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Diablo 4 Service Slam: Legendary Aspects, Dungeons And Ashava Guides - Forum Games - Nairaland

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Diablo 4 Service Slam: Legendary Aspects, Dungeons And Ashava Guides by cammyaustillgoz(f): 4:37am On May 12, 2023
Foreign slam is upon us in Diablo 4, and this time around. But don't worry, we've got you covered with some helpful tips that will set you up for success in Diablo 4's service Slam.

Legendary aspects
In Diablo 4, legendary aspects are heavily valued for your character to be powerful. To acquire them, we recommend gambling at the murmuring opal vendor, the purveyor of curiosity, and the kale shed. Gloves are tied for the cheapest offensive slots to gamble for, with a total of 25 opals per gamble. Remember that you can take these aspects off and put them on other pieces of gear, so make sure to check out the options available.

Next, take advantage of the guaranteed legendary aspects of dungeons. Although they roll with the lowest value possible, they are guaranteed. While most are pretty mediocre, there are a few that are really good, so don't be afraid to check them out and complete the dungeons.

For a location to farm legendary powers, check out Annika's Claim, which has a sizable amount of elites. This could be an awesome way for you to get some much-needed legendary powers.

When it comes to fighting Ashava, having the right class in your group will matter. Make sure to build a smart team composition and take advantage of class abilities that can bring value. For example, Barbarians have two shouts that directly buff allies, giving them resource generation and move speed, and the other giving increased damage. The Barbarian can also heal with those two shouts, as well as his final shout, challenging shout, giving the team great utility.

Finally, check out the Core Dragon located near the north part of the map. This location is tough, as mobs here are much higher level compared to most areas. However, completing the event will reward you with chests that will likely contain legendaries, making it worth the effort.

Remember, with only 21 points available, 19 from leveling and two from doing alter or renown, you're going to need all the power you can get to face Ashava. So make sure to take advantage of these tips and set yourself up for success.

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