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Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife - Romance - Nairaland

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Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 1:00am On Mar 19, 2023
Don't you love your wife ?

Mature Minds

No critics lets discuss
Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Dottore: 1:11am On Mar 19, 2023
Don't you love your wife ?

Mature Minds

No critics lets discuss
There's nothing like cheating when men are involved. Men where never meant to have one wife. Men need more and more sex to function.

The idea of monogamy is a western hypocrisy culture not African culture and its not biblical. I wonder how the white man convinced you people that polygamy is sinful and abominable but homosexuality is tolerable and human right.

All the biblical patriarchs were polygamists and it was never mentioned anywhere that anyone was punished by God for Polygamy infact God even promised David that he could have given him even more women if he hadn't slept with Uriah's wife. (2 Sam.12:8 )

David had 8 wives and many concubines yet God still refers to him as a man after God's heart. Abraham slept with his maid and still had a concubine called Kethura. God even promised to bless Ishmael just for the mere fact that he's Abraham's blood. I don't need to mention Solomon. Jacob married 2 sisters and was fvcking their maids: Bilhah and Zilpah yet God used him to establish the nation Israel.

We all pray to God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but you don't want us to follow their foot steps. Haba.

Only Bishop's and General Overseers were instructed to be husbands of one wife.

Originally, a wife is a husbands property hence why she's bearing the man's name. A man can decide to acquire more properties or even decide to disown a particular property. Modern time have seen women activists and proponents of equal rights fight this original setting. Forgetting that the present day men still bear the genes of their forefathers so no matter how you try to promote the idea of monogamy as a norm it will remain a hypocrisy.
Infact it's getting worse these days because most guys of marriageable ages don't want to marry. They see marriage as scam hence prefer having multiple baby mamas while they enjoy their lives.

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 1:16am On Mar 19, 2023
In other words hypocrisy

You stated men need sex to function, why can't he have plenty sex with just the one woman


There's nothing like cheating when men are involved. Men where never meant to have one wife. Men need more and more sex to function.

The idea of monogamy is a western culture not African culture and its not biblical. I wonder how the white man convinced you people that polygamy is sinful and abominable but homosexuality is tolerable and human right.

All the biblical patriarchs were polygamists and it was never mentioned anywhere that anyone was punished by God for Polygamy infact God even promised David that he could have given him even more women if he hadn't slept with Uriah's wife. (2 Sam.12:cool

David had 8 wives and many concubines yet God still refers to him as a man after God's heart. Abraham slept with his maid and still had a concubine called Kethura. God even promised to bless Ishmael just for the mere fact that he's Abraham's blood. I don't need to mention Solomon. Jacob married 2 sisters and was fvcking their maids: Bilhah and Zilpah yet God used him to establish the nation Israel.

We all pray to God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but we don't want to follow their foot steps. Haba.

Only Bishop's and General Overseers were instructed to be husbands of one wife.

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Smartguyboy(m): 1:20am On Mar 19, 2023
In other words hypocrisy

You stated men need sex to function, why can't he have plenty sex with just the one woman

One woman can’t match up her husband urges for sex .


Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 1:27am On Mar 19, 2023
Yes it can

Women with high sex drive

It's important men marry who match your sex drive

Whether high or low


One woman can’t match up her husband urges for sex .

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by sulakishop(m): 1:27am On Mar 19, 2023
It is called Sampling

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Dottore: 1:33am On Mar 19, 2023
In other words hypocrisy

You stated men need sex to function, why can't he have plenty sex with just the one woman

Well our biblical patriarchs had better start answering that. Meanwhile I'm sure you know that variety spices up interest.
By the Way, some wives use sex as weapons, they become complacent once they get married. They no longer show commitment or interest to the things that make her man happy especially in the bedroom whereas some fresh young girls can gladly provide such fulfilment with all pleasure.

Some women don't have high libido to withstand their husbands urge.

Funny enough some men actually cheat because they love their wives.

A lot of men are actually having serious psychological breakdowns. Some are dying in silence emotionally, even health wise because their environment is shoving the idea of monogamy down their throat or for fear of being termed perverts or cheats

Most men that defend monogamy are all paying lip service. They only do that where they are known and to let you hear what you want to hear whereas in their private life they crave for and go for varieties.
You will be shocked to your marrows if you are opportuned to see very vocal clergy men even so called celibates as well as other countless well respected men with supposedly high moral standards in clandestine affairs.

