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What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by Eemeekaa(m): 10:51am On Sep 15, 2011 |
The bible says thou shall not commit murder,can someone pls tell me what the quran say about killing. |
Re: What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by Sweetnecta: 11:15am On Sep 15, 2011 |
^^^^^^^^^ If the Bible is excused for the murders committed before the 10 Commandments, what can you say about the murders and genocides of tribes after it? The Bible is littered with wholesale killing. You know it. If you dont, then get your Bibles and read. I dont care which version you read, you will find the Biblical God telling leadership of children of Israel to kill, kill and kill people and wipe them off the map, with nothing to remind anyone of the victims. Quran on the other hand says that killing of a single soul, except it is to prevent spreading of corruption, is like killing the whole of nation[s], while saving a life is like saving the whole of nation[s]. Even when life is to be taken, there are rules that are to be followed, so that injustice is not what happens. This is why i personally take the position that boko haram, and other groups of terror are themselves against Islam. You should read the Quran Eemeekaa. |
Re: What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by Nobody: 11:40am On Sep 15, 2011 |
Darkness was about to descend upon Islam. Ishaq:461 "Just before the noon prayers, Gabriel came to the Apostle wearing a gold turban. He was riding a mule. He said, 'Have you laid down your weapons and stopped fighting, Muhammad.' 'Yes.' he replied. Gabriel said, 'The angels have not laid down their arms! I've just returned from pursuing the enemy. Allah commands you to march to the Qurayza. I, too, will attack the Jews and shake them out of their homes.'" Angels in turbans, lumbering on donkeys, wielding swords, commanding Arabs to slaughter Jews - it's quite a picture. Aisha, the prophet's child wife, put down her dolls long enough to give us this report: Tabari VIII:29 "Muhammad pitched a round tent over Sa'd [the wounded anti-Semite] in the mosque. He laid down his sword, having just returned from the Trench. Then Gabriel came to him and said: 'Have you abandoned the fight? By Allah, the angels have not yet put down their weapons! Go out and fight the Jews.' So he called for his breastplate and put it back on. Then he went out and the Muslims followed him." I would be remiss if I did not share Bukhari's theory on the arrival of the angelic tormentors: Bukhari:V5B59N443-8 "When the Prophet returned from the Trench, laid down his arms and took a bath, Gabriel came to him covered in dust. 'Why have you laid down your sword? We angels have not set them down yet. It’s time to go out against them.' The Prophet said, 'Where to go.' Gabriel said, 'This way.' pointing towards the Qurayza. So the Prophet went out to besiege them." And: Bukhari:V5B59N444 "The dust rose in the streets of Medina as Gabriel's regiment marched through. The angels joined Allah’s Apostle in attacking the Qurayza Jews." Putting terror and piracy ahead of teaching and prophecy: Ishaq:461/Tabari VIII:28 "The Messenger commanded a crier to announce that all should heed and obey. He ordered that none should perform the afternoon prayer until after they reached the Qurayza settlement. The Prophet sent Ali ahead with his war banner against the Jews, and the Muslims hastened to it. Ali advanced toward their homes and heard insulting language from the Jews about Allah’s Messenger. Ali ran back and told the Prophet that the Jews were rascals and that there was no need for him to go near those wicked men. 'Why?' Muhammad asked. 'Have you heard them insult me.' 'Yes,' Ali answered. 'Had they seen me.' Allah’s Apostle replied, 'they would not have said anything of the sort.'" This next passage is illuminating. The Bible suggests that Lucifer was beautiful. Islam agrees. Ishaq:461/Tabari VIII:28 "Before reaching the Qurayza, Muhammad greeted his Companions. 'Has anyone passed you?' he asked". 'Yes, Prophet.' they replied. 