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Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin - Foreign Affairs (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by darediamond(m): 10:50pm On Dec 23, 2022

Hmmm, you obviously don't know much about geopolitics and U.S.A's flagrant disregard for international freedom, if you did, you wouldn't make this comment. If indeed Russia was at any time during this war exposed or weak, the U.S, with all it's military might and not to talk of the joint military support of N.A.T.O would have invaded Russia like a plague. The mere fact that N.A.T.O & the U.S can't be directly involved in the war shows how Russia is dreaded and feared.
Let's leave the conversation here, you may not understand any further



Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by darediamond(m): 10:58pm On Dec 23, 2022

The biggest slave is the mentally enslaved who doesnt even recognise who his oppressors are. it is Libyans like you that were hailing the west as they came for ghaddafi....they were too dumb to realise thqat the west came for ghaddafi to stop him creating an African currency which would have dealt a blow to the dollar and not to liberate them..go ask them how Libya is doing today after being "liberated"!!

As a 3rd world citizen especially of Africa, people Like Putin are your best friends no matter their issues because they are the only reasons you still have some measure of freedoms.
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by darediamond(m): 11:01pm On Dec 23, 2022

Hmmm, you obviously don't know much about geopolitics and U.S.A's flagrant disregard for international freedom, if you did, you wouldn't make this comment. If indeed Russia was at any time during this war exposed or weak, the U.S, with all it's military might and not to talk of the joint military support of N.A.T.O would have invaded Russia like a plague. The mere fact that N.A.T.O & the U.S can't be directly involved in the war shows how Russia is dreaded and feared.
Let's leave the conversation here, you may not understand any further
"The mere fact that N.A.T.O & the U.S can't be directly involved in the war shows how Russia is dreaded and feared." Fact!!


Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by bankylan: 11:09pm On Dec 23, 2022
Dry heads shouldn't be allowed access to internet!

Russia actually got tired of killing. Over 1.5million NATO and Ukraine Nazi maggots slaughtered in 10 months. This is the greatest annihilation in recorded history. All areas that produces Ukraine source of income are all in Russian hands. This is like a computer game massacre. BasTO will think twice before messing with the greatest military force in human history
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Abrahamweb(m): 11:14pm On Dec 23, 2022
Russia has been humiliated 100%. Nobody cares if the war persists as long as Ukraine maintains its frame.
sometimes i wonder how stupid or daft some people are.
check how much Russia made from this war and how much NATO/EU/USA lost on this war.
don't follow western media propaganda machine abeg for your sanity.
just use google check how much excess profits Russia made from this war.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Abrahamweb(m): 11:18pm On Dec 23, 2022
It will end when all the territories you tried to steal have been returned to the rightful owners - the Ukrainians.

Putin wanted to take over Ukraine in a week or two, then give a nod to china to do the same to Taiwan, and then together they can shut down Japan, and then he can start flipping NATO countries and possibly start a major world war.

Let us look at this putin news in a microscopic view, from russia intelligence team, if this war ends as is, Russia will go and solidify its African branch, so that he can secure much needed resources. That is the new battle ground. Developed countries have realized that as much they don't individually like africa, it is truly God's safe or the earth's warehouse. You cannot be technologically comfortable from African resources, the moment you are utilizing one resource, somebody has discovered the same or another one with even more capabilities. Of course you need wisdom to even have an idea or research what you are looking at and what it could be.

Africa is about to be split between NATO, china, and Russia, then some rogue mediocre powers will take over some crumbs.

The worst part is that Nigerians are not aware, the leaders and followers are so naive and myopic. To these world powers, it is an essential thing, it is not about the weakest race on the lands, it is about how great the lands are. If they miss their opportunity to anchor, then they might loose the big power battle.

I think Nigeria should align with the USA or break up so that the igbos can align with the USA for the next 30 years or more. I honestly wish for a united and advanced Nigeria, but we must not let sentiment make us go and pick a weak country like Saudi or other weak nations, to lead us in anything. Let us use sense, split the resources with USA and use the opportunity to conduct business with other sane countries and even insane countries.
please check the fate of countries that aligned with USA in the past, all their allies were dissapointed including the recent EU, EU is currently not happy with the way USA back stabbed them

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by bankylan: 11:20pm On Dec 23, 2022
Who are these Putin slaves? They ask people to stop watching CNN , but they never have any alternative for the coverage of the war. They hail Putin like their lives can survive in Russia. All of them will sell their kidneys to get US visa and will not dare to travel to Russia even with free visa. Woudn't know this sort of disorder.

