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How To Start Ice Block Business In Nigeria With Profit Especially In Dry Season - Business - Nairaland

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How To Start Ice Block Business In Nigeria With Profit Especially In Dry Season by thisisnigeria: 9:51am On Jan 02, 2023
Have you been thinking of a way to become a millionaire in 2023? Do you have capital without any business ideas? This article will lead you on how to make 1 million Naira in 30 days from the ice block business in Nigeria, and all you need to do is sit back and keep reading.

You probably do not see the ice block business as a type of business where you can generate over a million Naira in just 30 days, but at the end of this article, you will be convinced that you can be a millionaire just by selling ice blocks.

We all know how hot it is in most parts of Nigeria and how dehydrated most people are during the dry season. The urge to drink something cold is always there.

How about for those having events and wanting to offer something chilled to their suitors, these are a few factors that have made the demand for ice blocks in Nigeria high, and also an opportunity to utilize it as a business within Nigeria.

This article covers how you can start an ice block business, the machines you need, the materials involved, and also your target market.
Things To Know About The Ice Block Business In Nigeria
While putting this business in mind, always remember that this is a small startup business, and you can decide to make an expansion sooner or later.
Make sure you do market research and check out possible locations to know where is best for your ice block business before you start.
Always know that this is more of a seasonal business and you need to know your level of production during certain Season
Be ready to outsmart your competitors

What Materials Do I Need To Set Up My Ice Block Business In Nigeria?

Before you start up the ice block business, there are major materials you will need to always keep your production going, and below listed are what you need to have.

Water is the major raw material you need in this ice block business; there's no way you can make ice blocks without it because ice blocks are made by freezing water to a low temperature. Therefore, you need to make sure you have a good source that supplies you with clean water to carry out your production.

It is advisable to take note of the clean water because the block will be used to make cold drinks or dropped directly into something drinkable and you don't want your potential client complaining about drinking poison or drinking products that are contaminated as a result of your carelessness.

You can decide to find a way to get water directly from the local water supply around you or you can buy it from the body in charge of water, but make sure it's clean.

If you have enough time, you can decide to boil your water before making it an ice block or ensure it passes through a purification process.

If you grew up in Nigeria, you know that the easiest way to package ice blocks is in a transparent polythene nylon bag. This is because even if the ice block returned to its original state, the nylon could always hold the water.

You can decide to customize your nylon with your brand name and also include your contact details so that your clients can always use them to trace you and you'll be able to stand out from your competitors.

Ice Block-making Machine
There's no way to mention ice block business and not mention ice block-making machines. This is what you need to produce your ice blocks, some people prefer to use deep freezers that have coolers to do this, but then there are specialized block machines that have certain shapes that give your ice block that unique shape depending on the molds of the machine you purchase.

This ice block machine can either be fabricated according to your specifications or bought from various companies, and Austin Laz Ice Block International Ice Block Machine Company can give you several recommendations that fit your ice block project or specification. Kindly Check their website for free consultation at A u s t i n l a z . com . ng

Generators Or An External Source Of Energy

The above listed are very important. We all know how unstable electricity is in Nigeria and truth be told we cannot shy away from the fact that we need steady electricity, for which we can not depend on the Nigerian power-producing company.

Therefore, you should get a generator that can power your ice block-making machine to avoid any form of an electricity shortage that could affect your business.

There are times when the available voltage may not carry your ice block machine, but your generator might be your only rescue at the moment this is because, at an early stage of your business, it is very bad for you to start disappointing your clients. For specification of the type of generator that will carry your machine, I recommend that you speak with Austinlaz IceBlock Machine Company in Nigeria.

Even though this part was skipped earlier, there's no way you'll start up a business without investing in it or putting your best effort toward it, especially if you want to get excellent results.

The advantage of an ice block-making business is that it doesn't need huge capital before you can start. You may not have enough money to buy industrial machines, but you can meet the closest welder near you to construct one for a start but this is not recommended because the amount a local welder will charge you and still deliver shabby job is almost the same amount austin laz ice block machine manufacturers in Nigeria will charge you and give you professional machine with free consultation.

You might not have enough money to customize your nylons, but you can get cheap nylons from the market.

If you're in an area where the power supply is manageable, you can also utilize this opportunity to make profits.

How To Make Your First Millions Through Ice Block Business In Nigeria Within 30 Days

This is the part you've been waiting for, and the steps on how you can achieve this have been listed below; before you take them, you need to take note of the few tips to help you make your first #1 million in 30 days.

