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My Encounter With My Religious Neighbor Today / The Whites Also Believe In The Marine World. Atheism Is Not A Western Thing. / Understanding The Marine World (2) (3) (4)
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Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:04am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Back to my story. I met the man of God again and he told me alot of things that he can see fire on my school and ask me how is my school result which I reply that my school result is bad. He said it was a attack and I told him I know because those I teach always get better grade than me and some of my friends keep asking me how come u get such bad result when u are intelligent but I can't just tell them my circumstances. The man of God also told me that I was initiated into the marine world but my spirit refused to join them even though I was their member formally that why dey keep attacking me. He told me the marine world are angry with my spirit because my spirit keep rejecting their membership. He told me I have a very great spiritual gift and the water kingdom are trying to recruit me to use the gift for wickedness. I don't know how does guys know all my movement. There appear to me in dream saying I have alot of spiritual talent that I don't used and dey can teach me how to used it but I rejected it them. 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Freed001(m): 11:11am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa: Stop being a p*ssy and face your fears. I know it's all because of your ignorance though so I'll advise you to get more knowledge and don't waste your time going to any stupid church or pastor. Without darkness there's no light and it's time for you to see beyond the dark, don't fight it Check out this thread 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Nobody: 11:11am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa: The mistake you made was not telling your mum early enough. Most mothers are also aware of this things around Dem child, but it's up to the child to open up to her so that she would be fully convinced. You were pretending that all is well, then she relaxed her mind na! 17 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:14am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Now there was this beautiful yoruba damsel have been pursuing back in sch this girl was given me eye then off a sudden started giving me attitude. Then in a dream I met two guys which came in the form of my course mate and one of them told me that he can give me the beautiful damsel I was wooing but for only one condition. I told him then what is the condition because am ready to do anything to get that girl as my babe and he said are u sure and I reply oga am 100% sure just tell me and he said I should meet the other guy and he would tell me the condition so I walk up to the other guy and told him that your friend said he can hook me up with that girl but if only I can do something for u and he said alright that he will show me the thing. Omo this guy brought out his ipad and show me beautiful city inside water and told me to join them that I would be given that hot babe as my girlfriend . Omo I just tell them that I don't want to do again that dey should keep the girl and his not by force to date her. Then two of this guy started attacking me but I was just laughing because I know God will protect me because I did not deny him because of woman and I woke up. The thing mind sound funny but all those guys are weird and funny because How can you used babe to try to convince to join your kingdom? 51 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:18am On Mar 01, 2023 |
AbdulMagaji:It was my fault but we did not quickly identify that my church was also the source of my problem 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Nobody: 11:25am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Freed001: Why are you trying so hard to persuade him to go against the purpose on which he was created? 56 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:26am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Then the second time I dreamt. I met this people leaving coven and one of them came and told me that why did I keep rejecting them. That I can live my life the way I want to lived it and commit any sin without them hunting me and he also said that the person that initiated me into their kingdom really love me and that why he is sharing the gift of witchcraft to me and I told him please who is the person that initiated me and he said I don't need to know and if I join their kingdom then he will let me know. I just told him to forget about it and he told me right now he can't attack me because my life is pure but if I mistakenly commit sin then he will finish my life with evil 36 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Ogbuchinaz(m): 11:27am On Mar 01, 2023 |
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Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Mercury12(m): 11:30am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa: Don't mind naive people. I always laugh at them They don't know that life is deep 19 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Mercury12(m): 11:31am On Mar 01, 2023 |
... |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:37am On Mar 01, 2023 |
After some times I return back to my prayer and fasting Note: The devil is not strong for God not to handle but I was the person making the devil very big in my life because of my constant life style of backsliding and it seem my prayer was not working but I know it was working only if I just have consistency which I lack. Back to the story. During my fasting I started fighting with my childhood friend and the next morning this guy ask me for recharge card on phone. The next night we fight again for a week straight and this guy keep begging me for 100 naira recharge card for that straight one week then I knew the guy was an agent and I remember what one of the agent said "which he said the person that initiated me was my friend" omo I just code and started ignoring him because most of the time he will ask me when his my exam beginning and ending and I thought he care for me me but never knew he was an agent around me that is feeding his coven with my information. Note: please be sensitive of the information u give to people about your life. Is not every one that laughs with u like u. Some will used it against you. 76 Likes 10 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:42am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Then I told that my childhood friend that if u trust somebody and the person betray u and sold u out to the marine kingdom what will u do? This guy just coded I know and u need to see the shame in his eyes. Then this guy get mind to appear to my brother in his dream telling him to tell me that he knew he belong to the marine kingdom but he is not the cause of my problem and that we can still be friends. I just laugh when my brother told, me and said I can't be friend with marine agent. Everyone choose his destiny and he as already choose Satan and I have choose God then we have to go our separate ways 43 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by coldzobo: 11:43am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa:I used to be in a similar situation with you. whenever I pray midnight(cos I always do), I get attacked ... This was when I was very hot spiritually The spirit that was fighting me confronted me Face to Face spiritually, telling me of her plans against me. I really saw a lot of things then(fallen angels being the most bizarre) and thats why now I'm not who I used to be spiritually, I refuse to do things I did prior to me being spiritual, because I now know the consequences. I pray God strengthens me to continue my journey of the kingdom. Keep up your relationship with saves you from a lot of dangers 111 Likes 9 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by nnamdiosu(m): 11:47am On Mar 01, 2023 |