Putin had to mobilise 300,000 Russians after the regular army has been decimated. Even Putin has accepted that things are not going on well with Russia in the war. Apart from nuke, Russian army is as weak as maybe Syrian army. Thanks to the US who has warned Russian generals the consequence of using any tactical nuke in Ukraine. This was has shown the weakness of the Russian army and Putin is too ashamed to withdraw because he doesnt want to lose it politically in Russia. Of recent there has been growing complaints from the Russians and Putin himself is aware that his long rule is near the end. Just watch out for what will happen in the next 6 months.

And for those hailing Putin, please be bold enough to join the Russian army against Ukraine. HIMARS will help you reach your final destination sooner than you expect.


Stop watching CNN.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by bankylan: 11:32pm On Dec 23, 2022
Only Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Google are bigger than the whole of African economy combined together. This your phantom African currency will be backed by what? Where did you study your own Economics? So what stops you from having the african currency now?

This is one disadvantage of freedom of speech. Imagine spewing gibberish with such confidence. If you want to deal a blow to dollar, you need to be innovative and productive like the Americans. The whole budget of Nigeria is less than 30bUSD that we even have to borrow to fund. California- a state in the US has a budget of over 130bUSD. The budget of some universities in the US is more than the entire education budget in Nigeria. You wnat to compete with people who spend billions on research yearly?

When there was Covid, who gave Africans vaccines free of charge? Who funds WHO? Who helped with polio eradication in Nigeria and Africa? 21st century economy is knowledge driven and USA remains the number nation in the world in innovation. So the idea of that useless african currency is just a dream after a night of intoxication from cheap alcohol.

If I may ask you, which industry do you work in and how competitive are you compared to your peers in the US? Show your competitiveness before you begin to dream of Africa that will compete withe US.

My advise, if you have the opportunity of living in the US, please jump at it. It will help your destiny.


The biggest slave is the mentally enslaved who doesnt even recognise who his oppressors are. it is Libyans like you that were hailing the west as they came for ghaddafi....they were too dumb to realise thqat the west came for ghaddafi to stop him creating an African currency which would have dealt a blow to the dollar and not to liberate them..go ask them how Libya is doing today after being "liberated"!!

As a 3rd world citizen especially of Africa, people Like Putin are your best friends no matter their issues because they are the only reasons you still have some measure of freedoms.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Tektronics12: 11:33pm On Dec 23, 2022
You Seriously Naive to be Honest Bro.
Vladimir Putin is finally coming to his senses, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster, Putin should just give up his imperial ambition and colonial fantasies

He can't singlehandedly redraw world map in this 21st century, Putin's harmful expansionism must not be allowed to happen

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.

No sane and reasonable person will support such egregious individual.

Anybody in support of Putin's barbarism doesn't have the moral compass to speak against boko haram and bandits who are causing havoc and mayhem everywhere in Nigeria.

This man has made Russia a laughingstock and mockery among nations of the world, he has become a global pariah too.


Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by bankylan: 11:36pm On Dec 23, 2022
Putin's accountant, please tell us how much Russia made.

So you can use Google- an American owned company to check how much Russia made. Why not a Russian owned search engine?


sometimes i wonder how stupid or daft some people are.
check how much Russia made from this war and how much NATO/EU/USA lost on this war.
don't follow western media propaganda machine abeg for your sanity.
just use google check how much excess profits Russia made from this war.

1 Like

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Segun2222: 11:45pm On Dec 23, 2022

Do you how many people has left Ukraine already its the greatest migration in modern history
The war is lost the moment they began it by refusing to be neutral and not Join NATO
The Comedian president was deceived he didn't know it will be like this

All those publishing are publishing lies and you know what if they are so winning since why is the war not over. Lozz use your sense Abeg 300k Russian soldiers killed for where?

