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What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? - Politics (11) - Nairaland

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Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by IyaTola: 7:18am On Apr 20, 2023
cry cry lipsrsealed embarassed
Yes, be prepared
Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by matthew080: 10:29am On Apr 20, 2023
I plan to buy a bus very soon,
Do you all think prize of cars and buses will crash after subsidy removal,as many people will run from petrol .
Should I wait till it's removal ??
Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by yaki84: 10:49am On Apr 20, 2023
hey God arrange sense for some ppl na.Can u answer just this question?why don’t we refine our fuel ourselves.
So if we refine our fuel, nigerians will be getting it.for free abi?

Shebi shell abi chevron that drills the crude will be giving the refinery crude oil for free cos they r doing charity in nigeria..
Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by highchief1: 4:26pm On Apr 20, 2023

So if we refine our fuel, nigerians will be getting it.for free abi?

Shebi shell abi chevron that drills the crude will be giving the refinery crude oil for free cos they r doing charity in nigeria..

bros go na
Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by owem19(m): 6:57am On Apr 21, 2023
Born prepared,God no go shame me tongue
Yes, be prepared
Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by blaqtom(m): 12:15pm On May 02, 2023

Subsidy issue didn’t start in 2015. It started since 1979.

We lack foresight and the will to remove it, not until now that it wants to sink our nation. We should have been removing it in piecemeal since 1979. By now, it should have been over. Saudis dem don remove their own since. Mr hose collecting trillions in subsidy on petroleum are not up to 200. Their cronies not up to 2000.

Am not against removing it ……they have been on the agenda for more than 10years while Dey are deliberating what stopped them from building a refinery…..
Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by MeineMutter: 12:49pm On May 02, 2023

Am not against removing it ……they have been on the agenda for more than 10years while Dey are deliberating what stopped them from building a refinery…..

It is those that are eating it that are blocking its removal. You know how many billions they spend to sponsor presidential elections?

To build a refinery today is. It a child’s play. They need huge chunk of money to build modern refineries like that of Dangote. So without removing that subsidy.

One more problem is that: if they build it, they can’t maintain it, or run it profitably. It would still go moribund like those of Porthacourt, Delta and Kaduna.
It is the private investor that can run Africa and make Africa great. It’s not government. Government should just provide an enabling environment for private investments to build on and things would pick in Africa.
Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by XAUBulls: 1:27pm On Jun 12, 2023
The currency will be stable as the loophole of subsidy payment will be blocked. But the main issue is the purchasing power within the economy as the price of fuel may be around 450-500.

Most Nigerian are unreasonable in commodity pricing, they are on the exploitation campaign. This is subject to a lot of uncertainty but the removal must be done. The government will have a lot of money at hand to spend with the removal.

We have to close mark the state governors as they will become wasteful due to surplus funds.

It will make a lot of sense if Dangote refinery can also come on stream. It will help to control the prices as transaction will be in niara.
Impressive analysis.
Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by tunwumi: 2:41pm On Jun 12, 2023

Impressive analysis.

I was well abused for that comment. It helped me to understand the demographic of nairaland user.

I have been around for some couple of decades so it I normal to understand how events of things might turned but Nigeria still hold back it's peculiarity.

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Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by Parachoko: 2:56pm On Jun 12, 2023
I plan to buy a bus very soon,
Do you all think prize of cars and buses will crash after subsidy removal,as many people will run from petrol .
Should I wait till it's removal ??
Price of Benz, BMW, Lesux and some other Vehicles using V6 and V8 might crash

But the likes of Toyota Corolla and Honda Civic and some other 4 cylinder car might not crash

In fact, there's a possibility the price of car will shootup this month or next month

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Re: What Might Happen To Nigeria Currency After Subsidy Removal? by XAUBulls: 3:02pm On Jun 12, 2023

I was well abused for that comment. It helped me to understand the demographic of nairaland user.

I have been around for some couple of decades so it I normal to understand how events of things might turned but Nigeria still hold back it's peculiarity.
Folks like me who originally joined NL in 2005 are still here though, so we can easily identify A-list analyses from folks like you.

Back in the 2000s, we had less trolls here on NL, but since the late 2010s, the trolls (and some of the younger demographics have been relentless in using abusive language, and do not think through their responses).

You were uncannily spot-on in your projected price range N450-N500 per litre of PMS (after subsidy removal). I respect you for that.

All the best.

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