'Dihyah ibn Khalifah passed us on a white mule with a brocade covered saddle.'" The translators of Tabari's History confirm: "Dihyah was a rich merchant of such beauty, the angel Gabriel is said to have assumed his features. When he arrived in Medina, every woman came out to look at him." "Allah’s Apostle said, 'That was Gabriel. He was sent to the Qurayza to shake their homes and terrorize them.'" Billions have been conned into believing that a dust-covered, sword-wielding terrorist was God’s messenger to mankind. War was more important than prayer to Islam’s dark spirit: Tabari VIII:29 "The Holy Prophet (peace be unto him) said, 'No one should pray the afternoon prayer until they are in the territory of the Qurayza because warfare against the Jews is incumbent upon Muslims.'" Ishaq:461 "The Muslims had been totally occupied with warlike preparations. They refused to pray until they had come upon the Jews in accordance with Muhammad’s order. Allah did not find fault with them in His Book, nor did the Messenger reprimand them for it." Postponing a prayer so that they could besiege innocent families was so religious of them. They were setting a fine example for terrorists everywhere. And it's pretty hard to misinterpret this prophetic decree: "Warfare against the Jews is incumbent upon Muslims." Demonstrating his deep-seated racial hatred, Muhammad unleashed what we would call hate speech: Tabari VIII:28 "When the Messenger approached the Jews, he said, 'You brothers of apes! Allah shamed you and cursed you.'" Muhammad’s mouth was as foul as his manners. Bukhari:V5B59N449 "On the day of the Qurayza siege, Allah’s Apostle said to Hassan, 'Abuse them with your poems, for Gabriel is with you.'" When it came to racial hatred, Islam’s prophet was a full-service provider. Demonstrating the lack of objectivity Islam inspires, those who recorded this Hadith said that the Jews responded sarcastically to Muhammad’s slur. "They said, 'Abu al-Qasim, you have never been one to act impetuously or violently.'" Ishaq:461/Tabari VIII:29 "Muhammad besieged them for twenty-five nights. When the siege became too severe, Allah terrorized them. Then they were told to submit to the judgment of Allah’s Messenger." Muhammad and Allah had become indistinguishable. And that's because, together with Lucifer, they were now Islam’s Unholy Trinity - a false god, a false prophet, and a demonic spirit. Their personas were one. Tabari's Hadith says: "Abu Lubaba gave a sign that it would mean slaughter. So they said, 'We will submit to the judgment of Sa'd.'" Since Sa'd's dying wish was to see the Jews massacred, and since he was the most fervent Jew hater in the land, I find this request less than credible. "The Holy Prophet said, 'Submit to his judgment.' So they submitted. The Messenger of Allah sent a donkey with a saddle padded with palm fiber, and he was mounted on it." That's obviously not how it happened, so let's check the Sira: Ishaq:461 "After the siege exhausted and terrorized them, the Jews felt certain that the Apostle would not leave them until he had exterminated them. So they decided to talk to Ka'b Asad. He said, 'People of the Jews, you see what has befallen you. I shall propose three alternatives. Take whichever one you please.' He said, 'Swear allegiance to this man and accept him; for, by Allah, it has become clear to you that he is a prophet sent from Allah. It is he that you used to find mentioned in your scripture book. Then you will be secure in your lives, your property, your children, and your wives.'" Getting one out of three right wasn't bad for a Muslim: Muhammad was Allah’s prophet. However, there is no mention of an Arab prophet in the Hebrew Scriptures, much less of a coming terrorist thug. But consider the gall it took to suggest this delusional alternative to the besieged Jews - especially after what they had endured at the hands of the wannabe "messiah." And even the Qur'an admits that the Jews had repeatedly rejected Muhammad’s assertions as being preposterous. They had disclaimed his bastardization of their Torah, and they had been repulsed by his warmongering nature and grotesque immorality. Just imagine swearing an oath to a "religious prophet" so that he would not kill you, steal your property, enslave your children, and rape your women. Sure, a Muslim would do it; they're trained to lie, but not a Jew. Ishaq:462/Tabari VIII:30 "The Jews said, 'We will never abandon the Torah or exchange it for the Qur'an.' Asad said, 'Since you reject this proposal of mine, then kill your children and your wives and go out to Muhammad and his Companions as men who brandish swords, leaving behind no impediments to worry you. If you die, you shall have left nothing behind; if you win you shall find other women and children.' The Jews replied, 'Why would we kill these poor