If Russia want to destroy Ukraine it wont take 48 hours which 24 hours in it is for warning

You people are just blind and i don't blame you this same type of poor reasoning is what makes Nigeria what its is now
No one can help Ukraine win this war and if you want to prove me wrong go and volunteer to fight.
go and tell your father at home to use his senses because he has poor reasoning, see this idiot the knowledge I've acquired and impacted on people no one in your stupid tainted lineage can come close, see tbe idiot telking ne poor reasoning, see don't be unfortunate if you can't argue like sensible civil person just skip my post and go argue with other people with family issues like you
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Segun2222: 11:50pm On Dec 23, 2022
Only Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Google are bigger than the whole of African economy combined together. This your phantom African currency will be backed by what? Where did you study your own Economics? So what stops you from having the african currency now?

This is one disadvantage of freedom of speech. Imagine spewing gibberish with such confidence. If you want to deal a blow to dollar, you need to be innovative and productive like the Americans. The whole budget of Nigeria is less than 30bUSD that we even have to borrow to fund. California- a state in the US has a budget of over 130bUSD. The budget of some universities in the US is more than the entire education budget in Nigeria. You wnat to compete with people who spend billions on research yearly?

When there was Covid, who gave Africans vaccines free of charge? Who funds WHO? Who helped with polio eradication in Nigeria and Africa? 21st century economy is knowledge driven and USA remains the number nation in the world in innovation. So the idea of that useless african currency is just a dream after a night of intoxication from cheap alcohol.

If I may ask you, which industry do you work in and how competitive are you compared to your peers in the US? Show your competitiveness before you begin to dream of Africa that will compete withe US.

My advise, if you have the opportunity of living in the US, please jump at it. It will help your destiny.

they said the currency will be backed by gold asked them what they're exporting to the world that'll make the world trade with it
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Segun2222: 12:00am On Dec 24, 2022

Do you how many people has left Ukraine already its the greatest migration in modern history
The war is lost the moment they began it by refusing to be neutral and not Join NATO
The Comedian president was deceived he didn't know it will be like this

All those publishing are publishing lies and you know what if they are so winning since why is the war not over. Lozz use your sense Abeg 300k Russian soldiers killed for where?

If Russia want to destroy Ukraine it wont take 48 hours which 24 hours in it is for warning

You people are just blind and i don't blame you this same type of poor reasoning is what makes Nigeria what its is now
No one can help Ukraine win this war and if you want to prove me wrong go and volunteer to fight.
See the work the idiot is doing, I'm sure you havent even written jamb

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Lalar27: 12:02am On Dec 24, 2022
I just Laff at Africans who are saying Russia is weak that they can’t defeat Ukraine
Even USA don’t know the next step to take again concerning this conflict again because they know if they interfere too much it might cause a major war to break out ( world war 3)
And mind you when Russia want to start this thing they did not say they want to go to war with Ukraine they said they will be invading Ukraine and that’s what they are still doing till now to Putin Russia is invading Ukraine to other countries Ukraine is at war with Russia lol.
Putin is a very wise man and deep down Putin it’s not Ukraine he want to fight Ukraine is just like a scapegoat that’s all

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by fortunez1(m): 12:20am On Dec 24, 2022
News from lindaikeji blog. grin Mr Fira09 you can do better.

But on a true note. We all know those who doesnt wish for this war to end. The Ukranian leader just visited his puppeteer few days back, US, the war mongers.

They probably licked his ear and whisper to him as usuall to keep sacrificing his men in a senseless war, that one day he is going to win.
Afterall more military aid and US green-card is assured for him.
You are such a coward hence you wished the heroic Zelenzky should have surrendered is country over and weep like a child.
But hell no reverse was the case and now junior Ukraine has defeated Russia in battle. Putin has embarrassingly destroyed Russia and now Russia has been reduced to a north Korea, if actually you understand .


Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Bentonite1: 12:27am On Dec 24, 2022
You are seeing what cnn is telling not the truth thats why you dislike him

Help me confirm Russia's Afghanistan war, Finland cold war and WWII casualties, then we can talk about Ukraine. Op The west replied him, he started the war so he can end it. Simple. he has ran out of arms, now seek for North Korea and irans assistance, which has been granted to him and shipped already but they aren't enough lol... now he wants to talk because he knows the war has only begun. Soon eu and NATO will start throwing in their new arms to Ukraine and no more WWII captured arms.
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Bentonite1: 12:29am On Dec 24, 2022
Told you that putin is the world power Goat.

Like for Putin or share for Messi

Will you SHOTOP?

