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Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by Ifecotag: 8:40pm On Sep 02, 2011
The so called rebels are slaughtering our black African brothers and black Libyans with impunity and No governmental entity or world body is doing anything serious about it. Obama in particular who gave the green light in the first place have not come out to condemn the killings. Maybe he is a closet Muslim of Arabic extraction from his Kenya side. Kenya has a sizable Arab African looking people because of the slavery by Arab merchants in that region.
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by EuroMeko(m): 9:02pm On Sep 02, 2011
Please explain to me why this should be on Obamas radar?
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by ektbear: 9:21pm On Sep 02, 2011
When did Obama become black Jesus

That is my title, not his
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by Ifecotag: 10:03pm On Sep 02, 2011

I don't blame you. You are not in the shoes of those that have fallen into the rebels hands for what they did not do. Anyways, your user-name suggest that you are one of those that have been brainwashed by the west.
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by EuroMeko(m): 10:26pm On Sep 02, 2011


I don't blame you. You are not in the shoes of those that have fallen into the rebels hands for what they did not do. Anyways, your user-name suggest that you are one of those that have been brainwashed by the west.

Ah I see. If I asked an intelligent and prudent question then I must have been brainwashed by the West. Okay I get it.

So basically you lack the necessary modicum to engage in a civil discussion without thinly veiled insults.

Carry on Oga, as you were.
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by BlackLibya: 2:06am On Sep 03, 2011
Please explain to me why this should be on Obamas radar?

Maybe because if the united states wasnt involved this whole operation would fall apart EVEN NOW and the rebels would lose all their gains?

If you had a Chinese president, and we were helping people in the Congo against their dictator, and the Congolese started murdering all the Chinese, do you think he would not make a statement? Or even cut the funding?

In fact, if black people were the aggressors, it would be an outrage to the world. Just like it was an outrage to the world when they thought black people were killing light skinned libyans. Look at how far a hatred of "black aggressors" has brought us in this conflict.

Worldwide support for the rebels against the evil blacks.
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by EuroMeko(m): 2:46am On Sep 03, 2011

Maybe because if the united states wasnt involved this whole operation would fall apart EVEN NOW and the rebels would lose all their gains?

If you had a Chinese president, and we were helping people in the Congo against their dictator, and the Congolese started murdering all the Chinese, do you think he would not make a statement? Or even cut the funding?

In fact, if black people were the aggressors, it would be an outrage to the world. Just like it was an outrage to the world when they thought black people were killing light skinned libyans. Look at how far a hatred of "black aggressors" has brought us in this conflict.

Worldwide support for the rebels against the evil blacks.

May I quote you one of the past Presidents of the US? "As Americans, we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard" JFK.

This is a revolution, people loose lives in revolutions. Americans did during the civil war, French did, British did, perhaps it's time for Libya to do theirs. What comes easy is not appreciated.

Personally, Mr. Obama is doing what needs to be done. His number one job is to protect American citizens. He is scheduled to deliver a speech to Congress next week about job creation. These are the things I need him to be focused on, not another countries internal affairs.

Libyans have enough resources given to them to deal with the issue at hand. Like Saddam, Osama, those that are hiding Gaddafi needs to deliver him to the rebels so the fight9ing can cease and they can move on to the next phase of the revolution.

Libya is not the only hotbed in the world right now and I still fail to see why it should be blamed on Obama.
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by cap28: 2:45pm On Sep 03, 2011

only brainwashed blacks  like you make excuses when your own people are brutally murdered by gangs of arab lynch mobs. 

If any white person were to lose their life in libya at the hands of these mobs  i can tell you now that obama would be facing impeachment and a lot of death threats.

Do you not see the irony in a man who claims to have african blood running through his veins  funding and arming a bunch of racist murderers?
Thats equivalent to say someone like joe biden or joe lieberman funding and arming the aryan brotherhood or the neo nazis or even the ku klux klan.

why is it only black africans who reason like fools? 

to go back to your quotation - what is "hard" about overthrowing a legitimate government with the aid of superior airpower (NATO)?

What is hard about killing defenceless innocent black men, rap.ing their wives and killing their children?

what is hard about selling out your own country because of your own selfish interests?  not one of those rebels has any sincere vision for libya - unless you call looting the national treasury in cahoots with the western oil companies visionary or the imposition of sharia law.

this is not a revolution - it is a counter revolution by reactionary western puppets - the real revolution happened in 1969 when gadaffi got rid of a british puppet by the name of king idris - king idris enriched himself and his cronies and left the rest of the country in a state of penury, gadaffi who was a true nationalist liberated the country, developed it into a modern state and improved the living standards of the libyan people - something your own nigerian govt has failed to do in 50 years.
libya is the only arab nation where blacks live on the same level as their fellow arab libyan citizens - in places like mauritania,qatar, yemen and saudi arabia many black africans are literally kept as slaves - but these are countries that enjoy excellent relationships with the  US.

by the way the so called american revolution was quite happy for slavery to keep going - so it was hardly a true revolution - infact these same so called revolutionaries who fought to rid themselves from the yoke of british imperialism turned round a few years later to fight for the right to keep black africans as slaves - dont you find that contradictory??

Lets face it Obama is nothing more than a tool of white supremacy, a puppet of wall street who has no say on anything affecting the vast majority of americans , all he does is follow his masters instructions, you make me laugh when you say his job is to protect american citizens - if only!! havent you noticed that unemployment is rising under his tenure - and guess what? its goign to keep rising because that is the plan - not by him but by the real people who run america - the banks and the multinationals. have you noticed the amoutn of jobs that keep being offshored to china, india, brazil and africa -  in a way i dont blame obama because he is frightened of going up against some of the most powerful interests in the world -  the last american president who tried it got his head blown off in full view of the world (JFK)
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by EuroMeko(m): 2:58pm On Sep 03, 2011
A simple question, "Why should this be on Obamas radar?"

Hopefully someone will eloquently answer it one of these days.
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by cap28: 3:14pm On Sep 03, 2011
the funny thing about your misplaced patriotism is that the average american would never favour you in any way over his fellow american - and if there were to be a breakdown in law and order in america today you would be a target for white lynch mobs just like the black africans in libya are.
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by Ifecotag: 8:20pm On Sep 04, 2011

You are right on point and quite a critical thinker who understands the western society and their hypocrisy.


No matter how long you live in the west, defend them and anything of that nature. You will never be seen as equal by them. Ask black Americans that have been living there for the past 400 years. In conclusion, You seem to be suffering from massive dose of inferiority complex.
Re: Blacks Are Generally Being Slaughtered In Libya---obama Remain Silent. by cap28: 9:45pm On Sep 04, 2011

thanks bro

you are absolutely spot on about african americans - There is a documented case of an african american man who was walking down the street in his army uniform with his wife.

both he and his wife were accosted and racially abused by a mob of whites who said he had no right to be wearing the uniform , both the man and his wife were then lynched in the street by this mob - that was america in 1919.

whites have not changed in their feelings towards blacks -they've just suppressed their feelings because now such demonic acts attract very harsh penalties.

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