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Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? - Travel - Nairaland

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Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by millstone(m): 10:20am On Dec 29, 2022
Hello nlanders,
Please I need the honest opinion especially from those in any of these countries. Which of them is better to relocate to considering academics fee, entry, culture and settling in after the programme (or are there any other options). A little bit about me I have worked in Nigeria private and government sector for the past 7 years combined, have had several startups here but none could really survive the economy and also I am in no current relationship so I do not want to go to a hostile place and end up wishing I stuck to my government job. I need the honest opinions as I have tried others in the past but stopped due to better opportunities that arised here but right now eh even if it is not for me at least my unborn kids deserve a better life.
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by ednut1(m): 11:16am On Dec 29, 2022
Hello nlanders,
Please I need the honest opinion especially from those in any of these countries. Which of them is better to relocate to considering academics fee, entry, culture and settling in after the programme (or are there any other options). A little bit about me I have worked in Nigeria private and government sector for the past 7 years combined, have had several startups here but none could really survive the economy and also I am in no current relationship so I do not want to go to a hostile place and end up wishing I stuck to my government job. I need the honest opinions as I have tried others in the past but stopped due to better opportunities that arised here but right now eh even if it is not for me at least my unborn kids deserve a better life.
which do I qualify for is the issue here not which is better. You can try study visa for any of the above countries. Or work visa if you are lucky to get a job offer in those countries. Or for Canada express entry if you meet the requirements. Or marriage . These places you mentioned are not looking for just anyone, they are after the highly skilles who will address labour shortages. There are thread on immigration to these countries on this section already. Read them


Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by pansophist(m): 1:15pm On Dec 29, 2022
Europe is better. I wanted to move to Canada before, after visiting Toronto and Vancouver, I realized it's not for me. My quality of life will reduce big time.

12 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Nobody: 2:15pm On Dec 29, 2022
Europe is better. I wanted to move to Canada before, after visiting Toronto and Vancouver, I realized it's not for me. My quality of life will reduce big time.
what do u think about scotland is it as cold as canada? i hate cold
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by pansophist(m): 3:46pm On Dec 29, 2022
what do u think about scotland is it as cold as canada? i hate cold

Canada as a whole is colder, but places like Vancouver are less cold, and rains all the time like in London.

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Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Lingudy(m): 8:56pm On Dec 29, 2022
For me I will choose Europe over and over again. May God send helpers our way.

1 Like

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by kmaster007: 10:43pm On Dec 29, 2022
Wetin dey sup for Toronto
Europe is better. I wanted to move to Canada before, after visiting Toronto and Vancouver, I realized it's not for me. My quality of life will reduce big time.
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by nikmod(f): 10:09pm On Jan 01, 2023
Europe is better. I wanted to move to Canada before, after visiting Toronto and Vancouver, I realized it's not for me. My quality of life will reduce big time.
What is happening in Toronto pls and why did you day your quality of life will be reduced while there?
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by gaby(m): 1:59am On Jan 02, 2023
United States of America is, and will always remain their father.

God's own country where you can be whatever you dream so long as you are willing to put in the work, legally.

God bless America...

32 Likes 1 Share

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by ScalesDemy: 7:57am On Jan 02, 2023
If you're interested in participating in a fair economy, head to the US without a doubt.
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by bligs: 10:17am On Jan 02, 2023
United States of America is, and will always remain their father.

God's own country where you can be whatever you dream so long as you are willing to put in the work, legally.

God bless America...
Father, based on what?
Interms of making money on the average, US doesn't even near Australia.

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by pansophist(m): 3:06pm On Jan 04, 2023

What is happening in Toronto pls and why did you day your quality of life will be reduced while there?

Too big that everything is so far (only the province of Ontario is bigger than Nigeria but has less population than Lagos). None-existent bike paths/culture and cities are built for cars and not for pedestrians.

Huge shopping malls everywhere, that one can only visit by car. Shopping was more of a chore you planned due to lack of small family owned supermarkets and shops inside your streets. Anyone that have been to Brussels, London or Amsterdam will understand this. There are streets that cars are banned so people/cyclist can thrive.

Too segregated, and people hardly mix, too cold. Culture too americanized (no such thing as an organic Canadian culture), is too far from Africa and Europe, and too expensive to live in, to list a few.

