people we are in Africa, democratic government still remains our surest bet.

Democracy in Africa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

A Democracy where the president is virtually in control of other arms of the government.. where they are no check and balances.. where the judiciary and the legislative are practically owned by the president..

Those clamouring for military rule have never experienced it before, they should ask their parents how it was living under a military head..

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by freakyamanda(f): 8:32am On Jan 14
Do you think the USA is doing the right thing at the moment? Do you think democracy works for middle eastern countries? Have you seen a prosperous democratic middle eastern country?

It ain't a matter of democracy not working for us in Africa. The question we should be asking is "are we actually practising democracy?" Without a doubt, we are more of an autocratic government than a democratic government.
Changing or fashioning out another system will not change a single thing about the situation. The system of government we practice isn't the problem. Any system of government will work as long as the leaders and the people do the right thing. Therefore, whatever alternative we try or explore, we are still coming back to this same spot.
It's simple. We ain't doing the right thing
Several people have criticized Nigeria's law and constitution as having some problems. On a simple analysis, all those criticisms have been pure hogwash and a lack of understanding on how government works.
Of course, that isn't suppose to mean that democracy doesn't have its own flaws, but for the kind of people we are in Africa, democratic government still remains our surest bet.
A simple look and understanding of the monarchical system that was in place before contact with the Europeans will reveal that it isn't a system to be used anymore these days if you look at the many atrocities and flagrant abuse of power perpetuated at that time. Of course, we can say that the system was working as the people were fine with it at that time, but you need to remember one thing, the more the world becomes smaller (in terms of being a global village), the more technology penetrates, the more the people become enlightened to how things are done in other parts of the world which raises a problem for the current system of government being practiced. What is then left is to silence the dissident voices such as is done in NK, China and some others.

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 8:46am On Jan 14
Do you think the USA is doing the right thing at the moment? Do you think democracy works for middle eastern countries? Have you seen a prosperous democratic middle eastern country?
Freaky freaky 🤡🤡 I don't like engaging you because nothing knowledgeable comes out of it. You only choose the part that supports your assertions and discard the rest. I won't bother answering your question. Shalom
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 8:51am On Jan 14

Democracy in Africa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

A Democracy where the president is virtually in control of other arms of the government.. where they are no check and balances.. where the judiciary and the legislative are practically owned by the president..

Those clamouring for military rule have never experienced it before, they should ask their parents how it was living under a military head..
Exactly what they do not understand. In an ideal democratic society, the legislature and judiciary ought to make the executive be on their toes not as it is in Africa where the legislature and judiciary are scared of the president and bow to his or her will. In Africa, sacrosanct democratic principles such as checks and balances, judicial autonomy, legislative immunity are virtually non existent.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Jovi10: 9:04am On Jan 14

My heartfelt condolences to the innocent dead journalist and UN workers. But do you know that some UN workers UNRWA workers participated in OCT 7th there are evidence of some so called journalist also.

Only last year Hezbollah killed some UN Security forces.

Journalists also die in war because they sometimes go into the thick of it.

The war in Gaza isn't the only war were journalist have died.

So is that a justification for the continuous killings of the civilians and journalist there?

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by freakyamanda(f): 9:06am On Jan 14
Any governance framework that doesn't align with the culture of the people will fail. For instance, the Chinese are often baffled how Americans will demand someone with a lot of experience and proof of competency to fix something in their companies but will not apply the same in choosing their president. In democracy, somebody with a sweet mouth without any track record can become president. In advanced countries, this flaw is balanced by a well educated populace and strong institutions. These societies in Europe and North America have a shared history and there is contextual background story to how their democracy evolved, not imposed. In other parts of the world, these other ingredients are not present and that is why democracy fails in third world country. What every society needs is a system of govt that aligns with its current realities and not an imposed democracy.


Exactly what they do not understand. In an ideal democratic society, the legislature and judiciary ought to make the executive be on their toes not as it is in Africa where the legislature and judiciary are scared of the president and bow to his or her will. In Africa, sacrosanct democratic principles such as checks and balances, judicial autonomy, legislative immunity are virtually non existent.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 9:12am On Jan 14
Any governance framework that doesn't align with the culture of the people will fail. For instance, the Chinese are often baffled how Americans will demand someone with a lot of experience and proof of competency to fix something in their companies but will not apply the same in choosing their president. In democracy, somebody with a sweet mouth without any track record can become president. In advanced countries, this flaw is balanced by a well educated populace and strong institutions. These societies in Europe and North America have a shared history and there is contextual background story to how their democracy evolved, not imposed. In other parts of the world, these other ingredients are not present and that is why democracy fails in third world country. What every society needs is a system of govt that aligns with its current realities and not an imposed democracy.

