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Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by SeriouslySense(m): 5:25pm On May 13, 2023
This is why time is short, because they can not go beyond certain extent, before the end times comes to a conclusion, and they are accelerating, at a fast pace.

Imagine a system where the A.I is like a little god, because its agents or body is diffused into the air and integrated with biology. This is why there is a nanotechnology and a bio robotics.

China is a prototype for A.I and human subjugation and Japan is a prototype for Robotics and replacement.

Maybe that's what Christian prophets of the ancient saw and knew the world would one day come to an end grin
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Father4all: 5:25pm On May 13, 2023
Why didn't him have children
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Ohraykon: 5:25pm On May 13, 2023
I find it funny that people who have decided not to have kids are considered selfish. Especially when the sole reason behind most people desire to have kids is inherently selfish. No body wants to have kids for the good of the kids. It's always to gratify the parents desire.

So this people want us to 'keep feeding the machine ' abi. Give birth to more people to come continue the rat race. And to what end I ask?

Now giving that this is a pope speaking let's consider the religious end for a minute. Christians believe that the final destination of every individual can be heaven or hell.... depending on who you believe. People who believe in Christ to save them will go to heaven while everybody else goes to hell. Considering this, we can say there's a 50% chance that your child will be born in this world and end up in hell forever.
I don't like those odds.
And it seems like wickedness to bring a child into this world when you know that those are the odds. No child would take that deal if it was possible to ask them before giving birth to them.

you are wise a deep thinker, i must say i lost interest in having children. I wish i was not born. Like you said they looking for more customers for their 'rat race'. The elites of this world in all ramifications are the problems of this world. If only our grandparents were more enlightened, they would have fought them to a stand still but they were having children. everywhere. Bringing innocent babies to suffer in an unjust world.

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Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by happney65: 5:27pm On May 13, 2023
Having children nowadays is too expensive. I hope Nigerians copy Italian too.

Have just one and chill for a long time.

It is just a needless distraction jare.

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Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Pipefitter: 5:38pm On May 13, 2023
Lol pet people fit start protest for that side like this and start telling us is saying derogatory word against pet....

That's the world we find ourselves now
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by cocolacec(m): 5:40pm On May 13, 2023
A country that has enough to feed..

The one they steal from your continent.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by ShaqFu: 5:44pm On May 13, 2023
Thank you Papa for saying this. 🙌👍
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by VEHINTOLAR: 5:44pm On May 13, 2023
I hope Yoruba Muslims will recite Our Father before commenting on this thread?

Lol,Yoruba Muslims,your nightmares !
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by fkj950ax(m): 5:52pm On May 13, 2023

Y’all be the first to insult them for having kids they can’t afford meanwhile daycare is over $1,000 per month. Moms with 3 small kids are having to quit their jobs to stay home and avoid paying thousands of dollars every month for childcare. But you know what they call them, lazy gold diggers who want to sit at home and wait for a man to provide.

I whole heartedly support anyone who chooses not have kids. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

This one is saying skewed divorce laws. if you ask him what laws now, he’ll mention child support and alimony. Literally the only things that can help SAHP post-divorce to get back on their feet after quitting jobs to tend to little kids.

Lack of which makes them choose not to marry or have kids because no one in their right senses should willingly mortgage their future for a marriage and child bearing process that will most likely crush their earning potential if they don’t have anything to fall back on afterwards. Ignorance in high places

Ease on the gas pedals a bit.
A child and an animal are different things and cannot be substituted for each other.
It’s a western world craziness which doesn’t operate with other nationalities living in this same western countries.
Asians and Arabs and even South Americans also live in the US and they have 3-4 children (plus one or two animals), and all the points you raised above don’t hinder them. Even the Jews all over NY have 3-4 children per family.
It’s possible to have children even in those societies and not die. These groups don’t mortgage their earning potentials. These groups don’t lose their right senses.
The Pope didn’t single out women, which is evident in all of your comments. It’s not about childbearing or career suicide or staying at home or gold diggers. These are all talking points of women groups these past years.
I have a lot of friends with 3-4 kids who don’t quit their jobs but work together with the husbands to plan their family (including $1k/math day care expenses).
Female doctors and CPAs and Engineers and CEOs in these countries have children.
USC had a graduation yesterday and there were thousand of people who came as family. It’s about planning and dedication to the home.
If financial independence and reasons are why you prefer not to have a child so your future isn’t mortgaged or ruined by the child bearing process and you don’t have something to fall back on afterwards, that’s all on you and the decisions you make today.
Instead of these societies (or race) seeking the alternatives to raise animals, they should fix the problems in the societies making them seek not to have children.
In the US, whites are becoming the minority. White under the age of 18 are already a minority population. There are more Latinos and Asians under 18 than white Americans of the same age. Black American population has same data trend. All they do is copy and follow trends.
Women shouldn’t bear the brunt of having a family, but these argument has been debunked because women from other race or nationalities raise children and aren’t punished or held back in life in the western societies.
In fact Asians are the highest income earners in the US. Asian women have better jobs and earn more than white or black women in the US. And they still get to have 2-3 children
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Tonytonex(m): 5:58pm On May 13, 2023
Arabs, Indians and blacks will take over Europe with time, all thanks to feminism, gay right, and skewed divorce laws in Europe and all western countries
They think they are wise.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by slowice(m): 5:59pm On May 13, 2023
With their support for "Lgtvq" and Co, it will only get worse.