I am not an economic immigrant, I just wanted a change in environment and was exploring Canada by visiting it, but when I was there, it was like bleh, I can't live here. Even Vancouver that is considered the warmest rains a lot. Made me appreciate Europe even better.

For example, I can be in any corner of the over 40 European countries via flight, which is really cheap. But it's not the same in North America. Europe is well built and connected, and trains leaves to other European capitals from your city.

In Europe, it's common for people to live in Belgium and work in Netherlands, or live in Finland and work in Sweden. You won't even notice that you've crossed into another country except that your phone starts sending message that you're roaming and perhaps, different language in road signs.

Also European weather is diversed. If you like winter, Scandinavia is there, or hot weather, then Portugal/Cyprus/malta/Italy/Spain are there. If you like wind and rain, Ireland and Netherlands will give you that. There is something for you.

In Europe, cultures are organic. if you drive just two hours from Poznan (Poland) to Berlin (Germany), the language, currency, culture, architecture, and everything look different. True diversity is organic, rich, and distinct.

Canada is too soulless, artificial, and the centuries old mega structures are nonexistent. Why do you think American filmmakers go to Europe to shoot movies that requires old European architecture? Canada is a newly built country.

And also, as a business person, population density is really important to me. Canada is bigger than the whole 27 EU countries twice, but the EU has about 460 Million people, compare with Canada which is about 35 million.

So if you need a huge population base to sell stuff to, Europe is better, and I am not even adding the population of Ad-hoc European countries that surrounds the EU (e.g Turkey, Serbia, Russia, etc).

And for families, the EU is better. Free education, free healthcare, generous social services, and long maternity/paternity leave. The student debt common in North America is not a thing in Europe. I once had an American classmate that owes 70k USD in student loans, and I felt sorry for her. A young adult starting life as a debtor is such a shame.

And oh, people are fatter there. It's because the food laws are not as strong as in Europe, and the walking and biking infrastructure is just not a thing. As a tourist, I felt immobilized that I can't just use public transport, unless I have a car, or use uber. So people do not walk/bike a lot, which is exercise.

And especially Canada is a hotbed for wokism, its like all the homos, radical feminists, masculine women, and feminine men moved there lol, as in, I just feel like punching people for no reason lol, just kidding grin

So there you go, that's my assessment of Canada when I was there. But hey, it's my opinion, and should not be taken as gospel. What is good for Ada might be bad for Adamu, so be guided.

82 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Nobody: 3:15pm On Jan 04, 2023

Too big that everything is so far (only the province of Ontario is bigger than Nigeria but has less populated than Lagos). None-existent bike paths and cities are built for cars and not for walking.

Too segregated, and people hardly mix, too cold. Americanized culture (no such thing as an organic Canadian culture), is too far, and too expensive, to list a few.

I am not an economic immigrant, I just wanted a change in environment and was exploring Canada by visiting it, but when I was there, it was like bleh, I can't live here. Even Vancouver was considered the warmest rains a lot, plus other things I mentioned above. Made me appreciate Europe even better.

For example, I can be in any corner of the over 40 European countries via flight, which is really cheap. But it's not the same in North America. In Europe, cultures are organic. if you drive just two hours from Poznan (Poland) to Berlin (Germany), the language, currency, culture, architecture, and everything look different. True diversity is organic, rich, and distinct.

And also, as a business person, population density is really important to me. Canada is bigger than the whole EU countries twice, but the EU has about 460 Million people, compare with Canada which is about 35 million.

So if you need a huge population base to sell stuff to, Europe is better, and I am not even adding the population of Ad-hoc European countries that surrounds the EU (e.g Turkey, Serbia, Russia, etc).

And for families, the EU is better. Free education, free healthcare, generous social services, and long maternity/paternity leave. The student debt common in North America is not a thing in Europe. I once had an American classmate that owes 70k USD in student loans, and I felt sorry for her. A young adult starting life as a debtor is such a shame.

And oh, people are fatter there. It's because the food laws are not as strong as in Europe, and the walking and biking infrastructure is just not a thing. As a tourist, I felt immobilized that I can't just use public transport, unless I have a car, or use uber. So people do not walk/bike a lot, which is exercise.

