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What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) - Romance - Nairaland

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What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Bvlgari: 12:42am On May 03, 2023
Ladies...You asked your guy for 50k & he gives you his ATM card to go withdraw, then you find 60k in his account.

How much will you withdraw?


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Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by tpbehappy(m): 2:01am On May 03, 2023
A not too well cultured person would remove the 50k, but a considerate and reasonable person could withdraw half of the 50k, which is 25k unless it is between life and death.

184 Likes 16 Shares

Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by efficiencie(m): 2:22am On May 03, 2023
Ladies...You asked your guy for 50k & he gives you his ATM card to go withdraw, then you find 60k in his account.

How much will you withdraw?


A wise lady will withdraw nothing and have a deep conversation with him about his finances but a stupid lady will withdraw the whole 60k dump his ATM card in the dustbin and move on to the next victim.

257 Likes 22 Shares

Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by ridwanlawal: 4:53am On May 03, 2023

A wise lady will withdraw nothing and have a deep conversation with him about his finances but a stupid lady will withdraw the whole 60k dump his ATM card in the dustbin and move on to the next victim.
Gold diggers I guess

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Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by helinues: 5:11am On May 03, 2023
If na all this slay queens, they will withdraw all the money but the decent ones, she might not withdraw more than 10k

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Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Yugoslavia247(m): 5:14am On May 03, 2023
The real question is what is the basis of the relationship. Is it just a fling or lets us date scenario. A woman that hopes to be the wife will be considerate and even think about her own life choices because 50k can not lead anywhere not even marriage.

Another angle is does the account bear the guys total money on earth or it is just one of his numerous account. If I have 5 million in Access and 60k in first bank. I will give you the first bank. I could even transfer the money to the first bank as you head out.

Withdrawal is based on these two scenario.

Thirdly, the purpose of the money. The money could be beneficial for both parties. However If it selfishly for the lady and man has no other funds, a good woman will not withdraw it.

Most women don't care. Even your last card they will collect it.

87 Likes 3 Shares

Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Joshkid(m): 6:48am On May 03, 2023
The real question is what is the basis of the relationship. Is it just a fling or lets us date scenario. A woman that hopes to be the wife will be considerate and even think about her own life choices because 50k can not lead anywhere not even marriage.

Another angle is does the account bear the guys total money on earth or it is just one of his numerous account. If I have 5 million in Access and 60k in first bank. I will give you the first bank. I could even transfer the money to the first bank as you head out.

Withdrawal is based on these two scenario.

Thirdly, the purpose of the money. The money could be beneficial for both parties. However If it selfishly for the lady and man has no other funds, a good woman will not withdraw it.

Most women don't care. Even your last card they will collect it.
I like your sense of reasoning

26 Likes 2 Shares

Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Leykars: 7:24am On May 03, 2023
Ladies...You asked your guy for 50k & he gives you his ATM card to go withdraw, then you find 60k in his account.

How much will you withdraw?


A decent person will not check the account balance...except it says "insufficient funds"

116 Likes 7 Shares

Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by anthonyuncle(m): 7:42am On May 03, 2023
it depends on some factors.


Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Dexy4yah(m): 7:45am On May 03, 2023
Nigerian gal.....hahahaha
Am laughing in Swahili

If I hear say she no withdraw the 50k


Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Bakrabas: 8:16am On May 03, 2023
All these slay queen of Margret will withdraw everything and even borrow through ATM if possible.


Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by KingMack(m): 11:44am On May 03, 2023
headbutt shege komot for her nose...if she withdraw the 50 bail

I no like peace..I love vawulence

6 Likes 3 Shares

Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Kiddogarcia(m): 11:55am On May 03, 2023
I don't imagine,life is hard enough.

Na we be your best plug for everything Sexual enhancement tho
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by SultanOfAbia: 12:27pm On May 03, 2023
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by immortalmortal: 12:27pm On May 03, 2023
Depends on what she wants to use the money for... If it's really important she can take the 50k. But meanwhile why is she even checking balance? Withdraw 50k wey you suppose withdraw go... I hate when people check balance when someone gives them Thier ATM to withdraw


Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Hambivert: 12:27pm On May 03, 2023
I know that the feminine essence comes to life during manipulation and since this question is for the ladies and I'm a guy, I would just hold my ATM and wonder how big the problem is that even the Almighty urgent 2k cannot solve.

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Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Rubyjade: 12:28pm On May 03, 2023
Return the card
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by sisisioge: 12:28pm On May 03, 2023
You know how many accounts him get? Some people get the one for simple transactions fa.... collect your money, wake up grin


Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Sultty(m): 12:28pm On May 03, 2023
just curious. I wan check something
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by N3TRAL: 12:29pm On May 03, 2023

I give woman my debit card because dem dey pay her salary put for my account or na joint account? 😂


Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by LARRYOBRAIN(m): 12:30pm On May 03, 2023
Still reading responses
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by nwakibie3(m): 12:30pm On May 03, 2023
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by WithFact: 12:31pm On May 03, 2023
Highly culture lady will withdraw all. Return the 10K balance to the guy and hold on hold back the ATM for a while. grin grin

Smart one

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Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Okiton: 12:32pm On May 03, 2023
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Creamypie(m): 12:32pm On May 03, 2023
Fish brain Naim most Nigerian women get oh. Them go withdraw all and pretend they didnt check account balance


Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Kajaard: 12:33pm On May 03, 2023
Ladies...You asked your guy for 50k & he gives you his ATM card to go withdraw, then you find 60k in his account.

How much will you withdraw?


Lol cheesy

I know IyaebeTheGreat will withdraw everything. I can bet my two balls on that cheesy


Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by Flows001(m): 12:33pm On May 03, 2023
The real question is what is the basis of the relationship. Is it just a fling or lets us date scenario. A woman that hopes to be the wife will be considerate and even think about her own life choices because 50k can not lead anywhere not even marriage.

Another angle is does the account bear the guys total money on earth or it is just one of his numerous account. If I have 5 million in Access and 60k in first bank. I will give you the first bank. I could even transfer the money to the first bank as you head out.

Withdrawal is based on these two scenario.

Thirdly, the purpose of the money. The money could be beneficial for both parties. However If it selfishly for the lady and man has no other funds, a good woman will not withdraw it.

Most women don't care. Even your last card they will collect it.
This is Apt!!

1 Like

Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by ahnie: 12:33pm On May 03, 2023
Wildraw the 3ok and leave the rest,it's not a rocket science
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by inoki247: 12:33pm On May 03, 2023
Re: What Would You Do In This Scenario? (pix) by capricornlady: 12:34pm On May 03, 2023
How do you know he has 60k in his account and what makes you think that's his only existing bank account?
A good woman won't check any balance to know what is in the account. A good and wise woman will simply withdraw the 50k she was asked to take and return the ATM card.

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