Make Sure You Have A Positive Mindset

Firstly, you need to ensure that you have a positive mindset towards this business and be ready to give it your best no matter the challenges you encounter, remember the business is at an early stage and it needs enough time and attention.
Know Your Target Market.
Secondly, you need to ensure that you know your target audience and search for a strategic place where your services will be required of which you can decide to choose the market area, residential area, busy roadside, and other locations where people will need your services always

Have A Mind Set That The Ice Block Business Is Seasonal

This means that you always need to be conscious of your business and its season. You don't expect to have high patronage during the cold or rainy season; therefore, you need to take advantage of the dry season and heat period as this is the time when most people tend to be dehydrated a lot.

You also need to reduce your production of ice blocks during the cold or rainy seasons and increase your production during the dry and hot seasons.

Know Your Competitors

This is another factor you need to consider. You need to do something unique that will stand you out from your competitors. You can decide to offer special services to your clients or give them extra like a buy five get one free offer if possible.

You can decide to offer free delivery service to your clients to save them the stress of coming to your store. You might also make your production costs low, but in the process, make sure you're still making a profit.

Proper Maintenance Of Your Machine
If you don't properly take care of your ice block machine and generator, they will not serve you for a long time, and this may cause a shortage in your level of production.

You can always check on your machines and ensure you take care of your ice block machine.

Do not wait for your machines to break down before you service them, and it is advisable to get a good technician to run regular maintenance on your machines.

Draft On How To Hit Your Target For 1 Million Naira In 30 Days
Now that you know the above tips you need to take to make one million dollars, here is a little draft on how to hit your target.

If you decide to get an ice block machine that produces 200 ice blocks within 5 hours, you can decide to produce about 400 ice blocks before the day runs out.

If you can produce over 400 ice blocks daily and you decide to sell each for 100 naira per block, that's a lot of profit. Let's do the math together.

400 pieces of ice block multiplied by 100 naira each = 40000

If you make 40,000 naira daily, that's a huge profit, and there are days you might make more than that amount; now let's multiply 40,000 by 30 days, which equals 1,200,000.

This is a huge profit in thirty days; you might decide to keep one million naira to yourself and use the other 200,000 for maintenance or expansion and by doing this you will be able to hit your target in no time.

Factors To Consider Before Making Payments For Ice Block Machine In Nigeria

It is advisable to always consider certain factors before you make payment for that ice block machine of your choice, and some of these factors are listed below.

Ensure you know the capacity or number of ice blocks the machine can produce at a particular time; maybe it's 200, 100, or 50. You can take note of the capacity to know your level of production.

Take note of the freezing time, which is how long it takes to produce the ice block, and most times it depends on the compressor.

Knowing this should help you to save electricity and labor or austinlaz . co m . ng can give you recommendations on the best ice block machines with an efficient freeze time suitable to your budget.

There's no ice block machine without a compressor, as this is more like the engine of the ice block machine and can play an important role in the ice block and how long it takes for production. The number of compressors in an ice block machine can provide better quality ice than a single compressor.

Apart from the above-listed factors, before you order that industrial or fabricated ice block machine, you also need to consider
The number of blocks it can produce
The generator capacity
Engine capacity

There is no need to panic if you have no idea about any of the above; you can always seek the services of a professional technician to either advise you or follow you to purchase the machine of your choice.

Major Types Of Ice Block-Making Machines
The ice block-making machine may differ depending on the result you wish to achieve or the types of outcomes, but your ice block-making machine may fall under any of the listed except your design to your specifications
- Cube ice block making
- Flake ice block-making machine
- Tube ice block machine
Your ice block-making machine depends on your choice, and you can always check out Austinlaz Ice block Machine manufacturing website in Nigeria to give you several guides and details of the various ice block-making machines that are effective and efficient to give you the best result


The most exciting news about the ice block business in Nigeria is that while sending your eyes blocks, you can decide to add on some drinks and snacks to serve as an extra source of income for you.

Here's a little summary of everything discussed in the list articles, which include the materials needed to set up your ice block business in Nigeria, how you can make your first 1 million Naira in 30 days, factors to consider before buying your ice block machine, and more.

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Re: How To Start Ice Block Business In Nigeria With Profit Especially In Dry Season by Barthley: 9:33pm On May 14, 2023
Hi your location, and how much is 200blocks/5hrs machine

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