And especially Canada is a hotbed for wokism, its like all the homos, radical feminists, masculine women, and feminine men moved there lol, as in, I just feel like punching people for no reason lol, just kidding grin

So there you go, that's my assessment of Canada when I was there. But hey, it's my opinion, and should not be taken as gospel. What is good for Ada might be bad for Adamu, so be guided.

You are talking absolutely rubbish and nonesense , how can you say this about Ontario . Man I bet you never enter plane before mugu . You are talking trash about a place you don't know anything about. Canada deny you visa you come here to Yan Buhari and tinubu Yan's mugu

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Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by pansophist(m): 3:18pm On Jan 04, 2023

You are talking absolutely rubbish and nonesense , how can you say this about Ontario . Man I bet you never enter plane before mugu . You are talking trash about a place you don't know anything about. Canada deny you visa you come here to Yan Buhari and tinubu Yan's mugu


50 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by pansophist(m): 11:08pm On Jan 04, 2023
Anyone that likes architecture, city planning, and how human behaviors are influenced based on how their society is built, then consider subscribing to this Canadian guy on youtube with close to a million followers. He does a perfect job of detailing how badly built North America is compared to the developed world, especially Europe.


I can understand that people from underdeveloped countries would love Canada because it's very developed compared to where they are coming from, but for Europeans, Canada and the US are a bad deal for us. If one can learn any EU language, and have no problem with residency, I see no reason why one should pick Canada. It's like choosing coke instead of wine grin

Now you understand why Trump was angry that the US only attracts third-world immigrants and not Norwegians and Europeans generally. Why should they go to North America? to get their kids shot in school, or deal with the psychos you call citizens or the lack of free healthcare? lol.

15 Likes 1 Share

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Meandmycrew(f): 11:33pm On Jan 04, 2023
Joke apart Europe is better than canada snd US combine, if you want to japa please go to Europe he get why!
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by oluayebenz: 11:37pm On Jan 04, 2023

You are talking absolutely rubbish and nonesense , how can you say this about Ontario . Man I bet you never enter plane before mugu . You are talking trash about a place you don't know anything about. Canada deny you visa you come here to Yan Buhari and tinubu Yan's mugu

Why the attack?

Why can't you just prove him wrong?

Many are viewing and learning at the same time.


Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Lalar27: 11:51pm On Jan 04, 2023
Hmmm it’s true Europe have a better security system and sane society lifestyle than North America it’s rare to hear in the news that a drugged boy Enter school or market and start shooting innocent people for no reason in Europe but news like this is common in us and Canada

1 Like

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by seunny4lif(m): 2:22am On Jan 05, 2023
Europe is better. I wanted to move to Canada before, after visiting Toronto and Vancouver, I realized it's not for me. My quality of life will reduce big time.
Which European country oooh?
Remember Ukraine, Armenia, Azeri and Turkey are European countries too.
Be specific with the European country, you want.


Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by seunny4lif(m): 2:41am On Jan 05, 2023
Well depending on what you want.
Big salary, expensive healthcare, expensive tuition fees AKA Student Loans and walking around with bulletproof or can be shot at by Police or someone that break up with is GF at anytime then you can move to USA grin grin

Big salary but useless when converted to USD, Euros and no worries healthcare, small tuition fees depending on your income, big support for families and easy process for PR then go to Canada.

Not so big salary, student loans for your kids but not expensive, No worries about healthcare apart from NHS queue grin support for family, only worry about knife attacks then move to NI, Wales and England as Scotland colleges are free.

If learning language is not your problem then German, Sweden except someone can walk into mall and start attacking people with knives or guns, Norway, Finland are good for family person as healthcare, schools are not your problem.

If you want to be close to UK but don’t want to leave in UK, and don’t want to learn another language, healthcare with long queue, Tuition fees are partial free for your children depending on your status, housing problems, massive support for working families then look no further than ROI.

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Tradinggiant: 6:08pm On Jan 05, 2023
Well depending on what you want.
Big salary, expensive healthcare, expensive tuition fees AKA Student Loans and walking around with bulletproof or cab be shot at by Police or someone that break up with is GF at anytime then you can move to USA grin grin

Big salary but useless when converted to USD, Euros and no worries healthcare, small tuition fees depending on your income, big support for families and easy process for PR then go to Canada.

