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I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky - Religion - Nairaland

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I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 6:48am On Mar 14, 2023
So after this resent election, it seemed as if a pall of depression suffused the land. I and everyone i talked to were acting as if there was no hope.
About 3 days later
I was dreaming and as i was dreaming i sensed a great force coming towards me as if it was with anger. Then i looked up towards the sky in my dream.
What i saw was a huge JESUS passing in the sky. The name was so huge it took the equivalent of 5 minutes just to pass overhead. I got frightened by the fierceness with which the name was exhibiting so i woke up.
Immediately i woke up i found that there was a real storm going on right as the name was passing by.
Afterwards everyone got optimistic again and it seemd like the feeling of anger and helplessness has passed away.

Did anyone else here experience rain followed by a lifting up?
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Banilla: 8:59am On Mar 14, 2023
God does not concern himself with earthly politics.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by AntiChristian: 9:06am On Mar 14, 2023
OP, You are seeing things! Get psychological/psychiatric evaluation before it gets worse!


Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 9:47am On Mar 14, 2023
God does not concern himself with earthly politics.
dey play. By the way nothing i said here directly contradicts what you just wrote. I described how there was a great feeling of depression and how the same was washed away by rain.
Personally i cannot speak for what he involves or doesn't involve himself in. I merely exist to carry out my purpose to the best of my ability and knowledge
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 9:51am On Mar 14, 2023
OP, You are seeing things! Get psychological/psychiatric evaluation before it gets worse!
you're saying that you have never seen things before?
You have never seen someone sick get healed.
You have never witnessed any miracle in this your lifetime?
Do you know the meaning of your username?
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by AntiChristian: 9:57am On Mar 14, 2023
you're saying that you have never seen things before?
Things like Jesus in sky? No!
You have never seen someone sick get healed.
Yes, after using drugs!
You have never witnessed any miracle in this your lifetime?
Yeah sure but Jesus wasn't involved. Miracles plenty!
Do you know the meaning of your username?
Of cos, i do.

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Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 10:29am On Mar 14, 2023
Things like Jesus in sky? No!
Yes, after using drugs!
Yeah sure but Jesus wasn't involved. Miracles plenty!
Of cos, i do.
your name means. Hater of the one who loves.
. Well in my defense i explicitly stated that i saw the name in my dream.
Let me digress a little bit. Do you know that humans have levels?
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by LordReed(m): 10:31am On Mar 14, 2023
So after this resent election, it seemed as if a pall of depression suffused the land. I and everyone i talked to were acting as if there was no hope.
About 3 days later
I was dreaming and as i was dreaming i sensed a great force coming towards me as if it was with anger. Then i looked up towards the sky in my dream.
What i saw was a huge JESUS passing in the sky. The name was so huge it took the equivalent of 5 minutes just to pass overhead. I got frightened by the fierceness with which the name was exhibiting so i woke up.
Immediately i woke up i found that there was a real storm going on right as the name was passing by.
Afterwards everyone got optimistic again and it seemd like the feeling of anger and helplessness has passed away.

Did anyone else here experience rain followed by a lifting up?

You had a dream, dreams are not real.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by AntiChristian: 10:34am On Mar 14, 2023
your name means. Hater of the one who loves.
Can you expatiate on this?
[/quote]Well in my defense i explicitly stated that i saw the name in my dream.[/quote] OK then, dreams may be foolish!
Let me digress a little bit. Do you know that humans have levels?
Yeah, humans get levels. Same as madness!

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Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Kobojunkie: 2:28pm On Mar 14, 2023
■ So after this resent election, it seemed as if a pall of depression suffused the land. I and everyone i talked to were acting as if there was no hope. About 3 days later
I was dreaming and as i was dreaming i sensed a great force coming towards me as if it was with anger. Then i looked up towards the sky in my dream.
What i saw was a huge JESUS passing in the sky. The name was so huge it took the equivalent of 5 minutes just to pass overhead. I got frightened by the fierceness with which the name was exhibiting so i woke up.
■ Immediately i woke up i found that there was a real storm going on right as the name was passing by.
Afterwards everyone got optimistic again and it seemd like the feeling of anger and helplessness has passed away. Did anyone else here experience rain followed by a lifting up?
OP, what you saw means absolutely nothing where Jesus Christ is concerned. Recall, He made it abundantly clear that NO SIGN will be given to those who don't believe and even to those who do from Him. So whatever you claim to have seen has nothing to do with the God of Israel or with Jesus Christ. undecided

2. I am afraid what you had was of your subconscious and nothing more. undecided
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 4:00pm On Mar 14, 2023
OP, what you saw means absolutely nothing where Jesus Christ is concerned. Recall, He made it abundantly clear that NO SIGN will be given to those who don't believe and even to those who do from Him. So whatever you claim to have seen has nothing to do with the God of Israel or with Jesus Christ. undecided

2. I am afraid what you had was of your subconscious and nothing more. undecided
at my spiritual level now. I don't dream unreal dreams anymore. I wish i did but it is what it is.