ones? What would be the good of living after them?'" While I don't believe a word of this, , if it were true, it provides a window into the depraved character of the first Muslims as well as to the godly nature of these Jews. In the third alternative, Asad asked the Jews to violate their Sabbath and attack Muhammad by surprise. It was another ploy. Muslims like to call infidels ungodly when they fight on holy days or in sacred months, yet they do so with glee. And if memory serves me right, in their last major offensive against the Jews in 1974, Muslims launched a surprise attack on Yom Kippur. Tabari VIII:30 "The Jews said, 'We will not profane our Sabbath.'" Ishaq:462 "Then the Jews asked Muhammad, 'Send us Abu Lubaba, one of the Aws.' for they were confederates, 'so that we can ask his advice.' The Prophet complied and the Jews grabbed hold of him. The women and children were crying, so he felt pity for them. They said, 'Abu, do you think we should submit to Muhammad’s judgment.' 'Yes.' Lubaba said. But he pointed with his hand to his throat, indicating that it would be slaughter. Lubaba later said, 'As soon as my feet moved, I knew that I had betrayed Allah’s Apostle. Lubaba rushed away and tied himself to a pillar in the mosque. He cried, 'I will not leave this spot until Allah forgives me for what I've done. I betrayed His Apostle.'" This confirms Muhammad had intended to slaughter the Jews from the very beginning. There would be no Islamic peace this time - no surrendering, no being looted and then exiled. Ishaq:462/Tabari VIII:32 "I heard Allah’s Apostle laughing at daybreak; so I said, 'Why are you laughing, Prophet? May Allah make you laugh heartily!' He replied, 'Lubaba has been forgiven.'" Consider the character of a man who would laugh at such a time. This reminds me of Hitler, who in Mein Kampf said, "I have become incapable of pity." And the similarities don't end there. Hitler turned his command posts into mini brothels from which he orchestrated the extermination of 6 million Jews. This last conversation took place in one of the many apartments that Muhammad’s mosque comprises - his command center. When Umm Salama, the wife with whom der prophet was being intimate, heard that Abu had been forgiven, she asked, "'Can I give him the good news.' He said yes, so she went and stood at the door of her room and said, 'O Lubaba, rejoice, for Allah has forgiven you.'" Another treasure from this dark dawn also smacks of Hitler and his Nazi goons. Muhammad had personal guards like der fuhrer's Storm Troopers and S.S. Ishaq:463 "Amr went passed the Apostle's guards who were commanded that night by Maslama. He challenged him." Last time I checked, the founders of Christianity and Judaism, Yahshua and Moses, didn't have guards. Muhammad not only had them, Maslama, his senior guard, was none other than the assassin who had murdered the first Jewish journalist. Remember: "I will kill him for you." The Islamic world appears to have used Gestapo tactics. After Maslama interrogated Amr at the door of Muhammad’s mosque: Ishaq:463 "Amr vanished into the night. It is not known to this day what happened to him. Some allege that he was bound with a rotten rope and cast away." Ishaq:463/Tabari VIII:33 "In the morning, the Jews submitted to the judgment of Allah’s Messenger. The Aws leapt up and said, 'Muhammad, they are our allies. You know what you did the other day with the allies of the Khazraj!' (Before besieging the Qurayza, the Messenger had besieged the Qaynuqa, who were the confederates of the Khazraj. They had submitted to his judgment and were banished.) Therefore, when the Aws spoke to him, the Messenger said, 'People of the Aws, will you not be satisfied if one of your own men passes judgment on them.' 'Yes.' they proclaimed. So the Prophet said, 'It shall be entrusted to Sa'd [the Jew-Hater] Mu'adh.'" Sa'd had been so fat his armor failed to protect his extremities. He had been shot with an Arab arrow during the battle of the Trench. To say he was a militant would be too kind. Bukhari:V5B59N448 "Sa'd said, 'O Allah! You know that there is nothing more beloved to me than to fight in Your Cause against those who disbelieve Your Apostle. O Allah! I think you have put to an end the fight between us and the infidels. But if there still remains any fight with the infidels, then keep me alive till I fight against them for Your sake.'" Sa'd was hardly a saint. Ishaq:463/Tabari VIII:33 "The Prophet had placed