Not so big salary, student loans for your kids but not expensive, No worries about healthcare apart from NHS queue grin support for family, only worry about knife attacks then move to NI, Wales and England as Scotland colleges are free.

If learning language is not your problem then German, Sweden except someone can walk into mall and start attacking people with knives or guns, Norway, Finland are good for family person as healthcare, schools are not your problem.

If you want to be close to UK but don’t want to leave in UK, and don’t want to learn another language, healthcare with long queue, Tuition fees are partial free for your children depending on your status, housing problems, massive support for working families then look no further than ROI.
Australia nko?
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by JeffreyJunior: 7:57pm On Jan 05, 2023
US is always better but the problem is getting the visa and having someone good put you through. There are job opportunities in the States for all categories of people which makes it better to relocate to.

Once settled, you'll be far better off in non distant time than those who move to other countries.

Some countries in Europe are good as well but slow down on Canada and UK unless you're highly skilled.


Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by julaion: 10:39pm On Jan 05, 2023
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by millstone(m): 4:05pm On Jan 12, 2023

Too big that everything is so far (only the province of Ontario is bigger than Nigeria but has less population than Lagos). None-existent bike paths/culture and cities are built for cars and not for pedestrians.

Huge shopping malls everywhere, that one can only visit by car. Shopping was more of a chore you planned due to lack of small family owned supermarkets and shops inside your streets. Anyone that have been to Brussels, London or Amsterdam will understand this. There are streets that cars are banned so people/cyclist can thrive.

Too segregated, and people hardly mix, too cold. Culture too americanized (no such thing as an organic Canadian culture), is too far from Africa and Europe, and too expensive to live in, to list a few.

I am not an economic immigrant, I just wanted a change in environment and was exploring Canada by visiting it, but when I was there, it was like bleh, I can't live here. Even Vancouver that is considered the warmest rains a lot. Made me appreciate Europe even better.

For example, I can be in any corner of the over 40 European countries via flight, which is really cheap. But it's not the same in North America. Europe is well built and connected, and trains leaves to other European capitals from your city.

In Europe, it's common for people to live in Belgium and work in Netherlands, or live in Finland and work in Sweden. You won't even notice that you've crossed into another country except that your phone starts sending message that you're roaming and perhaps, different language in road signs.

Also European weather is diversed. If you like winter, Scandinavia is there, or hot weather, then Portugal/Cyprus/malta/Italy/Spain are there. If you like wind and rain, Ireland and Netherlands will give you that. There is something for you.

In Europe, cultures are organic. if you drive just two hours from Poznan (Poland) to Berlin (Germany), the language, currency, culture, architecture, and everything look different. True diversity is organic, rich, and distinct.

Canada is too soulless, artificial, and the centuries old mega structures are nonexistent. Why do you think American filmmakers go to Europe to shoot movies that requires old European architecture? Canada is a newly built country.

And also, as a business person, population density is really important to me. Canada is bigger than the whole 27 EU countries twice, but the EU has about 460 Million people, compare with Canada which is about 35 million.

So if you need a huge population base to sell stuff to, Europe is better, and I am not even adding the population of Ad-hoc European countries that surrounds the EU (e.g Turkey, Serbia, Russia, etc).

And for families, the EU is better. Free education, free healthcare, generous social services, and long maternity/paternity leave. The student debt common in North America is not a thing in Europe. I once had an American classmate that owes 70k USD in student loans, and I felt sorry for her. A young adult starting life as a debtor is such a shame.

And oh, people are fatter there. It's because the food laws are not as strong as in Europe, and the walking and biking infrastructure is just not a thing. As a tourist, I felt immobilized that I can't just use public transport, unless I have a car, or use uber. So people do not walk/bike a lot, which is exercise.