Matthew 24: 30
And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.
I am just saying that while i was dreaming i saw the name of Jesus.
If you think it is my imagination. Anytime you are sleeping, if you have agency in your dreams. Try saying these words.
Come back and share the reaction you get. By the way it is very rare to see that name in an unconscious state.

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Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Kobojunkie: 4:10pm On Mar 14, 2023
at my spiritual level now. I don't dream unreal dreams anymore. I wish i did but it is what it is.

■ Matthew 24: 30
And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.
I am just saying that while i was dreaming i saw the name of Jesus.
If you think it is my imagination. Anytime you are sleeping, if you have agency in your dreams. Try saying these words.
Come back and share the reaction you get. By the way it is very rare to see that name in an unconscious state.
1. Don't you folks ever get tired of spewing this miserable lie at least to yourselves?

2. First of all, what you claim you saw was in a dream? The verse you lifted from the passage of Matthew 24 says absolutely nothing of the coming of the Son of Man being of dream world. So are you certain you are alright at all? undecided
26 “Someone might tell you, ‘The Messiah is there in the desert!’ But don’t go into the desert to look for him. Someone else might say, ‘There is the Messiah in that room!’ But don’t believe it.
27 When the Son of Man comes, everyone will see him. It will be like lightning flashing in the sky that can be seen everywhere.
28 It’s like looking for a dead body: You will find it where the vultures are gathering above.
29 “Right after the trouble of those days, this will happen: ‘The sun will become dark, and the moon will not give light. The stars will fall from the sky, and everything in the sky will be changed.’
30 “Then there will be something in the sky that shows the Son of Man is coming. All the people of the world will cry. Everyone will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds in the sky. He will come with power and great glory.
31 He will use a loud trumpet to send his angels all around the earth. They will gather his chosen people from every part of the earth. - Matthew 24 vs 26 - 31
Please stop with these desperate attempts at making a liar of God and Jesus Christ abeg! undecided
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 4:17pm On Mar 14, 2023
Can you expatiate on this?
Well in my defense i explicitly stated that i saw the name in my dream. OK then, dreams may be foolish!
Let me digress a little bit. Do you know that humans have levels? Yeah, humans get levels. Same as madness!
we are all mad on this planet. The question is can you function in society with your level of madness?
As for the meaning of Antichrist, the very basic meaning is that Christ means the anointed one. Ergo. To be a Christian is to be a follower of the anointed one. In this case Jesus christ. Jesus himself proclaimed a divine law when he said that no one can come to the father except through him. Which brings us to the second Divine law. since The second divine law is LOVE( there's scriptural backing for this) ergo. To use your username means. To be opposite to Christian values of which the very core is made of LOVE. In essence your username is a declaration that you are a hater of anything love.
Now i know that it might be just a user name to you and all these things i said may sound like nonsense to you too. But names really do have power. I wouldn't want to see a young man like binding himself against love if i were you.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 4:29pm On Mar 14, 2023
1. Don't you folks ever get tired of spewing this miserable lie at least to yourselves?

2. First of all, what you claim you saw was in a dream? The verse you lifted from the passage of Matthew 24 says absolutely nothing of the coming of the Son of Man being of dream world. So are you certain you are alright at all? undecided
Please stop with these desperate attempts at making a liar of God and Jesus Christ abeg! undecided
please i am not trying to make a liar of anything. You are of course correct that everyone will witness his coming, i am not saying that i witnessed his coming far from it. What i witnessed and have been witnessing is just the power of his name. Now you will not deny me that others especially on this forum have also witnessed his name in extraordinary circumstances at different times. All you need to do is to search.