Sa'd in the tent of a Muslim woman in his mosque. She nursed his wound and earned merit for herself by serving Muslims. When Sa'd was struck by the arrow, Muhammad said, 'Put him in Rufaydah's tent, so that I can visit him from nearby.' Then the Prophet appointed him judge over the Qurayza Jews. His tribesmen lifted him onto a donkey on which they had put a leather cushion, for he was a stout, corpulent man. En route to Muhammad, the Aws said, 'Treat our client well for the Prophet has put you in charge of this matter.' After many requests, Sa'd said, 'The time has come for Sa'd, in the Cause of Allah, not to be influenced by anyone's reproach.' Some of the people who heard him, announced the impending death of the Qurayza before Sa'd Mu'adh reached them because of the words he had said." Islam’s dark spirit had it in for the Jews. For Sa'd to gain entry into his brothel, Sa'd would have to support his agenda. Ishaq:463/Tabari VIII:34 "When Sa'd reached the Messenger of Allah and the Muslims, the Prophet said, 'Arise and go to your master and help him dismount.' Then Muhammad said, 'Pass judgment on them.' Sa'd replied, 'I pass judgment that their men shall be killed, their women and children made captives, and their property divided.' Allah’s Apostle proclaimed, 'You have passed judgment on the Jews with the judgment of Allah and the judgment of His Messenger.'" The Unholy Trinity was pleased. It’s important for you to know that I have reported every Hadith collected by Tabari, Ishaq, and Bukhari regarding the assault on the Jews. There wasn't a single word written about Jewish combatants. Three settlements, three sieges, and yet the Jews never struck a blow - not one. There was no excuse. There was no claim of self defense. This was a grotesque act of racially inspired genocide. And the motivation was greed. The Jews embodied everything the Muslims had failed to achieve. They were productive, prosperous, moral, literate, peaceful, honest, discerning, and religious. Bukhari collected a series of Hadith on this diabolical verdict: Bukhari:V5B58N148-B59N447 "Sa'd came riding a donkey, and when he approached the mosque, the Prophet said, 'Get up for the best amongst you.' Then the Apostle said, 'O Sa'd! These people have agreed to accept your verdict.' Sa'd said, 'I judge that their men should be killed and their offspring and women should be taken as captives.' The Prophet said, 'You have given a judgment similar to Allah the King's Judgment.'" A second reveals: Bukhari:V5B59N448 "They then surrendered to the Prophet's judgment but he directed them to Sa'd to give the verdict. Sad said, 'I give my judgment that their men should be killed, their women and children should be taken as captives, and their properties distributed.'" A third proclaims: Bukhari:V5B59N362 "The Nadir and Qurayza violated their peace treaty, so the Prophet exiled the Nadir and then he killed the Qurayza men. He distributed their women, children and property among the Muslims." And what do you suppose the Muslim militants did to their women? The Qur'an says that they forced them into prostitution. The Hadith says that they raped them. Bukhari:V5B59N459 "I entered the Mosque, saw Abu, sat beside him and asked about sex. Abu Said said, 'We went out with Allah’s Apostle and we received female slaves from among the captives. We desired women and we loved to do coitus interruptus.'" (Yes, that's what it says.) Another Bukhari Hadith goes on to report that Muhammad never grew weary of tormenting Jews: "He exiled all the Jews from Medina. They were the Jews of the Qaynuqa and the Jews of the Haritha and all the other Jews from their homes." With something this morally crippled, it's important to know that there are many confirmations - each destroying the myth Muhammad was a prophet. His Islam was a terrorist manifesto. It was conceived for rape and plunder. And on this day it was doing what it did best. Tabari VIII:34 "Sa'd turned away from the Messenger out of respect. He said, 'I pass judgment that the men shall be killed, the property divided, and the children and women made slaves.' Muhammad replied, 'You have passed judgment on them with the judgment of Allah from above seven heavens.'" The chorus continues with this refrain: Tabari VIII:39 "After the affair of the Qurayza ended, the wound of Sa'd broke open. Aisha reports: He passed judgment on the Jews and prayed saying, 'O Allah, You know that there are no men whom I would rather