dawnomike: Why don't you also open a thread and share you're, so others can learn and enjoy from it, as you are enjoying this too? 22 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:48am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Then I got a very funny dream that I saw a graveyard in front of my university during my final year and I woke up and said which kind stupid dream and I slept again. Then after some months people started dying in my sch anyhow that the christains and Muslim association started praying against the spirit of death but have already forgotten about that dream that I dreamt. It was when God answer that prayer against the spirit of death that the dream flash into my mind when gisting with my friend then I knew I Bleep up. That God show me what will happen in the future so that I can pray against it but I ignore it due to my spiritual laziness 41 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:48am On Mar 01, 2023 |
nnamdiosu:Excatly my brother. I can even learn from him self 4 Likes |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:50am On Mar 01, 2023 |
coldzobo:Satan attack does who are treat to his kingdom. May God bring back your fire for him 24 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 11:57am On Mar 01, 2023 |
Then also in my final year after church. I slept in the afternoon and I saw my self in a trance of seeing apostle Paul in the bible standing in the roman court defending the gospel of christ and the back ground and setting of the building was olden days. Also with their dressing. l was in the midst seeing them but nor of them can see me. I think I was taken into the past by God to see what transpire during apostle Paul time and all of a sudden there was this praise and worship to go. Like the praise and worship came with joy and this joy was far bigger than all the joy the earth can give u. Omo I was just praising God that u are great then suddenly a dark force appear and started dragging me from that place saying I belongz to them and not God and I wake up 27 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 12:14pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
After that dream I begin mad and said which time that nonsense have started and I don't belong to u and started telling God that I don't know those marine spirit but I belong to him. Then it was time for me to go to Nysc so I started praying as usual and some demons appear in my dream and screaming on my ear and I reply I am the child of the most High God and I woke up. And I continue my prayer. Then I dreamt again that I was walking with my mother and I saw two of our family friends and my mum told me not to collect anything from them and I smile in the dream and told my mum that I already know them already that dey are from the kingdom of darkness. So this two people approach us and my mum with with one of then and the other one was with me then he offer me 50 naira and I told him I don't want and then I offer him money in which he collect and I told him I have break all covenant with u but he was playing game saying I don't know what u mean with that fake facial expression. And I told him directly I knew u are a demon and why forming all those stuff. Let go straight to business and I ask him why are u disturbing me. Then he immediately turn to his original form which he was a dwarf and told me to worhip him and I said I can't worship u because am a child of God and he reply was I did not tell u not to worship your God but you can still worship me and your God together that I don't have problem with that. And I reply I can't worship him and he said what do I mean? That pastors worhip him and he called a very big church name which I won't quote or call the church name saying most of that pastors of that popular church worship him and I said I can't still worship u and everyone has their choice. Then he said he would have kill me long ago but God have been protecting me and since he can't kill me then he would destroy me that I won't be able to use that special gift that God has given me. Then I ask him what his the gift and he refused to answer me and I kept asking him to tell me the gift God gave me but instead this demon just started his attack and I woke up 28 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 12:14pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
I will get back to u all later. God bless u all 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Ginaz(f): 12:18pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa: pls come soon. I'm enjoying your write-up 3 Likes |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by samwheel(m): 1:03pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa: Wouldn't have fully believed if not for the bolded. Each time I engage in that shit, I also get attacked in the dream. I had been clean for over a .month and my dreams were getting better, den on Sunday, boom, I relapsed, slept and got another attack in the dream. Masturbation and pornography are demonic, anyone saying otherwise is an ignorant fool. 125 Likes 12 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Koleman(m): 1:09pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa: thanks for taking courage to share. Am so blessed. Now many things about my life and dreams of the night are now making sense. Please forgive me because i will have so many questions. Please did you give him the recharge card? And is there any consequence to it? Also what type of fasting where you doing? Was it for specific days or just random? Thanks. God bless you bro. We have already overcome the evil one. Ignore the agents of darkness trying to derail and discourage you from sharing. You are blessing so so many people already. Most of us are silently reading and following 47 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 1:18pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Koleman:I did not give him the card because something similar happen to me previously which I skip that part of the story. But let me tell u. When I was fasting that was before that card incident my aunt came to our house and said she was very hungry that I should give her garri. Just imagine I which I gave her garri and cash because my dad and mum was not around and I lost my prayer life automically. So I learnt for her. But I will still tell u what happen to her and how God deal with her. In my later story 7 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by RaySimran: 1:20pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Good read. |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 1:22pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Thoughty2:Excatly 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 1:22pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Moh247:Thank u I appreciate 1 Like |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 1:25pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
SisterFire: |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 1:25pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Dammyseyon:For sure. |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Pidaa: 1:27pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
[quote author=Pidaa post=121377334][/quote] U don't need the spirit of the dead to give u information. The only spirit can feed u with all the information you want 3 Likes |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Koleman(m): 1:29pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa: thanks bro. May the Lord grant us discernment. God bless. Following bumper to bumper 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Encounter With The Marine World. by Dshocker(m): 1:35pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Pidaa: Nothing like marine world |
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