You nor fit jonze God walahi
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by cocolacec(m): 6:00pm On May 13, 2023
The Pope should lead by example.Let his priests impregnate 10 Italian women each and see if Italian population will not swell. grin

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Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Robbinhood: 6:02pm On May 13, 2023

Y’all be the first to insult them for having kids they can’t afford meanwhile daycare is over $1,000 per month. Moms with 3 small kids are having to quit their jobs to stay home and avoid paying thousands of dollars every month for childcare. But you know what they call them, lazy gold diggers who want to sit at home and wait for a man to provide.

I whole heartedly support anyone who chooses not have kids. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

This one is saying skewed divorce laws. if you ask him what laws now, he’ll mention child support and alimony. Literally the only things that can help SAHP post-divorce to get back on their feet after quitting jobs to tend to little kids.

Lack of which makes them choose not to marry or have kids because no one in their right senses should willingly mortgage their future for a marriage and child bearing process that will most likely crush their earning potential if they don’t have anything to fall back on afterwards. Ignorance in high places
How come the Asians have these same challenges you listed there but they are the highest earners in the USA, have over 2.5 children per woman and still keep their families intact?
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Sammy5413(m): 6:07pm On May 13, 2023
I wish he tells this directly to DJ Cuppy
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Ilamina(f): 6:17pm On May 13, 2023
I thought western countries have too many immigrants to worry about having children
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Ohraykon: 6:19pm On May 13, 2023
Yes, that is how the world will most likely come to an end through self-destruction by humans.

The world desperately need to preserve Caucasians, the whole world need that race to be the dominant race on earth for this world to remain in good shape and of course sustainable
really!!! What manner of inferiority
complex is this? What's so special about them? You are really asleep spiritually, you need to wake up!

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Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Emmanuel909090: 6:19pm On May 13, 2023
Pets are more loyal, lately people tend not to.marry anymore.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by cayorday89(m): 6:20pm On May 13, 2023
The way these people take care of their pets, even children brought up in wealthy homes back here don't get that kind of pampering
so true, saw a short video on Youtube's National Geography Channel about a Nigerian Goay been taking to the hospital and the owner was crying just because it had a bloated stomach, saying the animal is having unbearable pain. I was just laughing considering how they are been treated here in Nigeria with confirm cane to put them in order.

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Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by salam8528: 6:24pm On May 13, 2023
The Pope has a point. Whoever says otherwise isn't intelligent
Where is popes wife and children?
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Streetmovement(m): 6:30pm On May 13, 2023
Wotoporiously cool speaking

More knacking to the young Italians grin

Aluta continua, make una fire down nothing dey sup grin

No more pets cheesy
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by mu2sa2: 6:42pm On May 13, 2023
In Christianity nothing is impossible. Christian now choose dogs and cats as family members and refusing to have children.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Snakedoctor1: 7:08pm On May 13, 2023
Italy has ageing population.

That's why Nigerian and Arab ladies can easily establish sex trades. Available girls for dates are few.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by egoldman(m): 7:14pm On May 13, 2023

Those oyinbo people are really sick. one told me at work that he is saving 15k pounds for health that her dog has cancer

Na so.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by isan(m): 7:16pm On May 13, 2023
More Children to molest

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Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by cococandy(f): 7:18pm On May 13, 2023

Women shouldn’t bear the brunt of having a family, but these argument has been debunked because women from other race or nationalities raise children and aren’t punished or held back in life in the western societies.
In fact Asians are the highest income earners in the US. Asian women have better jobs and earn more than white or black women in the US. And they still get to have 2-3 children

What an enormous fallacy. You realize alimony exist in the western society literally because childbirth and care had BEEN RECOGNIZED to push women back in their trajectory and it affects women of all races? I’d encourage you to actually listen to these Asian women and the things they complain about not what the model minority theory tells you

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Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by cococandy(f): 7:20pm On May 13, 2023
How come the Asians have these same challenges you listed there but they are the highest earners in the USA, have over 2.5 children per woman and still keep their families intact?

Have you listened to ever Asian women?
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by cococandy(f): 7:25pm On May 13, 2023
In some of y’all’s books, due respect means freedom to disrespect her. It’s not that they don’t respect them as heads of families, it’s just that their definition of respect is weird.

why does the breadwinner deserve special respect outside of the mutual respect that should already exist between them?

Also imagine thinking women should not have the freedom to decide to leave a marriage if they choose to. If you want a personal slave, just say. What kind of relationship would you have with a person who can’t leave if they want to?

Some of the things y’all say are hella weird. And you say it boldly too

The best practice remains the old way of marriage which is Bible's standard of marriage, anything less won't work on the long run.

I love the idea of the wife deciding not to work until their kids turn 10 and above. With their stable economy, it won't be too difficult for the man to cater for them if the wife will accord him his due respect as the breadwinner and head of the family, but due to the western culture of feminism, gay right, skewed divorce laws that encourages and empowers women to seek for divorce, the husband will be risking his whole life embarking on marriage, and for this, a lot of Caucasian men are beginning to see marriage as a big baggage, so they either stay unmarried and keep mistresses or cuncubines for sexual needs. Some that so desire children go the babymama way, sadly
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by eepeepook: 7:25pm On May 13, 2023
The wealthy want more people to worship their status. If the citizens don’t want children, don’t impose reproduction on them. Last I remember, migrants have high sex drives. Look forward to a cosmopolitan Italy.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by RaptorX: 7:25pm On May 13, 2023
This is why they need African immigrants not out of the goodness of their heart but a necessity.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by skuribeebo: 7:29pm On May 13, 2023
Na wa o
Country with food : birth rate is less than death rate

Country without food(e.g Nigiriya) death rate and birth rate dey compete.
Re: Pope To Young Italians: Don't Be Selfish, We Need More Children Than Pets by Patrioticman007(m): 7:39pm On May 13, 2023
why won't there be population dip when LGBTQ bullshit is on the rise?

The Truth is bitter.

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