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What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? - Family - Nairaland

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What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by 55truth: 7:31am On May 25, 2023
Let's discuss as a family, those mistakes you made which you later regret and you wouldn't want your children to make.

Mine was going to the university without learning a skill and solely hoping to land a good paying job with the certificate after school. When "Nigeria" dawned on me, I realized I made a mistake by not fortifying myself with skills while going to school.

My children will not make such a mistake. If God approves, they will go into sports and entertainment from tender age.

Let's learn from each other.

118 Likes 8 Shares

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by 55truth: 7:35am On May 25, 2023
What is your say?
Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Olarewaju89: 7:35am On May 25, 2023
Betting cry


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by pyyxxaro: 7:39am On May 25, 2023
Deceiving myself that Nigeria would get better 🤫

167 Likes 2 Shares

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by superlanny(m): 7:42am On May 25, 2023
Sometimes these mistakes are what shape us to be better and more moulded people. It's a learning process in which the experience can help us make better decisions later in life.

I enjoy the thrill in messing up and picking up myself again. But i hope my kids don't consume as much alcohol as I have in my lifetime, I am not a drunkard but I wish I could have more resistance to the bottle.

98 Likes 3 Shares

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Thundafireseun: 7:44am On May 25, 2023
Nigeria is in a messsss .

I sincerely regret not travelling out a long time

71 Likes 1 Share

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by incandescentena: 7:50am On May 25, 2023
Sometimes these mistakes are what shape us to be better and more moulded people. It's a learning process in which the experience can help us make better decisions later in life.

I enjoy the thrill in messing up and picking up myself again. But i hope my kids don't consume as much alcohol as I have in my lifetime, I am not a drunkard but I wish I could have more resistance to the bottle.
cheesy You are on the right path. Or you would have been DEAD long ago!


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by pocohantasgspot: 7:52am On May 25, 2023
Nigeria is in a messsss .

I sincerely regret not travelling out a long time
Nigeria is really a mess!


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by fyzaila: 8:08am On May 25, 2023
Learning a skill.

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Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Nawttiboi007(m): 8:16am On May 25, 2023
Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Nice2023(m): 9:10am On May 25, 2023
My greatest mistake was not learning how to lie to people.

I don't know how to lie nor cheat people.

My children have learnt same from me...and this may affect them when they grow up.

69 Likes 2 Shares

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Divoc19(f): 10:32am On May 25, 2023
Marrying for the wrong reason and being too nice to people.
I realized life is a jungle late am still finding it hard to adjust

91 Likes 2 Shares

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Newusername(m): 10:44am On May 25, 2023
Marrying for the wrong reason and being too nice to people.
I realized life is a jungle late am still finding it hard to adjust

Hmm. Sorry to ask, were you divorced at 19 or in 2019?

Good morning

21 Likes 1 Share

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Divoc19(f): 11:29am On May 25, 2023
About to cheesy
Already separated cheesy

Hmm. Sorry to ask, were you divorced at 19 or in 2019?

Good morning


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Suspect33(m): 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Being introverted

41 Likes 2 Shares

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by dokyOloye: 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Study medicine


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by unclejb2(m): 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Not starting with a particular business or trade early in life....


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Suspect33(m): 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Study medicine
Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by IslamIsIdiotic: 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Committing my future to a sheet hole like Ni-SHIT-ia.
Even your politicians know that they are ruling over a gigantic sheet hole and that is the reason why all of them are in the habit of sending their pregnant wives, daughters, concubines and girlfriends to the US and Europe so their children can have foreign citizenship.
In Nigeria patriotism is a scam.

24 Likes 2 Shares

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Patosky4U: 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Not been patient to study my dream course (MBBS) instead I went on to study biochemistry in a country that do not value it

38 Likes 1 Share

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by SugarGirl44(f): 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Not learning about making money early enough.
Would also wish for them to get married a bit earlier, girls 23-25, boys 26-28.


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by fasho01(m): 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Not study a professional course in school

29 Likes 1 Share

Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Suspect33(m): 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Etranshub(m): 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Given birth to them in Nigeira grin grin


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by Raymeskey: 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
In as much they are deligent and focus with their doings, they should flex every bit of enjoyment opportunities (bang when opportunity present itself), because they won't get it again which will lead them to regret and they may want to augment which will make them to do worse.

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Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by themainman600(m): 12:16pm On May 25, 2023
Studying Botany


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by sexysunnyb(m): 12:17pm On May 25, 2023
Lol 😆 🤣 😆 🤣 🤣 😆 😆 😆
Deceiving myself that Nigeria would get better 🤫
Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by easyfem(m): 12:17pm On May 25, 2023
Dont believe in politician , I believe in buari in 2015 and see the damage buari caused us ...


Re: What Mistakes Did You Make And You Don't Want Your Children To Make? by ednut1(m): 12:17pm On May 25, 2023
Let's discuss as a family, those mistakes you made which you later regret and you wouldn't want your children to make.

Mine was going to the university without learning a skill and solely hoping to land a good paying job with the certificate after school. When "Nigeria" dawned on me, I realized I made a mistake by not fortifying myself with skills while going to school.

My children will not make such a mistake. If God approves, they will go into sports and entertainment from tender age.

Let's learn from each other.
chances of making it in sports and entertainment is slim in a place like Nigeria. in a country of more than 2m upcoming artists only 2 per year blow hahahahaha. Nigerian need to realise that you cant live the life you missed through your children. let them be, they will learn life themselves only give them guidance.

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