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Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? - Phones - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Phones / Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? (1434 Views)

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Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? by BTCog: 4:32am On May 05, 2023
There is a recent influx of of adverts for Iphone 14Pro Max (Android version) on Facebook and I have been considering buying one especially because of the high memory capacity of 512g.
Can phone experts here and those who have bought such phones kindly educate me more. Is it worth buying or are those adverts misleading. Please, help your brother. I don't want to throw away 130k just like that.
Re: Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? by Investor137: 6:56am On May 05, 2023
Faaaaaaaake, runnnnnn
Re: Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? by Godsonkemz(m): 7:50am On May 05, 2023
China clones to give you the feeling of bearing an iphone. However the facebook vendors are mostly scammers.

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Re: Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? by BTCog: 11:43am On May 05, 2023
There is a recent influx of of adverts for Iphone 14Pro Max (Android version) on Facebook and I have been considering buying one especially because of the high memory capacity of 512g.
Can phone experts here and those who have bought such phones kindly educate me more. Is it worth buying or are those adverts misleading. Please, help your brother. I don't want to throw away 130k just like that.

I'm still waiting for more responses please
Re: Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? by BTCog: 11:44am On May 05, 2023
Faaaaaaaake, runnnnnn

Thanks. Any experience? Give some clues
Re: Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? by Incredible128: 4:30pm On May 05, 2023
Those would not be the real memory configuration, the highest they would have would be maybe 2gb ram and 16 or 32gb ROM; if the phone manufacturer had the funds to make a phone of that memory configuration, he'd sale it as a separate device with its unique name and not a clone. U'd regret if u purchase that.
There is a recent influx of of adverts for Iphone 14Pro Max (Android version) on Facebook and I have been considering buying one especially because of the high memory capacity of 512g.
Can phone experts here and those who have bought such phones kindly educate me more. Is it worth buying or are those adverts misleading. Please, help your brother. I don't want to throw away 130k just like that.
Re: Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? by iykofias(m): 3:46am On May 06, 2023

I'm still waiting for more responses please
you’ve already been advised, or you want the advice to be plenty before you heed to it?
Re: Iphone 14pro Max Android Version, Real Or Fake? by sunshineV(f): 12:22pm On May 07, 2023

Thanks. Any experience? Give some clues
go buy am. experience is the best teacher.... ori e ti o pe yen

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