Help me confirm Russia's Afghanistan war, Finland cold war and WWII casualties, then we can talk about Ukraine. Op The west replied him, he started the war so he can end it. Simple. he has ran out of arms, now seek for North Korea and irans assistance, which has been granted to him and shipped already but they aren't enough lol... now he wants to talk because he knows the war has only begun. Soon eu and NATO will start throwing in their new arms to Ukraine and no more WWII captured arms.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Bentonite1: 12:31am On Dec 24, 2022
We all know that.

But the Ukrainian clown is still clowning around.

By the time his eyes clear, damages go over plenty.

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by osayuking(m): 12:40am On Dec 24, 2022
Vladimir Putin is finally coming to his senses, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster, Putin should just give up his imperial ambition and colonial fantasies

He can't singlehandedly redraw world map in this 21st century, Putin's harmful expansionism must not be allowed to happen

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.

No sane and reasonable person will support such egregious individual.

Anybody in support of Putin's barbarism doesn't have the moral compass to speak against boko haram and bandits who are causing havoc and mayhem everywhere in Nigeria.

This man has made Russia a laughingstock and mockery among nations of the world, he has become a global pariah too.

You are either ignorant or knowingly daft. Russia is and will never be a pariah state. that being said, Ukraines govt right from the coup of 2014 are to be blamed. Russia has every right to protect the now breakaway region that have suffered constant bombing from the Ukraine govt. porochenko and this dirty fraudulent comedian called Zelenskyy for over 8 years. How could you make such a pathetic POV up against Russia? For Christ sake NATO has destroyed legitimate govt around the world for lesser crime and who’s to give a moral perspective here? NATO? America? Or EU of macron and the ex German councilor that just confessed of cheating Russia with the Minsk agreement? What are you on? Do you know what pariah means? Or the situation around the globe atm? Mate you need sort yourself out from ignorance. Go read

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by meobizy(f): 4:33am On Dec 24, 2022
In a white man's conflict, I pick no side.
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by TenQ: 4:42am On Dec 24, 2022
This is exactly what every sensible person want.
But Ukraine(u.s) want to defeat Russia in the battlefield by fighting to the last Ukrainian.

If at the end of all these hostilities, Ukraine(u.s) agreed and the war was ended diplomatically, but the annexed territories did not return under Ukraine control.

The west will not be able to outlive the shame and disgrace, the u.s will be a joke.

Likewise Russia, if the annex territories return under Ukraine control and they also joined NATO. The shame and disgrace will pass down to generations.
Ukraine gave a condition for negotiations.

Putin should REMOVE his forces, then, TALKs can begin.
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by israelmao(m): 6:00am On Dec 24, 2022

Hmmm, you obviously don't know much about geopolitics and U.S.A's flagrant disregard for international freedom, if you did, you wouldn't make this comment. If indeed Russia was at any time during this war exposed or weak, the U.S, with all it's military might and not to talk of the joint military support of N.A.T.O would have invaded Russia like a plague. The mere fact that N.A.T.O & the U.S can't be directly involved in the war shows how Russia is dreaded and feared.
Let's leave the conversation here, you may not understand any further

I wonder why you are saying this after you people have flaunted his larger-than-life image here and there even before the war began and now you see how helpless he is,trying so hard to conquer small Urkraine.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Don009: 6:04am On Dec 24, 2022
Vladimir Putin is finally coming to his senses, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster, Putin should just give up his imperial ambition and colonial fantasies

He can't singlehandedly redraw world map in this 21st century, Putin's harmful expansionism must not be allowed to happen

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.

No sane and reasonable person will support such egregious individual.

Anybody in support of Putin's barbarism doesn't have the moral compass to speak against boko haram and bandits who are causing havoc and mayhem everywhere in Nigeria.

This man has made Russia a laughingstock and mockery among nations of the world, he has become a global pariah too.
Are u sure u are normal or another blara blu.
Can Ukraine as a country defeat one Russian state.
The war is Russia vs west

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by casualobserver: 6:10am On Dec 24, 2022
Only Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Google are bigger than the whole of African economy combined together. This your phantom African currency will be backed by what? Where did you study your own Economics? So what stops you from having the african currency now?

