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Is SaaS Currently The Only Way To Finally Freedom - Programming - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Programming / Is SaaS Currently The Only Way To Finally Freedom (545 Views)

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Is SaaS Currently The Only Way To Finally Freedom by Deicide: 12:34pm On Apr 14, 2023
I see so many people trying to start their own fintech Company and even if it's not fintech, something people would pay to use. Is this the only real way to finally freedom? And how feasible it is in current Nigeria economy?
Re: Is SaaS Currently The Only Way To Finally Freedom by arejibadz(m): 12:54pm On Apr 14, 2023
what type of sass products
Re: Is SaaS Currently The Only Way To Finally Freedom by truthCoder: 2:05pm On Apr 14, 2023
I see so many people trying to start their own fintech Company and even if it's not fintech, something people would pay to use. Is this the only real way to finally freedom? And how feasible it is in current Nigeria economy?

Phase 1.
Try to build for the global audience.

Make your charges as low as possible. Free is the best. In case where you incur transaction costs, your pricing should be as close to your transaction costs as possible.

To achieve low charges, ensure your costs are as low as possible.

When you have at least 100k MAU, move to phase 2.

Phase 2.
Create a premium offering different from balablu bulaba and blublu.

Sell access to the premium offering for cheap. Just a little more than your free tier.

Put the premium offerings on trial for all free tier users to use for say 6 months.

For first premium customers, charge just one month cost for one year access. Promo ends in one year.

Try to grow your premium tier to 50k MAU in first year.

When you have achieved 50k, move to phase 3.

Phase 3
Create VIP tier.
Charge a way more for VIP.
Reduce as much free service on the free tier as possible and push them into premium tier.
Add more features into VIP tier and migrate all premium tier customers to free VIP for one year.
Grow both premium and VIP to 100k and 10k MAU respectively.

Final phase
Look for an Elon Musk to buy your service at an overpriced offer and pull out. Start all over.


Re: Is SaaS Currently The Only Way To Finally Freedom by Deicide: 2:48pm On Apr 14, 2023
what type of sass products
does it matter?

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