Any governance framework bla bla bla.
From all the rubbish you wrote there, can you now give us one such example of a governance framework that will "work" in Nigeria?
Freaky, it is early morning, I don't want to start my day reading nonsense please.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by usmanpogo(m): 9:13am On Jan 14

It ain't a matter of democracy not working for us in Africa. The question we should be asking is "are we actually practising democracy?" Without a doubt, we are more of an autocratic government than a democratic government.
Changing or fashioning out another system will not change a single thing about the situation. The system of government we practice isn't the problem. Any system of government will work as long as the leaders and the people do the right thing. Therefore, whatever alternative we try or explore, we are still coming back to this same spot.
It's simple. We ain't doing the right thing
Several people have criticized Nigeria's law and constitution as having some problems. On a simple analysis, all those criticisms have been pure hogwash and a lack of understanding on how government works.
Of course, that isn't suppose to mean that democracy doesn't have its own flaws, but for the kind of people we are in Africa, democratic government still remains our surest bet.
A simple look and understanding of the monarchical system that was in place before contact with the Europeans will reveal that it isn't a system to be used anymore these days if you look at the many atrocities and flagrant abuse of power perpetuated at that time. Of course, we can say that the system was working as the people were fine with it at that time, but you need to remember one thing, the more the world becomes smaller (in terms of being a global village), the more technology penetrates, the more the people become enlightened to how things are done in other parts of the world which raises a problem for the current system of government being practiced. What is then left is to silence the dissident voices such as is done in NK, China and some others.

Just because democracy works in America doesn't mean it'll work in Africa, we are different people. I think it's a little bit presumptuous to say democracy is the our safest bet. It is quite delusional if we keep hoping it's definitely gonna work out at some point in time.

You just made my point, what we have here is not democracy and if we are not practicing democracy, perhaps it's time to address that and call it exactly what it is. It doesn't have to be a dictatorship, the problem was there since we gained independence. The current system we call democracy in Africa is way too expensive and inefficient, it's not sustainable in the long run without raising dissidents or another civil war and it'll definitely lead to chaos or anarchy if we don't address that.

Africans are free independent people, saying the current system is our safest bet is synonymous to saying we can't think for ourselves. The Chinese aren't practicing democracy and they're doing better, most of the gulf countries aren't practicing democracy either and they have good system.

Finally, we should be allowed to choose our path and our system of government, not because people in the west compel us to. It's time to review, explore or better still create ( we have the brains ) a system more suitable to our people as Africans.

A better Africa is possible 😊
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Kingsnairaland(m): 9:22am On Jan 14
An American lady take on tiktok ban here is her summation

"Our Government trying to spread lies against China...

But the truth is that there's nothing that they can say about China that is not either effectively the same or worse in the United States.

Oh, they spy on their citizens. Yeah, that's called the NSA.

Oh China is hiding their past suppression to it citizens

Well in America You're trying to ban history books right now because you don't like that white people look bad during the slave trade.

Oh, in China they don't have freedom of press.

Well in America All of the billionaires have bought up all of our press sources as well as all of our politicians, so that they can control what laws are passed, as well as the narrative surrounding those laws.

Oh, in China they don't have freedom of speech.

Well in America You're trying to ban this app as we speak right now.

Oh, they have massive amounts of human rights violations. Forced birth is a war crime that is happening in the United States right now. Child marriage is legal in the United States right now. Our prison system is legalized slavery.

There's a reason that we have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. It's because it's legalized slavery. Go ahead, read the Constitution. It says no slavery except for incarcerated people.

Oh, they're condoning a genocide. They're committing a genocide. That's fucking laughable. Say that to the Native Americans. Say that to Palestine. Say that to Congo. Say that to Sudan. In fact, say that to any country in the global south that knows America activities in those places.

Oh, their working conditions are terrible.

Yet You haven't raised the minimum wage in fifteen fucking years in America .
The minimum wage is still $7.25, meaning you could work a full-time job and still only make $15,000 a year with basically no guaranteed benefits.

And on top of that, you're actively trying to ban a secondary source of income from people.

There is really not much that you can say about China in a negative light that you cannot find some kind of equivalent here in the United States.

And on top of that, at least China has universal health care. At least China has public transportation. At least in China, they're not having their kids shot on a daily basis in school.
At least in China, they manage their homeless population.