This is one disadvantage of freedom of speech. Imagine spewing gibberish with such confidence. If you want to deal a blow to dollar, you need to be innovative and productive like the Americans. The whole budget of Nigeria is less than 30bUSD that we even have to borrow to fund. California- a state in the US has a budget of over 130bUSD. The budget of some universities in the US is more than the entire education budget in Nigeria. You wnat to compete with people who spend billions on research yearly?

When there was Covid, who gave Africans vaccines free of charge? Who funds WHO? Who helped with polio eradication in Nigeria and Africa? 21st century economy is knowledge driven and USA remains the number nation in the world in innovation. So the idea of that useless african currency is just a dream after a night of intoxication from cheap alcohol.

If I may ask you, which industry do you work in and how competitive are you compared to your peers in the US? Show your competitiveness before you begin to dream of Africa that will compete withe US.

My advise, if you have the opportunity of living in the US, please jump at it. It will help your destiny.

Like I said your mindset Especially if you have been enslaved affects how you see everything, the questions you ask etc. if you dont know about Ghaddafis plan for an African currency backed by our mineral depositss, or that the US dollar is a mirage and has no fundamental intrinsic value since they got off the gold standard or that the worthlessness of the dollar is the fundamental reason for crypto or that the west wil do anything to protect the mirage they have created with the dollar, you should not be commenting on economics or world politics. You are clearly clueless and watch too much CNN. By the way I was born in the Uk, lived there for over 2O years. I Voluntarily came back to Nigeria and I will never go back to live.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by makazona(m): 6:37am On Dec 24, 2022
News from lindaikeji blog. grin Mr Fira09 you can do better.

But on a true note. We all know those who doesnt wish for this war to end. The Ukranian leader just visited his puppeteer few days back, US, the war mongers.

They probably licked his ear and whisper to him as usuall to keep sacrificing his men in a senseless war, that one day he is going to win.
Afterall more military aid and US green-card is assured for him.

I observed that your comments negate what you allegedly believe. Look at your signature and read your comment again. You would see they are worlds apart.
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by joyandfaith: 6:37am On Dec 24, 2022
No party wins war. It is only a fool that would think war is going according to the plans for Russia. 3 days become 300 days and counting. The truth is that Russia cannot outspend US in for military purpose in Ukraine. US economy is bulit around war since 1860 civil war. Ww1 and 2 boosted usa economy. Russians also like war historically. They are ready to sacrifice mullions to win war. Ww2 a case study. Ukrainians are also stubborn. They know themselves. As long as US is is sending weapons, the war can last for decades.
The war is ridiculing Russia as a global leader. Use of Donbas and crimea could be resolved without wars. But resources in regions are reasons for the war. Crimea tartans own crimea not Russia. Donbas belongs to Ukraine. These are historical facts. Lagos festac town belongs to yoruba even if majority of residents are igbos. Yoruba nation cannot lay claim to yoruba-speaking of Benin republic.
Let us give peace a chance.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by joyandfaith: 6:38am On Dec 24, 2022
News from lindaikeji blog. grin Mr Fira09 you can do better.

But on a true note. We all know those who doesnt wish for this war to end. The Ukranian leader just visited his puppeteer few days back, US, the war mongers.

They probably licked his ear and whisper to him as usuall to keep sacrificing his men in a senseless war, that one day he is going to win.
Afterall more military aid and US green-card is assured for him.

You don't believe in a world free of oppression, hypocrisy, and double standard. The religion of violence is what you believe in.
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by fijiano202(m): 6:41am On Dec 24, 2022
Vladimir Putin is finally coming to his senses, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster, Putin should just give up his imperial ambition and colonial fantasies

He can't singlehandedly redraw world map in this 21st century, Putin's harmful expansionism must not be allowed to happen

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.

No sane and reasonable person will support such egregious individual.

Anybody in support of Putin's barbarism doesn't have the moral compass to speak against boko haram and bandits who are causing havoc and mayhem everywhere in Nigeria.

This man has made Russia a laughingstock and mockery among nations of the world, he has become a global pariah too.

am not in anyway in support of putin but in this useless War.. Putin is at little loss and easy to recover... Countries will definitely go back to buying and doing business with them...

But For Ukraine Oya so pe otilo.... That country will take Decades to recover.