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 1:50am On Mar 19, 2023

It is called Sampling
Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 1:51am On Mar 19, 2023
No man that love his wife will cheat on his wife

I disagree

Is a choice don't make up excuses and categorize is to be love


Well our biblical patriarchs had better start answering that. Meanwhile I'm sure you know that variety spices up interest.
By the Way, some wives use sex as weapons, they become complacent once they get married. They no longer show commitment or interest to the things that make her man happy especially in the bedroom whereas some fresh young girls can gladly provide such fulfilment with all pleasure.

Some women don't have high libido to withstand their husbands urge.

Funny enough some men actually cheat because they love their wives.

A lot of men are actually having serious psychological breakdowns. Some are dying in silence emotionally, even health wise because their environment is shoving the idea of monogamy down their throat or for fear of being termed perverts or cheats

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Redpilled(m): 1:58am On Mar 19, 2023
Never argue with a woman she will never see reason 😂


Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 2:03am On Mar 19, 2023

Never argue with a woman she will never see reason 😂

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by onumadu: 2:08am On Mar 19, 2023

Do you really want the truth?
The "Honest to God" truth?

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Dottore: 2:10am On Mar 19, 2023
No man that love his wife will cheat on his wife

I disagree

Is a choice don't make up excuses and categorize is to be love

Well you may not agree but the truth is that having a side chick helps to lessen the rate of quarrelling and disagreements in marriages.

Some wives will notice that their husbands suddenly don't complain about their wife's disobedience or deviance like he used to or he doesn't complain on issues that hitherto would have brought tension and blah blah blah. My dear thank God for a side chick. So in such case he used the side chick to douse tension in his home and to make his wife feel loved.

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Smartguyboy(m): 2:20am On Mar 19, 2023
Yes it can

Women with high sex drive

It's important men marry who match your sex drive

Whether high or low

Not possible
Men can have sex for one week but women can’t
🍑 go pain you nah even retired olosho will run 🏃‍♀️
Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by victme1(m): 2:46am On Mar 19, 2023

ONE THING I HATE MOST IS reconciliatory sex.

You know I was asking a liberal female friend, do female enjoys sex? Because if the do they will not use it as a weapon.

It is what we will both enjoy.

By the way don't forget it is a man's world.
Weaklings that Oyinbo men are were the ones that brought that damaging mindset of one man one wife.

In war more men ware killed. Death count of men are higher than women. Can't look for stats now.

Who will cater for the widows and those that lost their fiance.

Let me rest.

But you female should just get it into your head that a woman cannot satisfy a man as a wife . Accept that and live peacefully.

Again did you ask for your husband sex and he says he cannot do because he just got of another female, haba!


Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by layzie: 3:56am On Mar 19, 2023
Yes it can

Women with high sex drive

It's important men marry who match your sex drive

Whether high or low

Actually the number 1 excuse given by most men for cheating is lack (or very few) of sex in their homes. For most men, it's not immediately after marriage but a few years down the line.

It means there is something that makes the wives to suddenly stop being interested in sex few years after marriage. Ofcourse one can deduce thats when children are added to the family.

But then once u have a child, he/she will be in the picture till they finally leave the house or enter a boarding sch ( at least after 10years) and there could be other younger children as well thus extending the period considerably.

No matter your sex drives as couples, I expect that it should drop a bit ( when u both start raising children. But the issue is wen it doesn't drop slightly but becomes very few or non-existent in the wife or it's offered to the man only wen he has done smtn 'very special' ie it's been weaponised. Then a hitherto decent man may start looking elsewhere for what is lacking.

This is a mens' perspective in a family setting as deduced from most comments anytime this topic comes up. The women are actually mostly quiet. So pls u can share your own experience, give your perspective in a family setting, few years after marriage.


Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Kobojunkie: 4:02am On Mar 19, 2023
Don't you love your wife ?
Mature Minds
No critics lets discuss
Because their wives at home, most of them desperate to hang on to their Mrs. badges more than their self-respect as human beings, can do nothing about it.. undecided

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by mu2sa2: 4:07am On Mar 19, 2023
I understand that the bible does not prohibit polygamy; in fact, the great biblical figures practised polygamy.The Quran allows up to 4 wives subject to certain conditions. But in western culture one man, one wife is hypocritically practised - with freedom to have other sex partners not frowned upon.


Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Kobojunkie: 4:09am On Mar 19, 2023
I understand that the bible does not prohibit polygamy; in fact, the great biblical figures practised polygamy.The Quran allows up to 4 wives subject to certain conditions. But in western culture one man, one wife is hypocritically practised - with freedom to have other sex partners not frowned upon.
what has cheating to do with polygamy? undecided
Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Fahvvy: 4:11am On Mar 19, 2023
No man that love his wife will cheat on his wife

I disagree

Is a choice don't make up excuses and categorize is to be love

You're funny o undecided...

