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China Meets American Hegemony Head-on - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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China Meets American Hegemony Head-on by Nobody: 10:20am On Feb 24, 2023
In a rare scathing essay, Beijing’s foreign ministry has blasted Washington’s continued attempts at world domination

By Timur Fomenko, a political analyst

The Chinese foreign ministry has published an essay titled ‘US Hegemony and Its Perils’, a scathing attack on the United States and it's desire to effectively rule the world.

The essay was widely shared throughout Chinese state media outlets and was probably the harshest thing they’ve ever published at least as far as Washington is concerned. It coincides with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent address and attacks the US across a broad spectrum of topics, outlining Washington’s multi-pronged efforts to achieve and maintain exclusive dominance over the entire planet. This includes military action, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as interference in internal political affairs of countries in the form of coups and revolutions.

The essay discussed the Arab Spring, US interference in Latin America including the CIA coup in Chile and attempts to undermine the government of Cuba and Venezuela, and the number of “color revolutions” in former Soviet states such as Ukraine, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan. It went on to condemn how Washington weaponizes the subject of democracy and forces countries to take sides, branded the US a country “characterized by violence and expansion” that crushes its opponents with sanctions and “economic coercion” and claimed the (US) dollar of being “the main source of instability and uncertainty in the world economy.”

Never has China’s foreign ministry launched such a blistering attack on the US. For many years, despite Washington’s turn to hostility towards Beijing, China has been overwhelmingly restrained when it comes to the US. For a long time, it held to the belief that America can be engaged with, that somehow the country can be brought to reason, and that the US-China bilateral relationship can be improved and stabilized. It once held the belief that after the departure of the Donald Trump administration, things could be returned to “normal” under Joe Biden.

That belief could not have been more wrong. After two years in office, the Biden administration has shown itself to be more belligerent and hawkish on China than Trump and his colleagues had ever been, and ties have gone from one new low to another, with the Biden presidency having transformed US policy from a series of “America First” Trumpian grievances over trade, to an all-encompassing campaign of military and strategic containment which has dramatically escalated tensions. Trump was a negotiator, who wanted to make trade deals with China to suit American interests using tariffs as leverage, whereas the word “compromise” does not exist in Biden’s vocabulary.

The Biden administration has repeatedly claimed it wants “guardrails” and “lines of communication” with Beijing, but its actions have shown its real intentions, from allowing Nancy Pelosi’s highly provocative visit to Taiwan, to stoking paranoia over a balloon, to forcing countries to cut off supplies to China’s entire semiconductor industry. The conclusion that Beijing has finally arrived at is that when it comes to the United States, there is no serious dialogue to be had. It is a waste of time. China faces a belligerent, hegemonic and bad-faith actor who seeks to contain it and strategically crush it at all costs.

The US is forcing a change in China’s foreign policy. For many decades, China’s philosophy was to avoid confrontation with Washington and seek cooperation, to prevent the Americans from moving towards policies of Cold War containment and blocking its economic development, which is the Communist Party’s overarching domestic priority. This is why even when the US was turning hostile, China remained ambivalent and restrained for a long time. It wanted to believe the relationship with America could be rescued, and these policies could be offset.

China now recognizes that its best bet is not appeasing Washington, but that its continued development and prosperity depends on sustaining a multipolar world where American power is diluted. China has formally identified American hegemony as the biggest source of instability, chaos, inequality and conflict in the world, mirroring comments made by Vladimir Putin.

As such, the US has no interest in accepting or coming to terms with the rise of any other country which challenges its monopoly on global power, believing its hegemony to be some sort of divine right, and leaving little hope for “stability”. It will do everything it can to try and contain China and break up its integration with the global economy. While this does not mean Beijing will do something reckless or risk-prone, it does mean it has finally woken up to the challenge it faces and is no longer, after decades of cordial ties, starry-eyed or deluded about the true nature of the American regime.

Re: China Meets American Hegemony Head-on by orisa37: 2:52pm On Feb 24, 2023
Re: China Meets American Hegemony Head-on by Nobody: 3:31pm On Feb 24, 2023
Russia ran out of missiles since last year, bows and arrows have also been in very short supply but have been very effective grin that's why Russia continues to gain ground.
Source: Western MSM and Believe Me Bro

US Cannot Fight Hot War Against Russia and China

One might ask whether the US is really ready to show up in the Asia-Pacific in the event of war. Pauken is skeptical about the Biden administration's readiness to directly confront China in the near term, especially given that Washington is burning through its weapons in the flames of the Ukraine conflict.
"Many Americans love playing video games and sometimes they think foreign policy is a video game, grin grin" Pauken said. "So, they talk about fighting Russia and China at the same time, but if that was true, then why is the US not directly fighting Russia at this moment? They're just sending weapons. So if the US is so strong and able to handle a two-pronged war between Russia and China, don't you think they would have defeated Russia first before going after China? They don't even send the US troops into Ukraine. What are we supposed to expect if something happens in Asia-Pacific?"
Pauken suggested that, apparently, Biden administration strategists thought they would drag Russia into an Afghanistan-style scenario in Ukraine and make it bogged down in the conflict. In that case, perhaps, Washington would have had more room for maneuver, but the plan did not work, according to the author.

"[I]t looks like what really is happening is there's this Afghanistan kind of scenario that is in reverse," the Asia-Pacific commentator said. "So, you have Russia fighting and continuing fighting. You have the Western nations continuing to send weapons as if they have an unlimited supply of weapons. And what may eventually happen is the West could be running out of weapons if this turns into a long and protracted war for many years to come. What I see is Russia could end up winning just by not losing and keep fighting for years.

Because what ends up happening is NATO, the US, the UK end up running out of weapons to send to Ukraine."

Earlier, the Western mainstream press lamented the fact that the Ukraine conflict is depleting NATO member states' arsenals. At the same time, Western media yarns about Russia running out of missiles and shells turned out to be hot air. To complicate matters further for the Biden administration, NATO's Ukraine policy has driven Russia and China closer together.

While Biden visits Kiev, pledges indefinite support to Ukraine, and holds, together with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, a summit of the bloc's easternmost members in Warsaw, the writing is already on the wall, and it says that the White House's resources for maintaining the Ukraine conflict are waning. This sentiment has already been voiced by Biden administration officials and leaked to the mainstream press. Apparently, Beijing's Global Security Initiative Concept has come just in time to lay the ground for future peace talks.
Re: China Meets American Hegemony Head-on by Nobody: 6:04pm On Feb 24, 2023
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