Do you know how we manage our homeless population? We throw them in prison. We take our veterans and we turn them into slaves. In China, they get them temporary housing and a job.

So I'm not sitting here condoning everything that's happening in China. I'm saying, if you wanted American citizens to actually believe that we were better than China, why don't you actually be better than China?

My name is Nicole."

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Kingsnairaland(m): 9:25am On Jan 14

An American lady take on tiktok ban here is her summation

"Our Government trying to spread lies against China...

But the truth is that there's nothing that they can say about China that is not either effectively the same or worse in the United States.

Oh, they spy on their citizens. Yeah, that's called the NSA.

Oh China is hiding their past suppression to it citizens

Well in America You're trying to ban history books right now because you don't like that white people look bad during the slave trade.

Oh, in China they don't have freedom of press.

Well in America All of the billionaires have bought up all of our press sources as well as all of our politicians, so that they can control what laws are passed, as well as the narrative surrounding those laws.

Oh, in China they don't have freedom of speech.

Well in America You're trying to ban this app as we speak right now.

Oh, they have massive amounts of human rights violations. Forced birth is a war crime that is happening in the United States right now. Child marriage is legal in the United States right now. Our prison system is legalized slavery.

There's a reason that we have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. It's because it's legalized slavery. Go ahead, read the Constitution. It says no slavery except for incarcerated people.

Oh, they're condoning a genocide. They're committing a genocide. That's fucking laughable. Say that to the Native Americans. Say that to Palestine. Say that to Congo. Say that to Sudan. In fact, say that to any country in the global south that knows America activities in those places.

Oh, their working conditions are terrible.

Yet You haven't raised the minimum wage in fifteen fucking years in America .
The minimum wage is still $7.25, meaning you could work a full-time job and still only make $15,000 a year with basically no guaranteed benefits.

And on top of that, you're actively trying to ban a secondary source of income from people.

There is really not much that you can say about China in a negative light that you cannot find some kind of equivalent here in the United States.

And on top of that, at least China has universal health care. At least China has public transportation. At least in China, they're not having their kids shot on a daily basis in school.
At least in China, they manage their homeless population.

Do you know how we manage our homeless population? We throw them in prison. We take our veterans and we turn them into slaves. In China, they get them temporary housing and a job.

So I'm not sitting here condoning everything that's happening in China. I'm saying, if you wanted American citizens to actually believe that we were better than China, why don't you actually be better than China?

My name is Nicole."

Jesus is this really in USA constitution

Go ahead, read the Constitution. It says no slavery except for incarcerated people.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by obedience4(m): 9:29am On Jan 14

Just because democracy works in America doesn't mean it'll work in Africa, we are different people. I think it's a little bit presumptuous to say democracy is the our safest bet. It is quite delusional if we keep hoping it's definitely gonna work out at some point in time.

You just made my point, what we have here is not democracy and if we are not practicing democracy, perhaps it's time to address that and call it exactly what it is. It doesn't have to be a dictatorship, the problem was there since we gained independence. The current system we call democracy in Africa is way too expensive and inefficient, it's not sustainable in the long run without raising dissidents or another civil war and it'll definitely lead to chaos or anarchy if we don't address that.

Africans are free independent people, saying the current system is our safest bet is synonymous to saying we can't think for ourselves. The Chinese aren't practicing democracy and they're doing better, most of the gulf countries aren't practicing democracy either and they have good system.

Finally, we should be allowed to choose our path and our system of government, not because people in the west compel us to. It's time to review, explore or better still create ( we have the brains ) a system more suitable to our people as Africans.

A better Africa is possible 😊

No offense, you are clearly one of the guys i like here,
Just give us a simple framework of a government system that you think will work in Africa.. considering the political dynamics, multi ethnicity, and religious affiliations.

Better still use nigeria as a case study, give us a preamble of a government system that will work in nigeria while taking into account the complex demographic of the Nigerian state, the Religious bigotry, and ethnic distinction between major tribes..
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by obedience4(m): 9:39am On Jan 14

Any governance framework bla bla bla.
From all the rubbish you wrote there, can you now give us one such example of a governance framework that will "work" in Nigeria?
Freaky, it is early morning, I don't want to start my day reading nonsense please.

Leave that girl alone she not worth the time, majority of the most prosperous nations In the world all practice one form of democracy.. a careful glance at the top 50 most developed and most advanced economics in the world, one will see that the majority are countries which uses a form of democratic system of government.

They claim democracy is not working nor is it a good system government.. ask her to table a better option with merits to back up her claims, she will start jumbing from pillar to post..

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