And especially Canada is a hotbed for wokism, its like all the homos, radical feminists, masculine women, and feminine men moved there lol, as in, I just feel like punching people for no reason lol, just kidding grin

So there you go, that's my assessment of Canada when I was there. But hey, it's my opinion, and should not be taken as gospel. What is good for Ada might be bad for Adamu, so be guided.
Thank you so much for this. Personnally I've always preffered moving to a EU state and after stabilizing there move to either the US or Uk but not to stay but work there. I have always admired Netherland and as a child dreamt of living there due to stories I heard. I got someone last year, an agent, and I was about to do Luxemburg. I'm only going to move via school and work and after I'm done by God's grace I might stay back, move to a better country or invest better in my businesses here.
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by jimetagambo: 4:15pm On Jan 12, 2023
Hmmm it’s true Europe have a better security system and sane society lifestyle than North America it’s rare to hear in the news that a drugged boy Enter school or market and start shooting innocent people for no reason in Europe but news like this is common in us and Canada
Not common in Canada.
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Almiron: 4:57pm On Jan 12, 2023
"The" is better.
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Krazifello: 8:39pm On Jan 13, 2023
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Dstake: 11:41am On Jan 14, 2023
Australia nko?
Pls can someone compare between Australia and Europe.
Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by ecolime(m): 2:04pm On Jan 14, 2023

Too big that everything is so far (only the province of Ontario is bigger than Nigeria but has less population than Lagos). None-existent bike paths/culture and cities are built for cars and not for pedestrians.

Huge shopping malls everywhere, that one can only visit by car. Shopping was more of a chore you planned due to lack of small family owned supermarkets and shops inside your streets. Anyone that have been to Brussels, London or Amsterdam will understand this. There are streets that cars are banned so people/cyclist can thrive.

Too segregated, and people hardly mix, too cold. Culture too americanized (no such thing as an organic Canadian culture), is too far from Africa and Europe, and too expensive to live in, to list a few.

I am not an economic immigrant, I just wanted a change in environment and was exploring Canada by visiting it, but when I was there, it was like bleh, I can't live here. Even Vancouver that is considered the warmest rains a lot. Made me appreciate Europe even better.

For example, I can be in any corner of the over 40 European countries via flight, which is really cheap. But it's not the same in North America. Europe is well built and connected, and trains leaves to other European capitals from your city.

In Europe, it's common for people to live in Belgium and work in Netherlands, or live in Finland and work in Sweden. You won't even notice that you've crossed into another country except that your phone starts sending message that you're roaming and perhaps, different language in road signs.

Also European weather is diversed. If you like winter, Scandinavia is there, or hot weather, then Portugal/Cyprus/malta/Italy/Spain are there. If you like wind and rain, Ireland and Netherlands will give you that. There is something for you.

In Europe, cultures are organic. if you drive just two hours from Poznan (Poland) to Berlin (Germany), the language, currency, culture, architecture, and everything look different. True diversity is organic, rich, and distinct.

Canada is too soulless, artificial, and the centuries old mega structures are nonexistent. Why do you think American filmmakers go to Europe to shoot movies that requires old European architecture? Canada is a newly built country.

And also, as a business person, population density is really important to me. Canada is bigger than the whole 27 EU countries twice, but the EU has about 460 Million people, compare with Canada which is about 35 million.

So if you need a huge population base to sell stuff to, Europe is better, and I am not even adding the population of Ad-hoc European countries that surrounds the EU (e.g Turkey, Serbia, Russia, etc).

And for families, the EU is better. Free education, free healthcare, generous social services, and long maternity/paternity leave. The student debt common in North America is not a thing in Europe. I once had an American classmate that owes 70k USD in student loans, and I felt sorry for her. A young adult starting life as a debtor is such a shame.

And oh, people are fatter there. It's because the food laws are not as strong as in Europe, and the walking and biking infrastructure is just not a thing. As a tourist, I felt immobilized that I can't just use public transport, unless I have a car, or use uber. So people do not walk/bike a lot, which is exercise.

And especially Canada is a hotbed for wokism, its like all the homos, radical feminists, masculine women, and feminine men moved there lol, as in, I just feel like punching people for no reason lol, just kidding grin

So there you go, that's my assessment of Canada when I was there. But hey, it's my opinion, and should not be taken as gospel. What is good for Ada might be bad for Adamu, so be guided.
This is very rich and detailed.

Could you make a comparison based on RACISM?

1 Like

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by pansophist(m): 4:19pm On Jan 14, 2023

This is very rich and detailed.

Could you make a comparison based on RACISM?

I have not lived in Canada or the US, so I don't know. But personally, I think racism shouldn't bother you. Anywhere you find yourself in, play to your strength.