Now you said No sign will be given. I showed you just one example out of many where a sign was said to be given in the Bible, now i am writing all these because i am ASSUMING that the sign is his name. I won't know for sure until he comes in all his glory. Please I don't want to be confrontational. I'm very delicate right now.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Kobojunkie: 4:37pm On Mar 14, 2023
■ please i am not trying to make a liar of anything. You are of course correct that everyone will witness his coming, i am not saying that i witnessed his coming far from it. What i witnessed and have been witnessing is just the power of his name.
■ Now you will not deny me that others especially on this forum have also witnessed his name in extraordinary circumstances at different times. All you need to do is to search.
■ Now you said No sign will be given. I showed you just one example out of many where a sign was said to be given in the Bible,
■ now i am writing all these because i am ASSUMING that the sign is his name. I won't know for sure until he comes in all his glory. Please I don't want to be confrontational. I'm very delicate right now.
1. According to you, you had a dream where you saw the name Jesus Christ written in the sky probably in the English language, right? Well, what you claim does not in any way fit in with what Jesus Christ Himself said would take place so it does not serve as a witness of Jesus Christ or His power. undecided

2. And no, a mass delusion is proof of nothing. undecided

3. I didn't say that. Instead, Jesus Christ did. What you showed me was not an example of a sign at all. If you read carefully, what Jesus Christ said in that passage is instead what is meant to happen when He returns, not a sign. undecided
26 “Someone might tell you, ‘The Messiah is there in the desert!’ But don’t go into the desert to look for him. Someone else might say, ‘There is the Messiah in that room!’ But don’t believe it.
27 When the Son of Man comes, everyone will see him. It will be like lightning flashing in the sky that can be seen everywhere.
28 It’s like looking for a dead body: You will find it where the vultures are gathering above.
29 “Right after the trouble of those days, this will happen: ‘The sun will become dark, and the moon will not give light. The stars will fall from the sky, and everything in the sky will be changed.’
30 “Then there will be something in the sky that shows the Son of Man is coming. All the people of the world will cry. Everyone will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds in the sky. He will come with power and great glory.
31 He will use a loud trumpet to send his angels all around the earth. They will gather his chosen people from every part of the earth. - Matthew 24 vs 26 - 31

4. There is no sign that is His name because Jesus Christ made it clear that no signs will be given to those who believe and to those who don't believe.
38 Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law answered Jesus. They said, “Teacher, we want to see you do a miracle as a sign from God.”
39 Jesus answered, “Evil and sinful people are the ones who want to see a miracle as a sign. But no miracle will be done to prove anything to them. The only sign will be the miracle that happened to the prophet Jonah.
40 Jonah was in the stomach of the big fish for three days and three nights. In the same way, the Son of Man will be in the grave three days and three nights. - Matthew 12 vs 38 - 40
3 And in the morning, if the sky is dark and red, you say that it will be a rainy day. These are signs of the weather. You see these signs in the sky and know what they mean. In the same way, you see the things that are happening now. These are also signs, but you don’t know their meaning.
4 It is the evil and sinful people who want to see a miracle as a sign from God. But no miracle will be done to prove anything to them. The only sign will be the miracle that happened to Jonah.” Then Jesus went away from there. - Matthew 16 vs 3 - 4
11 The Pharisees came to Jesus and asked him questions. They wanted to test him. So they asked him to do a miracle as a sign from God.
12 Jesus sighed deeply and said, “Why do you people ask to see a miracle as a sign? I want you to know that no miracle will be done to prove anything to you.”
13 Then Jesus left them and went in the boat to the other side of the lake. - Mark 8 vs 11 - 13
29 The crowd grew larger and larger. Jesus said, “The people who live today are evil. They ask for a miracle as a sign from God. But no miracle will be done to prove anything to them. The only sign will be the miracle that happened to Jonah.
30 Jonah was a sign for those who lived in Nineveh. It is the same with the Son of Man. He will be a sign for the people of this time. - Luke 11 vs 29 - 30
So, either you are a liar, or Jesus Christ is. Which is it ? undecided
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 4:40pm On Mar 14, 2023

You had a dream, dreams are not real.
i studied psychology bro.
In psychology when describing the mind, it is categorized into three parts

Your superego is your subconscious mind, it is aware in ways which are incomprehensible to you and to me. Now when we dream is usually the only time that our unconscious mind becomes unbound and free from shackles.
Dreams can be a medium to get in touch with the unconscious part of you. In writing this i am simply relaying what my unconscious mind passed on to me. In the only way I could understand it. You can Google the workings of the eid ego and superego to follow up on this. Be careful though. There is a risk of mental insanity. If you start listening to your unconscious mind.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 4:54pm On Mar 14, 2023
1. According to you, you had a dream where you saw the name Jesus Christ written in the sky probably in the English language, right? Well, what you claim does not in any way fit in with what Jesus Christ Himself said would take place so it does not serve as a witness of Jesus Christ or His power. undecided

