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What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power - Technology Market - Nairaland

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What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by Gospel367: 10:11am On May 11, 2023
Good day guys, Please I usually have power issues in my house. I need suggestion on the best solar generator I can use as backup power. It should be chargeable by solar and electricity and should be able to charge laptop, phones and possibly power a standing fan. Please it is urgent. Thank you
Re: What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by Wizdeen(m): 10:17am On May 11, 2023
Re: What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by Vmoukam: 9:46am On May 12, 2023
Good day guys, Please I usually have power issues in my house. I need suggestion on the best solar generator I can use as backup power. It should be chargeable by solar and electricity and should be able to charge laptop, phones and possibly power a standing fan. Please it is urgent. Thank you

You should check out Gpgate Solar generators as they are very strong. efficient and can do the job. I presently have the 500w generator for my daily power backup needs. They also have 1.2kw and 1kw versions. Also, the generator can be charged by both solar and electricity and the lithium batteries inside are strong enough to power a mini flat (especially if using the 1kw and above version)

Note that the tiger generator we used to know is/was 650va/650watts

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Re: What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by Gospel367: 8:10pm On May 13, 2023
Thank you bro. I just did a search on them and went through the website gpgate.com . They really have a wide array of products and reviews about them are quite good. I will give this a try and give feedback if possible
Re: What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by EmmanuelCena(m): 8:54pm On May 18, 2023

You should check out Gpgate Solar generators as they are very strong. efficient and can do the job. I presently have the 500w generator for my daily power backup needs. They also have 1.2kw and 1kw versions. Also, the generator can be charged by both solar and electricity and the lithium batteries inside are strong enough to power a mini flat (especially if using the 1kw and above version)

Note that the tiger generator we used to know is/was 650va/650watts

How much did this cost?
Dis you purchase from the website?
Or a vendor?
Re: What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by truthisgood: 10:28pm On May 18, 2023
Thank you bro. I just did a search on them and went through the website gpgate.com . They really have a wide array of products and reviews about them are quite good. I will give this a try and give feedback if possible

Please how much did you buy the one you are using now?

And their address too
Re: What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by Gospel367: 1:27am On May 20, 2023

Please how much did you buy the one you are using now?

And their address too

I had to go for the 500w generator and it was 225,000 naira. 1000w was 325,000 and 1200w was 359,000. The office is inside blue shore filing station, opposite Manhouse bus stop, obafemi awolowo way, ikeja

if you have bargaining skills, you could get it cheaper as I was told wholesale price for wholesalers is way cheaper and there is even commission for referrals. Unfortunately I am not wholesaler and also busy for referral

You could call this number in case you need direction: 08163617506

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Re: What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by Gospel367: 1:29am On May 20, 2023

How much did this cost?
Dis you purchase from the website?
Or a vendor?

I bought it from their head office in Lagos. Check my reply to someone above to see the costs and address of their location

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Re: What Is The Best Portable Solar Generator For Backup Power by kwende(m): 10:27pm On Jul 05, 2023
Hello Gospel, how is the performance of the generator. What load can it carry and for how long.


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