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How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? - Family (7) - Nairaland

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by ModCaller: 7:03pm On Apr 24, 2023
investment is betting lol continue investing ur eyes go soon clear by d time it almost ruin ur life

What you don't know is more than you.

If you're spending money to make money, it's called investment. Something you know very little about. Bye

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Cooolme: 7:03pm On Apr 24, 2023
From this thread you can easily tell that the average Nigerian is not disciplined when it comes to money.

Tomorrow these set of mΓ΄rons will become politicians, and add more mess to this same country. In their mind they think they're balling but deep down, they know they don't have control over their spendings.

How hard is to take pen, draft a spending plan and stick to it? Yeye people.
I understand your point and it's something I used to do but I noticed I wasn't really eating healthy so I had to invest properly in my feeding.
80% of that cash goes on feeding alone, I advice you eat properly if you can fund it.

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Christian07(m): 7:07pm On Apr 24, 2023
You shaa wan show us u dey loaded.

Anyways, without calculating my own feeding, fueling my small chopper, feeding my 4 tigers and buffalos, I dey spend reach 15M per week on a low budget week.

You may want to check my signature.

You no come tell us how much you dey feed ur self a week na 4k

Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Cooolme: 7:08pm On Apr 24, 2023
When I hear some say they spend 50k in a week ..I begin to wonder what this people do for a living in a country where minimum wage is 30k and lots of people are unemployed... some don't even earn 50k in a month...I guess every one in Nigeria is fantastically corrupt ...if there is accountability...everyone should ve been in jail
This mentality I think is keeping some Nigerians behind, bro if you're making at least 800k every month you won't be saying these things.
I'm talking legit stuff not fraud.

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by DOINGS2022: 7:08pm On Apr 24, 2023

At times I feel like I'm not in dis world any more or maybe it's because I am an undergraduate I don't know. I hardly see food to eat, talk more of having all these amounts they are calling here.

E go reach your turn bro. Keep on developing yourself and never let any legit opportunity pass you by. Identify it and grab it as quick as possible..


Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by dfrost: 7:09pm On Apr 24, 2023
I can't say, as long as there's money at hand and you have needs, you must spend.

Ppl are really seeing shege in this country. Like play sachet/ bag of water is not going back to it's former price again, very soon we will buy bags of water #500 per bag.

Government salary jobs is useless in this country

Where do stay? You may need to improvise your water
source and purify it for drinking.

The coming days ahead won't be funny.

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by OBTOREPA(m): 7:12pm On Apr 24, 2023
Wow, you are a student and you spend 35-40k weekly....
Wow , Rich kid 😎😎😎😎
You are falling in love with him already.
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Christian07(m): 7:13pm On Apr 24, 2023
Na 2k i dey spend since last week and you say God is not good

How far drop your routine

Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Caleb15(m): 7:17pm On Apr 24, 2023

How far drop your routine

After fasting for one week, i'll spend 1k then fast another week then spend the remaining 1k
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Cooolme: 7:17pm On Apr 24, 2023

E be like say you mistakenly but v6 car.

Well done rich kid
No oh.
Still managing my 4 cylinder compact corolla.
Seems you're a car guy as I saw that Benz on your DP. I'll join y'all Benz fam soon, let me make money.


Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by greggng: 7:21pm On Apr 24, 2023

This mentality I think is keeping some Nigerians behind, bro if you're making at least 800k every month you won't be saying these things.
I'm talking legit stuff not fraud.

I am being realistic .. 0nly 5 percent of Nigerians earn your so called 800k a month . Except those doing illegitimate jobs ...


Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by marlow1962(m): 7:22pm On Apr 24, 2023

Where do stay? You may need to improvise your water
source and purify it for drinking.

The coming days ahead won't be funny.
God help us
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Christian07(m): 7:23pm On Apr 24, 2023

After fasting for one week, i'll spend 1k then fast another week then spend the remaining 1k

You fast for 7day then spend full 1k the following day

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by VicM6: 7:24pm On Apr 24, 2023
#215K last week alone
U go f*ck olosho toto ni
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Starz825(m): 7:25pm On Apr 24, 2023
Minimum of 15k and dats for food and drugs only. I don't buy data, fuel or pay transport nor take some bottles and minimum wage don finish for 2 weeks.

I wonder how people with families meet up.

Na God
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Flapp478(m): 7:26pm On Apr 24, 2023

E go reach your turn bro. Keep on developing yourself and never let any legit opportunity pass you by. Identify it and grab it as quick as possible..