2. And no, a mass delusion is proof of nothing. undecided

3. I didn't say that. Instead, Jesus Christ did. What you showed me was not an example of a sign at all. If you read carefully, what Jesus Christ said in that passage is instead what is meant to happen when He returns, not a sign. undecided

4. There is no sign that is His name because Jesus Christ made it clear that no signs will be given to those who believe and to those who don't believe. ...
So, either you are a liar, or Jesus Christ is. Which is it ? undecided
bro, i am nobody, i am also poor and penniless. The truth is that I am trying to understand my reality. Why do i see what i see, why am i being shown the things that i have been shown. I don't know. At first i thought I was delusional or that it was the work of demons and unfriendly spirits. I do know this though. Jesus is love. And he loves all of us amd wants the best for us. He even loves the worst of us humans and He doesn't descriminate. I have done things, things that would make you shudder in revulsion if you knew, and yet he still loves me for me. Believe what you will. I know who brought me back from the depths of hell. And set me up top. I still ask myself why till today.
Maybe I am delusional and thats why i see his name everywhere. But to me i will rather i be delusional and seeing his name than the alternative.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by AntiChristian: 4:54pm On Mar 14, 2023

we are all mad on this planet. The question is can you function in society with your level of madness?
We are not all mad! If that's true then man was created in God's image. Where does the madness come from? grin

As for the meaning of Antichrist, the very basic meaning is that Christ means the anointed one. Ergo. To be a Christian is to be a follower of the anointed one. In this case Jesus christ. Jesus himself proclaimed a divine law when he said that no one can come to the father except through him. Which brings us to the second Divine law. since The second divine law is LOVE( there's scriptural backing for this) ergo. To use your username means. To be opposite to Christian values of which the very core is made of LOVE. In essence your username is a declaration that you are a hater of anything love.
Now i know that it might be just a user name to you and all these things i said may sound like nonsense to you too. But names really do have power. I wouldn't want to see a young man like binding himself against love if i were you.
You wrote too much, but can you show me where Jesus himself used the word Christian or Christianity for his followers or Religion?

If that's not available then your premise is weak!

It was actually one unknown non-Christian who first called some people Christian!
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by LordReed(m): 4:56pm On Mar 14, 2023
i studied psychology bro.
In psychology when describing the mind, it is categorized into three parts

Your superego is your subconscious mind, it is aware in ways which are incomprehensible to you and to me. Now when we dream is usually the only time that our unconscious mind becomes unbound and free from shackles.
Dreams can be a medium to get in touch with the unconscious part of you. In writing this i am simply relaying what my unconscious mind passed on to me. In the only way I could understand it. You can Google the workings of the eid ego and superego to follow up on this. Be careful though. There is a risk of mental insanity. If you start listening to your unconscious mind.

Right. A dream. From your mind.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Kobojunkie: 4:59pm On Mar 14, 2023
■ bro, i am nobody, i am also poor and penniless. The truth is that I am trying to understand my reality. Why do i see what i see, why am i being shown the things that i have been shown. I don't know. At first i thought I was delusional or that it was the work of demons and unfriendly spirits.
■ I do know this though. Jesus is love. And he loves all of us amd wants the best for us. He even loves the worst of us humans and He doesn't descriminate. I have done things, things that would make you shudder in revulsion if you knew, and yet he still loves me for me.
■ Believe what you will. I know who brought me back from the depths of hell. And set me up top. I still ask myself why till today.
Maybe I am delusional and thats why i see his name everywhere. But to me i will rather i be delusional and seeing his name than the alternative.
1. What you spewed here so far has no bearing in Jesus Christ, I am afraid. undecided

2. Wrong! Jesus Christ does not love you all. Instead, He said He only loves those who obey His teachings and commandments - John 15 vs 9 - 14 - meaning that all those who don't obey Him, even though they claim to believe Him — of mental assent— He does not love. So, you first need to stop feeding yourself these delusional lies abeg! undecided

3. Brought you back from the depths of what or which Hell? undecided
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 5:00pm On Mar 14, 2023

Right. A dream. From your mind.
you can look at it like a message from me to me. The message being. JESUS did this. End.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 5:06pm On Mar 14, 2023
1. What you spewed here so far has no bearing in Jesus Christ, I am afraid. undecided

2. Wrong! Jesus Christ does not love you all. Instead, He said He only loves those who obey His teachings and commandments - He does not love. So, you first need to stop feeding yourself these delusional lies abeg! undecided

agreeded. He loves those who obey his teachings and commandments. He also said that he came for the sinners
Luke 5:32
King James Version
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
You might not understand where i am coming from because you are a righteousness person. I am not, but i am learning how to be.