You asked a question, "Why do married men cheat on their wives?"

And men are giving you answers and you're saying "I disagree", na wa o grin...

Since you already have your mind made up, why bother to ask? grin...

First of, men and women are different and thus interpret and recieve love differently...

Having said so, it is 100% possible for a man to sleep with other women and still love his wife undecided...

That a man has other women asides you doesn't mean that he doesn't love you, nahhh...

Sex and love are two different things to men, they are not intertwined for men (for the most part)...

I know you'll "disagree" with the above statement cause your mind can't even begin to process this grin...

It's to be expected, you're not a man, you're a woman and so you would NEVER really understand...

What you're doing right now is using the female matrix of love and relating it to men undecided...

Just like how women (in general) find super ambitious, alpha type men attractive and so they go ahead and cultivate those traits in themselves...

Thinking that the same way they find these traits attractive is the same way men find those traits attractive - it doesn't get any more delusional than that grin...

Lemme give you (and other women) two pieces of advice that will help you...

1. When you ask men a question, allow the men answer the question and take it exactly the way it is said undecided...

2. For the most part, what women (in general) find attractive in men eh, the opposite of it is what men (in general) find attractive...
((N/B: this isn't a rule of thumb))

24 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by addictiv(m): 4:15am On Mar 19, 2023
Companionship and Devotion are needed to make a relationship blossom. Most people are only devoted but they are not companions to their partners. There re other aspects but I have found out that these two areas are crucial if a relationship is to succeed.

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Kobojunkie: 4:19am On Mar 19, 2023
Companionship and Devotion are needed to make a relationship blossom. Most people are only devoted but they are not companions to their partners. There re other aspects but I have found out that these two areas are crucial if a relationship is to succeed.
How do you define success in a relationship as it seems that in the Nigerian context, the men define it differently from the women, making marriage a joke of sorts? undecided

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by onumadu: 4:23am On Mar 19, 2023

You're funny o undecided...

You asked a question, "Why do married men cheat on their wives?"

And men are giving you answers and you're saying "I disagree", na wa o grin...

Since you already have your mind made up, why bother to ask? grin...

First of, men and women are different and thus interpret and recieve love differently...

Having said so, it is 100% possible for a man to sleep with other women and still love his wife undecided...

That a man has other women asides you doesn't mean that he doesn't love you, nahhh...

Sex and love are two different things to men, they are not intertwined for men (for the most part)...

I know you'll "disagree" with the above statement cause your mind can't even begin to process this grin...

It's to be expected, you're not a man, you're a woman and so you would NEVER really understand...

What you're doing right now is using the female matrix of love and relating it to men undecided...

Just like how women (in general) find super ambitious, alpha type men attractive and so they go ahead and cultivate those traits in themselves...

Thinking that the same way they find these traits attractive is the same way men find those traits attractive - it doesn't get any more delusional than that grin...

Lemme give you (and other women) two pieces of advice that will help you...

1. When you ask men a question, allow the men answer the question and take it exactly the way it is said undecided...

2. For the most part, what women (in general) find attractive in men eh, the opposite of it is what men (in general) find attractive...
((N/B: this isn't a rule of thumb))

LOL, you NAILED the whole thing. 100%
That is why I was asking her whether she really needed an honest answer.


Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by onumadu: 4:42am On Mar 19, 2023
Research shows that men in monogamous marriages or serious monogamous relationships start developing lower testosterone levels.
In fact men in mono-marriages develop T levels lower than single men.

In other words, if a man wants to keep his T levels high enough, he better stay single or marry more than one wife.

Once a man's T levels drop, he can develop many kinds of sicknesses both physical and psychological.
Monogamy kills a man's T levels faster than most things.

Which is why I know for sure that God never commanded monogamy. God could not have commanded something that harms his creature.
The people that invented monogamy did so for their own societal peace and empire building.

They were killing themselves over women, and they figured why not command monogamy so that every man could at least get one woman, and end all the wars over women. If they kept fighting over women, they would not be able to build empires.

So how is this related to the reason why men cheat?

You know, some monogamously married men feel low T-levels happening to them, and gasp for air.
It is like drowning, and you use your last energy to swim up for air.
That "swimming up" is cheating. cheesy
To swim up for air, they do things that even single men don't do.
Now you know!


Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by ITbomb(m): 5:53am On Mar 19, 2023
Imagine coming back home with a high urge and meet your wife with a crying baby and two others struggling with their homework almost every evening.
After such stress, it will be unfair to ask her sex, that's where the other one plays a role. Because you love your wife.

But, it should be just "pay as you go", Only a useless man will abandon his wife and mother of his children and be taking care of someone else

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Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by IgboSomalia: 5:59am On Mar 19, 2023
In other words hypocrisy

You stated men need sex to function, why can't he have plenty sex with just the one woman

Go and ask your great grandfather. He was polygamous.
Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 6:03am On Mar 19, 2023
Yes I want the truth


Do you really want the truth?
The "Honest to God" truth?
Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 6:07am On Mar 19, 2023
The both are not ready to have sex

If you find someone attractive even till old age dem suppose dey nack

Even with children dem suppose nack

Sound proof the house

Do it in the car

Do it in an event on your date go to hotel as husband and wife

Go on vacation

All this reasons are very much not valid

Spontaneity is key


Actually the number 1 excuse given by most men for cheating is lack (or very few) of sex in their homes. For most men, it's not immediately after marriage but a few years down the line.

It means there is something that makes the wives to suddenly stop being interested in sex few years after marriage. Ofcourse one can deduce thats when children are added to the family.

But then once u have a child, he/she will be in the picture till they finally leave the house or enter a boarding sch ( at least after 10years) and there could be other younger children as well thus extending the period considerably.

No matter your sex drives as couples, I expect that it should drop a bit ( when u both start raising children. But the issue is wen it doesn't drop slightly but becomes very few or non-existent in the wife or it's offered to the man only wen he has done smtn 'very special' ie it's been weaponised. Then a hitherto decent man may start looking elsewhere for what is lacking.

This is a mens' perspective in a family setting as deduced from most comments anytime this topic comes up. The women are actually mostly quiet. So pls u can share your own experience, give your perspective in a family setting, few years after marriage.

Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 6:09am On Mar 19, 2023
So because my great-father is polygamous I should accept it into my own marriage

Bunch of excuses

We should not encourage the past history of what our great grandfathers did but write a new history to do much better


Go and ask your great grandfather. He was polygamous.
Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 6:14am On Mar 19, 2023
Let me correct this for you

Only a useless man will not assist his wife to feed the crying baby

Assist the children in doing homework

Assist in massaging her body

Assist in kissing her during her stressful moment

Assist in being kind by saying baby I know you are tired but I will assist you and also suck your pussy and if you want my dick to relieve you of stress baby just say it daddy I need your cock

Men you are not giving me valid reason for why you cheat

You can even tell her baby I will give you this money to buy ashawo lingerie I want you wearing it at night

Get a house keeper that won’t live in the house to relieve her of chores and go to their respective house

Buy a washing machine

Buy all the resources that will relieve stress at home

Imagine coming back home with a high urge and meet your wife with a crying baby and two others struggling with their homework almost every evening.
After such stress, it will be unfair to ask her sex, that's where the other one plays a role. Because you love your wife.

But, it should be just "pay as you go", Only a useless man will abandon his wife and mother of his children and be taking care of someone else
Re: Married Men Why Do You Cheat On Your Wife by Wordsfrombimpe(f): 6:18am On Mar 19, 2023
Research shows that shey you Dey whine me

Research shows that men in marriage and relationship with the right person they live and last longer

Research also show they sex really good and look very much healthy

Research also show they end up being rich together when they are team player with that they are able to travel across the world and provide better opportunities for their children

That’s my research

Marriage is beautiful

If you are not in the right marriage it is hell on earth

If you are in a good marriage it is heaven on earth

Research shows that men in monogamous marriages or serious monogamous relationships start developing lower testosterone levels.
In fact men in mono-marriages develop T levels lower than single men.

In other words, if a man wants to keep his T levels high enough, he better stay single or marry more than one wife.

Once a man's T levels drop, he can develop many kinds of sicknesses both physical and psychological.
Monogamy kills a man's T levels faster than most things.

Which is why I know for sure that God never commanded monogamy. God could not have commanded something that harms his creature.
The people that invented monogamy did so for their own societal peace and empire building.

They were killing themselves over women, and they figured why not command monogamy so that every man could at least get one woman, and end all the wars over women. If they kept fighting over women, they would not be able to build empires.

So how is this related to the reason why men cheat?

You know, some monogamously married men feel low T-levels happening to them, and gasp for air.
It is like drowning, and you use your last energy to swim up for air.
That "swimming up" is cheating. cheesy
To swim up for air, they do things that even single men don't do.
Now you know!

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