Thank u very much sir. I appreciate these overwhelming words of encouragement. These words mean a lot to me. Been without parents isn't easy at all particularly as a student. if u have the means of helping me solve this hunger issue, I will be so glad. My heart aches. I feel like dropping out already. I have developed ulcer as a result
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by VicM6: 7:26pm On Apr 24, 2023
#215K last week alone
Werey, na every day u dey buy fuel bah...1500 a meal thrice....U no sabi manage, lazy youth...lol
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by kkins25(m): 7:27pm On Apr 24, 2023
Funny how iI can't answer this question, bexause, I've never lived alone 😭😭😭.. Even during university days. I turned family man since 15 years of age.
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Whoknow: 7:31pm On Apr 24, 2023
You shaa wan show us u dey loaded.

Anyways, without calculating my own feeding, fueling my small chopper, feeding my 4 tigers and buffalos, I dey spend reach 15M per week on a low budget week.

You may want to check my signature.
Mr Linus I hail oooo
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Princelyon247(m): 7:31pm On Apr 24, 2023
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by zedegit: 7:34pm On Apr 24, 2023

Lol do you stay in Nigeria?

Why are some of you attacking me?
Let me give you a breakdown...
I eat #1500/meal 3 times a day
Gen fueling #1500 everyday
Data subscription
To mention few...
Y'all calling me 'liar' seems it's everyone that is poor in Nigeria.
I'm not even rich yet, just little expenditures everyone is shouting

You have your answer. Gen is a liability. Car is equally a liability which requires fueling and maintenance. You can't compare yourself with an average student.
With that Gen I am sure you use gotv, DStv etc which requires monthly subscription too

#1500 per meal? When you can cook it cheaply or visit where they sell #500.

Na you do yourself.

I am sure you also spend on woman.


Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Charx122: 7:37pm On Apr 24, 2023
#215K last week alone

Stock your home you won't get to spend as much ...That's crazy to spend that much.

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Cooolme: 7:37pm On Apr 24, 2023

You have your answer. Gen is a luxury. Car is equally a luxury which requires fueling and maintenance. You can't compare yourself with an average student.

#1500 per meal? When you can cook it cheaply or visit where they sell #500.

Na you do yourself.

I am sure you also spend on woman.
I don't cook on exam weeks, and that's the average meal I can get here.
I don't spend on women Sir, I'm very shy around them so that makes them the least of my concern.

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by oylam(m): 7:39pm On Apr 24, 2023
#215K last week alone

U dy hot
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Starz825(m): 7:39pm On Apr 24, 2023
All expenses for a family of three is around 50k per week. All expenses including car fueling and I give out to people alot.

Some week if I don't go out, its around 30k per week All expenses.

So averagely 40k per week

I understand that giving out to people ....cos ur eyes no go fit take am to dey see people beg it suffer for little things ...

Keep it up ...God go bless you more...na why ur ola dey lekan si

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by LtChisom: 7:43pm On Apr 24, 2023
I hardly spend my money.

Are you an olosho?
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Silentgroper(m): 7:45pm On Apr 24, 2023
40k per week... .without chasing woman

100k per week at least if chasing woman

I honestly think I will have my own Duplex by now if I was impotent sad
lwkmd4h .


.funny enough, if you come get the duplex finish, na them to dey chase you..


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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by donproject2(m): 7:48pm On Apr 24, 2023

Mr Linus I hail oooo

Deputy Linus, how una dey?
Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Nobody: 7:48pm On Apr 24, 2023

Are you an olosho?
Ask your sister

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by Bodexinvest: 7:48pm On Apr 24, 2023
Average of 3k daily, that's 21k weekly.

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by livebullet(m): 7:51pm On Apr 24, 2023

Lol do you stay in Nigeria?

Why are some of you attacking me?
Let me give you a breakdown...
I eat #1500/meal 3 times a day
Gen fueling #1500 everyday
Data subscription
To mention few...
Y'all calling me 'liar' seems it's everyone that is poor in Nigeria.
I'm not even rich yet, just little expenditures everyone is shouting .
Note also; I'm not a womaniser.

Turning on gen everyday? Are you a yarhoo boy?

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Re: How Much Do You Spend A Week As A Single Person? by lizko(m): 7:51pm On Apr 24, 2023
Approximately 10k for everything

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