fight and strive to kill than men who called Your Messenger a liar.'" Before we review what happened next, I want to share the verses I omitted earlier from the 33rd surah: the model for the Holocaust: Qur'an 33:26 "Allah took down the People of the Scripture Book. He cast terror into their hearts. Some you slew, and some you made prisoners. And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, giving you a land which you had not traversed before. And Allah has power over all things." Version two: "And He drove the People of the Scripture down from their homes and cast panic into their hearts. Some you killed, and you made some captive. And He caused you to inherit their farms, houses, wealth, and land you have not trodden. Allah is ever Able to do all things." This Qur'anic verse is among Islam’s most stinging indictments. It confirms its most barbaric act. But it's worse than it appears on the surface. Since it was Muhammad who actually perpetrated these crimes, it confirms that Muhammad was Allah. Allah was never anything more than a rock idol, the Black Stone stuck in the wall of the Ka'aba. Muhammad created his persona and his revelations. And that is why Muhammad’s personality, character, behavior, and words are identical to Allah’s. But Muhammad had help. Lucifer, just as Paul had warned, transformed himself into an angel of light. Pretending to be Gabriel, he struck a bargain with the insecure and covetous Arab. In the exchange, Muhammad was possessed by Lucifer's most able demon. Working together, the Unholy Trinity established the religion of deceit, death, and damnation. Muhammad’s behavior was covetous, ruthless, and murderous to be sure. Yet attributing this debauchery to deity was his most vile act. Men have plundered before. Men have robbed before. Men have murdered before. But no god has ever said: "'God' drove the unbelievers back in fury, and they gained no advantage. Allah was sufficient to help the believers in battle. He made the People of the Book descend from their homes, and He terrorized them, so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their property, homes, wealth, and a country you had not trodden under foot before." |
Re: What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by plappville(f): 1:46pm On Sep 15, 2011 |
@Frosbel thanks for this long post, u re really trying, it was long to read but i got the msg at the end waooh ![]() ![]() Known for terrorist act. |
Re: What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by Sweetnecta: 7:58pm On Sep 15, 2011 |
^^^^^^^^^^^ France did rob off on you after all. Your hatred of Islam is not different from that of the longest post author. Not that I will read his post, because it is always the effort of others, so for him it is cut and paste. I am a muslim. A nigerian. And if you are looking for a short cut guy, it will be me. Yet, killing is not in my cards, because Islam does not permit it. You did not see my Islam. It is the islam of those you call "Aboki" that you see, from far away Strassburg. Despicable hypocrite. You are the child of your father, Paul the liar who was a killer from the beginning. All of you are helpers of Satan whom you have made your master. |
Re: What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by usisky(m): 10:14pm On Sep 15, 2011 |
IN THE NAME OF GOD, MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL @frosbe[/b]l: i really commend your enthusiasm in trying to expose the false ISLAM(muhammedanism). in doing so, you don't only ease my duty as a follower of true ISLAM(submission/monotheism), but you also give me more impetus to keep at the battle at hand- Exposing the disbelievers/hyporcites/idol worshippers. [b]@ OP(original poster) : there are three ways to source the answer to the question u pose; 1) from the mouth of those who know nothing about the true ISLAM(submission); but try so hard to discredit it even before making thorough investigations regarding the true ISLAM(submission). these group usually are very prejudice, and therefore will try by all means to malign that which they know nothing of. They are hell-bent on this ploy of theirs. 