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[URGENT] Youtube Script Writer Wanted - Literature - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / [URGENT] Youtube Script Writer Wanted (571 Views)

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[URGENT] Youtube Script Writer Wanted by kanabif415: 9:18am On Apr 23, 2023
I'm looking for an experienced script writer that'll be able to write persuasive and engaging voiceover script similar or better than the ones in the example videos below. The scripts should be; minimum 3000 and max 3500 characters.


This is going to be a long term project.

NOTE: You can use ChatGPT if you know how to use it excellently.

You'll also need to be familiar with the following amendments to the US constitution:
1. First Amendment
2. Fourth Amendment
3. 5th Amendment

Indicate if you are interested.
Re: [URGENT] Youtube Script Writer Wanted by Erimaclout: 9:26am On Apr 23, 2023
I am interested contact WhatsApp +2348156491743
Re: [URGENT] Youtube Script Writer Wanted by shalomme: 9:40am On Apr 23, 2023
I am the writer you are looking for. I want to work with you
08169602079 (Whatsapp)
Re: [URGENT] Youtube Script Writer Wanted by Chipet26(m): 11:07am On Apr 23, 2023
Hi there

I don't know if you are still hiring. I have some of my best samples and will send them upon your approval.

You can reach me on Whatsapp via 08026898448
Re: [URGENT] Youtube Script Writer Wanted by Wodu89: 7:39pm On Apr 23, 2023
I'm looking for an experienced script writer that'll be able to write persuasive and engaging voiceover script similar or better than the ones in the example videos below. The scripts should be; minimum 3000 and max 3500 characters.


This is going to be a long term project.

NOTE: You can use ChatGPT if you know how to use it excellently.

You'll also need to be familiar with the following amendments to the US constitution:
1. First Amendment
2. Fourth Amendment
3. 5th Amendment

Indicate if you are interested.

I am

0 8 1 2 1 6 5 0 0 4 0
Re: [URGENT] Youtube Script Writer Wanted by captain2020(m): 10:06pm On Apr 23, 2023
You forgot to include how much you are paying.

I'm interested.

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