Ukraine President fought a Wrong War.. All those supporting him are just feeling little financial loss compare to Ukraine itself

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by BlakKluKluxKlan(m): 6:44am On Dec 24, 2022
"the intensification of hostilities, leads to unjustified losses". This statement, coming from Putin, after he arogantly but stupidly invaded a foreign country makes it inevitable that despots who follow similar path must be made to face the charges of crime against humanity and willful genocide.
War-mongering leading to the death of innocent soldiers, the loss of loved ones like husbands, sons, brothers, friends and colleagues should be ponishable by death penalties.


Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by kayjay69(m): 6:46am On Dec 24, 2022
You do realize Putin in actuality does not wish for this war to end.

Ukraine has already laid out it's terms for both countries to negotiate, the most important remains that Russia must vacate all of Ukrainian lands as recognized pre-2014. Unfortunately, Russia calls this foolish and does not intend to relinquish any lands now under it's control, afterall how will they justify the "special operations" and the countless bodies and resources used in the process.

You must also understand that Putin, however big he has been made to look in the eyes of the world, is only just a man and a man, one single man, cannot rule a country of over 200 million people. If Russia gives in to Ukraine, it is seen as weakness in the eyes of die hard Russian nationalists and they will seek to depose Putin.

Nuclear weapons will not also give Putin his much needed victory, it will only earn him more condemnation on the international stage and more sanctions and it will endear Ukraine to the rest of the world.

Putin is in between a rock and a hard place right now. He cannot win the war on the battlefield as long as the Americans continue to pour their resources into Ukraine, the best he can hope for is a stalemate and I doubt he will get that. And he cannot withdraw because that is political suicide back home. So he will continue to do what he has been doing really, which is resort to using the most dastardly methods with the hope that that will force the Ukrainian people to turn on it's leadership.

But I think Ukrainians know better than to give in to a bully.

Vladimir Putin is finally coming to his senses, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster, Putin should just give up his imperial ambition and colonial fantasies

He can't singlehandedly redraw world map in this 21st century, Putin's harmful expansionism must not be allowed to happen

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.

No sane and reasonable person will support such egregious individual.

Anybody in support of Putin's barbarism doesn't have the moral compass to speak against boko haram and bandits who are causing havoc and mayhem everywhere in Nigeria.

This man has made Russia a laughingstock and mockery among nations of the world, he has become a global pariah too.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by texazzpete(m): 7:57am On Dec 24, 2022
did you read the news at all?

Putin is just clearing the John Kirby allegation on him

John Kirby is right. When you insist that negotiation will only happen when the invaded country gives up a portion of their territory, then it's clear there's no intent for negotiation.

am not in anyway in support of putin but in this useless War.. Putin is at little loss and easy to recover... Countries will definitely go back to buying and doing business with them...

But For Ukraine Oya so pe otilo.... That country will take Decades to recover.

Ukraine President fought a Wrong War.. All those supporting him are just feeling little financial loss compare to Ukraine itself

This is a very very childish analysis of the situation in Ukraine.
Russia is suffering the impact of the war, and will also take a long while to recover.

Also, saying Ukraine is fighting a 'wrong war' is quite silly. His country was invaded. Was he supposed to surrender and let Russia completely take over his country and lose their independence and culture?

Nonsense. Come out with your Putin support with your full chest.
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by OyinO: 8:06am On Dec 24, 2022
Vladimir Putin is finally coming to his senses, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster, Putin should just give up his imperial ambition and colonial fantasies

He can't singlehandedly redraw world map in this 21st century, Putin's harmful expansionism must not be allowed to happen

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.

No sane and reasonable person will support such egregious individual.

Anybody in support of Putin's barbarism doesn't have the moral compass to speak against boko haram and bandits who are causing havoc and mayhem everywhere in Nigeria.

This man has made Russia a laughingstock and mockery among nations of the world, he has become a global pariah too.

I beg to differ please. You're totally oblivious of current happenings in the theatre of this war. You're speaking from sentiment and emotional intelligence. Putin is not after expansionism but to protect the sovereignty of his Russian Federation from NATO bully, suppression and systematic grip by the West. Can't you see that it's the West that is fighting Russia? Can't you still realise that the West only wanted to use Ukraine as a bait and a fertile ground to build military bases in Russia's backyard? No Super Power allows enemy Nation to build military bases at their backyard to put them within striking range and danger and force them to inevitable surrender whenever there's a fallout in interests. Now take that to the banks.

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