13 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Majorly21: 5:54pm On Jan 14, 2023

Too big that everything is so far (only the province of Ontario is bigger than Nigeria but has less population than Lagos). None-existent bike paths/culture and cities are built for cars and not for pedestrians.

Huge shopping malls everywhere, that one can only visit by car. Shopping was more of a chore you planned due to lack of small family owned supermarkets and shops inside your streets. Anyone that have been to Brussels, London or Amsterdam will understand this. There are streets that cars are banned so people/cyclist can thrive.

Too segregated, and people hardly mix, too cold. Culture too americanized (no such thing as an organic Canadian culture), is too far from Africa and Europe, and too expensive to live in, to list a few.

I am not an economic immigrant, I just wanted a change in environment and was exploring Canada by visiting it, but when I was there, it was like bleh, I can't live here. Even Vancouver that is considered the warmest rains a lot. Made me appreciate Europe even better.

For example, I can be in any corner of the over 40 European countries via flight, which is really cheap. But it's not the same in North America. Europe is well built and connected, and trains leaves to other European capitals from your city.

In Europe, it's common for people to live in Belgium and work in Netherlands, or live in Finland and work in Sweden. You won't even notice that you've crossed into another country except that your phone starts sending message that you're roaming and perhaps, different language in road signs.

Also European weather is diversed. If you like winter, Scandinavia is there, or hot weather, then Portugal/Cyprus/malta/Italy/Spain are there. If you like wind and rain, Ireland and Netherlands will give you that. There is something for you.

In Europe, cultures are organic. if you drive just two hours from Poznan (Poland) to Berlin (Germany), the language, currency, culture, architecture, and everything look different. True diversity is organic, rich, and distinct.

Canada is too soulless, artificial, and the centuries old mega structures are nonexistent. Why do you think American filmmakers go to Europe to shoot movies that requires old European architecture? Canada is a newly built country.

And also, as a business person, population density is really important to me. Canada is bigger than the whole 27 EU countries twice, but the EU has about 460 Million people, compare with Canada which is about 35 million.

So if you need a huge population base to sell stuff to, Europe is better, and I am not even adding the population of Ad-hoc European countries that surrounds the EU (e.g Turkey, Serbia, Russia, etc).

And for families, the EU is better. Free education, free healthcare, generous social services, and long maternity/paternity leave. The student debt common in North America is not a thing in Europe. I once had an American classmate that owes 70k USD in student loans, and I felt sorry for her. A young adult starting life as a debtor is such a shame.

And oh, people are fatter there. It's because the food laws are not as strong as in Europe, and the walking and biking infrastructure is just not a thing. As a tourist, I felt immobilized that I can't just use public transport, unless I have a car, or use uber. So people do not walk/bike a lot, which is exercise.

And especially Canada is a hotbed for wokism, its like all the homos, radical feminists, masculine women, and feminine men moved there lol, as in, I just feel like punching people for no reason lol, just kidding grin

So there you go, that's my assessment of Canada when I was there. But hey, it's my opinion, and should not be taken as gospel. What is good for Ada might be bad for Adamu, so be guided.

One more important factor is the time difference.. if you're a financial analysts and trade in the stock or money market (forex) you'll appreciate Europe more.. you can't be awake 2am-6am trading London session or wake by 7AM and start trading new York session.. and depending on where you live in Canada time will be different from new York..

As a Nigerian that watch football and nature and love travelling, Europe is more better than Canada or the United states because Europe give you plenty options to live within the European countries Visa free for unlimited period. If it's too cold in one country, you can easily hopped on a train and move to a warmer country. I feel Europe is more safe


Re: Between The United Kingdom, The USA, Canada And Europe Which Is Better? by Majorly21: 6:05pm On Jan 14, 2023

You are talking absolutely rubbish and nonesense , how can you say this about Ontario . Man I bet you never enter plane before mugu . You are talking trash about a place you don't know anything about. Canada deny you visa you come here to Yan Buhari and tinubu Yan's mugu

You came here to curse without making any points.. you're a du#my.

And he didn't even mentioned the expensive real estate market in Canada. Getting a shitty house for more than $1m without pool and the house will look outdated AF. You can't even compare Canada to Australia. You Nigerians don't do research.


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