3. Brought you back from the depths of what or which Hell? undecided
i will just say that for the longest time i fought against heaven.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Kobojunkie: 5:06pm On Mar 14, 2023
i will just say that for the longest time i fought against heaven.
What do you mean when you say you fought against Heaven? undecided
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 5:13pm On Mar 14, 2023
What do you mean when you say you fought against Heaven? undecided
sorry i can't say more at a public forum. But in terms of energy, i was involved in the mass production of negative energy over the earth. Now I'm just trying to produce positive energy and positive vibration for myself and the ones who are in resonance with me. End.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Kobojunkie: 5:14pm On Mar 14, 2023
■ sorry i can't say more at a public forum. But in terms of energy, i was involved in the mass production of negative energy over the earth. Now I'm just trying to produce positive energy and positive vibration for myself and the ones who are in resonance with me. End.
1. What you just said here means absolutely nothing where Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God are concerned. undecided
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 5:19pm On Mar 14, 2023
1. What you just said here means absolutely nothing where Jesus Christ and the KIngdom of God is concerned. undecided
let me ask you this question. Do you believe that God still communicates with his chosen in this modern age the same way he did in the Bible?
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by LordReed(m): 5:24pm On Mar 14, 2023
you can look at it like a message from me to me. The message being. JESUS did this. End.

You can interpret the dream anyway you care to, at the end of the day its still just a dream, from your mind.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Kobojunkie: 5:28pm On Mar 14, 2023
■ let me ask you this question. Do you believe that God still communicates with his chosen in this modern age the same way he did in the Bible?
1. Of course, He does. undecided
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 5:30pm On Mar 14, 2023

You can interpret the dream anyway you care to, at the end of the day its still just a dream, from your mind.
thanks. You are correct. I have built a temple dedicated to the lord in my mind and in my heart. But i say this to you. If you were an avid Bible reader. You would understand that 60% of the people that God communicated directly with. Was through dreams. Please use Google to confirm. If they were as sceptical as you are. Would they have been who they are? I'm curious as to your answer.
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Fireoflife: 5:35pm On Mar 14, 2023
1. Of course, He does. undecided
you have your answer then. I believe that if you follow the medium the people in the Bible used. You too can be in communication with him. Be careful though. There are wolves seeking to devour the unwary. so do all things for the glory of God and love for yourself and your neighbor. Have a blessed week.

1 Like

Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by Kobojunkie: 5:43pm On Mar 14, 2023
■ you have your answer then. I believe that if you follow the medium the people in the Bible used. You too can be in communication with him.
■ Be careful though. There are wolves seeking to devour the unwary. so do all things for the glory of God and love for yourself and your neighbor. Have a blessed week.
1. What answer? Look, God clearly revealed how and what He would communicate to those He will be in communication with, so, I am afraid your thinking that anyone goes does not work at all where God is concerned. God's Law/ and agreement/contract, Jesus Christ, clearly defines the relationship/terms and conditions — including the type of communication — God will have with those who belong to Him. So you can't simply make anything up and them claim it is of God. That mess if of delusions. undecided

2. You do realize that what you have been spewing here is exactly the mess that Jesus Christ warned the wolves would too? undecided
Re: I Saw The Sign Of His Name In The Sky by LordReed(m): 5:46pm On Mar 14, 2023
thanks. You are correct. I have built a temple dedicated to the lord in my mind and in my heart. But i say this to you. If you were an avid Bible reader. You would understand that 60% of the people that God communicated directly with. Was through dreams. Please use Google to confirm. If they were as sceptical as you are. Would they have been who they are? I'm curious as to your answer.

You said dreams come from the subconscious operations of the mind so how can you tell when another person has had a dream? How can you tell that the dream they had was from a god or any other entity apart from the person who had the dream?

I dunno what you mean by "Would they have been who they are", who are they apart from the stories you read? Are you suggesting that any story you read that has people dream fantastic dreams makes them special?

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