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Tor Abagi's Allegory Of Birth Right (esau & Jacob) - Religion - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Tor Abagi's Allegory Of Birth Right (esau & Jacob) (238 Views)

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Tor Abagi's Allegory Of Birth Right (esau & Jacob) by GOVERNORR: 10:25am On May 07, 2023
Esau and Jacob were twins. Esau, the firstborn, was a hunter and an outdoorsman; Jacob was "a wholesome man who dwelled in tents.". One day Esau returns fatigued from the hunt, and finds Jacob cooking a lentil stew ("pottage," in older English). "Give me some of this red, red stuff to swallow, because I am exhausted!". Esau demands..

At the point Jacob who is stayed more at home with his mother had learned that with demand comes supply so he took advantage of the situation Esau was in.

“Give me some of this red, red stuff to swallow, because I am exhausted!” Esau demands. Jacob agrees to give him the stew on condition that Esau sells him his birthright.

Without hesitation, Esau agrees: “Here I am going to die, so why do I need the birthright?”

This is the practice today, the culture of Give and take, trade by Bata, loans, giving up rights to be part of a community, state or government.

Esau swears to fulfill his word, and Jacob duly gives his brother bread and the stew. “He ate and drank, got up and left, and Esau mocked the birthright.”

Thinking further, Civilization was in Africa (Egypt) when Joseph a descendant of Jacob grew his wealth, who some believe Jacob his father elevated to be the first child as he, Joseph was the first child of Rachel Jacob's beloved wife.

Was a right sold when Pharaoh begged Moses and Aaron to take away the frogs? They said the Magicians could also invoke frogs so was it thay Moses and Aaron also used the same trick to bend Pharaoh's will? Read below

The magicians could also make frogs appear - but this would be the last time that their magic would work. After a day of this Pharaoh couldn't take it anymore and he called for Moses and Aaron. (He probably didn't get any sleep with frogs jumping all over him!)

He begged Moses, "Pray to the Lord to take the frogs away from me and my people, and I will let your people go." So Moses prayed to the Lord, and all the frogs died. But when Pharaoh saw that all the frogs were dead, he was relieved and he hardened his heart and changed his mind.

Slavery was practiced in Egypt first before any other place so, could it be that same fate visited Africa years later after Moses abolish Slavery? Moses abolished slavery through the strength of God which was more powerful than magic.

They never left Egypt as destitute. In addition to their own possessions, the terrified Egyptians had bestowed upon them gifts of gold and silver and clothing in an effort to hasten their departure.
Thus God made His promise to Abraham, that his descendants would leave their exile with great riches, come true in every detail.

Read Genesis 15:13-

Did Egyptians trade all they had, scientific books, gold, architectural science for freedom from what Moses and Aaron cursed them with?

Moses was a descendant of Joseph who also was elevated to lead the children of Israelites out of Egypt and he not leave without trading slavery for Gold and Silver.

Careful to always be the favored in every trade..

Red in every trading chart means evil, and of course Green means harvest time.. if you know, you know

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