2) from the mouth of those who "claim" to be following the quran, while in reality they are not. these group are the most ardent opposers of the truth that is glaringly clear in the Quran. how do u know these peopel? well, walk up to any "muslim", ask him/her to give u the profession of faith(shahaadah) in ISLAM. they will do so, but not without putting Muhammad's name next to GOD's. while the Qruan gives the profession of faith in(3:18). You find only GOD's name mentioned there, with no human entity added to it. Also, ask them to tell you how they do their ablution, if it is anything different than what u find it the Quran(5:6), then these are the people i am talking about.Very easy!!! 3) from the mouth of those who without doubt, completely acknowledge that whatever is in the Quran is from the Creator of the heavens and the earth, therefore, have no choice in following it's commandments.if u want to know such people, then visit: or or The answer: Only a single verse of the Quran is sufficient to prove to any non-prejudice person that the Quran never endorsed the killing of any soul unjustly. In fact, it even preaches resorting to pardon whenever applicable, regardless of the severity of crime commited even by a criminal. The QUranic truth: The Major Commandments [6:151] Say, "Come let me tell you what your Lord has really prohibited for you: You shall not set up idols besides Him. You shall honor your parents. You shall not kill your children from fear of poverty - we provide for you and for them. You shall not commit gross sins, obvious or hidden. You shall not kill - GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand." As can be seen from the verse above the plain Quranic truth regarding Killing any soul unjustly. However, even with this, there are those who qoute verses of the Quran, and say that these verses incites Killing and hatred. Is this possible? Since the vers above(6:151) is so clear; it is then safe to make two assumption on why these people(group 1 above) still claim that Quran preaches killing. 1) It's either they do not study the Quran carefully to understand it, as a consequence they make false assertions that are non existent, or 2) they deliberately wish to cover the truth, by simply mis-quoting the Quran out of context and deceive the unwary observer. which ever the case is, you be the judge. The verse above(6:151) should set precedence to your making your conclusion. I will even augment it with a couple more verses, u then make your conclusion as u wish. I have no doubt in my mind that u will surely come to know, that these are lies and have nothing to do with the Quran. A few more proofs: Grossness of Murder [17:33] You shall not kill any person - for GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. If one is killed unjustly, then we give his heir authority to enforce justice. Thus, he shall not exceed the limits in avenging the murder; he will be helped. [5:32] -, anyone who murders any person who had not committed murder or horrendous crimes, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And anyone who spares a life, it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people, - And there are more where that came from. It's left for u to be the judge. I challenge anybody,to prove contrary to the above Quranic truth, using the Quran alone and not the Criminal ISLAMIC sources(Hadiths, Qruanic exegesis by corrupt Mullas etc). Frosbel: this challenge is directed towards u mostly. I want u to show me from the Quran, verse by verse analysis(not copy paste) where it ever preached hatred towards christians, jews or even justifies the killing of any soul unjustly. I will then show u that u never truly read the Quran yourself. Before u accept such a challenge, i want u to firsly visit the websites i mentiond above. They may help u in proving me wrong. "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." Bible, 1 Peter 3:15 1 Like |
Re: What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by LagosShia: 1:10pm On Sep 30, 2011 |
[size=14pt]Aren't there some verses of the Qur'an that condone "killing the infidel"?[/size] By Huda, Guide Question: Aren't there some verses of the Qur'an that condone "killing the infidel"? Answer: The Qur'an commands Muslims to stick up for themselves in a defensive battle -- i.e. if an enemy army attacks, then Muslims are to fight against that army until they stop their aggression. All of the verses that speak about fighting/war in the Qur'an are in this context. There are some specific verses that are very often "snipped" out of context, either by critics of Islam discussing "jihadism," or by misguided Muslims themselves who wish to justify their aggressive tactics. "Slay Them" - If They Attack You First For example, one verse (in its snipped version) reads: "slay them wherever you catch them" (Qur'an 2:191). But who is this referring to? Who are "they" that this verse discusses? The preceding and following verses give the correct context: "Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loves not transgressors. And slay them wherever you catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter, But if they cease, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful, If they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression" (2:190-193). It is clear from the context that these verses are discussing a defensive war, when a Muslim community is attacked without reason, oppressed and prevented from practicing their faith. In these circumstances, permission is given to fight back -- but even then Muslims are instructed not to transgress limits, and to cease fighting as soon as the attacker gives up. Even in these circumstances, Muslim are only to fight directly against those who are attacking them, not innocent bystanders or non-combatants. "Fight the Pagans" - If They Break Treaties A similar verse can be found in chapter 9, verse 5 -- which in its snipped, out of context version could read: "fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)." Again, the preceding and following verses give the context. This verse was revealed during a historical period when the small Muslim community had entered into treaties with neighboring tribes (Jewish, Christian, and pagan). Several of the pagan tribes had violated the terms of their treaty, secretly aiding an enemy attack against the Muslim community. The verse directly before this one instructs the Muslims to continue to honor treaties with anyone who has not since betrayed them, because fulfilling agreements is considered a righteous action. Then the verse continues, that those who have violated the terms of the treaty have declared war, so fight them, (as quoted above). Directly after this permission to fight, the same verse continues, "but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them, for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." The subsequent verses instruct the Muslims to grant asylum to any member of the pagan tribe/army who asks for it, and again reminds that "as long as these stand true to you, stand ye true to them: for God loves the righteous." Conclusion Any verse that is quoted out of context misses the whole point of the message of the Qur'an. Nowhere in the Qur'an can be found support for indiscriminate slaughter, the killing of non-combatants, or murder of innocent persons in 'payback' for another people's alleged crimes. The Islamic teachings on this subject can be summed up in the following verses (Qur'an 60:7- ![]() "It may be that God will grant love (and friendship) between you and those whom ye (now) hold as enemies. For God has power (over all things), and God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. God does not forbid you, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for God loves those who are just." |
Re: What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by bunmila(f): 3:50pm On Dec 28, 2012 |
Sweetnecta: ^^^^^^^^^^^ France did rob off on you after all. Your hatred of Islam is not different from that of the longest post author.Abeg how many islams are there sef?if ur islam is different is ur mohammed different as well? |
Re: What Does The Quran Say About Killing. by Mavrick2012: 5:07pm On Dec 28, 2012 |
Sweetnecta: ^^^^^^^^^ If the Bible is excused for the murders committed before the 10 Commandments, what can you say about the murders and genocides of tribes after it? The Bible is littered with wholesale killing. You know it. If you dont, then get your Bibles and read. I dont care which version you read, you will find the Biblical God telling leadership of children of Israel to kill, kill and kill people and wipe them off the map, with nothing to remind anyone of the nt a muslim bt most tins in islam makes more sence dan xtianity,how can sombody tel me to turn d other side of my face to he who slap d wat i dnt undastand is d recklesnes in which human life is bein wasted in d name of religion in most muslim region.i stand corected,today,muslims are d only ppl who kill in d name of religion,dats y a lot of ppl,like d op,concludes dat islam encorages reckles questn is y does muslims like asociatin reckles killin(terorism,blasphemin,stonin of adultres etc) wit religion? |
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