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I Miss Home: - Family (2) - Nairaland

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Re: I Miss Home: by benincitys(f): 7:51pm On Sep 12, 2009
after 7month of coming back i miss home miss the food miss my family .
Re: I Miss Home: by lannre(m): 8:48pm On Sep 12, 2009
Even if its not homely,no place like home
Re: I Miss Home: by achinu(m): 3:59pm On Sep 26, 2009
I was in 9ja earlier this year after being away for 15yrs, my immediate family lives in the U.S like I do so there's really never been a sense of urgency to go visit 9ja cuz I left right after secondary sch. Visiting 9ja was quite interesting to say the least, I grew up in lag but what I saw in lag when I went to visit was just chaos IMHO. The traffic was insane, the lack of light, security, the driving etc. I was very glad to see my family though, I spent some time in Abuja and that's the only place in 9ja at this moment that I think I would consider moving back to.
But like I always tell my fiancee that when a person moves to 9ja, they better been a position to leave the country whenever they want for a breather cuz 9ja has a way of getting to you with all its madness.
Now I've to say I really miss the food back home & was soo glad to be able to eat some delicacy that I've tasted since I've been away. The food home just taste sooooo good like food should taste. Nigerians are genuinely good people it just a lack of good governance that's turned the masses into a survival of the fittest mode.
I was able to visit lagos, abuja, jos, enugu, imo & abia during my visit that was an interesting experience btw being on the road & flying. But again like a lot ppl have said home is home but if home becomes chaotic then you'll need to make home somewhere else.
I was glad to return back to the my home base where most things work like they are supposed to, God Bless 9ja

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